Stranger Things Oneshots

By rand0m_writer

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A collection of xreader oneshots of the stranger things characters (mainly Eddie Munson) More

The Freaks Girlfriend- Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Teach Me How To Kiss - Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
You Should Be Happy - Steve Harrington x Fem!reader
Corrupting You Is Fun - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Making Good On Your Promise - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Talk To Me - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
More Than I Could Have Dreamed Of - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Comfort - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Graduation Night - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Movie Night ⚠️ - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Christmas Morning - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Thank You - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Insecurities - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
In The Library - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Pumpkins? - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
One Of Those Nights - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Negotiations - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Let Me Take Care Of You - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Snowflakes - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Snowball Fight - Eddie/Steve/Robin x Fem!Reader
Christmas Market - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Snowed In - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Mistletoe - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Presents - Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Cold - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Ice Skating - Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Christmas Decorations - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Santa Costume - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
New Years Eve - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Pretty Girl - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Sick Day - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Scotty Doesn't Know (18+) - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
I Love You - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
It Feels Like I'm Drowning With No-one To Save Me - Steve Harrington x GN!Reader
Would You Love Me? - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
First Argument - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Psycho - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Backfired - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
It Was Worth It - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
I'm Sorry - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Too Clingy - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Unlovable (18+) - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Surprise! - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
It's Not About The Blanket - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

A Night For Us - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

380 7 0
By rand0m_writer

It had been a while since her and Eddie had really had any alone time together, sure they were married and they lived in the same house together, slept in the same bed every night but recently it felt more like they were just two ships passing in the night. They had fallen into the routine of him sleeping until late after not getting in until the early hours of the morning, while she was up early for work and usually asleep by the time Eddie got home. It wasn't like she really had to work either because god knows Eddie made more than enough for the both of them to live comfortably without any worries but it was more the fact that she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she was stuck home alone with nothing to do. She was also fiercely independent and hated asking Eddie for any money, even though he had no problem with supporting the both of them.

So, when the text came through while she was at work to say that they had dinner reservations for that night, she struggled to contain her excitement for finally being able to spend some time with her love.

By the time she'd gotten home, she was so lost in thoughts of what the night would bring that she almost missed the big bouquet of flowers and ribbon tied box that sat on the table in their kitchen. It seemed that Eddie really was intent on spoiling her and she couldn't come up with any other reason why than because he wanted to. The thought made her heart flutter because even after all these years of being together, it proved he still loved her just as she loved him and that even despite their busy lives they had not become like many other married couples who only stayed together because of children or because they felt like it was expected of them to, just like her own parents.

She pulled on the delicate ribbon holding the box together, watching it slip away at the slightest pull before it pooled at the sides of the box. Lifting the lid carefully, she pulled it away to reveal a small envelope resting on a bed of tissue paper and while it was tempting to bypass it to get to the present right away, she held off and reached for the envelope.

To my darling wife.. The envelope read and she could already feel her smile growing bigger than she ever thought was possible as she pulled the card out. I've missed you so much lately that I couldn't help myself. The car will be there at 7 to pick you up. Eddie x

After reading through the card a few times, she finally set it down on the table before her shaky hands reached for the wrapping, undoing it carefully so not to rip anything and when it was pulled away, she saw the neatly folded read satin fabric that she had no doubt was the dress she had pointed out to him a few weeks ago, the same dress that she was saving up to buy herself for their anniversary. Lifting it out the box and admiring the way the satin fell in waves, she held it against her body and tried to imagine how it would look on. Not that she would have to imagine for long as one glance at the clock told her she had exactly two hours before she was picked up so she had to be quick.

Racing up to their room she laid the dress out on the bed in hopes that it wouldn't crease in the time it took her to get ready before she made a beeline for the bathroom, showering quicker than she ever had before. Afterwards, she found herself sitting in front of the vanity she had in the bedroom with nothing on but her robe which was beginning to look a little tatty now that she’d had it so long but she refused to get rid of it no matter how many times Eddie suggested she get a new one. The main reason she refused is because it held fond memories of the night before their wedding, the material embroidered with the words ‘Future Mrs Munson’ always brought back the feelings of the nerves she felt but also the joy of being with her bridal party talking about the new chapter she was beginning in her life and god if she only knew how crazy life was going to get when Eddie and the band took off but she wouldn’t change a thing about it.

One look at the clock told her she would need to hurry if she was going to be ready on time as it seemed her sentimental thoughts had lasted a lot longer than she thought, though there would be plenty of time for that once they were at the restaurant. She made quick work of her hair, drying it and styling it were like second nature to her as she did it most days, however it was the makeup that she knew was going to take time as most days she opted for the minimal look, a little bit of foundation, mascara and lip gloss was all she used but on nights like tonight she liked to take her time applying it so that she didn’t make a mess off it.

Once the final swipe of lipstick was done she chanced another glance at the clock, realising it was almost time for the car to arrive so she knew it was time to get dressed and with careful handling she pulled the dress over her body so as not to tear it or get makeup on it. It was a perfect fit, the material hugging her body in a way that made her feel beautiful and one look in the mirror confirmed it, she looked amazing and no doubt Eddie would agree, although he liked to say that she did even when she was dressed in sweats with no makeup and her hair tied up in a bun.

Now all that was left to do was to find some shoes. She padded over to the wardrobe that they shared, well she called it a wardrobe but it was definitely bigger than the standard size wardrobe in the sense that it was practically a full sized room filled with clothes and shoes they had accumulated over the years. She was looking for her usual black strappy heeled sandals to finish the look off but instead she found another box tied up with ribbon in its place, albeit a smaller box this time.

She sighed as she pulled it from the shelf, she loved him and she was always grateful for anything he gave her be it big or small but he really didn’t need to buy her all this for one dinner. Taking the present back into the bedroom, she perched on the edge of the bed as she unwrapped it, once again watching as the ribbon fell away and another card sat inside the box.

I love you.

Those three little words that held so much meaning behind them, a feeling he never let her forget, not that she’d ever want to forget how it feels to be loved by him or even how it feels to love him. She couldn’t help the smile that overtook her face as she placed the card on the bed and opened the box, gasping when she saw the black suede heels with matching black bows on the back and red sole. They really were beautiful and just looking at them she could tell they must have cost a lot of money, Eddie really was spoiling her tonight and she couldn’t wait to see him just to tell him how thankful she was and to maybe scold him a little bit for spending so much money on her.

A knock on the door pulled her focus away from the shoes and she guessed it must be the driver to pick her up because if it was Eddie surely he’d have just let himself in. Pulling the shoes from the box she slid her feet into them, marvelling at just how comfortable they were considering the heel was bigger than she was used to wearing. The knocking sounded again and she quickly grabbed her purse and phone before she made her way to the door, the sound of the heels echoing along the hallway in the quiet of the house.

Pulling open the door, she came face to face with none other than her husband, who smiled upon seeing her and she watched it grow as he took in her appearance. “Sweetheart you look beautiful, look even better than I imagined you would” he says in greeting, chuckling as she twirls for him, letting him see the outfit in its entirety.

She was a little dizzy once she’d stopped turning and she grasped onto his arm for support so she didn’t fall over, vaguely hearing Eddie as he spoke. “Steady on there sweetheart, you don’t want to break your neck before dinner” the giggles left her before she even realised, her whole body feeling as if it would float away with how light she felt from happiness and once the room had finally stopped spinning she looked up to be met his big brown eyes, love for her swirling within them.

Straightening up, she finally took the chance to look at him. A pair of Doc Marten shoes adorned his feet, a pair of black dress pants and white button up shirt that wasn’t fully buttoned which gave her a nice view of his chest as her eyes trailed up his body. He looked rather smart or as smartly dressed as he ever got, apart from on their wedding day that was, but his signature leather jacket that he’d had since high school completed his look, it was very much Eddie.

Damn, how’d she get so lucky. It was the only thought to enter her mind as she admired her husband, only she hadn’t thought it, more spoke it aloud as Eddie confirmed for her. “I could ask the same thing darling” he winked and she mentally face palmed herself for the slip up but he moved passed it rather quickly, given his track record for teasing as he offered his arm out to her, “Your carriage awaits m’lady”

Taking his arm, she let him lead her out of the door towards the car where the chauffeur was waiting for them and he was quick to open the car door as they approached. Eddie helped her into the car before going around the otherside and climbing into the car himself, fastening his seatbelt before the chauffeur started the car.

“You know I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this” she told him quietly, glancing at the chauffeur hoping that he wouldn’t overhear their conversation, although she wasn’t sure why she was worried about that.

“Me neither but I wanted us to enjoy tonight with no worries, for it to be perfect just like you” he smiled sappily at her, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to her lips, “and we all know that cabs and buses don’t always run on time and well we have reservations that we just can’t miss” he winked. She still had no idea which restaurant he had booked them a table at but that didn’t matter, the scenery was just the backdrop for their night together.

Once they’d pulled up at the restaurant, the chauffeur or John as he’d politely informed her when she’d asked, opened the door for her again and this time he helped her out instead of Eddie. She thanked him and he replied with a smile and a nod of his head in acknowledgement before Eddie had joined her, linking arms again as they made their way into the restaurant.

“Hell's Kitchen?” she’d giggled to him, teasingly raising an eyebrow in question at the name.

“What, seems like a perfect spot for me, you know devil worshipper and all” he teased back, referring to old rumours that made him laugh now as he pushed open the door leading into the entrance way.

The waiter greeted them, “Table for two under Munson” Eddie informed them as they checked their clipboard for the reservation, a smile on their face as they looked back up.

“Right this way, Mr Munson, Mrs Munson” they said as they gestured for the pair of them to follow them. She was surprised when they were led to the VIP section of the restaurant and she looked to Eddie with wide eyes but he only shrugged in response, she didn’t miss the knowing smile on his face as they were seated.

“Someone will be along shortly to take your orders and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask” the waiter informed them as she laid the menus down in front of them and headed back the way they had just come.

“Eddie” she mewled once the waiter was out of earshot, “VIP really, you know I’d have been happy with a pizza and a movie at home, you didn’t have to do all this” she spoke quickly, arms vaguely waving about as if to draw attention to the fancy surroundings.

Eddie chuckled, his eyes still looking at her with just as much love as always as an amused smile spread across his face as if he knew she was going to say exactly that. “But it’s been a while since I’ve been able to show the world how lucky I am to be married to you” he teased, knowing that she hated when he said things like that. She didn’t need to be shown off, she wasn’t a trophy wife and he knew it but to him it felt like the biggest fuck you to all the people back in Hawkins, the ones that called him a freak, the ones who avoided him and all the people who said he wouldn’t amount to anything when right now he felt like he had it all.

Rolling her eyes, she spoke his name again, a hint of playful warning in her tone that he picked up on. “Yeah, yeah, I know but tonight is about us and how far we’ve come and well I wanted to thank you for supporting me through all these years, I know it hasn’t been easy on you with me dipping out for months at a time, leaving you all on your own” he speaks, those chocolate brown eyes that she adores so much never leaving her face as he talks, a sombre feeling taking over her at the seriousness in his voice.

Reaching over the table to place a hand on his own, she works her fingers through his until they’re linked together and with a smile on her face she goes to speak until they’re interrupted by the waiter coming to take their order and the two of them jump apart at the sound of their voice. Neither of them have looked at the menu but a quick glance and she knew Eddie would know what she wanted because it was the same thing she always ordered whenever they went out to eat.

Within minutes their order was taken and they were alone once more, “You know I wouldn’t change a thing about how lives have ended up, right?” she asks him, her eyes searching his because she knows him well enough to know that his face may try to show one thing but his eyes always show her how he truly feels. “Yeah the months are long when you’re gone and it sucks that some days I don’t see you because you’re working your ass off making a living for the two of us” she smiles when that gets a laugh out of him, “but it just makes the time we spend together mean so much more because even though we’re busy we still make that time for each other, you still make me feel loved” she finishes, her eyes glassy with tears and she feels silly for pouring her heart out to the man she’s loved since they were teens, who already knows how much she loves him but the way he thanked her for doing something so simple as supporting him when she would do it again without second thought, well she just felt the need to tell him.

“Oh sweetheart, don’t get all upset on me now, tonight is supposed to be happy and for me to show you how much I love you” he teased, though there was no fire behind it and she knew he appreciated the reminder.

“I know but seeing how far you come from the boy in a small town in Indiana who practically had nothing to this big rockstar who millions of people just like that boy you were now look up to, people that you give hope to that it is possible to live your dream well it’s hard to not get emotional and I’m just thankful you’ve let me come along for the ride” she gave a watery laugh as she finished, though it’s sound was muffled when he leaned across the table to kiss her. A gentle hand cupping her cheek as he pulled away to let his eyes trail over every inch of her face, eyes that lit up as those three little words left her lips, “I love you”

The soft moment was broken only by the sound of something large being dropped in the kitchen area off to the left of where they were sat, followed by a string of curses and yelling from the same direction.

“Yeah definitely the perfect spot for you” she teased repeating his earlier words back to him which only made him laugh, a full belly laugh with his eyes crinkling in the corners from how hard he was smiling, his head thrown back as she took in the sight of the man she was lucky enough to love and be loved by.

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