By voidstilessbae

218K 5.2K 2.4K


1: Agatha, you bitch
2: Fuck The Police?
3: The Milwaukee Beverage
4: Diver Down
5: Simple Triggers
6: The Death Compass
7: Trippin' Out
8: Rory's Great Escape
9: To Going Full Kook
10: Kook Princess
11: They Hit Us, We Hit Them
12: Deny, Deny, Deny
13: I've Fucked Up
14: Midsummers
15: A Bad Analogy
16: Unnecessary Imagry
17: Then Leave!
18: Weed Is Weed
20: Cash For Gold
21: Kill Or Be Killed
22: Unconscious
23: I Never Stopped Loving You
24: Rock Bottom
25: The AirStrip
26: Lions Den
27: It'll Smash... Eventually
28: The Fucking FBI
29: Stay Of The Cut
30: Pogue Style
31: P4L
32: You're A Deadman
33: Ticking Time Bomb
34: Girls Are Confusing
35: I Can't Read Cursive
36: The Truck's Fucked
37: Package Deal
38: Ask The Bride
39: The Party
40: Sarah Or Rafe
41: The Way Of The Food Chain
42: The Things We Do For JB
43: I'm With Him
44: Did Hell Freeze Over?
45: The Cross Of Santo Domingo
46: Nothing-To-Lose Club
47: Wise Words From Rory
48: An Addict Sees An Addict
49: Bon Voyage
50: The Mathlete
51: A Second Chance
52: It's My Fucking Birthday
53: Marry Rich
54: The B Team
55: The Surprise
56: This Shit Ain't Over
57: Poguelandia
58: Fly The Fucking Plane
59: Big Mistake
60: Home Sweet Home
61: Really...Really Harsh
62: Whatever JB Says Goes
63: Why Me?
64: Mike, The Stupid Kook
65: Stupidest Son Of A Bitch
66: Cameron Development
67: Fuck Rafe
68: The Video
69: A Warrant
70: A Tinderbox
71: Stay In The Matrix
72: The Journey
73: Frickin P4L

19: She Can't Aim For Shit

3.4K 92 12
By voidstilessbae

AURORA HAD come to realise that the only way she would ever be leaving this boat was if she befriended Sarah Cameron- which was easier said than done. However, she was willing to try at-least, after-all, Kie and Sarah had made friends pretty easily. 

"Did you forget your keys or something?" The voice of John B called from the HMS Pogue, which drove up beside the boat.

"Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked." Kiara told the two girls.

"Absolutely not." Sarah replied, as they glared at the three boys.

JJ chuckled, "You gotta admit, it was kinda funny."

"It was some patriarchal bullshit." Rory huffed, as she jumped into the boat.

"Yeah, it sucked." Sarah nodded, "We're gonna get you back when you least expect it." 

Pope asked, "So, did you guys, you know..."

"Reconcile are differences?" Kiara finished sarcastically, "Not even close."

Sarah added, "But... we're willing to work together."

"Willing is pushing it too far." Aurora replied sarcastically, "I'd say forced."

JJ cheered, "Victory!"


That night, John B drove the Pogues back to Mrs Crain's house to find the gold. Aurora tried to ignore the rumours about the Crain House, but everything was much scarier at night.

John B got out of the van, then walked around it to slide open the van door. He paused for a moment, stopping JJ as he tried to get out, "Wait, wait. I just wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight." 

"Always." Kiara smiled, and Aurora nodded in agreement.

Pope agreed, "Of course, man."

"Alright, are we done with this circle jerk?" JJ suggested sarcastically, "Can we go do this?"

"Way to ruin a heartwarming moment." Rory scoffed at her brother, as she followed Kiara out of the van, "You know that could've been the last conversation we had, before Mrs Crain murders us-"

Pope interrupted annoyedly, "Rory, stop with the stories."

The Pogues climbed over the stone wall and into the garden, which led to the front porch of the house. Suddenly, the movement-detector lights switched on, causing the group to fall to the floor.

"Shit!" Pope panicked, "So, she has motion sensor lights."

JJ suggested, "We could, uh, just move really slowly, maybe?"

"What?" Sarah frowned at his stupidity, "That's not how they work."

"We could throw a rock at it." John B suggested.

"That's a smart idea, considering an axe murder is sleeping inside." Rory nodded sarcastically, as she buried her head in her hands, "Fuck, we're so dead."

John B replied, "Well, do you have a better idea?"

"What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch." Sarah suggested, "We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it."

"That's a fun kids game." Rory mumbled sarcastically.

"No, no." John B shook his head, "You're not going in the house alone."

Sarah squinted her eyes sarcastically, "Watch me."

"Crain chops people into pieces." JJ reminded.

"Yeah, but she's probably, what, 85?" Sarah questioned sarcastically, "She's probably barely still kicking."

"I'll go with you." Kiara whispered to Sarah, as they both stood up to leave.

"Hey!" John B whispered to Sarah, "Be safe."

JJ smirked slightly, before turning to Pope and placing a hand on his cheek, "Be safe."

"I'll be so safe." Pope flirted sarcastically, "I'll be safe for you."

"Can you guys stop?" John B complained, "Stop! I'm gonna kill you."

Pope frowned, "But how will that keep us safe?"

"Rory!" Kiara whisper-yelled, "Rory, come on."

Before following Kie, Rory looked at her brother and her idiotic friends, "I'm serious, guys, Mrs Crain is a total nut-job, please don't get axed to death-"

"Come on, Rory." Kie held her hand and pulled her to catch up with Sarah, "Us girls have to stick together, right?"

The three girls made it to the front porch, trying their best not to make a sound. Sarah shone her flashlight the electric box,

"Where are the breakers?" She panicked.

Rory whisper-yelled, "I thought you said you saw it when you were a kid?"

"Yeah, when I was a kid." Sarah whispered sarcastically, as Rory scoffed.

"Guys, shut up." Kiara shushed, as she followed the wire with her torch, as it entered the building, "It goes inside."

Silently, Rory and Sarah followed Kiara inside of the house, which was pitch black. Kiara shone her torch up at the ceiling, following the wire to the breakers. The wire led them to a metal box on the wall, and Kie turned off the switches to the motion-detector lights.

Suddenly, the floor above them creaked and the grandfather clock started chiming. The three girls pressed their backs up against the wall, as Sarah peered around the corner nervously.

"Shit." Sarah whispered, "Do you think she heard us?"

The sound of footsteps broke the silence, as the three girl's watched Mrs Crail slowly walk downstairs. Rory covered her mouth,

"We're gonna die." She hyperventilated, "W-We're gonna die."

"We're not gonna die." Kie reassured, "We just need to leave now."

The thumping of Mrs Crain's walking stick echoed closer and closer, as the hoarse voice of the women growled,
"It's late, Leon. Too late."

Rory's eyes widened, as the old women walked straight past them, she covered her mouth so tightly she could hardly breathe.

"I can hear you, Leon." Mrs Crain croaked, as she suddenly turned around the the girl's, "I've been waiting all night!"

Sarah screamed, as they all ran away from the old women. Rory ran until she found a door, which had been nailed shut with wooden planks. She yanked on the door handle, trying to open it,

"JJ!" Rory screamed, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear her, but it was worth a try.

Mrs Crain screeched, as a cackled laugh escaped her lips. As Rory turned around from the door, a dark figure stood in front of her. Mrs Crain.

Rory dodged the axe that Mrs Crain swung at her, causing her to smash the glass instead. Thankfully,  Sarah and Kiara came sprinting around the corner. They'd managed to grab Aurora, and pull her away, as she gripped onto their hands tightly.

"Quick, in here!" Kiara panicked, as she shut the wooden door behind them and locked it, "Quick!"

"Are you okay?" Sarah panted, as she examined Rory, "Did she hurt you?"

"N-No." Aurora shook her head, and shut her eyes tightly, "We need-"

Suddenly, Mrs Crain screeched and an axe smashed into the wooden door. They all screamed, as they sprinted down into the basement to meet the boys.

"Guys!" Kiara shouted, "Mrs Crain's here! She tried to kill us with an axe."

"We gotta- We gotta get the fuck out of here." Rory stuttered in distress.

"We locked her in the parlour, but we gotta go!" Sarah insisted, "Right now!"

JJ nodded, as he shouted down the well, "Code Red! John B, get back up here!"

The Pogues grabbed the rope, as they tried to pull John B back up the well. John B repeatedly shouted, but his echoes were lost in the depth of the well.

The Pogues all ducked down, covering their ears from the gunshot. Mrs Crain appeared at the bottom of the staircase, repeatedly shooting at the walls around her.

"She can't aim for shit." Kiara whispered.

"She can't see." Sarah realised, "She's blind!"

JJ grabbed Pope on his way out of the basement, as they all sprinted out of the house.

"Quick!!" Sarah shouted, as they sat in the van, "John B!"

"Why are we always getting shot at?!" Pope stressed, "JJ, drive!"

"Run! John B!" Rory shouted at the boy, who was running after the van covered in mud. John chucked himself into the van, as everybody grimaced at the smell of him.

"Are you guys shot?!" JJ stressed, as he drove the van.

Kiara patted herself down, "I think I'd know if I were shot, right?"

"That bitch is possessed!" Pope panted.

Sarah nodded, "That bitch can't aim."

Rory looked down at her hand, which was holding Sarah's tightly. She realised and let go quickly, before Sarah smiled slightly at her.

Rory looked away from Sarah, and her eyes moved to John B- who was pulling something out of his pocket, "What is that?"

Kiara gasped, "No, you didn't."

"We did it, baby!" John B cheered, as he wiped the mud from the brick of gold, "I did it!"

"Oh my God!" JJ yelled, "Holy shit!"

"Shit! Holy shit!" Kiara screamed, as everybody joined in and chanted,

"Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook!"

  this chapter had so much potential but i suck at writing action scenes :(
thank you for all the kind comments, they mean so much to me<3

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