Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

By Blushieeeeeeeeee

65.3K 2.4K 2.2K

Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... More

Prolouge, Different approach
Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)
Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Who's the strongest?

1.2K 52 66
By Blushieeeeeeeeee

Aight, time to begin this arc.


All of Rimuru's subordinates stand still, processing what has been told to them.

Rimuru: Ummmmmmm...

Veldora: Let them process.

I mean, it's not everyday your master barges in and tells you he is a True Dragon, the highest species, so casually.

Rena: My lord... SASUGA RIMURU-SAMA!

They all begin to cheer.


He exclaims, and starts to run off and prepare another damn festival.

Benimaru: Should I even be surprised at this rate?

He says, shrugging his shoulders as he sighs.

Testerossa: ... I've made up my mind, I'm serving him till I drop dead.

Diablo: ... That's Rimuru-Sama for you, kufufufufu.

Both are in shock, ending with the white demoness having eyes of sparkle and admiration whilst the Black demon just shrugs it off as his lord being himself.

Hakurou: Hohoho, To think you'd reach a level of existence so soon, it pleases me to know I serve you and only you, Rimuru-Sama.

Hakurou says, bowing to Rimuru as he does so.

Bentley: At this rate, I might aswell just go with the flow.

He is surprised and yet not surprised at the same time.

Souei: This is... Unexpected.

The ever stoic assassin himself is speechless, same goes for his shadow squad.

Shuna: ...

Shion: ...

They can't help but be speechless, having admiration and sparkles in their eyes just like Testerossa.

Ranga: It's only natural for my lord!

He howls, followed by the other 3 pets roaring alongside him.

Albus: It was no mistake to choose him as our master!

Haietlik: I agree!

Azure: Indeed, he truly never fails to surprise us.

They share their thoughts with each other, and yes they can talk.

Zegion: To bless us with such a divine presence, even with an already divine presence before, it truly pleases me to serve you, Rimuru-Sama.

He takes a bow, now giving off a refined aura.

Apito: It's just as Zegion says, we truly are blessed to be able to serve you, Rimuru-Sama.

She also takes a bow.


He and his skeletons, now extremely powerful due to the blessings and training in magic and combat they received from Shuna and Hakurou, all take a bow towards Rimuru.

Kumara: Hooooooo...

She has sparkles in her eyes, being in the form of a child.

Gabil: Does that somehow make me related to Rimuru-Sama, considering my origins is from dragons and...

He wonders, having his hand on his chin.

Geld: Your power truly knows no bounds, Rimuru-Sama.

He compliments in the crowd.

Rimuru: ...

He can't help but be slightly embarrassed, having red cheeks as Veldora laughs whilst patting his back.

Veldora: You'll get used to it!

He laughs once more, Rimuru getting redder and redder as he listens to his subordinates praises.

Rimuru: Yamete, your all embarrassing me now!

He says, but all he receives are laughs as they look at his red figure.

Diablo: It pleases me to see you turn into a True Dragon, my lord.

He appears besides Rimuru, taking a magnificent bow.

Testerossa: You truly never fails to impress, my lord.

She also appears and takes an elegant bow.

Rimuru: (These two seem to be competing for my attention...)

An imaginary spark forms between the two demons.

Rimuru: Thank you, Diablo and Testerossa.

He thanks them, both the demons having a light glint in their eye as he does so.

Rimuru: That aside, it appears each and every one of you have grown much, much more powerful then before.

His subordinates, excluding the humans, have all received gifts thanks to Rimuru's evolution.

Rena: You are correct, my lord. Every one of us either received a burst of power, or a skill, or both.

She appears in the front, taking a bow to him as she closes her eyes.

Rimuru: I can tell, even if all of you are hiding your auras. The citizens are on par with C+ ranking adventurers, whilst each one of the executives has reached the level of a Demon Lord. Color me impressed.

He says, analyzing all of them and genuinely complimenting them in the end.

Rena: Your praises are more then we deserve! We did absolutely nothing to deserve this power, yet you still bestowed it to us, your kindness truly knows no bounds.

She says, now with all the executives appearing and bowing to him.

Benimaru: I agree with her for once...

He says, bowing deeper.

Rimuru: Welp, seems like this is my new life...

It only took a few hours for the streets to be filled with a festival, with each and every shop and house celebrating his ascension.

Rimuru: What brings you here, Luminous?

He asks, turning around and facing the Queen of Vampires in a hill.

Luminous: Hm? I thought you sent me an invitation?

She asks, putting her hand on her chin.

Rimuru: I know, but I didn't actually expect you to be here...

He says, scratching his head.

Luminous: Fufu, you really think I'd let a chance like this go?

She says, now Infront of him and right at his face. She is so close, he can feel her breath, causing him to blush a little.

Rimuru: (Too close!)

He lightly pushes her back a little, as she chuckles.

Luminous: Amusing, just the reaction I wanted.

She says, walking to his side.

Luminous: Hopefully it entertains me, I wish to see what your country has to put up.

She looks at the country of monsters, curiosity filled in her head.

Rimuru: Don't worry, you'll have plenty to enjoy.

He says, now walking past her as they go to the country of Storms.


Luminous: What... Is this taste!

She exclaims, taking the food in her mouth as both her and Rimuru sit on some chairs of a table.

Rimuru: It's known as Udon.

He tells her, as she uses the chopsticks to gobble up even more food.

Luminous: Umai...

She says, her eyes sparkling.

Rimuru: You can eat anything as much as you want, your our guest after all.

He gets up, as the person serving them bows and Luminous starts to look around like a child. Rimuru follows behind her, acting as sort of a bodyguard and following her wherever she goes.

Rimuru: (Hm, to think this is the same haughty vampire just a few months ago, sort of baffling.)

She stops by a shop, looking at it's clothes that she seems to like.

Luminous: Can i-

She looks towards Rimuru, having a cute childish look on her face.

Rimuru: Sure, I'll pay.

He tells her, as she rushes into the shop.

Rimuru: So this is what she is like when she's off the throne... Just like me :V.

Both are pretty prideful if they have one thing in common, Rimuru having his pride mixed with modesty whilst her is mixed with haughtiness.

Rimuru: (And I believe she is also a tsu- no let's nots go there...)

He ignores all the details, as Luminous and him come out of the shop whilst he holds her new clothes in the bags that he immediately stores into his realm.

Rimuru: (Isn't this... No, I am not falling for this seductive and arrogant woman.)

He shakes his head, looking at her once more.

Rimuru: (She is rather cute tho... Fuck, she's doing this on purpose, isn't she!)

That vampire caught him off guard by showing a more "sweet" side of her.

Rimuru: (Dangit, your a temptress, aren't you?)

He walks behind her, as she stops at another food stall.

Luminous: What's this?

She asks him, looking at all the different flavoured food.

Rimuru: Muffins, they are small but sweet.

He tells her, stopping besides her.

Luminous: Can I have this one?

She points at the strawberry one, something which Rimuru recreated using the details he had from his previous life. Although it isn't a perfect recreation, it does the trick.

Rimuru: Sure, I guess.

They begin to walk again, Luminous enjoying her muffins as she happily sways around the area, looking at everything as if she is a child.

Luminous: I must say, your country is seriously well developed.

She genuinely compliments him. To someone who doesn't know her, this may seem like it's normal. But to any person who does know her, they know it's a fucking acheivement.

Rimuru: Thank you, me and my people worked hard to create it even if it has only existed for a while.

He says, as she turns around once more to look around the entire area.

Rimuru: By the way...

She looks at him once more.

Rimuru: I heard Veldora was the one who destroyed your nation.

He says, as she clicks her tongue.

Luminous: Yes... That damned lizard!

She says, nearly releasing her aura.

Rimuru: Well...

A man appears besides him, as he grabs him from the collar and throws at the ground towards Rimuru.

Rimuru: This is him,I've already disabled most of his skills and resistances, so he won't be able to fight back. Do as you please and consider it a sign of wanting friendly relationships, Luminous Valentine.

He says, almost as if he is offering Veldora to her.

Veldora: Eh? EHHHHHH?

He looks back and forth from Rimuru.

Luminous: Ho? You have this lizard under your control?

She says, now amused.

Luminous: Makes sense, your the most reasonable person I've met until now...

She ducks down and grabs Veldora.


Rimuru: Have fun! And don't worry, it's just a place I control that you'll be going to temporarily.

He smiles brightly, transferring them to his dimension.

Rimuru: What a lovely night.

He breathes non existent air in his nose, as the screams of terror and anguish fill his dimension.

Luminous: (I'm done.)

She says, seemingly satisfied as he brings both of them out.

Veldora: Wh-Why Rimuru! I thought we we-

Rimuru: I recommend you shut thee mouth, unless you wish for me to spoil you the final arc of KNY.

Veldora flies away, covering his ears.

Rimuru: Satisfied?

He asks the vampire, who seems to be in bliss.

Luminous: Ofcourse, seeing that lizard in such a miserable position, it puts a smile on my face.

She says, showing her sadistic side.

Rimuru: Happy to know, let's continue this tour now, shall we?

He walks Infront of her, lending his hand.

Luminous: Sure, I know for a fact this country has much more to offer.

She grabs his hand, as both start to walk again.


Rimuru sits on a chair in the middle of the festival, both Luminous and him sipping on tea as they talk over some stuff.

Luminous: Say, I have a question...

Rimuru looks at her.

Luminous: Now that you've ascended, somehow... Whos the strongest subordinate of yours?

She asks him, curious once more.

Rimuru: I...

His subordinates look at him in anticipation.

Rimuru: Have no clue :V.

He says, as they all deadpan at him.

Luminous: Then why don't you just hold a tournament or something to decide that?

She states as if it is the most obvious thing ever.

Rimuru: Well...

It's not a bad idea, not at all.

Rena: That would be a nice way to tell which one of us is the strongest, Ofcourse, there is no doubt it's me.

She says, putting her hand on chest with pride.

Shion: As if! Everyone is aware that I am the strongest!

She exclaims, as the other executives begin to disagree.

Benimaru: Sorry Shion, but if it is anyone who is the strongest here, it is me.

He says with a carefree smile.

Diablo: Now now, Benimaru-Dono, have you forgotten about me?

He says, floating towards the red haired Oni.

Testerossa: Diablo, perhaps you've forgotten about me aswell?

She asks, covering her mouth with a fan.

Rimuru: ...

Luminous: Unless you do it, I don't think they'll sort this out.

She speaks, as Rimuru is left a bit concerned.

Rimuru: Now Now guys, that was just a trivial question, I'm sure this doe-

Hakurou: No, Rimuru-Sama, this can only be decided with he comes out victorious out of all of us!

He says, stunning Rimuru.

Veldora: Just do it, I'm sure it'll be fun. Plus, I'm certain that you can attract alot of people and show them the power of Tempest.

He suggests and urges Rimuru to do it.

Rimuru: Well... Seems like there is no way out of this...

He gets up from his chair, everyone eyeing him.

Rimuru: Listen up! To decide who the strongest out of all of us here is, we will be holding a sort of competition that decides that!

He says, as all the executives start to have fire in their eyes.

Rimuru: (Honestly speaking, I just didn't want to ruin the mood :C.)

He sits down on his chair again.

Rimuru: Ofcourse, your invited.

He points at the vampire.

Luminous: Ofcourse, hope you don't mind the Otherworlders.

She says, sipping her tea.


The festival has ended, Luminous has already left and Rimuru is currently in his castle as he glances at the streets that are currently being cleaned. They will hold a sort of tourney, one that shall decide who's the strongest in Tempest besides Rimuru and Veldora himself. But for now...

Rimuru: Might I know, what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting...

He turns around, finding a long red haired person sitting on a chair, eating a sweet Shuna made.

Rimuru: Guy Crimson?

He finishes, as the demon smiles and looks at him.

Guy: I believe you know, Rimuru Tempest.

He stands up now, walking to Rimuru as he stands before him.


Now that I think about it, this is pretty much Luminous and Rimuru going on a date... Still not shipping them.

Also, since I have ocs and Rimuru's subordinates have a True dragons blessing, mixed with the fact there are more ocs, I'm finna make sure the tourney arc is hyped :>. Also Also, cliffhanger go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Enjoy your three chapters in one day, I'll prolly post in 1-2 days :V.

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