Emerald Sea (MCUx HP)

By BunnyWeasley23

8.7K 314 61

"Let me see if I'm understanding all this correctly." "Ok...?" "Not only are you a witch but you're a descend... More

Face Claims // Oc Info
Marauders Era Face Claims
Other Face Claims
0.1: Loki's hEir
0.2: Little Green Gemstones
0.3: Listening the the Raindrops
0.4: So, Sorry About Your Mum...?
0.5: Future Wife...Not Likely
0.6: Seeing Dragons and Talking Snakes
0.7: My Father's Fall From Grace
0.8: Magic School Bus(Train)
0.9: I'm a Snake...Hiss Hiss...Bitch
1.0: The First Day's Always Weird
1.1: That's The Golden Boy...Him?
1.2: New Seeker
1.3: Trolls and Shared Delusions
1.4:Spend Christmas With Me?
1.5: Matching Pajamas and Movie Marathons
1.6: Talks about Dads and Old Trees!
Author's Note/ Emerald's Lullaby
1.7: The Best Way To Spread Christmas Cheer
1.8:Mirror Mirror On The Wall
1.9:Girls Day... No Boys Allowed
2.0: Rainbow Pumpkin Disaster Punch
2.1: Sneak Out With Me?
2.2: The Word 'Father' Rots In My Mouth
2.3:I Enjoy Being Occasionally Poetic
2.4: My Tears Make The Waves That Drown Armies
2.5: Nobody Smart Plays Fair / That's The Game
2.6:New York, New York It's The City Of Dreams
2.7:Help Lessen The World's Load
2.8:Save The World, But Be Back In Time For Dinner!
2.9:Press, Press, Press, Press, Avengers Dont Need More Press
3.0:Birthday Cake and Swimming in a Lake
3.1: Summer Sun
3.2:Malfoy Manor
3.3: Book Shop Blues
Through the years/Slytherin
3.4: Magic Car Vs. Tree
3.5: Written On The Walls
3.6: Quidditch and Secret Chambers
3.7: Boys, Besties, & Reassurance

0.0: The Beginning

843 21 5
By BunnyWeasley23

Long, Long ago a wizard by the name of Gulliver Amon-Acantha wanted to become the richest and strongest man in all of existence. He wanted to surpass even the great Merlin believing that with his power he could accomplish anything. Even winning the heart of a beautiful witch who had refused to give him the time of day during their time at Hogwarts.

You see, Gulliver was willing to sacrifice everything and anything to get his way. It never mattered to him what others thought of him as long as he became successful in anything he'd set his mind too. A great bout of over-confidence that had been inherited from his mother and father.

You see Gulliver's parents died in search of a grand book, a book of the gods is what people called it. This book held spells from another world that were rumored to have undreamt power. With this book, its owner was unstoppable. But alas, no one had seen the book of centuries.

Gulliver was going to change that. He would be the one to find the book and use it to gain the love and riches he deemed himself worthy of. He was going to become the greatest sorcerer the world had ever known.

Gulliver traveled far and wide for a decade before he stumbled upon a small village. A village where the locals talks of a stone house in the woods. But this house came with a warning, one Gulliver would regret ignoring years later.

For in this house it was rumored that an old witch resided there, cursed to guard the treasure of the Gods. An all who traveled to find this treasure never returned from the woods. Locals often attempted to warn new comers to stay away from the woods, it wasn't a place one should be. Especially not after dark, but their warnings fell upon deaf ears.

For three days Gulliver stayed in the local inn while he made plans to find the stone house. He spoke to whoever was willing to talk about where the house could be and he drew himself a map.

Then one night, under the cloak of the moon's darkness Gulliver went into the woods. His plan was to steal the book, grant his every wish, and destroy it before the anyone could reverse its effects.

Gulliver believed he was smarter than those who came before him. He was confident he'd succeed where the had all failed.

So after many days and many nights of wandering the woods, searching for the stone house, he found it unguarded.

Only this stone house wasn't stone at all. It was an eerie, decrepit wooden house that looked seconds away from toppling over. The house itself appeared to be abandoned and uncared for.

With a deep reassuring breath Gulliver walked towards the front door and raised his hand to open it. Only instead the door swung open on its own to reveal the interior of the house. It was completely empty apart from a book shaped bag that sat in the middle of the floor. The contents of the bag seemed to glow causing Gulliver to step inside.

As he did, the door closed behind him and a voice spoke from the shadows.

"Finally." The voice croaked and with a shaky arm, a wand was raised to light the fireplace across the room.

In the light Gulliver could see sickly looking old woman and he scoffed. This is who the gods choose to protect this book? He couldn't believe it.

"Excuse me?" He asked, Gulliver didn't falter, but instead he began to laugh. He was amused as he thought of how easy this fight would be.

"I've been waiting for you Gulliver Amon-Acantha, waiting for you to come take this cursed book." She admits while her gaze remains on the fireplace in front of her.

"Do not tell me you are the god they speak of? You frail, ugly thing! You can not be all powerful!" His voice bellowed, shaking the trees, scaring the crows that made a home in them. His laughter was so intense it shook the house itself.

"It is not my intention to be frightening Sir. Nor am I the God you speak of, but I warn. The power in which you seek can not be possessed-"

"I shall be the judge of that you hag! Now I demand you give me the book I seek. I will have my power, I shall become grand and unmatched by any creature who dare fall in my path." Gulliver demanded firmly but the woman sat still, as if she didn't hear a word he spoke. Angry that he'd been ignored, Gulliver storms forward.

"Take your book Gulliver. Relieve me of its burden." The woman sighed.

"So you have it? The book of the gods?" He asked seemingly unfazed by her knowledge of his name. He stares down at the bag on the floor, it was no longer glowing and now seemed empty. Clearly a trick to lure him into the house. No matter, he'd be leaving with the book no matter what, that he was sure of.

"I do. An I will give it to you. But first you must heed its warning-"

"I care not for this foolish game. Give me the book I have searched for!" Gulliver demands

"I was once where you are. I ignored the warnings just as the others before me-"

"I didn't come here for this! Where is the book!" There was a moment of silence before the woman's arm raised with what looked to be a great effort and her pale boney finger pointed to the table across the room. On it sat a book that seemed to glow to life once Gulliver's eyes laid upon it.  It seemed to easy but unwilling to listen to his own intuition he approached the book with a laugh.

"Stupid woman, I have your book and soon I will be so powerful. Nothing shall stop me." He boasted pridefully.

Gulliver went to grab the book. Just as he approached the desk with his hand out, the woman spoke again.

"Heed the warning within, Gulliver. For what is done can never be undone. The price you pay will be paid by your bloodline forever!" She warned once more, when Gulliver turned to snap at her he found the chair empty apart from the cloak that had been wrapped around her. He scoffed grabbing the book and shoving it into his bag before leaving the house.

"I need no warning, one of my intellect can out smart even the mightiest of Gods!" Gulliver boasted, speaking to no one, before making his way into the woods. But his patience was thin, he did not get far before yanking the book from his satchel and studying its pages.

The warning on the first page was there in glowing letters but Gulliver rolled his eyes ripping the page out. He balled it in his fist and tossed it away. The following page seemed to glow as the words changed.

Alexia Walkin Black
Of the Noble house of Black

Gulliver Amon-Acantha

Gulliver began his journey home as he read of all the spells in the book. Spells of riches, knowledge, power, strength, and love. When he saw the love spell he knew just what to do with it. He'd use it on the girl who had rejected his affections when he was in Hogwarts.

Cassandra Vablatsky

The girl who told him she'd never love him would now have no choice. She would be devoted to him and only him just the way he wanted.

"Heed the warning Gulliver." The old witch he now knew to be Alexia Walkin Black said appearing behind him.

"Away with you and your warnings! You just want the power to yourself!" Gulliver declared before flipping through the pages of the book where he landed on a curse and a smirk grew upon his face.

"This shall teach you...Avada Kedavra!" Gulliver yelled waving his wand as the book instructed. The woman before him fell dead after a piercing green light hit her chest.


After returning to London, Gulliver began to search for Cassandra. Only when he found her he was met with devastating news. She had already married another man, she began a life and she was happy.

But to Gulliver, this wasn't important. He had the book of the gods! He intended to use it to gain everything he had ever desired. So he used it to send her husband away and then he used it to bewitch Cassandra.

She would love him, and be devoted to him until his magic ran out.

After bewitching Cassandra, Gulliver made himself the richest, most powerful, intelligent wizard on the planet.


The first time Gulliver thought he'd done something wrong was many years later when the couple finally had a daughter. After years and years of trying Cassandra just couldn't get pregnant so..he used the book to make it happen. But this came with an unexpected consequence.

Because he'd bewitched Cassandra to love him, she only loved him meaning she held a resentment for her child because she had to share her husband with it.

However because his greed kept him from destroying the book, he still had it locked away in a box in the office. So he pulled it out and bewitched Cassandra again.

This time, he made them a happy family. The family he had always wanted with a loving mother and father, with a happy little girl.

After this last act of magic Gulliver believed he no longer needed the book. But again because of his greed he couldn't bring himself to destroy it. So he locked it away again. Vowing to only use it for emergencies.

That emergency came two years later on their child's second birthday.

Gulliver had woken up with a few grey hairs and decided he needed to magic them away. He needed to brew a new elixir and for that he'd need the recipe.

Unfortunately or rather fortunately when he woke the book once more the Valkyrie were able to find him and they quickly arrived to confront the man and take the book for he didn't heed its warning. He'd used the book to create love and life and this was a punishable offense. He'd taken Cassandra's free will. He'd played god in her life to keep her young and in love.

When they set Cassandra's mind free she was angry she wanted to find her husband, to beg for his forgiveness and she wanted to get away. She didn't want the reminder of what Gulliver had done, she didn't want her daughter.  She didn't know if she knew how to be a good mother for her little Athena so she sent her away.

The Valkyrie offered to take Athena to Asgard along side Gulliver who would stand before Odin and pay for his crimes. Cassandra agreed as long as they promised to care for her in the ways she knew she'd never be able to.

With Athena gone, Cassandra began the search for her husband unaware of truly how much time had passed. You see, out of fear, Gulliver had moved them to the mountains far away from everyone. And with the ever lasting elixir he'd been able to keep the pair young for decades.

Cassandra returned to London to find everyone she'd ever known was long gone. Her first husband, the love of her life had since died. For when Gulliver sent him away instead of wiping his memory like he claimed he instead was tortured with the memory of his lost love and forced to walk until could couldn't keep going. The man died searching for his Cassandra and he never found her.

Devastated by this Cassandra vowed to never love again. She made a home for herself secluded from society and she began to write stories. Stories of what she wanted her life to be like, stories that could help others escape reality.

However Cassandra was miserable. She wished she had been able to see, been able to stop Gulliver before he'd ruined her life.

Then one day she was visited by none other than Odin himself. He gave her the power of sight. He made her a powerful seerer and with this power she was able to write prophecies.  She could see the future long before it happened. She could help others avoid the life she had lived.


Athena who years later resented what her father had done to her mother, became a Valkyrie. She swore to protect her and everyone else in the 9 realms. She became an unstoppable warrior.

Winning victory after victory for Asgard. Attending celebration after celebration.

However during one celebration Athena met an Asgardian man who captured her attention. That night she became pregnant with a child.

A baby she would later name Eir. Eir much like her grandmother had the power of sight. She had dreams about people she'd never met. She could see their whole lives being lives as if she'd been right next to them for it all.

Eir was raised in the palace and given the finest education available while her mother fought war after war.

There was however a deal that had been made once she turned 11 she'd go to Midgard and attend Hogwarts. Cassandra insisted she know the other magic she had.

While at Hogwarts Eir had been sorted into Ravenclaw like her Grandmother. She'd also become close friends with Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Aurora Sinistra, and Pandora LeStrange.

However when Odin found out about her prophetic dreams he appointed her to be the royal book keeper.

While the girl knew the princes she always had a soft spot for the younger one. She knew who he'd become, and even though she couldn't tell him she knew they'd fall in love. Years later they did just that.

And that is where this story begins...

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