Lay With Me

By tipton07

2.1K 53 6

STORY BLIP When I saw the guy bring up the needle my fear was so overwhelming they didn't even give me anyth... More

cupcakes and Capri Suns
Ryder and Shawn
feeling dizzy
Author's note
Hospital food
I believe you
Hold on


121 3 0
By tipton07

"Why are you scared of me?" Ryder asked.

"You could kill me o-or..." I trailed off and stopped before I gave him ideas.

"I could kill you but I won't because you are important."

He didn't even deny it all I heard was him say I could kill you now that's all I can think about.

I knew he wasn't going to let me go all the tears in the world weren't going to save me from him I needed to grow up and escape.

I didn't respond to his question I just laid there and wiped my tears. I did my best to relax my features. Ryder climbed onto the bed and laid beside me not touching me but I could feel the warmth coming off of him in waves. It must have been earlier then I originally thought because as I look around and peered out the window I notice it is still dark.

I was so cold for no reason even under the covers the side of my body facing away from his was so cold I felt like I was going to freeze I started to shiver a little bit Ryder looked asleep who knows if he actually is from earlier I know he is very good at faking it.

As the minutes ticked by I only seemed to get colder. I usually tend to be on the warmer side of things so this was just weird the warmth coming off of Ryder was so enticing I felt so cold.

After twenty minutes I just couldn't take it I lightly rolled over and placed my arm on Ryders chest almost so lightly he might not feel it and the side of my leg pressed up against his I was instantly better.

I felt like someone put me in and incubator. I heard Ryder rumble in what seemed like satisfaction beneath me before rolling on his side to face me stretching his arm out and wrapping it around me he pulled me flat to his chest so our heads were inches apart.

I also felt him stick his knee between my legs I didn't want it to but it felt good. I felt at home maybe more than I ever did at my actual home.

For some reason I couldn't keep my guard up this close to him I felt like all I really wanted to do was kiss him I mean his eyes are closed I'm sure he wouldn't even notice I did it... oh my gosh I am actually considering kissing my kidnapper maybe I'm just insane and that's why none of this makes any sense. All I can think about is every time I look at him he gets more handsome.

"Are you watching me?"

His voice rumbled beside me I could see a small smile forming on his lips

I swear I almost jumped out of my skin every hair on my body felt electrified his voice made me want to kiss him even more.

"Could we talk sir?" I squealed

The tiny smile he was wearing instantly fell and he opened his eyes, "You are my equal you don't have to speak to me with such formalities call me Ryder."

"Okay Ryder could you tell me why I'm here?"

"Not yet but soon you need to settle in before taking on anymore stress."

He rolled over and stepped out of bed making me instantly cold, "Why do you keep it so cold in here?" Maybe he would answer some of my smaller questions.

His eyebrows scrunched, "It's like eighty degrees." he pointed to the thermostat and sure enough it was right around eighty degrees.

I looked down at the goosebumps on my arms why am I so cold then I thought, am I sick?

I heard Ryder speak, "Don't worry the mate bond has a way to keep mates together when they need each other most." Nothing he just said made any sense but I didn't voice this I felt my stomach grumble.

He walked over to the middle of the room and for the first time I realize he never even put a shirt on I was snuggling with him in only his boxers and I didn't even notice that is definitely something you would notice right?

He turned around and started pulling clothes out of some drawers.

He does look kind of cute I mean I would be crushing all over him if he went to my school not that he or anyone else would talk to me but- what am I even thinking he kidnapped me all I should care about is getting away, I gotta get out of here I'm going insane.

My stomach made such a loud noise I knew he heard it.

He looked at me and smiled he grabbed my hand and helped me off the edge of the bed he held onto my hand and I didn't protest there is no way I can escape forcibly so I need to do it in secret.

When we got downstairs I jumped a little there were more huge men in the kitchen all milling around some looked tired while others looked like they'd been up for hours there was a light chatter but the second they saw me everything went dead still Ryder spoke, "This is Vivian she is my mate as my most trusted relatives and pack members I expect you will protect her but keep your hands off her. She is human but so was my mother so a lot of this makes sense."

A few of the men looked at me with big smiles I brought my free hand up and lightly waved at them a few of them waved back one of the men walked up and asked Ryder, " When will she be instated as Luna?"

"When she comes of age." He responded.

The big man in front of me pulled me into a hug that lifted my heels slightly off the ground and spoke, "Welcome to the family."
The man looked a little older with kind eyes.

Another younger looking guy said from across the room, "She's a tiny little thing ain't she, you gonna feed her?"

"Yeah if you guys don't eat everything I have a feeling she won't stay that small around here." My stomach grumbled but this time it hurt a little reminding me that it's been almost a day since I ate anything the men laughed a little then after a while they left to go eat I guess.

I walked over to the stove and grabbed a plate and got some eggs with ketchup and half a waffle.

I would typically eat a whole one but they were huge like bigger than my head big, and I didn't want to eat too much because I thought Ryder. might get mad. There was some bacon but I've never been a huge fan so I just skipped over it.

I put some syrup on my waffle and sat down I started blowing on my eggs, when I looked up to see Ryder standing at the counter where the plates were crossing his arms. With a less than happy look on his face.

My stomach dropped and heart started racing, I set my fork down was I not supposed to eat I mean I figured that's what we were doing there was tons of good looking food just sitting out and I was starving since I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday besides some concession stand food and that cupcake from Myra.

Maybe the food wasn't for me even though he kind of made it seem that way. I mean there was tons of food the pile of waffles looked like it might fall over but maybe he had more friends coming over and the threat of him saying don't eat it all, so she can have some wasn't a joke.

Maybe he wasn't going to feed me, that thought scared me even more because I'm already starving and as the others pointed out I wasn't that big to begin with.

I considered just starting eating and looking around like I hadn't noticed him starring at me because I actually felt like my stomach was about to eat itself but I still value my life so...

After mentally freaking out in under three seconds and Ryder still not moving or talking just staring at me with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes I grabbed my plate and slid off the bar stool haphazardly, nearly falling over, I walked back over and set the half a waffle and the eggs back down and lightly set my plate on the counter.

The smells nearly making me fall over with restraint at not just turning around and just eating a bite.

I stood next to him just out of arms reach so I'd at least have a chance in escaping if he gets mad.

My stomach made another noise and honestly I'm not sure if I've gone this long without eating a real meal in years I kind of wish I got at least one bite before I looked up.

"Vivian what are you doing?" I heard Ryder rumble beside me, I started shaking a little bit.

"Uh sorry I messed with the um food you just kind of m-made it seem like we were all eating so I thought that m-meant me I'll leave it alone. I promise." I squeaked.

Ryder turned to look at me I saw out of the corner of my eye, "Viv look at me."

I jumped a little and considered just running now because I think he really is mad at me now.

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