Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

By Fakkarilord

69.4K 2.5K 2.2K

Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... More

Prolouge, Different approach
Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)
Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Who's the strongest?
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)

1K 55 34
By Fakkarilord

E, just, E

The city of monsters, inhabiting citizens whom all bear the blessing of the Awakened Demon Lord, Rimuru Tempest. Each and every individual has been named by their lord, numbering 500,000 in population, and possess atleast something which is familiar with their lord.

Rigurd: Right...

The prime minister of Tempest, and the first named of Rimuru, Rigurd. A muscular and menacing looking hobgoblin, actually pretty wholesome and nice if you ask me :V.

Currently he is sitting on a chair and looking at some papers, seemingly being reports regarding all the events and progress of the city of Tempest that he has to sign. He is in charge with keeping view and check of most of the affairs that happen in Tempest, only seeking out Rimuru when needed.

Rigurd: Andddd... Done.

The last paper he needs to sign, as he gets up and starts heading outside of his door.

Rigurd: (Hopefully-)

As he opens the door, he sees a goblina standing outside with another stacks of papers.

Goblina: There's more to sign, Rigurd-Sama.

More mental suffering for Rigurd, as he sweatdrops at the new stack of papers.


The military commander of the entirety of Tempest, a man with crimson red hair and one of the strongest subordinates under Rimuru's direct leadership, Benimaru. A man with a carefree yet cunning personality, mixed with an insatiable lust for battle which tends to make him go Apeshit during any time of a battle. At first, the man wished to only serve the slime for awhile, but that quickly became permanent when the Majin evolved him into a higher tier by simply naming him.

Benimaru: ...

Currently, he's sharpening his sword outside the house him and Shuna share, sitting on a nearby rock. He had just came here to take a small break, being the Military Commander in charge of maintaining and distribution of soldiers at various parts constantly is tiring.

???: Ya-ho!

A wall of flames immediately flares up, as Benimaru grits his teeth.


Rena: Hmph, how rude.

She stands, staring at the wall of flames with a puffy expression. A lady who wears a simplistic kimono with flower patterns around it, having black hair and cyan-green eyes with her fox ears and tail being the most noticeable feature about her. Appointed as a teacher by Rimuru in the art of magic due to her extreme proficiency in it, she came back after tortu-


Teaching her students and is now here to mess with Benimaru. Sadly for her, the man straight up hates her and would do anything to avoid her at most costs.

Rena: Atleast be nicer!

She says, flailing her hands in the air as an annoyed Benimaru sits across the wall of flames.


Geld: ...

A high orc with yellow hair and eyes, being the leader of the orcs in the construction and various other departments. A man who is kind to his friends but absolutely ruthless to his enemies. The most serious follower of Rimuru, devoting and working so hard that his lord himself advises him to take breaks as in to not burn out completely.

Geld: Just another day...

He sighs, as children seemingly cling onto various parts of his body and seemingly enjoy his parental side, laughing and enjoying his company.


Many goblins lay on the ground, as an old man wearing some robes is seen sheathing his katana.

Hakurou: Round 60... And you still haven't won once.

He looks at the now laying goblins with a small but amused smile, seeing them suffer to get up as he chuckles at the curses they throw at him. A man absolutely ruthless in the department of training, even training Rimuru before Rimuru himself surpassed him in the art of the sword.

Hakurou: It appears I will need to strengthen your training...

He says with a small laugh at the end, as the goblins seemingly curse him even more.


Unlike Hakurou who trains a specific batch of soldiers, Bentley has been tasked with the training of every soldier, training or in the army.

Bentley: How pathetic... Even after meeting the qualifications of a soldier, your still rusty in terms of the blade!

He scolds the soldiers laying on the ground, who start getting up to continue the rigorous training session the dog beastman is giving.


Shion lays on the ground, seemingly bored due to something.

Shion: (What do I do?)

She wonders, getting up and putting a hand on her chin as she does.

Shion: (I know!)

She immediately gets up, having stars in her eyes as she starts walking.

Shion: (I'll make Rimuru-Sama some food!)

Disaster, as Rimuru feels a shiver at his spine from a distance.

Rimuru: (What's Shion up to now?)

He doesn't like this feeling, not one bit, infact he only feels it when...


He starts rushing through the corridors of the castle.


The blacksmiths, Kurobe and Kaijin are seen smithing some blades inside the workshop, as they show their apprentices the work.

Kaijin: Here... Here... Here

Although it appears as if he is randomly hitting the blade, the man is actually making precise and calculated strikes for an efficient blade.

The Dwarf brothers on the other hand, just do their work behind him.


Shuna carries some tea across the corridors, heading towards Rimuru's office as she hums a little.

Shuna: (One of Rimuru-Sama's favorite tea coming right up!)

She opens her eyes, narrowly dodging a skidding Rimuru.

Shuna: Eh?

Confused by the sudden uneasiness on Rimuru.


That's all it takes for Shuna to carefully place the tea on the ground, before putting on a comical serious expression and running along Rimuru.


Haruna, a goblina in charge of overseeing food and cooking in Tempest and a disciple of Shuna.

Haruna: Hmhmhm

She hums as she cooks alongside Gobichi, another goblin who has a talent for cooking.


Ririna: Good job, keep it up!

She exclaims joyfully, looking at the fields of crops that she has been assigned to take care of in Tempest flourish.

Ririna: (We will have enough crops to feed us all now!)

Due to the increased population, management of food was neccesary which is why Rimuru issued an order to start cultivating and focusing on creating new types of crops for the entire monster country.


Souei: ...

It's the usual day for him, patrolling the surroundings with his shadow squad and clones to make sure nothing fishy is going on.

Souei: Anything?

He asks, as Souka manifests behind and takes a bow.

Souka: No, Souei-Sama. Everything is as clear as yesterday.

No danger yet again, makes sense now that a Demon Lord and a True Dragon have been revealed working together.


Overall, the country is at peace once again, now that the Falmuth and Jistav events are over.

Rimuru: ...

Here he is, laying down nearly 20,000 corpses in a room he specifically created for something like this.

Rimuru: (Guess everything is prepared...)

For those of you who don't understand, the art he is going to use here is Demon Summoning.

Rimuru: (The bodies should be enough for nearly 1000 Lesser Demons.)

Incase they go insane, he will kill of them all by himself, even if they are nearly a 1000 greater demons. And he is more then capable of doing so.

Rimuru: Very well, let's begin.

He begins the summoning, devouring every corpse as a huge summoning circle starts glowing in the entire area the corpses were set up.

Rimuru: (Hm?)

A single, white circle envelops.

Rimuru: (Only one, it seems pretty strong tho.)

He sees the circle dissipate, as a woman with white hair and crimson red eyes, wearing an teal colored dress.

???: Ara? You must be rather interesting if you caught the attention of someone like me.

She says, landing down as she looks at the person Infront of her.

Rimuru: Great, another Arch Demon.

He says, rolling his eyes behind his blindfold as the woman stares with more curiousity.

???: Another?

She asks, as Rimuru looks at her and puts on a neutral expression.

Rimuru: I've met one of you before.

He simply says, as she looks around the area and it's contents.

???: Where am I?

She questions.

Rimuru: Monster Country, Tempest.

She widens her eyes a bit.

???: Oh? I've been viewing the human world for awhile, and this country has been rather the hot topic.

She puts a hand on her chin.

???: I heard the leader of this country killed a demon lord.

Her face turns into an evil smirk.

???: Mind telling me where he is?

She looks at the Majin once again.

Rimuru: ...

???: Is there anything wrong?

She asks, as Rimuru just stand there.

Rimuru: Your looking at him at the moment.

She widens her eyes once more, before amusingly looking at her surroundings with curiousity.

???: May I know why you have so many corpses, seeing as to how you made an area capable of holding so many.

She says with visible curiosity.

Rimuru: Simple, I need demons to serve me, although I'm pretty sure that's an unreasonable thing for you.

He says, as the woman drops her smile and looks at him with a glare.

???: Oh, and what makes you think I will serve you?

She asks, flaring her aura to intimidate the Majin.

Rimuru: Not that you have much of a choice.

He unsheathes Duskbringer.

Rimuru: Either you serve me, or go back to hell. I'm not taking any risks on putting this country in danger, neither am I ready in taking responsibility of any damages that I may cause because of you.

She immediately brings out a flame in her hand, firing it at the Majin.

???: Die.

She fires a spell at him, but the white haired person simply negates it by slashing the black sword in his hand.

???: Oh?

She seems a bit surprised.

Rimuru: Is that all, demon?

He flares up his {Demon Lord's Haki}, as the woman puts on a serious expression as she recognizes her opponent.

???: A demon lord...

She forms a white flame in her hand.

???: Freezing White Flame!

A weird spell, seemingly looking like fire but having the properties of ice.

Rimuru: Nullify it, Rulebreaker.

He sheathes the black blade and pulls out the slithering like dagger, nullifying aswell as copying the attack using Raphael and Ahura Mazda.

Rimuru: It will take more then that bud.

He launches at her, forming a slash at her stomach to her neck, directly attacking her soul.

???: !

She holds her wounds in shock.

???: (W-What?)

She looks behind and sees the same Majin from before.

???: (Why didn't I sense him!?)

She aims another freezing flame at him, but he just nullifies it once more with the strange dagger like sword.

Rimuru: Is that all you have?

He turns around and asks, almost as if he is bored.

???: ...

Her eyes now show anger, as her arrogance begins to throw in.

???: Not at all...

She prepares even more attacks, aiming them at the Majin.

???: You've been able to block a single attack all this time, but what about multiple?

She fires over a hundred freezing flames, all aimed directly at the Majin.

Rimuru: (I could use Rulebreaker to nullify them all, but where the fun in that?)

He takes a step forward.

Rimuru: Uriel.

{Universal Barrier} forms Infront of him, defending him from the attacks.

He defends against all the attacks.

???: Eh?

He now rushes towards her once more, moving faster then she can comprehend and slashing her again.

???: GAH!

Another slash appears across her chest, indicating the second hit on her soul.

Rimuru: Your last chance, join me or go back to the underworld you go.

He stands, sheathing Rulebreaker and then looking back at her.

???: Nuclear Magic: Death Streaks!

A spell that has a 99.99 percent chance of killing anyone with only a 00.01 chance of turning them into Majins with long lifespans. It doesn't do any physical damage to the person, but overwrites their genetic arrangement, effectively killing them in the process. It is the most evil and forbidden form of magic, covering anything in a 10 Km.

Rimuru: As if.

He cancels it easily, not allowing it to escape and kill any civilians outside the area he created.

???: ...

She falls on the ground, feeling the attacks on her soul weakening her.

???: What do you intend to do with all of this?

She questions, now sitting on the ground with her hands supporting her.

???: Why do you wish to summon more demons? For power?

She looks at him.

Rimuru: Simple, I wish to increase my forces, so that this country is capable of defending Incase someone chose to fight us rather then make peace.


???: Peace?

She asks, clearly confused.

Rimuru: What I wish for is no domination, power, money or anything, but peace between others.

He says, as she widens her eyes.

???: Oi, your a Demon Lord, and you wish for peace with others?

He looks at her.

Rimuru: Yes, whether I am a Demon Lord or not doesn't matter for my wishes.

Her brain feels as if it is malfunctioning.

???: Do you really think such a childish dream can be accomplished in such a world?

She asks with a doubtful expression.

Rimuru: It's childish... That's why I wish to make it true, so that I can see this dream be a reality.

He says with a slight chuckle in the end, earning a confused demon.

???: (Of all things up until, this was certainly not what I expected.)

She looks down on the ground.

???: (Peace... It reminds me of someone...)

The demon wonders for awhile.

???: ...

She gets up, as the Majin stares at her.

???: Fine, I will serve you, simply because you intrigue me.

Rimuru puts on a smile.

???: However, if you cease to intrigue me, I will abandon you.

She says the last part with a stern look, as Rimuru chuckles a little more.

Rimuru: Very well, let's name you now.

A good distance away

Veldora: ...

He looks at the direction of the castle.

Veldora: My senses tell me that bastard is up to something.

Infact, he only feels this...

Veldora: MOTHERFU-

Back to the area

???: Beg your pardon?

A name...

Rimuru: I said let's name you, and you can't deny, it's fucking tradition in this entire kingdom to have anyone serving me have a name.

He says as he starts walking towards her, healing the injures he caused.

???: Very well...

Although a bit skeptical, she agrees.

Rimuru: (Let's see... I named Diablo after a car, so let's do the same with her for trolling purposes :>.)

H opens his mouth.

Rimuru: Your name will be Testerossa.

Some magicules escape from him, as the demon Infront of him envelops into a white light.

Rimuru: (Veldora's prolly gonna kill me :V.)

The circle dissolves, as the new demoness emerges with her former dress no longer there and instead wearing baggy pants with a black military uniform.

Rimuru: (I swear, these demons changing their clothes just by evolving is scuffed.)

The demoness takes a bow.

Testerossa: It appears I had severely underestimated you, Master.

Another powerful demon under him, what could possibly go wrong?


Diablo: ...

He can sense it, another primordial like him is here, and perhaps on his level.

Diablo: (Perhaps they decided to serve Rimuru-Sama after witnessing his greatness.)

He says with a slight "kufufu", thinking about how it's the only "Logical" explanation.

Diablo: (Wait...)

Another primordial is here, just like him...

Diablo: (Hol-up.)

He starts heading to the source to confirm his suspiciouns.

Rimuru: Ah, Diablo! I recruited another demon like you, meet Testerossa!

He introduces the demoness, as both demons look at each other with awkward silence.

Diablo: Blanc?

Testerossa: Noir?

They both say at the same time, as Rimuru processes the words before looking back and forth between them.

Rimuru: (Wait a minute...)

Diablo referring to another demon, who he believes are lower to him, with familiarity.

Rimuru: Chotto Matte...

Realization sinks in, as both demons look at him with confusion.


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