Long Way Home


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**REWRITING** "Long Way Home is about those drives, about you." He whispered, smiling softly to push through... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 7

198 8 38

August 2017

It wasn't too long before Devin had texted Spencer that he was there, and she was ready to drop everything, say goodbye and meet him outside. But he was already walking in, scanning the crowd for his girlfriend before she had the chance.

"Devin's here, Spence." Natalia nudged her, pointing at the tall brunette walking over with a small smile on his face. She gave him a look none of the others seemed to see before bringing her drink to her lips and finishing it right then.

The girl's boyfriend chuckled, smiling at her before looking back at Natalia. "Being a bad influence tonight, Nat?" He was quick to slip his arm around Spencer's waste, kissing her head after a moment. "Care to introduce me to your friends, love?

"Oh, sorry." Spencer laughed nervously, looking at him then to the boys. "This is Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum. We went to school together." She pointed to each of the guys then to Devin. "And this is Devin, my boyfriend."

"Luke?" He furrowed his brows, staring at him for a few moments before meeting his girlfriend's eyes. "The ex-boyfriend?"

"Nice to meet you, Devin." Calum held his hand out to the boy, but he ignored him, staring at Spencer and waiting for her answer. Natalia bit at her lip, thinking silently until she stepped forward and placed a hand on the brunette's arm.

Smiling softly up at him when he turned his head to her, she spoke up quietly. "Devin,, why don't we just have a drink before you guys know. I'm sure you and the guys would like to get to know each other a little."

The blonde's boyfriend hesitated, staring at her best friend before he sighed and stood up a little straighter. "One drink, then we're leaving."

"C'mon, let's go get you one and Spencer can say bye to the guys." Nodding towards the bar, the two walked in that direction and disappeared behind the sea of people. The blonde knew that once her boyfriend was back, she wasn't going to get much of a chance to say goodbye like she'd like to, so she took her opportunity.

Hugging Luke first, not to risk Devin seeing, she squeezed him tight and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry I have to go, but-" She paused, moving to hug Michael next, who happily wrapped his arms around the girl that was always like a little sister to him. "It was so so so nice to see you guys again." Moving down the line once again, Ashton pulled her close before she even went to move closer to him.

"We'll plan to hang out again, Spence. Don't worry." The oldest chuckled against her head. "You're not getting rid of us that easily."

"C'mere, short stack." Calum beamed, holding his arms open before the girl pushed herself into his chest, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'll get your number from Nat to make sure you know when she gets home."

"Thank you." She whispered, staying there for a moment longer before pulling away. "Seeing you guys again was like a dream come true, please take care of Nat tonight."

The four of them nodded, giving small smiles just as Devin and Natalia made their way back over. "Ready to go, babe?"

"Oh, uh-" Spencer glanced at the five of them. "Yeah." Nodding as she moved to hug Natalia, Devin looked over the girl's old friends once more, stopping on Ashton for a moment as he slowly came to the realization that they had gone to the same school. "I'll see you later, Nat."

Almost instantly slipping his arm around the blonde when she pulled away from her friend, he gave her a little pull towards him. "Nice meeting you guys, maybe we'll see you around." Devin nodded before turning the two of them around and heading for the exit. As soon as the two were outside, he moved away from her. "You're hanging out with your ex-boyfriend behind my back now?"

"Nothing happened, Dev. We were just hanging out as a group, catching up." Spencer tried arguing, furrowing her brows and shaking her head.

"You decided to leave out the key information that you were hanging out with your ex-boyfriend? Really?" He forced a laugh, shaking his head in response to her. "But not even just that, four guys. You were with four guys and didn't tell me."

The boy took a hold of her wrist instead, much tighter than he ever had in the past, pulling her along with him. "Dev, stop. That hurts."

"Well it hurts me finding out my girlfriend is a fucking slut." he didn't give her the opportunity to answer before speaking up again, approaching the car. "We're stopping at your place, packing a bag, then you're coming home with me. You're moving in with me."

The blonde moved against the car when he took a step towards her, trapping herself between them. "I swear, nothing happened. We were just hanging out and it just so happens one of them is my-"

The sting delivered to her cheek was familiar, but it hurt all the same. Shocking her, hurting her, and just as Devin wanted, shutting her up. "If you ever go behind my back again, it won't end like this again, Spencer." He took a moment ro grimace and look her up and down. "You're my girlfriend, yeah?"

"Y-yeah." She forced out a whisper, nodding almost frantically.

He just chuckled before stepping away, hearing footsteps behind him, and a voice calling out a moment later. "Hey Spence! Spencer!" The two glanced over Devin's shoulder to see Calum jogging over to them, smiling and waving lightly.

"What the fuck does this guy want?" Devin mumbled under his breath before turning to face him.

Spencer gave Calum a weak smile despite the thoughts running through her mind as he came to a stop in front of the two of them. "Hey, uh you forgot your wallet." He held it out to her, studying her face. "Just wanted to make sure you got it back."

"Oh, thanks man." Nodding, the girls boyfriend took the wallet and handed it to her in what Calum would call an aggressive way.

The tanned boy tried to meet Spencer's eyes, but she avoided it at all cost. "You good, Spence? You seem a little shaken up."

"She's just tired, a little too much to drink." Devin answered for the girl, but when she finally met Calum's gaze, he was still staring. "We should probably get going."

"Spence?" Cal raised his eyebrows and she offered him a small, weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She whispered, so quiet she wasn't sure the boy heard her. "Like Dev said, m'just tired."

"Get in the car, babe." Devin mumbled, opening the passenger door and waiting for his girlfriend to climb in. As she did, her old school friend took a step towards them and caused her boyfriend to turn around quickly while closing the door. "Thanks again for her wallet, see ya around."

The blonde didn't expect Calum to stay in his spot while Devin walked around the car, let alone mouth something to her. "Are you okay?"

With a slight panic in her eyes, she shook her head as the driver door started opening. She wasn't okay, she knew her relationship with Devin had been failing. Fighting all the time, him accusing her of things she'd never even think of doing, and the cherry on top that night. He hit her. It hadn't been the first time, and she knew it wouldn't be the last if she didn't find a way to end things with him soon. Preferably that night.

Calum panicked himself at her response, nodding rapidly before jogging back to the club. Meanwhile Devin was pulling from his parking space all too quick, causing the girl to rush to put on her seatbelt.

"So what're you doing when we get to your place?" He asked, glancing over at her.

The girl met his eyes for a brief moment before he looked back at the road. "Packing a bag."

"I'll get the rest of your shit later this week." He mumbled, speeding up and clenching his jaw. "Your fucking ex boyfr- did you cheat on me?"

"No, no of course n-"

"-Don't fucking lie to me, Spencer." He cut her off, taking a turn much faster than he should have, making the girl dig her feet into the floor of his car.

The girl shook her head again, picking at her fingers in her lap. "I'm not lying, all I did was have a few drinks and talk to them."

"I'm done with all the lies. Do it again and you'll regret it."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you who exactly I was with." She whispered, closing her eyes and begging the tears not to overflow. She felt like she was seventeen again, living at home, speaking to her father. It was overwhelming.

"Fucking ex-boyfriend." He mumbled. "How would you feel if I was at the club with my ex-girlfriend? Huh?"

She hesitated, glancing at him before speaking up again. "I wouldn't like it."

It was silent the rest of the drive back to the girls shared place, the blonde far too scared to say anything that would upset Devin. Whipping into a parking spot, Devin climbed out and waited for his girlfriend to do the same, unlocking the door and pushing the girl through. "Go pack a fucking bag."

He was pulling a beer from the fridge before she even made it to her room. Spencer could feel her hands shaking, but she persevered, almost ignoring her phone vibrating in her back pocket. But she was far too curious as to who was calling her so late, surprised to find her best friend's name on the screen.

"Hurry the fuck up, Spencer." Devin called from the living room just as she answered the facetime.

"Hey Nat what's u- Calum?" She whispered, setting the phone on the bed as she continued shoving clothes into her duffel bag. "I can't really talk right now."

"Where are you?" He asked, worry laced into every word. "We're coming to get you."

The girl instantly started stuttering over her words, worried Devin would walk in at any moment. "I-I'm at home, but we're going to his place in a bit."

"Don't leave with him, Spence. We'll be there soon." The boy whispered back, looking from his phone to the road multiple times. It looked as if he were driving Natalia's car from what Spencer could see. She was probably telling him where to go.

"Who could you possibly be talking to?" The girl's boyfriend groaned, pushing himself up from the couch and making his way towards the girl's room, giving her just enough time to attempt to end the call, and toss a t-shirt over her phone.

"Just myself, kinda mentally checking off things as I pack them." She lied, knowing that lying to Devin was a dangerous game. He could read her like a book, though that was partially her own fault, opening up to him so early in their relationship allowed him to know her all too well.

The blonde walked over to the bedside table and pulled her charger from the wall, her heart dropping when she turned around and saw her boyfriend with her phone in his hand, the facetime still connected.

"More lies? You're fucking kidding me." He laughed, shaking his head. Spencer saw the debate going on behind his eyes before he threw the phone against the wall. She could only assume it was broken. "All I want from you is that you're a loyal fucking girlfriend."

"I'm not doing anything wrong." The tears were quick to escape, shaking her head. "They were just updating me that they were-"

Her cheek stung more that time, stumbling back as she brought her own hand to her cheek. She started backing away from her boyfriend until her back hit the wall. "Please..." she cried.

"You're asking for this, Spencer." Continuing to step towards her, chuckling quietly when she couldn't move away anymore, he leaned in close to her face. Then he took it even farther, gripping her jaw all too tight and forcing her to meet his eyes when she tried to look away. "Finish packing, now."

The blonde was frozen in place when he finally let go and retreated back to the living room, but eventually forced herself back over to her bed and continued shoving things into her bag. Calum said they were close, she just had to hope they were close enough. "Fuck." The tears hadn't stopped no matter how hard she tried, grabbing various things from her dresser and closet. She didn't understand how she let this happen to her.

When she made her way to the living room, she found Devin waiting on the couch, beer still in hand, just scrolling through his phone. "Jesus, took ya long enough."

"I-I'm sorry." The girl whispered, shaking her head. "I'm ready now."

But just as the boy stood so the two of them could leave, the door was pushed open, Calum leading the way with the other four right behind him. "You need to leave." The tanned boy simply said, meeting the boyfriend's eyes before even glancing at Spencer.

But Ashton's eyes found her immediately. He took in the tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes, focusing on the bruise on her cheek faster than anyone else. He'd seen her like that in the past, and didn't think he'd ever have to experience the hurt he felt for the girl like that again.

"Let's go, babe." Devin barely glanced at her, nodding his head towards the door before Calum stepped in front of him.

"Just you." He chuckled, shaking his head. "She's staying with us."

"She can make her own decisions." Devin was quick to roll his eyes, looking over at the blonde. "Let's go." Everyone went silent for a moment, watching Spencer and waiting to see what she would do. They could all tell she didn't want to go, her eyes flicking to each and every one of them before landing on Devin again. She was scared. "I said, let's go."

The moment Devin stepped towards the blonde a punch was thrown at him. Spencer wasn't exactly sure if it was Luke or Ashton, but she had her suspicions as she watched the three of them go at it.

"Guys stop." She choked out, shaking her head quickly before taking a step forward. Spencer wasn't drunk in any way, but she wasn't thinking straight. The mere thought that she could break the three boys up in front of her fighting had to be one of the stupidest ideas she had ever had. The elbow to her nose being her first reminder.

"Fuck." She whined, quickly bringing her hands to her nose after dropping the duffel. Within seconds Calum was grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the fight as she watched over her shoulder.

"Spence, where's the bath-" Calum stopped himself when he saw the room just down the hall from the bedroom, continuing to take her there. After closing the door behind them and getting her to the sink to clean up the blood from her nose, he stared at her in shock. "Why would you do that?"

"I don't know, I don't-" she took a deep breath, leaning over the sink to let her nose bleed freely for a moment while she reached for a washcloth. "I'm fine."

Suddenly Natalia was slipping into the small bathroom with them and staring at her best friend with shock written all over her face. "Are you stupid? You could have broken your nose or something."

The blonde didn't answer, still leaned over the sink with the washcloth pressed to her nose. She glanced in the mirror, finding both friends' eyes set on her and not moving a centimeter. Calum had a certain look in his eyes. "Whatever you want to say Cal, just say it."

"Does he hit you?" He whispered, barely making a sound at all as she met his eyes in the mirror for a fraction of a second. But she was staring down at the blood covered sink immediately following and staying quiet. "Spence?"

"I need to get cleaned up, Devin probably wants to leave right this moment." She mumbled to herself, wetting the washcloth she was using. Calum let her start to clean up, focusing on her red cheek, waiting for her to mostly be done.

He took a small breath and gently grabbed her arm, making her face him. He hesitated, bringing his hand to cup her cheek, his thumb ever so lightly brushing over the bruise that had been forming. "M'gonna fucking kill him." slipped past his lips just as Ashton slipped into the bathroom, painted in blood as well.

Natalia forced herself to look away from her best friend and at Ashton instead, meeting his eyes and silently saying something that no one else would understand. Without a word, she left the small room and let the door click closed behind her.

"Spence, talk to me." The tanned boy hadn't even realized Ashton was there instead of his ex-girlfriend, his eyes set on Spencer and every ounce of focus was on her. "I just- I want to be here for you."

"It's not often." The girl choked out, trying to avoid a sob.

"But he does?" Calum raised his eyebrows, the girl finally met his eyes after shaking her head.

"No, I mean-" She sucked in a quick breath. "I deserve-"

"You don't deserve any of the bullshit you've been through, especially not this." The oldest of the friend group finally spoke up, his hand finding the small of her back and pulling her gaze away from Calum. "Never say that again."

The blonde stayed quiet, unsure how to speak about what had been happening between her and her boyfriend without blaming herself. It was stressing her out all over again, having to slow her breathing and close her eyes.

"Just..." Ashton sighed, glancing at Calum before speaking up again. "Just focus on me, yeah? Like when you used to call me. Is it as extreme as Paul?"

Spencer slowly shifted her gaze to meet Ashton's, a few tears pushing past her defenses. Leaving Calum to wonder who Paul was, not putting it together that it was Spencer's very own father. "It's not like that at all."

"But he has laid his hands on you?" He asked again gently, tilting his head slightly in the process.

She wasn't sure how to answer him. Was she supposed to just come out and say it? She's never been able to do that, knowing it would come back to her and it wouldn't end well. But the guys were here, they were older and smarter than before. Maybe they could help her.

"A few times, yeah." Spencer finally admitted, looking at the ground between the three of them. "We fight, we scream, we yell... but it's only been a few times that he's actually-" The girl took another short breath. "That he actually hurt me purposely."

Calum took control, pulling the girl to him, resting his chin on her head as he rubbed her back. "It's okay, we're here now. He can't hurt you anymore, Spence."

Meanwhile, Natalia was trying to reason with Devin in the front room, but it was more similarly arguing with him about leaving the key the blonde had given him. "I don't have a key, I don't know what you're talking about." He raised his hands up in defense, shaking his head. "Ask her, she'll tell you she never gave me a key."

"We're not idiots." Luke mumbled, rolling his eyes from the kitchen sink, holding a wet washcloth to his lip. "Just hand over the key and leave."

Michael pushed himself up from the wall he was leaning against, eyeing the boy down. "And better yet, never come back around Spence or Nat ever again."

"I need to talk to, Spence-"

"You're delusional if you think we're gonna let you near her." Luke put the washcloth down, ready to fight the guy again in an instant. "Leave."

Devin looked around at the three of them, locking eyes with Natalia for a moment before she sighed and shook her head. "I need to talk to him alone." She paused. "C'mon."

"Nat, are you sure that's a goo-" Michael started but she interrupted him.

"I'll be fine." She started towards her room and looked back at Devin following behind her with a small smirk the boys couldn't see. As she pulled open the door and had him walk in before her, closing the door right behind herself. He instantly sat on her bed, leaning back on his hands and staring up at her.

"So, we really here to talk, or do you still love seeing me all beat up like you used to?" The smug look on his face had the brunette trying not to laugh as she rolled her eyes. "Having a hard time resisting, are we?"

"You're... ridiculous." She whispered, slowly making her way to stand in front of him before he gripped her thighs and pulled her to straddle his lap. "But I am gonna need that key, babe."

He chuckled, laying back all the way with his hands firmly on her hips still. "Show me how bad you want it and promise me that I'll still see you."

Leaning down and meeting his lips softly, her hands toyed with the buttons on his shirt to tease him. "I promise, but it's gonna be a few days. I'm sure the guys are gonna be keeping a close eye on Spence and I." She kissed him again, sitting up and staring down at him. "You didn't have to go as far as you did."

"She deserved it." He confirmed with the girl on top of him, squeezing at her hips. "And all I did was slap her, it's not like I've been hitting her on the daily."

Natalia hesitated, thinking about the girl she's called her best friend all her life. "I need to get back out there and pretend I hate you." She mumbled after a moment, kissing him one last time before climbing off his lap.

Meanwhile, back in the bathroom, Calum and Ashton were both watching the blonde with a worried expression, a million things running through their mind. "Did you pack enough for a few nights?" The younger of the two finally asked out loud.

"Uhm, probably?" She shook her head. "I don't know I was just trying to shove as much as I could as fast as I could and then Devin walked in when we were on the phone and he-"

"Spence. Take a deep breath." Calum whispered, nodding lightly. "It'll be okay. You guys are gonna stay at my place for a few days, I'm not leaving you here." He hesitated for a moment before kissing her forehead. "Finish cleaning up, you're both covered in blood."

Spencer sniffled, nodding at the dark haired boy as he left the bathroom. She knew she could trust them to keep her safe. Ashton took a step back and looked between the two of them, really taking in how much blood both of them were wearing. Silently, the two of them started cleaning up, washing their hands, wiping their faces, and ignoring their shirts.

As Spencer finished taking the washcloth to her nose and chest, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Red eyes, tear stained cheeks, messy hair, and a blood stained shirt to tie it all together. Not to mention the bruise on her cheek. Ashton didn't look much better, though most of the blood was a mix of his, Luke's, and Devin's.

"I feel terrible." He mumbled as she took a seat on the toilet lid. "I think I was the one that got you in the nose. I'm so sorry, Spence."

With furrowed brows, she shook her head before he had even finished speaking. "No, Ash." The girl paused, staring up at him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was dumb of me to think I'd ever be able to break the three of you up. Plus you were kinda defending me, so..."

"I didn't do it enough growing up-"

"I'm serious, don't." The girl was on her feet in an instant. "That wasn't your fight, and neither was this one, but thank you."

He sighed, looking at the ground before looking back at her. "I should have said goodbye and been there for you when we left. I should have stayed in contact."

"I promise you, it's okay." Spencer offered a soft smile, meeting his eyes and losing herself for a moment. "It already happened and we can't change that, but you're here now. We're talking again and I'm not mad at you for some stupid reason anymore."

"It wasn't stupid." He whispered, furrowing his brows. "I was stupid, the way I acted and what I said. I don't think I've ever done something so stupid." He took a deep breath, looking at the ground. "I hope I didn't ruin your memories of us."

"I'll forever love our memories, Ash. No matter what you say or do."

"I'm glad." He smiled just before there was a knock at the door, bringing them back to the shitty reality that was life at the moment.

"Spence? You can come out.. He's gone." Calum spoke from the other side, the blonde taking a small breath and resting her hand on the doorknob.




The original write of this chapter was the main reason I decided to rewrite this entire book, so I hope this chapter is a little better for you to read. I personally think it's a lot better than it was before, and can't wait to keep fixing chapters like this one!

lots of love xx

<3 chels

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