𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅

By Babydeer2019

3.7M 124K 18.7K

Emriana travels to the Kingdom of Ekudal to sell her paintings but gets more than she bargained for when she... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty-one
chapter sixty-two
chapter sixty-three
chapter sixty-four
chapter sixty-five
chapter sixty-six
chapter sixty-seven
chapter sixty-eight
chapter sixty-nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy-one
chapter seventy-two
chapter seventy-three
chapter seventy-four
chapter seventy-five
chapter seventy-six
chapter seventy-seven
chapter seventy-eight
chapter seventy-nine
chapter eighty
chapter eighty-one
chapter eighty-three
chapter eighty-four
chapter eighty-five
chapter eighty-six
chapter eighty-seven
chapter eighty-eight
Swords of Emerald
New book coming soon...

chapter eighty-two

21.4K 777 183
By Babydeer2019


"I suggest we go through with the original plan. The treaty will likely not be accepted by the King anyway. Who agrees with me?" A series of low approval resonated through the large office. 

"No, I think the opposite. Their Highnesses have built a connection with the King during their stay, this could change everything," another adviser insinuated.

This meeting had been going on for hours. This was something the late King was working on before he died. He was planning an attack on the west village of Nelovia to take control of the trade route that went up north.

"I don't think a mere visit is enough to change decades of hate between two kingdoms," the short, brown-haired older man interjected. He'd been by my father's side long before we'd started being involved with politics.

I threw a bored glance at my brothers, almost chucking when I saw their expressions. Zeke was hardly keeping his head up, his eyelids barely open as he struggled not to fall asleep. The half-empty whiskey glass by his side was definitively not helping him.

On the other hand, Drakkar was following the meeting with an undying focus, glaring harshly at the advisers if they as much as said anything remotely related to Emriana. I was lightly pricking my thumb with the edge of my dagger, watching the dark crimson liquid roll down my skin with a morbid fascination.

"I don't think this was a mere visit. Both the Queen of Nelovia and Ekudal are now in what we could almost call as good terms," a younger adviser added to the discussion, and the older members of the council frowned, clearly unsure whether to believe him. I listened to them argue back and forth with a bored expression.

"The tension between our two kingdoms has been going on for longer than you've been alive. I suggest you refrain yourself from voicing your unnecessary speculation," the older council member replied, a deep frown on his features.

"I think we shouldn't be so eager to resolve to drastic measure. It won't look good for Ekudal if we attack Nelovia, especially considering the recent change of events," the older members glared at General Droga as he stood up.

"What change of events? Are you talking about the newly found princess of Nelovia?" Drakkar tensed beside me, his hold on the handle of the dagger tightening.

"Of course, he is. She changes everything," a few advisers showed they agreed with the brown-haired boy with a series of nods.

"How exactly?" The oldest member, one of my father's favorites, spat harshly, clearly not liking the direction of this council meeting.

I could feel the tension rising in the room as Drakkar and Zeke stayed on alert at the sensitive subject. I just hoped that whoever would speak next would realize that every word they said could decide whether they would die before sunset.

"Her Highness, Princess Emriana has been getting close with their Highnesses in the past recent months. Clearly, we cannot de—

"None of it is serious. We shouldn't base such important matters on this casual escapade that's been going on between them and he—

The word had not fully left his mouth when a dagger flew across the long wooden table and entered his chest with force. The room fell deadly silent, all eyes trailing back to the owner of the dagger.

"Oops," Zeke chuckled. My hand clenched and unclenched around the dagger in my hand, ready to of the same thing. My jaw was ticking in anger, while Drakkar's whole demeanor was screaming danger as his shoulder moved up and down quickly as he tried to calm himself down.

"If any of you," I spoke dangerously slow as I paused my words, meeting everyone's eyes. "Have the same opinion, I dare you to fucking speak now,"

They bowed their heads toward the table, all keeping quiet. Zeke scoffed, gulping the remaining liquid in his glass, before putting it back down with a loud high-pitch thud making all the men flinch in the room.

"Very well, carry on," he said, an amused expression now lacing his features.

General Droga cleared his throat before standing up, the advisers slowly moving their gaze to him. The  guards entered the room, carrying the body of the man out of the room.

"I think right now is not the time to make a critical move. Although the relationship between the Princess of Nelovia and their Highnesses is still unclear, we cannot diminish the impact of it," he paused, glancing our way. Zeke nodded.

"Although it might not have been done in the past, trying to go into this with a more peaceful mindset could be beneficial to all of us. I suggest we don't send the troops now, and we wait a few weeks," he finished before sitting down.

I was about to speak when a series of knocks from the door stopped me. The door opened slowly, and my irritation immediately left as soon as a smiling blond girl appeared in the doorway, followed by her loyal feline companion.

Her face became a blushing mess when she noticed how many people were in the room, her hands fidgeting together as she scanned the room nervously until she found us. She smiled.

"Am I interrupting?" She asked softly, still standing in the doorway. All the men lowered their heads, bowing in respect at her presence. As they fucking should.

Drakkar shook his head while Zeke stood in a swift movement making the men flinch in reflex. I chuckled, my attention going back to the girl who took some hesitant steps into the room.

"I can come back another time if—

"It's fine, come in," I assured her, and she nodded, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Zeke made his way up to her as I stood up as well. He slid his fingers into her hair as he pulled her into a kiss. She chuckled, tapping his arm, and he moved away with a groan.

She was even more flustered now if it was even possible. The advisers were all keeping their heads low, knowing best than to let their curiosity get the best of them.

Drakkar walked up to her next, mumbling something into her ear that made her shake her head with a grin. He engulfed her in his arms, placing a kiss on the crown of her head, before stepping back.

She walked up to me next, and I allowed my eyes to take in her state. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing the official royal gown we'd gotten her. The pale lilac color soothed her perfectly, matching perfectly with her soft features. Her hair was braided around her head, it looked nice on her.


"Hi," I replied, raising her hand to my lips, and she smiled.

"Where were you this morning?" I asked as she laced her arm around my waist, resting her head against my chest.

"I was busy," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Busy with what?" I asked, and she laughed.

"I can't tell you," she said, squeezing my body once more before pulling away.

"What are you doing here?" Zeke asked, dragging her to his side.

She looked around the room. "I...um...actually need to speak with General Droga," I threw a confused glance at my brothers, who seemed equally clueless about what this was about.

Droga stood like an obedient pet, and she slipped away from us as she made her way around the table to him. He tensed as she began to whisper something into his ear.

Drakkar tsked, clearly not liking any of this.

"Of course, your Highness," I heard him say.

"Okay, perfect. Thank you," she said, before walking back to us with a mischievous smile. She reached me first and rose to her tippy toes to land a kiss on my cheek before moving to Zeke and Drakkar.

"What was that about?" I heard Zeke ask her, and she sent him the same wink he often gave her. Her eyes found mine, her emerald green eyes shining under the light of the chandeliers.

"I'll see you later," she said before heading toward the door.

"Your Highness," she turned around as the same young adviser called to her with a trembling voice. Her smile grew as she tilted her head to the side.


"Do you think you could...um...ask his Majesty, the King of Nelovia—

"Cortis, silence!" Another adviser snapped at him, and Emriana's smile faltered slightly.

"Ask me what?" She questioned sweetly, ignoring the other man.

"Ask him if he would be... interested in sharing...the trade route," he muttered, staring at his feet, his face beet red.

Her gaze flickered to me, and I nodded. "Of course, I can. I'll write to him about it today."

"Oh...thank you," he replied, eagerly sitting back down at the table.

An angelic laugh resonated through the room that made all the advisers forget who she was for a moment as their curious eyes all found hers. I wanted to kill every single man in this room.

"You don't have to be nervous. I won't bite," she said. "Although he might."

Akira growled behind her.

"Was there anything else?" She asked, and the young man shook his head.

"I'll see you three later," she said to us, before slipping out of the room, leaving us in silence.

The meeting resumed, and with the help of Emriana, it made the decision a lot easier. I didn't want to be like my father. Emriana was right, not everything had to be solved through violence. It's not easy to leave that mindset behind when it's all three of us had been told all our lives. I was struggling the most, but I was making progress.

"Well, now that this is solved, I'm leaving," Zeke said, and Drakkar followed after him as we all left the room, accompanied by General Droga. He closed the door behind us, following us as headed toward the Master Office.

"Your Highnesses, the man you requested for the princess is waiting in the Master office,"

"Good," I said.

"I'm in no way doubting your judgment, but I have to ask if this man is perhaps not fit for the job due to his past occupation," Droga pointed out, and Zeke chuckled.

"He'll do just fine," Drakkar replied, and he drew his lips together, clearly not approving of this.

"Your Highnesses," the guards bowed before opening the doors to the office. The boy was already standing inside, looking out the window. He spun around as soon as we entered, dropping on one knee, head lowered in respect.

"Stand," Zeke said as he walked around him to reach for a fresh bottle of whisky.

The boy stood, and his nervous eyes met ours.

"Do you know why you're here?" I asked, lowering myself into a chair across from him. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other anxiously as he shook his head.

"It is quite simple, really. You're the one who saved Emriana that night and did not take advantage of her state. You have therefore proven to me that you are worthy of my trust," Drakkar's words seemed to put him at ease.

"We want you to be her personal guard," Zeke added, and Nokon's eyes widened in surprise,


"Yes, you stupid ass," I snarled under my breath.

"What would that entail?" He asked, his fingers fidgeting together.

"Everywhere she goes, you follow her. Simple," Drakkar answered, and he nodded slowly.

"Okay, I accept," he said, and I took a menacing step toward him.

"Remember that her safety is in your hand now. If anything happens to her, you're dead," I spat out, and Nokon nodded quickly.

"Notify Emriana to come see us." The guard nodded at Zeke's words, leaving the room.

"From what she told us, you also seem to know about her past, I want to make sure that no one is after her because of who she is related to, so I ask you that you tell us if you become aware of any threat against her. We will take appropriate measures then," I said, surprising my brother by being so straight forward.

"Of course," he said, and he opened his mouth but closed it right afterward.


"Fucking tell us if you know anything," I spat, taking out his dagger, but the door opened at the same time.

"Zander, what are you doing?" Emriana's voice resonated in the room as we turned to face her. I muttered profanities under my breath, putting the dagger away. Her eyes moved to Nokon, and they widened in recognition.

"Nokon!" She exclaimed, running toward him, and pulling him into a hug. He stayed frozen, not sure what to do.

"How have you been?" She pulled back. He looked back at us, silently asking if he could speak. I nodded, even if I wanted to chop off his head for receiving a hug from my girl.

"I've been...good. You?" He asked, nervously.

"I have so much to tell you, you have no idea," she laughed. "What are you doing here, though?"

"Princess, this is your new bodyguard," Zeke stepped forward, tugging her to his side.

Her brows knitted together in a cute manner. "Bodyguard? I don't need one, I got Akira."

"It's great, but we need someone who understands us when we speak. Someone who we can communicate with," she pouted at Drakkar's words, glancing at the tiger next to her.

"He can communicate," she protested.

"Only with you, which is great. But as a member of the royal family, you need additional security. Your father agrees with us," she frowned at me.

"I guess you're right," she admitted as she turned to Nokon. "I'm glad it's you."

"Thank you, your Highness," he smiled as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Don't call me that, please. If we're going to spend a lot of time together, you have to call me by my name,"

"I don't fucking like this," I grunted, my eyes narrowing on him.

"I'm not allowed," he replied, his voice trembling under our collective glares.

"Don't mind them," she said, turning around, and glaring back at us. "You three have to stop doing this."

"Your Highness," she turned to face Droga. "We have to get going,"

She nodded. "Of course,"

She followed him out of the room, and I watched her disappear behind the closed door.

"You can go, you're starting tomorrow," Zeke said, shooing him out of the door, leaving us alone for the first time since this morning.

"What!" I scoffed at Drakkar when his eyes met mine.

"Calm down, you fucker," he said, grabbing a few documents on the desk.

"What is this?" Zeke ripped one from him. I looked over it, a frown covering my features.

"It's a list of names of the princesses in other kingdoms," Drakkar said, and I yanked it from him ripping it to shreds.

"The coronation is in a week, and they want an answer," Drakkar explained, running a hand across my face.

"They can't fucking force us to choose someone else," Zeke shouted, throwing his glass across the room, and it shattered on the wall.

"Droga said if Emriana turns down the crown, he'll choose the princess of Droomi," Drakkar spoke, and no words could describe the rage that went through me at that moment.

"I'll just kill her," I said nonchalantly, and Zeke laughed.

"Great solution," he clapped with a smug look.

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