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By tessaRyoung

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Doorstep Delivery [Edited]
The Vanishing Glass [Edited]
Keeper of the Keys [Edited]
Diagon Alley [Edited]
Platform 9ยพ [Edited]
Welcome to Hogwarts [Edited]
Potions and Parcels [Edited]
New Seeker [Edited]
Three-Headed Sentinel [Edited]
Facts and Feathers [Edited]
Quidditch [Edited]
Christmas Gift [Edited]
Norbert [Edited]
The Forbidden Forest [Edited]
Up to Something [Edited]
The trapdoor [Edited]
Mark of love [Edited]
In a cage [Edited]
The cottage. [Edited]


307 18 8
By tessaRyoung

Professor Dumbledore sent all the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, where they were joined ten minutes later by the students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, who all looked extremely confused.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy Weasley, who was looking immensely proud and important. "Send word with one of the ghosts."

Professor Dumbledore paused, about to leave the hall, and said, "Oh, yes, you'll be needing..."

One casual wave of his wand and the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves against the walls; another wave, and the floor was covered with hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him.

The hall immediately began to buzz excitedly; the Gryffindors were telling the rest of the school what had just happened and Roman was making a big theatric about it too.

Standing in the middle of a big group of students, all from different houses, Roman pulled Bluebell with him as he exaggeratedly moved his hands to show how the slashes of the painting were, and people were hooked onto every word.

"The painting's fucked up, the fat lady, bless her, is too," Roman said, glancing at the people around him. "She was hiding behind uh..."

He clicked his fingers to try to remember but failed so he turned to Blue who staring into space, trying her best to keep her worries at bay and off her face.

He nudged her with his elbow into her side. "Hey, where was the fat lady hiding?"

Bluebell blinks out of her thoughts, looking at the faces of the students that were expecting an answer before smirking back at her friend. "Dunno, reckon nobody has found her, must be a great hiding spot."

"Poor thing." A Hufflepuff's girl said.

"Reckon it's behind a massive Rhino, the only animal big enough to hide her fat arse." An older Ravenclaw laughed, and a few other people did too.

Bluebell rounded on him, a glare on her face.

"She's still Gryffindors fat lady, bruv, so watch ya mouth," Bluebell said, eyes sharp, challenging him to say another word. "And you ain't allowed to say shit about her, not when by the time you turn twenty-five you'll be balding if that receding' hairline is any indication, and with the way, you're built too, like a proper foot thumb."

Laughs echo through the group, the boy looked away from Bluebell's gaze, his cheeks turned pink from embarrassment as his gaze turned to the ground, other people, the ceiling, everywhere that wasn't her eyes.

"Go on, say sorry," Roman said, placing his elbow on Bluebell's shoulder, and leaning against her.

Both held an eat-shitting grin as the boy looked at them perplexed, "B-but she's not even here?"

"Oh, you thought you'll talk like that about our great, dear fat lady and we'll let you get away with it?" Roman said, scoffing a laugh. "Not fucking likely, mate."

"Apologize," Bluebell deadpanned, her eyes never leaving his nervous form.

At this point, Bluebell didn't care all that much about the fat lady, now, it was more a sort of entertainment to have the Ravenclaw boy embarrassed and trying his best to not look as humiliated as he probably felt, it was... it felt oddly great, for reasons unbeknownst to even herself.

The boy stared back at her, he lasted a second longer than before, spluttered a quick 'sorry' and tried to scurry off to where his house was but just before he did Bluebell caught his arms making him turn in alarm and confusion.

"I'm just takin' the piss out of ya, bruv." She grinned at him, letting go of his arm when he saw a small hesitant smile on him. "Stay but y'know, think before you speak, eh?"

"Right, sorry." The boy laughs awkwardly, before slowly returning to his previous spot, his eyes still not meeting hers or anyone else for that matter.

"And that my friends, is why you don't fuck with us, isn't that right Blue?" Roman laughs, smirking down at her.

Bluebell grinned cockily at him and shrugged. It wasn't quite a response, but at the same time, it was a vague answer open for interpretation. Roman chuckled again and turned back to the group around them, all discussing ways Pettigrew could have gotten inside the castle.

Bluebell ignored them, her eyes travelling around the hall, finding Grindelwald first, he looked a bit nervous and anxious, the Luna girl was next to him speaking but he didn't seem to be listening lost in his thoughts. Bluebell wondered if it was because of Pettigrew but what did he have to be nervous about? Albeit, having a convicted murderer inside the castle's bad but not enough to be looking that worried.

She debated going to talk to him, maybe she could ease his worries, whatever they are, get him to talk to her, comfort him, be a shoulder to cry on and... maybe if it all ends well, they can sneak out to snog somewhere, she knows plenty of places for that now, that'll be nice.

After calculated thinking Blue decided against it, firstly, they couldn't sneak off, Professor was looking at every corner of the sodding castle, there was nowhere safe and secondly, she was in a similar state of concern, although she was better at hiding it, even from herself, so she can't help him even if she wanted, it'll be like a blind guiding a blind.

With a sight, Bluebell's eyes move again to the Slytherin house, they were all together in the corner not straying from their house fellows, her eyes settle on Daphne, remembering her of the note she send her earlier that day... she ought to speak with her about it because what the fuck?

She has too many questions and hasn't the slightest idea where to start.

Then at the Hufflepuff's, Penny was on the corner, alone, with her nose stuck in a book, from where she was Bluebell couldn't read the title, not even with her glasses on but she had a clue of what it was probably off.

"Everyone into their sleeping bags!" shouted Percy, cutting through her thoughts and whatever it is that Roman was now discussing with the group. "Come on, now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

Roman groaned loudly, head falling back in exasperation.

"Let's not piss about, bruv," Bluebell said to Roman; she nudged her head toward where Eric and Lorena had been saving them two sleeping bags.

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes and walked with Bluebell to the corner where they were at.

"And the number one news reporters have come back," Eric said, looking up from the book, he seems to be the only one with it these days. "Good audience?"

Roman shrugged, as he slumped down on one of the bags, hands behind his head. "Yeah, just a couple who were rough around the edges but Blue sort them out."

"Oh, what happened?" Lorena asked, turning to Blue who shrugged dismissively as she sat down next on her sleeping bag, next to hers.

"Nothing interesting."

"It was thought, she told one rogue Ravenclaw that he will be bald by his mid-twenties and look like a walking thumb." Roman huffs a laugh, looking up at the night sky ceiling. "Honestly if someone said something to me like that I'll be bawling my eyes out."

"Why?" Asked Lorena, frowning at her.

Bluebell shrugged. "He was being rude,"

"Disappointed but not surprised." Eric mumbles, a small grin stretching on his face.

"So..." Lorena whispered, her anxiousness finally making an appearance. "Do you think Pettigrew's still in the castle?"

"Well, Dumbledore obviously thinks so," said Roman.

"It's very lucky he picked tonight, you know," said Eric as they climbed fully dressed into their sleeping bags and propped themselves on their elbows to talk except for Roman who stayed out of his back with his hands behind his head. "The one night we weren't in the tower..."

"You reckon he's lost track of time, being on the run?" Lorena quizzes. "Maybe he didn't realize it was Halloween."

"Probably, otherwise that fucker would have come strolling over to the hall and killed our dear Blue here," Roman said offhandedly yet making Lorena shudder.

"Lovely Roman." Bluebell rolled her eyes.

All around them, people were asking one another the same question: "How did he get in?"

"Maybe he knows how to Apparate," said a Ravenclaw a few feet away, "Just appear out of thin air, you know."

"Disguised himself, probably," said a Hufflepuff fifth-year student.

"He could've flown in," suggested Dean Thomas.

"Honestly, am I the only person who's ever bothered to read Hogwarts, A History?" said Hermione Granger crossly.

"Nah, I read it too," Eric mumbles, shooting her a quick look before looking around. "And most of those theories are bullshit, Hogwarts is protected by more than ancient walls, there are a shit load of enchantments on it to stop unwanted people getting in–"

"Meaning you can't just apparate in here." Hermione stole the words out of Eric's mouth making the boy shoot her another quick glare. "And there's not a disguise that could fool the Dementors. They're guarding every single entrance to the grounds. They'd have seen him fly in too."

"Not to mention that idiot of Filch knows all the secret passages, they'll have them covered." Eric finishes, Hermione and him staring at each other, tension rising.

Bluebell shares a look with her friends and then Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. All were aware of the... odd issues between them and slightly concerned a battle of wits might break out.

"The lights are going out now!" Percy shouted, breaking the tension between the two much to everyone's relief. "I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!"

The candles all went out at once. The only light now came from the silvery ghosts, who were drifting about talking seriously to the prefects, and the enchanted ceiling, which, like the sky outside, was scattered with stars.

What with that, and the whispering that still filled the hall, Bluebell felt as though she were sleeping outdoors in a light wind.

Once every hour, a teacher would reappear in the Hall to check that everything was quiet. Around three in the morning, when many students had finally fallen asleep, Professor Dumbledore came in.

Bluebell watched him looking around for Percy, who had been prowling between the sleeping bags, telling people off for talking. Percy was only a short way away from Bluebell, Eric, Roman and Lorena, three out of the four members of the group quickly pretended to be asleep while the other one was already asleep, stretching like a star and snoring as Dumbledore's footsteps drew nearer.

"Any sign of him, Professor?" asked Percy in a whisper. "Have the Aurors arrived already?"

"They have and all is clear. All well here?"

"Everything under control, sir."

"Good. There's no point moving them all now. I've found a temporary guardian for the Gryffindor portrait hole. You'll be able to move them back in tomorrow."

"And the Fat Lady, sir?"

"Hiding in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor. Apparently, she refused to let Pettigrew in without the password, so he attacked with a knife. She's still very distressed, but once she's calmed down, I'll have Mr Filch restore her."

Bluebell heard the door of the hall creak open again, and more footsteps.

"Headmaster?" It was Snape. Bluebell kept quite still, listening hard. "The whole of the third floor has been searched. He's not there. And Filch has done the dungeons; nothing there either."

"What about the Astronomy tower? Professor Trelawney's room? The Owlery?"

"All searched..."

"Very well, Severus. I didn't really expect Pettigrew to linger."

"Have you any theory as to how he got in, Professor?" asked Snape.

Bluebell raised her head very slightly off her arms to free her other ear.

"Many, Severus, each of them as unlikely as the next."

Bluebell opened her eyes a fraction and squinted up to where they stood; Dumbledore's back was to her, but she could see Percy's face, rapt with attention, and Snape's profile, which looked angry.

"You remember the conversation we had, Headmaster, just before -- ah -- the start of term?" said Snape, who was barely opening his lips, as though trying to block Percy out of the conversation.

"I do, Severus," said Dumbledore, and there was something like warning in his voice.

"It seems -- almost impossible -- that Pettigrew could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concerns when you appointed --"

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped Pettigrew enter it, or out of it for that matter," said Dumbledore, and his tone made it so clear that the subject was closed that Snape didn't reply. "I must go down to the Dementors," said Dumbledore. "I said I would inform them when our search was complete."

"Didn't they want to help, sir?" said Percy.

"Oh yes," said Dumbledore coldly. "But I'm afraid no Dementor will cross the threshold of this castle while I am Headmaster."

Percy looked slightly abashed. Dumbledore left the hall, walking quickly and quietly. Snape stood for a moment, watching the headmaster with an expression of deep resentment on his face; then he too left.

Bluebell glanced sideways at Lorena and Eric. Both of them had their eyes open too, reflecting the starry ceiling.

"What was that about?" Eric mouthed.

Bluebell shrugged giving a silent answer, she sighs tiredly of it all already, she turned to the side, and placed her pillow over her head, trying to shut the noise, although the noise was in her head rather than her surroundings but eventually, sleep came to her.

Later rather than sooner, the morning came and things went back to normal.... For the most part.

"Is it me or the Professors won't stop staring at Blue?" Asked Eric, earring in their attention.

Bluebell didn't turn to look at them but she had noticed it as soon as she stepped foot inside the Great Hall the next morning, their following eyes were something she usually ignores but the Professor's eyes, as subtle as they try to be, were burning her head.

"The cost of having such a gorgeous face like mine, I'm afraid."  Bluebell shrugged as she bites into her toast.

Eric sends her an unamused look. "I'm being serious."

"When have I ever joked about my beauty?" Asked Bluebell, a smug grin on her face as she glance at Eric who was still not impressed.

Roman snorted softly, "Please, nobody wants to see your ugly mug."

"Ya mum did," Bluebell smirked at Roman across the table.

He sent her a glare but the smirk on his mouth told her he found it funny.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Eric mumbles, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Do you think they know about... you know." Lorena whispers quizzically, glancing at the Professor's table.

"Well, what else would it be?" Eric exasperated drank the pumpkin juice, before looking at Bluebell warningly. "If you say your beauty I'll deck you."

She held her hands up in innocence. "It ain't a lie though."

"Seriously, Blue? This is important." He scoffs looking at her in disbelief.

"What do you want me to say, Nips?" Bluebell deadpanned, glancing at him and shrugging. "I'm sure everything's okay, there is no need to—"

"Good Morning, Bluebell." Said Percy Weasley as he sat down next to the girl, which he never ever does.

Bluebell frowns in confusion, glancing at her friends who also seemed confused. "Percival, what can I help you with?"

"Oh, nothing, just thought I could walk you to class today." The redhead boy said nonchalantly.

Bluebell stared at him for a moment as he smiled at her innocently before huffing. "Lovely but no thanks."

She knew the reason behind his sudden interest in walking her to class, it was more than obvious and Blue has no interest in that happening.

"I don't see any reason why I can't—"

"Because Weasley, she had us," Roman told the head boy pointing at himself and his friends with his fork.

"And as much as I would... enjoy your company, I do rather keep it to a minimum." She smiled at him innocently, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "No offence, though."

Percy sighed with subtle exasperation. "Bluebell it's a simple short walk to... what lesson do you have first" 

"Divination," Lorena told him, with a tight smile.

"Which reminds me," Bluebell jumped off her seat, looking between her friends. "We should start makin' our way there, mates, it's a long walk."

"But—" before Eric could voice his thoughts, Roman placed a hand on his shoulder as he stood up, wiping his mouth.

"Blue's right, Nips, we wouldn't want to be late now, do we?" He looked down at Lorena, nodding his head upwards. "You too, Lore, up."

Eric shrugged, looking a bit confused but nonetheless stood up, Lorena mirrored Eric looking more confused than he did.

"Well, in that case, let me just—" Percy was about to stand up but Bluebell placed a hand on his shoulder, keeping him in place.

"Never you mind, Percival, I'm sure you've got better things to do."

Percy huffs, looking annoyed by Bluebell's insistent resistance. "I don't understand why is such a fuss for me to walk you to class, Bluebell"

"It's not," Bluebell told him, she sent him a sympathetic smile, keeping her hand on his shoulder. "However, I'm not a child to be baby—"

She stopped to inhale air as if she were to sneeze, she held a hand to her nose, and let out a. 'Sneeze' that didn't sound like a sneeze if you listen close enough. Percy didn't, he only said a quick bless you.

"Anyway, we have to go now, see ya around, bruv." Bluebell patted his shoulder, before turning on her heels, and walking away, her friends falling on her step.

"Wait, Bluebell—-"

Percy's calls were cut off by the sound of ripping clothes, making Bluebell turn her head with a faux sympathetic grimace. His clothes had been stuck to the table and his sudden movements had caused them to rip. "Seems you're rather stuck, mate, sorry."

People who were close enough to hear the commotion laughed, Percy sent Bluebell a glare to which she only shrugged and winked before continuing her struts out of the hall, followed by her cackling friends.

"Merlin, that's absolutely brilliant, Blue." Roman cackled, slapping a hand on Bluebell's back approvingly.

"A bit harsh, wasn't it?" Lorena said, but despite her words, she held a small smile on her face, clearly trying not to find what Blue did funny.

"Maybe, but I'm irritable today, so, I kinda don't give a shite." Bluebell shrugged indifferently as they walked up the stairs.

And Bluebell truly didn't, perhaps a small part did, but that part was shadowed by the vexation of the realization that she'll be rigorously watched for who knows how long.

Eric huffs out a laugh, shaking his head, 'You're a sodding menace, Bluebell."

"Thank you very much," She grins at him.

"But you know what this means, right?" Eric asks, making her frown.

"What? Sticking Percy to the table?"

Eric sent her an unimpressed look, "No, Blue, this whole... thing, the professor's staring at you, Percy wanting to follow us to class, hell, did you see the two men sitting on the professor's table?"

"I heard they were Aurors," Lorena told them.

"Aurors, for crying out loud," Eric huffs with exasperation. "Blue, you won't be left alone for a while."

Bluebell purses her lips but didn't say anything. She had noticed those two men, but she tried not to, not to mention she had come to that conclusion already.

"What are you on about, Nips?" Roman frowns, looking between them.

"It means that we are going to have to put a hold on our plans," Eric explains, sending him a particular look which Roman recognizes.

"NO," Roman groans loudly, head falling back. "Are you fucking kidding?"

Bluebell sighs, sending her friend a guilty smile, she understood his annoyance, "I'm sorry, Ro—"

"This is not your fault Blue," Roman huffs dismissively. "It's that cunt of Pettigrew's fault, like that fucking bitch he is."

Bluebell lets out an airy chuckle, feeling a bit of relief her friend isn't blaming this on her, however, that didn't dismiss all the guilt she felt over it.

"On the bright side, we'll have more time to prepare for it," Lorena said, smiling at them optimistically.

"That is a plus, we still need to gather a few other things and the full moon is right around the corner," Eric agreed with Lorena.

Bluebell shrugged, "I guess—"

She was interrupted by Roman's loud gasp, making Bluebell, Eric and Lorena turn to him in alarm.


"The Hufflepuff Party," Roman turns to Bluebell in panic. "What is going to happen to the Hufflepuff party?"

Bluebell hums, tilting her head, "Haven't thought about that, I'll have to ask them later, innit?"

Eric patted Roman's shoulder, "I wouldn't get my hopes up, mate."

"Fucking Pettigrew,"

Divination was no different from the past classes. Trelawney gazed at her with big worried eyes, muttering to herself about the danger Bluebell was in and whatnot. Bluebell had stopped caring about her and whatever she had to say for a while now. All through the class, Bluebell was zoned out, listening to Roman complain about not going to the party, about having to put a stop to their plans and how bad the tea tasted. Loads of fun.

Thankfully, divination classes came to an end and the Gryffindors made their way to their next class, transfiguration, however the entire way there was dreadful for Bluebell as Trelawney, the witch who hardly leaves her classroom, insisted on walking them to their class. Needless to say, she spent the whole way murmuring things with Parvati and Lavender and by the looks of it, Bluebell didn't need to be a teller to know what. It was about.

Transfiguration went quicker than Bluebell had expected, probably because Professor McGonagall treated this class as if any other, hushing anyone who would gossip about the latest news. Although she did give Bluebell a couple of looks of worry, Bluebell turned a blind eye for her sanity.

Soon enough, it was lunch much to everyone's delight, Bluebell said with her friends after McGonagall led them there, because, like Trelawney, she insisted on taking them. Bluebell bite into her carrots, as Roman and Eric argue over something, she wasn't listening, she was preoccupied with trying to communicate with Daphne's telepathy, trying to catch her attention as subtly as possible.

"All I'm saying is if the party is still on we should dress up, you know, feeling the Halloween spirit." Roman shrugged, taking a bite out of his chicken leg.

Eric sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Roman, we are not dressing up as Peter Pettigrew."

"I thought you hated him?" Lorena said, confused and slightly disturbed.

"I do, but we can make it funny, dress up as him with clown hair,"

"So, why not dress as a killer clown?" Lorena asks him.

Daphne finally caught her eyes, she sent Bluebell a small smile, however, Bluebell didn't return it, she merely nodded her head to the entrance in question. The Slytherin girl's eyes widened for a moment, she glanced around her table and then at the Professor's table biting her lips, unsure. Blue could understand that it was risky with how the security has been since the previous night but Bluebell needed to talk to her. 

"How about not dressing as any killer of any kind, you twat?" Eric nudged her on the arm. "Back me up, Blue, tell them it's stupid"

Bluebell shrugged, she grins at her friends as she drinks from her goblet, "Why not? It seems to be the theme of the year, innit?"

Roman laughs victoriously as Eric gives her a stoic look, "Seriously?"

"Just takin' the piss mate," She sends him a wink, before standing from her seat when Daphne did as well, giving her a mischievous kind of look before leaving the hall. "Besides, Roman has to wait to see if the party is still on or not."

"Where are you going?" Asked Lorena, confusion painted on her face, similar to Roman and Eric's expressions.

Bluebell smirked at them, waving her hand dismissively. "To get some air, need some time alone"

Eric narrowed his eyes, "Really? And how, pray tell, are you going to do that when every Professor is up your arse right now?"

"Pretending they don't exist," Bluebell shrugged, grinning at him, "Act oblivious and they'll see nothin' wrong."

However, internally, Bluebell was hoping her faux confidence would work and no one would stop her or come looking for her. Thankfully, there weren't many professors at the time, so it'll be easier.

"Hey, Blue, wait." Roman's voice made her stop and turn to him in questioning, "Are you going to ask the Hufflepuffs about the P-A-R-T-Y?"

Bluebell glanced at the yellow and black table, she then turned back around and kneel a bit to be Roman's level and pointed at a group of Hufflepuffs. "Those four people are the ones you should ask,--"

"Wait, aren't you going to ask them?" Roman frowns.

"Can't, sorry, but you can, so on with it." She told him before a teasing grin made its way to her face. "Don't be scared, bruv, they are Hufflepuffs, they don't really bite."

Roman scowled at her, standing up, "I'm not scared to talk to a couple of Hufflepuffs."

With that, Roman made his way to the group Bluebell told him about with determination. Blue turns to her remaining friends. "Do me a favour and take this to class for me?"

"Sure but Blue–"

Bluebell was strutting away before Lorena could finish her sentence, with each confident step she took her nerves were rising, and even though there weren't many professors around, McGonagall was part of those who were and the one she was most wary about. She has sharp eyes. Bluebell smiled at those who smiled at her, waving at a few, most of whom she had no idea who they were but alas they were helping her with her innocent facade.

And at long last, she made it out without any inconvenience. Bluebell was still alert, hoping no one was following her, and as soon as she got to the second-floor bathroom– which she was surprised hadn't been closed yet– Bluebell felt a little relief that she made it, but that relief didn't last long as she saw Daphne looking at herself in one of the mirrors, reminding herself of why she wanted to speak with the Slytherin.

"I've got to say," Daphne started, looking at Bluebell through the mirror, she smiled. "I knew you were a risk taker however this is proper stupid, should I feel special you are going through all this trouble to see me?"

"Then why did you agree?" Bluebell asks in a slight tense, she looks around the bathroom for one particular annoying ghost.

"Because I sort of wanted to see you too," Daphne turns to face her, sporting a soft smile, she takes a couple of steps towards Bluebell. "Don't worry about Myrtle, I already chased her out."

Bluebell eyed Daphne, not letting her guard down. "I need to ask you something."

"What is it?" Daphne's eyes shone in expectation, a smile making its way to her face.

"Why did you want to see me last night?"

Daphne's smile flickered, her eyebrows narrowing. "What?"

"Yesterday?" Bluebell said, mirroring Slytherin's frown. "You sent me a note, telling me to see you..." Bluebell trails off, her stomach twisting, as she notices the expression on Daphne's face. "You didn't send me anything, did ya?" 

"No, why?" She asks, her frown deepening, "Did someone tell you to meet them?"

Bluebell's mind was racing, if not her then who... she felt a cold shiver down her back. Was Snape right and someone was working with him? Was it him who– No, no that's not possible, otherwise she would have been dead right now, wouldn't she? FUCK.

"Blue? What's going on?" Bluebell flinched when she felt Daphne's hand on her shoulder, promptly snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Nothin'" Bluebell mumbles, blinking away her thoughts.

"Are you–"

"Just forget about it, Daphne." Bluebell snapped at her, taking a step away from her with a glare.

"Sorry, sorry," Daphne looked away from her glare, biting her bottom lip guilty. "I was just wondering...  you aren't talking with anyone else, right?"

Bluebell's glare turned into a confused gaze. "What? No."

"Oh, okay, that's... I'm sorry for doubting you." Daphne smiled at Bluebell, who was more confused than ever.

"It's alright, I guess?"

Daphne shook her head, looking at Bluebell through her eyelashes whilst walking towards her, making the Gryffindor girl frown. "No, I shouldn't have... let me make it up to you."


"Daphne, I don't–"

"I missed you yesterday." Daphne places her hands on Bluebell's waist, pushing her back softly against one of the sinks, staring into her eyes before glancing at her lips. "Please? Let me show you how much I missed you."

"I– " Bluebell licks her lips, she was a bit hesitant, there was too much in her brain to enjoy any kind of... Oh.

Daphne started kissing her neck, and like that, all thoughts flew out of her head. She let out a sigh, grasping into Daphne's robes as the girl continued her attack on her neck, groaning when the Slytherin found a sensitive place just below her ear.

"Here?" Daphne whispered, Bluebell could feel a smirk on her lips as she went to kiss that same spot again. This was new, however, Bluebell was greatly enjoying it, until Daphne bit her, making her jolt.

"Not so hard," Bluebell breathed out, the bite was oddly nice, pleasurable. 

Daphne pulled back with a teasing grin, "Sorry... I just couldn't resist."

"How snake of you," Bluebell scoffs a laugh.

"What can I say? I'm a Slytherin through and through." Daphne moved to her lips, a smile on them as she kissed Bluebell, but just before it could get serious the bell made them jump away.

"Shit," Bluebell cursed, pushing herself off the sink, "I'm going to be late."

"Me too," Daphne sighs, gathering her things and glancing at Bluebell as she puts herself together as best and quickly as she could. "Can we see each other later today?"

Bluebell glanced at her and shrugged. "I dunno, I have a couple of things to do,"

"Right, yeah, I'll– I'll send you a note later to see if you're free," Daphne said, her smile small.

"Maybe not notes anymore," Bluebell told her as she made her way to the door.

"Then what–"

"I don't know, you're smart, right? Figure it out." With that Bluebell left the bathroom, a quick pace on her pace as she made her way to her class on the verge of sprinting.

Once she was outside the door of her Defense classroom, she took a deep breath before opening the doors with perhaps a bit more force than she ought to for the doors slammed against the brick wall, an unapologetic grin appeared on her face as the class turned to her as she strutted inside, most students already used to her lateness, her grin widening into a full smirk when she caught Professor Lupin's chocolate eyes.

"Why, Good afternoon, Miss King! How nice of you to finally join us." Lupin said, leaning against his desk, hands clasped together and his eyes expectant.  "I thought you said the last class was the last time you arrive late,"

"Forgive me, sir, I am aware of what I've said but it wasn't my fault," Bluebell said, she leaned her weight into one of her legs, still smirking at Lupin. "Flakey Filchy kept me behind, somethin' bout stop turnin' his pant into skirts, but if ya ask me I think they rather suit him, wouldn't ya say?"

The students giggled, entertained by Bluebell's words rather than what they were on before. In all honesty, turning Filch's pants into skirts it was something Bluebell hadn't done yet, however, she was itching in doing so, even if it gets her detention for weeks she was sure Filch with a dress has to be a worthy sight.

Professor Lupin's mouth twitched for a second before he pushed himself off his desk and gave her what Bluebell could imagine was his stern look, which didn't hold a candle against McGonagall's or even Snape's but something tells her that Lupin didn't truly want to scold her. "It's Mister Filch Bluebell, let's show a bit of respect."

"Sorry, Sir," Bluebell said, though absent of remorse.

"Right, take a seat so we can begin." Professor Lupin told her, nudging his head towards the desk's general direction.

Bluebell swaggered off to where Roman had saved her a seat. As Bluebell was sliding down her chair, she caught a pair of mismatched eyes, she winked and waved at Grindelwald, making him roll his eyes before turning. Once in her seat, Bluebell slumped back on her chair, "What did I miss?"

"Nothing much, we haven't actually started the class yet," Roman shrugged, before he lit up again, "Oh, right, we have visitors today. The Aurors."

Bluebell's eyebrows shot up in intrigue, looking at where Roman was pointing at. There, at the small inside balcony, stood two men. One was oddly familiar, with dark shoulder-length hair, well-built, tall, there was an air of class around him, the other one had, which she was less familiar with, had also black hair but unlike the other one he was a mess, he was tall, has good posture, Bluebell couldn't get into the details for she is not using her glasses, however, she did notice that both men were looking at her.

She gave them a tight lip smile and a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the class as Lupin began explaining.

"Open your books on page 113, please," Lupin called, opening his book on that page, "We are learning about Red Cap today and you better listen because I'll be asking questions."

With a groan, Bluebell tapped Eric's shoulder, he was sitting in front of her, "Oi, Nips where–" before she could finish her sentence the boy had already passed her her satchel. "Cheers."

As she was pulling her book, Roman pinch her side making her jump, startle and turn to him, he was giving her a strange look of anger, "What?"

"What do you mean 'What?' you filthy little laying fuck, I thought we were friends." He hushes a yell, his eyes blazing with betrayal.

"What are ya on about?" Bluebell's face scrunches in confusion. "We are."

Roman narrowed his eyes at her, "Are we because my best friend would have told me if she was snogging someone."

Bluebell scoffs, a smirk on her face. "I wanted to tell ya but it's sort of a secret,"

"Obviously," Roman rolls his eyes, he glances at Lupin as he has begun the class, "Who is it that it has to be such a secret?"

"How did ya find out?" Bluebell asks, ignoring his question.

"There's a massive hickey on the side of your neck," Roman pointed at her neck.

"What?" Bluebell placed her hand on where she was almost sure the mark was, "Is it bad?"

Roman scoffs, "It has teeth marks, don't worry your hair covers it though."

"Shit. That bitch bit me."

"Oh so, is a she, then?" Roman eyes widened, they were shining with curiosity and his mouth contoured into an excited smirk. "Now I'm really fucking curious, tell me who is it?"

Bluebell rolls her eyes, she opens her book on the page. "Later, open your book before Professor Lupin ask us somethin'"

"Fine," Roman groaned, taking the book out of his bag, however, he paused as his eyes caught something. "Oh... what's this doing here?" He giggled and nudged Bluebell with his elbow. "Blue look at this."

Bluebell sighs, turning away once again from the Professor who was lecturing them about how to identify a Red Cap towards Roman. "Wha– Holy Shit."

Her exclamation made several heads turn to her, and the professor stopped his lecture. "Is there something you'd like to add, Miss King?"

"Ah, yes, I just wanted to say I appreciate ya, sir, and your classes are superb," Bluebell smiled at him, trying to not sound as awkward as she felt.

Lupin hums, eyes studying her, it was a relief she was sitting in the very back otherwise he would have noticed the Magazine. "Thank you, Bluebell, however, I would feel more grateful if you could tell me where the Red Cap is native from?"

"Umm... Europe?"

"Northern Europe but you're right," Professor Lupin nodded, his eyes twinkling before he continued his lecture. "Five points for Gryffindor."

When Lupin continues, Bluebell turn to Roman with her eyes big as plates, Roman pulls out a Playboy Magazine, she has seen some in the stores she goes to when she buys groceries for Bianca but never this closed, the cover was a blonde girl, blue eyes, big smile, clear skin, a standard American beauty, she was dressed up in a small bikini, Miss June of 1967, it was an old one.

"Is it yours?" Bluebell whispers gaping at the magazine.

Roman nods, "I may have stolen it from my grandfather, nice, huh?"

"It's an old one," Bluebell chuckled, taking the Magazine from him and opening it on a random page, where a dark skin girl was smiling at them and so were her uncovered boobs. "This girl must be like forty now, them tits must be saggin' now–"

"Oh, shut up, it's natural for that to happen to women, I rather like the thought of those milkers on my face." Roman grinned, looking down at the woman in the picture.

Bluebell let out a loud cackle which turned into a cough when a few people turned towards her, she cleared her throat before whispering to Roman, "Ya soddin' perv, that's why you chose an old playboy, innit? You like to imagine them old,"

"I don't see a problem, we like what we like," Roman huffs, crossing his arms. "Besides, you have little room to judge me, not when you're out here cheating on that muggle girl."

"Oh, fuck off, why do you have to bring that up?" Bluebell rolls her eyes, feeling slightly guilty.

"Because I'm not someone to judge, unlike you,"

"Fine, fine, we're both fucked up, then."

Suddenly, Eric turned around, his eyes blazing with annoyance as he looked between the two. "Can you both for the love of Godric–" he stopped when his eyes settled on the naked girl in the Magazine, he closed his eyes in annoyance. "I thought I told you to get rid of that but instead you brought it to class?" He hissed.

"Oh, come on, it's not like I did it on purpose, it must have slipped between my things, and this is my magazine. Why should I throw it away? It took me forever to steal it." Roman huffs, eyes narrowing at Eric.

"It's offensive to woman, Blue tell him,"

Bluebell purses her lips and shrugs, "I guess but..."

"No, no buts, ugh you are just like him," Eric turns to Lorena and nudges her, making her turn with a frown. "Is a naked woman on a page of a Magazine sexist or not?"

"What–" Lorena squeaks when she sees the girl in the magazine, she covers her eyes.

"See, look at her, she can't even look at it."

Roman scoffs, "Lore can hardly say a bad word without squealing like a mouse,"

"That's true, scary little mousy." Bluebell teased.

"That's not true," Lorena grumbled, lowering her arm to look at the magazine in Bluebell's hands, she cringes but doesn't look away. "See, I'm looking at it, as– as matter of fact I'm going to read through it."

She tried to take the magazine from Bluebell but she tightened her grip on it, "Wait, Lore, ya have to be careful–"

"I am, just give it here." Lorena pulled but Bluebell pulled back.

"Why are you fighting over it?" Eric scolded, grabbing a part of the magazine and pulling it towards him yet neither girl let go of it. "Stop it, I'll get rid of it."

"Like hell, you will, It's my Playboy." Roman joined their struggle.

All of them pulling and tugging, quietly grumbling to each other, struggling against each other force.

"That's enough." Eric snapped, he tugged on the magazine with strength, just as Lupin called them about the ruckus they were causing, the voice of the professor startled the four making them let go of it. The magazine flew, and it soared across the classroom causing Bluebell, Eric, Roman and Lorena to watch in horror as it landed, on an open page, in front of Professor Remus Lupin. The class went quiet, most of them staring at the picture.

The professor looked down at it, blinked, and then looked back at the foursome.

Eric was hiding behind his hands, Lorena looked as if she was about to pass out, Roman looked miserable for his Magazine and Bluebell was innocently looking at her nails.

Lupin purses his lips, he bends to grab the Playboy before hiding it on his armpit. "You four stay after class, now let's continue."


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