Under Control

By SimpForNothing

449K 13.8K 2.2K

Sequel Out Now "In Control" ________________________________________ Moving to New York city is a big thing f... More

Ch 1: New Boss
Ch 2: Get To Know
Ch 3: The Docks
Ch 4: Naughty
Ch 5: So It Begins
Ch 6: Shopping But Not Dating
Ch 7: Getting To Know You
Ch 8: A Tease
Ch 9: The Ace
Ch 10: Date?
Ch 11: Date Me
Ch 12: Honesty Is Key
13: I Like You
Ch 14: Girlfriend
Ch 15: Relax
Ch 16: The Manor
Ch 17: I Love You
Ch 18: Off To The Parents
Ch 19: The Parent's
Ch 20: Freaky & Calming
Ch 21: Problems
Ch 22: What's To Come
Side Chapter: Halloween
Ch 23: Secret Santa
Ch 24: Merry Christmas
Ch 25: Happy New Year
Ch 26: Anger & Pain
Ch 27: All Alone
Ch 28: The Past
Ch 29: Moving On
Ch 30: Trapped?
Ch 31: Runaway
Ch 32: Two Weeks
Ch 33: It's Okay
Ch 34: Please Don't
Ch 35: Painful Thoughts
Ch 36: Fixer Up
Ch 37: Little Truths, Lots of Lies
Ch 38: Reconnected?
Ch 39: Our Secret
Ch 40: Danger
Ch 41: Regards
Ch 42: Donny Denatello
Ch 43: Arthur Whitlock
Ch 44: Broken Deals
Ch 45: Distractions
Ch 46: Lost Memory
Ch 47: Meeting Greenwood
Ch 48: Awake
Ch 49: Laying Low
Ch 50: Having Fun
Ch 51: The Talk
Ch 53: The Attack Pt. 2
Ch 54: Safety
Ch 55: Discovery
Ch 56: Eye For An Eye
Side Chapter: Childhood
Ch 57: Distant Memories
Ch 58: Behind The Mask
Ch 59: Enjoy Yourself
Ch 60: Losing
Ch 61: Fathers Daughter
Ch 62: Tomorrow
Ch 63: Face To Face
Ch 64: Face To Face Pt.2
Ch 65: Ending It All
Ch 66: Epilog
BC 1: Babies
BC 2: Ex's
BC 3: Threes A Party
BC 4: Birthday
The End

Ch 52: The Attack Pt.1

4K 134 10
By SimpForNothing

Amilia pov:

I have been looking for Azrael for 10 minutes, I got distracted when Rose and Lily were playing the knife game. Lily almost lost a finger. Going upstairs I look inside the rooms in hopes to find her.

Checking the library I find her sitting on the floor with a few scattered books around her. My mind rushes to previous memories here as smile gracing my lips. She looks up from her book and greets me with a warm smile.

Her eyes shine in the afternoon light coming through, her body relaxed when while sitting. She holds a hand out and pats her lap, rolling my eyes, I take her hand and join her. Leaning my back against her front I let my body relax into her embrace.

"I was looking for you." I take the book from her hand, opening it up to read.

"You found me." She brushes some of my hair behind my ear and rests her chin on my shoulder. A soft kiss is pressed to my exposed skin.

"Why are you hiding away?" My eyes trace over the book, taking in the words of fairytale and monsters.

"A moment to think is all." Her arms circle my waist and keep me close to her. I frown and turn in her embrace, facing my body to her.

It was a weird yet comfortable position, I wasn't fully in her lap, instead my legs went on either side of hers. I cupped her cheeks and made her look into my eyes, the action making me blush when I saw a loving gaze.

"You seem quieter than normal as of recently. Care to share?" I stroke my thumb over her cheek, feeling the warm pale skin beneath my touch.

"It's just work, really. I don't want to worry you." She smiles and kisses my palm. Holding my wrists gently she moves her hands to interlock with mine.

"I will always worry about you." I scoffed, suddenly feeling nervous with my emotions on display.

"I know." A cocky smile on her lips makes me snort and laugh at her. We took a moment to just sit with each other.

My hands played with hers, fingertips to fingertips, paml to palm, even just running my hands along her larger ones. I chance a glace up from our hands and find her just as focused on our hands, a comforting smile on her lips.

"Do you..." I stop myself, not sure how to say what I want to say.

"Do I?" She mimics. A coy smile lingering on her.

"Do you ever wonder what would happen if we met sooner? Like as a teen or when I wasn't 23?" I felt shy asking, especially since she went quiet. She thought for a moment, her brows furrowed as she looked for an answer.

She breaks out into a smile before moving her hands to my hips and pulling me close. I place my hands on her chest as she holds me still, massaging my hips with a smile. It wasn't sexual in any nature, more so a comforting weight on her. Taking one of my hands she plays with it as she speaks.

"I'd like to think that if I met you when we were younger, I would have taken you away from all that pain and suffering." Her eyes softened, they focused on our hands for some time.

"I would never let them hurt you, if it ment I had to take you far away or end them myself... I would have kept you safe." Her eyes find mine. My heart beats faster at her words, the utter devotion she held was unmatched.


"I would do anything for you." Brining my hand to her lips she presses a kiss to my knuckles. Feeling far too emotional and shy I bury my face into her neck, hiding myself from her gaze.

"I love you." My hand moves to play with the hair near the nape of her neck. She hums and holds me closer.

"I want you to marry me." She whispers. My body tenses at her words, she seemed to notice and chuckle at it.

"Or not..." Backing my head up I look at her. She kept her gaze away with a nervous smile.

"What?" I was confused. I thought it would take us time to get back where we were or to even discuss wanting marriage again.

"I-I was saying that... never mind it was-" I cut her off with a kiss. It was slow and gentle, no rush, not lust, only the love I held for her.

"Ask me properly." I lean my forehead against hers, smiling in anticipation. Taking my hand in hers she gives me a bright smile.

"Amilia Singh, I am deeply and hopelessly in love with you. No one and nothing will ever have my heart like you do. Although we have our ups and downs... I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing you in every way."

Damn my emotions. Tears slipped as she spoke, the butterflies in my stomach making me a wreck.

"Will you marry me?" Icy blue eyes gaze into me, into my soul for an answer I had ready since the first I love you.

"Yes, of course I will." She giggles and pulls me impossibly closer, taking us to the floor completely.

"Haha, Azy!" I laugh as she peppers my face in kisses. She just smiles and keeps me on top of her as she celebrates.

It takes a while before she's calmed down, her body laying on the floor with me on top of her. Whispers and sweet nothings are shared, both of us talking of a future together. I quiet down when she mentions kids, I knew that when I was taken I had the thoughts of baring her children.

"Do you not want kids?" My hand plays with her fingertips as hers traces patterns on my hip.

"I don't think I'd be a good parent. I mean look where I come from?" She chuckles and I glare at her slightly.

"I can understand if you don't want kids because of other reasons, besides that. I know you'd be a great mother." She kisses my forehead and snuggles me deeper into her.

"You really think so?" My mind fills with images of children bearing Azrael's features, little hers running around and causing mayhem.

"Trust me, I know. Besides, it's not like we're going to start trying for kids anytime soon." She smiled at me. I returned it and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"We can still practice." I laugh as she all but pins me down below her. Her kisses leave a fire across my neck, her hands palming my chest.

"I love practice."

Azrael pov:

Amilia lay sleeping under the covers, her upper body exposed to the cold air. Pulling the covers up I step back and admire her. Her skin, her hair, her body, her soul. Every part of her lit a fire inside of me that could never go out.

Kissing her cheek softly I leave our room, going through the hall and down the steps. I didn't want to worry Amilia, it's the last thing I would want. When I heard if the attack set to happen at my company tonight I made sure she didn't know.

The others were waiting, some I didn't want here but chose too regardless. Axe, Rose, and Lily all waited. Damien was here but I had yet to tell him to stay, someone needed to watch over everything while we're gone.

"Everyone ready?" I'm suited for the occasion, ready to fight and kill if needed. The others look just as ready.

They nodded and headed to the door, when Damien followed I stopped him. He looked confused but I held his shoulder to keep him at bay.

"Stay." I made sure he understood that I was serious, there's no time for arguing. With a heavy sigh he nods and hangs back.

"Be careful." He hugs me goodbye. Hugging him back quickly I make my leave with the others.

We had some men at the scene hidden, ready to strike when we got there. It would be bad press but none of this mattered to me at the moment, I needed things cleaned up and secured. Axe drove us quickly, bypassing the speed limit and swerving between lanes.

It didn't take us too long to get into the city and near my company, but with each passing minute I felt my bloodlust rising. The nerve of Donny and Greenwood to strike when not needed was starting to piss me off.

Once at the scene I tapped my coms and had them set up and ready. Grabbing and holstering my guns in my underarm holsters I pick up a rifle and swing it over my shoulder. The others grabbed their weapons of choice before I signaled for my men to push in.

It was like a well oiled swatt team taking down a drug den. Everyone moved quickly and effectively into the building, sweeping and checking every corner. Taking the lead I motion for them to split and look around. Each one of them took a small group of men before the last split into their own and went off.

Going my own way I take the elevator up to the top floor, my floor. When it opened I had my gun aimed at anything ready to jump out. Sweeping the floor and checking the area I made my way Into my office.

With my gun aimed at my chair I watched it swivel around to show me Donny with a sick look in his eyes. He smiled and stood, it took everything in me to not kill him then and there.

"Glad you could finally show up. I was beginning to feel left out." He rounded the desk and leaned against it, a smile on his face.

"Why shouldn't I put a bullet right between your eyes?" I moved closer, keeping my gun aimed at him.

"Because of this." He pulled out a remote device, showing it off to me with a wicked grin.

"You rigged the place?" I scoffed, pushing my fear aside.

"With more than just bombs." My stomach dropped when I heard the gunfight break out.

Some of my men came through the coms talking about an ambush of Donny's men, too many inside the building. Even from the top floor I could hear the gunfire loud and clear. Donny laughed and motioned to my gun with a smile.

"Drop it." Gritting my teeth I do as I'm told, dropping the rifle to the floor.

"I've been wishing to kill you for years, along with that shithead father of yours. At least I got one wish to come true." He came closer and kicked the gun aside. Hearing him speak ill of my father lit a fire inside of me.

"Struck a nerve?" He leaned unreasonably close.

"You always do." Knocking the device out of his hand I grab hold of his jacket and headbutt him hard.

He reels back and holds his broken nose as the blood gushes out. Enraged he charges me and engages in combat, pulling a gun from my holster fails when he stops me and sends a punch to my face.

"Fight me like a man Azrael, it's the least you could do." He spits out a mouthful of blood. Pissed and rageful I agree.

Sliding the holster strap off my shoulders I drop my weapons and raise my fists to him. Tonight is the night I'd kill Donny, not just for me but for what he did to Amilia.

We charge and collide, our fists connecting with each other's body quickly. For an old fuck he's still pretty strong and agile. He gets me with an uppercut before sending a kick to my gut. Staggering back I grunt and rush forwards, catching his fist and flipping him over my shoulder.

I go to stomp his head but he moves and sweeps my legs. Falling to the floor I roll away as a knife nearly cuts into my leg. He smiles and tries again, only managing to slice my leg instead. Groaning in pain I kick the weapon away and flip to my feet.

"Guess you're not a man Donny." I laugh and kick him back to the floor.

I was faster than him but he was stronger, much stronger. I did my best to avoid the attacks but I could only do so much. We fought in my office like animals, a Lion and Tiger going head to head for the rights of the jungle.

The gunfire blared in my ears as I fought, my senses heightened from adrenaline. My blood pumped and my muscles swelled to keep up with the force I was trying to exert. Somehow he managed to get me Into a headlock, a menacing laugh filling my ears.

"You have tunnel vision Azrael." He laughed as his arms tightened around my throat.

I headbutted him and got out of the hold, coughing as I tried to catch my breath. Looking up I caught the bottom of his shoe coming at me as he kicked me across the face.

"You focus so much on one thing you don't see the bigger picture to anything else." He continued, his foot kicking into me as I tried to stand.

Catching his foot I pull a knife from my waistband and stab it into his achilles heel. He screams and falls in pain, it gives me the opportunity to stagger to my feet. Wiping the blood from my mouth and nose I point the knife at him with disgust.

"What are you talking about?" I step closer as he backs away, crawling and yet still smiling.

"You don't really think Greenwood would just have me here solely?" He sounded cocky which put me on edge. Straddling him I grab a handful of his hair and raise the knife to his throat.

"Spill." He gulps around the blade with a nervous smile.

"If I'm here... where do you think Greenwood is?" My eyes widened at his words. He had to be lying, Greenwood didn't know of my manor, not many do. Not the press, not the city, my parents barely know of it.

"I guess it doesn't matter since you won't be making it home huh?" I was confused till he held up the device again. He pressed the button before I could stop him.

An explosion rocked the building, I could feel the heat from up above wash over me. Everything blacked out for a moment before I came too. Soot and ash covered the place as fire spread quickly. My ears rang as my hearing slowly came back.

The sound of the flames and gunfire kept my attention. I found it hard to sit up when something held me down, it was a small beam on me. The silhouette of Donny came closer as the flames roared behind him. Putting his foot onto the beam he pressed his weight down and drew a scream of pain from me.

He was injured worse than our fight, blood leaked from his head and arm. He held himself as he smiled, his hair slightly burnt. He laughed as I struggled to push the beam up, I would get it halfway before he'd press his weight down again.

"He's gonna kill her... and I'm gonna watch you die, slowly." He laughed maniacally. He went to put more weight down but a floor of fire intruded him.

It spooked him back far enough to give me a moment. With a loud yell I force the beam off me, rolling to the side to get away. My body ached but I didn't care, I was pissed and I wanted him dead.

Running through the fire I tackled Donny to the floor, he tried to fight back but I pinned him down. His arm was too mangled to be of use.

"YOU WON'T WIN." He laughed between each hit I gave him.

"You're a coward Donny... I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands." I grunted, my fist surley breaking his jaw.

I screamed as my fists connected with his face. Each one brought back more and more blood, soon teeth were scattering across the floor.

The fire roared as the sprinklers were set off, doing very little to put out the large flames. I was soaked and burning all at once, my rage stronger and hotter than any of these flames. I was left panting and gasping for air after beating Donny to death.

Getting to my feet once again I grabbed my guns and sung them back on. Staggering out to the main area I saw too many flames going around the broken elevator. Keeping my head low I rushed the stairs quickly, inhaling more smoke than needed.

I swept every other floor, the ones with gun shots I took care of primarily. Some floors took an explosion in them, it seemed he blew up more than one floor. Getting to different levels with men shooting I would march in and mow them down like cattle.

Ushering my men that were alive out I kept my pace with them. The coms were down so I couldn't get anything on the others. It wouldn't matter though, Axe was murdering just about anything in his sight.

He helped take the men out and away safely as sirens wailed in the distance. Lily was holding onto an injured Rose behind cover. Providing them a distraction I shot anything that moved inside the room.

My fear for Amilia grew stronger the longer I was here. I needed to get going now. With everyone getting out I was caught by a flare of flames at the exit. The glass shattered and shot out. Some of it embedded into my back and arm, the flames licking at my skin.

Fighting through my pain I was able to get out. I quickly ordered my men away as my main group piled into the car. Axe drove but looked worried when seeing me.

"You're bleeding a lot." He motioned to my abdomen. Lifting up my shirt I saw a big gash that was chared around the edges, the beam must have cut into me.

"Drive. Now. There's another attack." He looked confused but I kept my eyes focused on the road.

Please be okay...

Jeremy pov:

I kept Damien occupied as we waited for the others to return. We decided to watch a movie, in doing so I went to the kitchen to grab snacks while he picked it out.

I waved to some of the maids and butlers as I passed them, even the ones inside the kitchen. Getting food out of the pantry and drinks from the fridge I stopped in my tracks when I saw a maid messing with the stove.

"Need help?" I offered. Maybe it was her first day?

"No, just a maintenance check." She smiled at me. It was weird, I could have sworn I've seen this woman before.

"Did you model for a candy bar company?" I asked, thinking that's where I've seen her. She shook her head and kept her gaze away from me.

"Shoe? Clothing? Maybe even mascoting?" I kept asking. I couldn't place where I saw her. Why did she look so familiar?

"Shouldn't you watch your movie?" She snapped a little. Cringing a little, I back away and move to the exit only to stop.

"I didn't tell you I was watching a movie?" My eyes found hers. Bright green staring coldly into me. Oh now I remember her...

"Why couldn't you just move on." She reaches into her pocket and pulls a gun. Freaked out I immediately duck away and avoid being shot at.

"YOU'RE THAT CRAZY BITCH! I KNOW YOU!" I shouted, hiding behind the wall as she shot at me.

I was surprised to see her round the doorway and charge me. Getting up and running away I do my best to avoid being shot at. It was fine until a loud explosion sounded out and heat washed over my back.

It takes me a moment to pull myself together, looking around through groggy eyes. I watch as a fire breaks out from the kitchen, a big one.

What the hell is going on?

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