nouis horanson

By justeverything5

1.4K 31 0

Louis and Niall have been together for 3 years now. they have no kids but it's their dream to have at least o... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 19

31 1 0
By justeverything5

Next day
Nialls pov

I wake up in my bed. I don't remember getting in cus I fell asleep on the couch. Louis is gone so I decided to get dressed and walk downstairs. Louis is making breakfast but I'm not into this shit right now!

He's cheating and I get it but don't leave me hanging with 3 kids. "Morning," he says softly. "Morning," I said as coldly as I can.

He sighs and gives me a plate but I push it away. "Not hungry," I tell him. He looks at me a bit sad but I'm not having it. "I have a day off," he says. "So do Harry and me, so what's the big deal?" I ask him. The kids see me being angry so they decide to ride with cassie and Harry is still asleep.

"What the hell Niall?" Louis asks. "What?" I ask like nothing is happening right now. "Harry is not going to school? Wanna tell me something?" I shake my head no. "Tell me damn it!" He yells at me. "No, I don't need to tell you! You're cheating so why would I tell you?"

I walk to the backyard and lay down in the grass. I look at the bright blue sky. There are no clouds today. "You can't walk away leaving me like that Niall!" I am not gonna answer him. "I'm not cheating!" He claims. "It's Tara isn't it?"

"No!!" He says. "We just really need the money!" He continues. "No, we don't!" I tell him. "Just go to your new boyfriend or girlfriend! I don't care," I tell him. He walks back inside and I just stay here.

Louis pov

I walk inside and see Harry eating breakfast. Maybe he knows why Niall is so angry. "Hey kid," I say smiling. He looks at me. "Hello!" He eats from Niall's plate but I don't think Niall will ever care. "Do you know if something happened yesterday?" I ask him

"I'm 6 I don't know anything according to my teacher," I look at him. "You're smarter than you think kid," he shrugs which makes me feel bad. The doorbell ring and when I open it I see a woman with a girl about 15. I recognise the woman cus that's my ex and we had sex. I just didn't know she was pregnant.

"Hey come in," I just say. Niall is inside now too but he rolls his eyes and continues talking and playing with Harry. "Told ya," he says. "Hey, Haz shall we walk with bucky?" Niall asks and Harry nods. He doesn't know how angry Niall is and just wants to get away from me.

They get out and Trisha the woman looks at me confused. "What's wrong with him? He used to be very nice," she says. "He thinks I'm cheating so not the best timing," I tell her. "Tea?" I ask and they nod.

"Who's this?" I ask making tea. "She's your daughter and I'm so done with her right now. Can she stay here?" I look at the girl who looks nice. "Why?" I ask. "Cus she smokes, she drinks and she does soft drugs! I don't want her anymore and you need to take responsibility!" I look at the girl who's scrolling through her phone. She looks at me begging me.

"Uh yeah, a 4th kid won't hurt," I say. Niall is gonna send me to hell anytime soon now. "Uh, she's allergic to peanuts and make sure she stops that!" Trisha walks out and I look at the girl.

"Wanna smoke?" I ask her. She looks at me confused. "You also don't need to call me dad just Louis is fine!" "Okay," we walk to the backyard.

"Who was the other lad?" She asks. "My boyfriend. He's just really angry at me right now and if I don't watch out I'm in hell very soon," I say. "You believe in that shit?" She asks. "No, but Niall does so don't tell him you do these kinds of things," I say. "Do you guys pray?" She asks. "Before every meal but we don't go to church,"

"And I have 3 younger siblings?" I nod. "All adopted," "That just sucks!" She says. "My life is gonna be a living hell!" She continues. "Don't swear!" I hear behind me. We look around and see Niall.

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