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By evermoreobrien

152K 5.5K 611

Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved. (Smallville: Seasons 1-5) (Gotham: Seasons 1-2) Achievements #493... More

001. welcome to smallville
002. metamorphosis
003. hot head
004. x-ray
005. cool
006. cassandra carver
007. craving
008. level 3
009. rogue
010. shimmer
011. hug
012. leech
013. kinetic
014. club zero
015. nicodemus
016. stray
017. reaper
018. brianna brady: the woman of tomorrow
019. crush
020. obscura
021. drops of jupiter
022. chaos after the storm
023. pheromones
024. the spaceship
025. red kryptonite
026. byron moore
027. the fountain of youth
028. lineage
029. ryan
030. double trouble
031. skinwalker
032. visage
033. compromise
034. framed
035. parasite
036. lucas luthor
037. fever
038. family tree
039. magic
040. precipice
041. out of the park
042. emily dinsmore
043. to helen and lex
044. exodus
045. atlantis
046. phoenix
047. freak
048. slumber
049. perry white
050. drifter
051. magnetic
052. driving mister crazy
053. how to get away with murder: lionel luthor style
054. sense
055. brainwave
056. premonitions
057. pete vs. dante
058. obsession
059. time of death
060. crisis
061. legacy
062. truth gas
063. memoria
064. false prophet
065. forsaken
066. lois lane
067. chloe's (somewhat qualified) rescue team
068. facade
069. tracey lambert
070. bruce wayne
072. cat
073. jinx
074. the balloonman
075. arkham
076. luthor sex scandal expands!
077. viper
078. scare
079. pariah
080. recruit
081. the mask
082. harvey dent
083. krypto
084. shenanigans in shanghai
085. lucy lane
086. the electrocutioner
087. undercover narco investigation
088. the real lex luthor
089. the fearsome dr. crane
090. the scarecrow
091. jerome valeska
092. ageless
093. everyone has a cobblepot
094. long day
095. under the knife
096. the anvil or the hammer
097. commencement
098. fortress of solitude
099. serum
100. a true calling
101. the maniax
102. the last laugh
103. arthur curry
104. strike force
105. kryptonian disease
106. lexmas
107. reckoning
108. the angel of vengeance
109. eduardo flamingo
110. malone
111. sacrilege
112. smallville serial killer commits suicide
113. hypnotic
114. mister cupcake
115. maddie
116. prison break
117. into the woods
118. oracle
119. pinewood
120. azrael
121. unleashed
122. failed takeover
123. strange
124. vessel

071. transference

878 40 4
By evermoreobrien


Pain: Jimmy Eat World

"31! 42!" Clark shouts and I snicker as one of the cows moo at him.

"Hut!" I start running away from the line of cows and toward the fence in the other direction.

Clark fakes to the left, then turns around to face the cows again, clutching the ball in his right hand and then chucks it to me. I run up and grab the ball before Clark jogs my way. When he gets close enough, I fall onto the ground. I land on my back and I fake groan before he gets in between my legs. The cows moo more loudly and I scoff.

"And the Crows take the state championship!" Clark shouts and we laugh. "Nice catch."

"Nice throw." I faintly grin before my eyes shift to the sky.

"You okay?"

"Bastards." Ivy's voice goes through my head.

"Hey." Clark says and I snap out of it. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I question.

"You were somewhere else before."

"That's impossible, Kent. I'm right here."

"I didn't mean physically."

"I'm fine, Kent."

"There's a difference between saying you're fine and being fine."

"Looks like I taught you well in Psych 101. You want a cookie?"

"So you admit it. You're not fine."

"I never said it."

"Didn't deny it either."

"Yes, I did. By saying I'm fine because I am."

"You could be an actor, you know that?" Clark nods and I push him hard on the ground before sitting on his stomach. "Ow." He groans.

"I'm fine." I raise my eyebrows. "How could I not be? We won the championship." I hold up the football before I hear clapping.

"I knew you were talented. I didn't know you could see the future." Coach Teague walks over with Jonathan.

"It's in the Brady genes." I help Clark up.

"I heard about that case you were called in on. I called Doctor Reid. I'm sorry about Abbey."

"Me too." I thickly swallow.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Um, we were just practicing."

"That's good. It's good to visualize game-winning plays, especially when the coach from Metropolis University is coming to the game on Friday night to check out the new star quarterbacks." Coach Teague tells us.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I don't kid about football."

"That's great. I'm—" Clark grabs his head in pain.

"You okay?" Coach Teague asks.

"Kent." I drop the football and grab his shoulders.

"Coach, we'll take care of him. Thanks for stopping by. That's great news." Jonathan nods. "Clark!" He rushes over. "Brianna, can you get him some water?" He gives me a knowing look.

"Yeah." I turn and start rushing away. I stop once I'm far enough and I hear a whoosh. I crane my neck to see that Clark is now gone. "I can follow his trail, Jon!" I start running.


"Lex!" I rush in to see Lionel holding a knife. "Lex!" I help Clark tip the table over.

Lex falls to the floor. Clark then grabs Lionel by the shirt and pulls him out of his seat, holding him tightly by the lapels. I see the stone in Lionel's hand and the symbol gives off a golden glow as he touches the back of Clark's hand with the stone. Shimmering energy then swirls around Clark and Lionel as they remain in that position, unable to move.

I see a white energy fly up from Clark's body as a green energy flies up from Lionel's body. The energies switch places and the green enters Clark as the white enters Lionel. For a split second, I see both of their faces change. Clark's face ages and Lionel's face becomes younger. But just as quickly, their faces go back to normal and they are blown apart. The swirling energy then disappears.

"The hell?" I whisper to myself before crouching down to Lex.

"Brianna, Clark?" Lex looks at me.

"What..." Lionel looks at the stone in his hand and then at Clark. "What are you doing? What are you doing? Wait!" He shouts as two guards grab him and lead him away. "Let me go. Let go of me! Lex! Lex! Brianna! Brianna! Brianna, help!"

"C'mon!" A guard orders.

"Let go of me! Brianna! Brianna!" He hollers before two guards grab me and Clark.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Lex questions.

"Your father, he...he wanted to see us." Clark says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Did he ask you to tackle me to the floor while you're at it?"

"He had something sharp, Lex...a knife."

"Let them go." He stands up and the guards let go of me and Clark.

"Let's get out of here. Now." Clark leads me with him and we exit with Lex.

We keep walking until I stop with wide eyes. Lionel would never yell my name like that. I crane my neck to see Clark staring at himself. I then turn back and continue walking. The energies. They switched. Clark and Lionel switched bodies. Fuck. Okay, don't worry, Kent, I'll figure this out.


"Clark, you don't seem like your usual self. You barely said a word the entire ride home." Lex says as we pull up in front of Clark's house.

"Sorry." Clark replies. "Being in that prison...I guess it upset me."

"Yeah, well, it isn't exactly the happiest place on Earth."

"No, it isn't, Lex. Do you ever feel guilty? Sending your father to prison, I mean."

"Why would I? The man murdered his parents. I did society a favor."

"And that blood relationship, it doesn't mean anything to you?"

"Clark, since when did you become president of my father's fan club?"

"You're right. Of course." Clark gets out of the car with a faint smile and leans over next to the window to look at Lex. "He's only your father. Why should you feel anything? See you at school, Brianna." He tells me before walking away.

"You know him better than I do. He seem off to you?" Lex asks.

"Probably hit his head too many times on the field." I speak up and he nods.

"I'll take you home."

"Thanks, Lex, but I'm gonna check on him for a while." I head out of the car.

"Call when you get home safe?"

"Yeah. Thanks. Bye." I wave before heading up the stairs. "Kent?" I knock on the door before entering the house.

"Miss Brady." Clark jokes as he steps out of the kitchen.

"Brianna, hi." Martha steps out with Jonathan.

"Hi, Martha. Hey, Jon." I grin.

"Hey." Jonathan rubs my shoulder before heading out with Martha.

"Is something wrong?" Clark asks and I see that his flannel is undone, revealing his toned body.

"Your buttons are lonely." I point at him before I walk over and button his shirt.

"Had a little hot flash."

"This is Kansas." I nod.

"Yes, it is." He chuckles. "Thank you." He tells me as I do his last button.

"Anytime." I force a grin. "You feeling okay? Did you slam your head on the ground too hard?" I gently hit the side of his head with my knuckles.

"I can assure you, Brianna, that my head is fully intact." He scoffs.

"Could've fooled me." I cross my arms. "Huh." I study him.


"I'm just thinking what would happen if Lionel got out of of prison, I mean, if he could do that his parents, just imagine what he could do to Lex."

"I'm sure Lionel would never hurt his son."

"Please, watching Lex squirm is his own form of torture."

"You don't really know him, Brianna." Clark's face hardens.

"And you do?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I know Lex longer."

"Yeah, Lex. Not Lionel." I turn and start to walk.

"You know, Brianna, I'm concerned about your well-being." Clark tells me and I grin to myself.

"Oh, yeah? Why's that?" I turn back around to face him.

"If Lionel Luthor managed somehow to get out of prison, what do you suppose he'd do?"

"Wouldn't you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you know Lex longer. You've had more altercations with his father than I have. Your answer is as good as mine." I shrug. "And why do you ask? Has the Lionel Luthor alert suddenly been elevated to orange? Do you know something I don't?" I cross my arms.

"No. But it always pays to be cautious."

"Good thing I always am." I quirk up. "Besides, he won't be eligible for parole until he's, like, a hundred and twelve, so..."

"You never know. He could get out sooner than you think." Clark walks over before looking down intensely at me.

"Yep, I was right." I nod.

"About what?"

"You definitely hit your head out there when we were practicing."

"Practicing?" He slips up.

"Wow, guess that tackle I gave you really must've messed you up. You're already getting memory loss."

"Yeah. Must be." He rubs his head.

"I think maybe our quarterback has been sacked one too many times." I nod.

"Maybe." He nods back.

"So, you wanna continue this staring contest, cause it's getting a little weird now."

"I do feel as though I'm looking through a different pair of eyes. I certainly see you in a whole new light."

"A TBI will make you see a lot of things." I nod and he chuckles. "But what exactly is that supposed to mean?

"I have to confess that I...I find you absolutely fascinating."

"About time." I raise my eyebrows and I see his face shift as I head into the kitchen. I clench my jaw and open the freezer. I grab an icepack from it and I tear off a paper towel. Some water drips down and I use the bottom of my shirt to wipe it off my hand.

"That scar." Clark walks over to me and I follow his gaze to the scar on my stomach from Andy.

"Yeah, Andy didn't hold back that night. But then again, neither did I. Hope he broke his nose again." I let go of my shirt.

"This Andy boy attacked you?"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one trying to block it out. Put some ice on that bump, Kent." I hand him the ice pack. "I'll see you later." I grin before leaving.

Too easy.


"Kent." I enter his cell.

"You know?" Lionel gapes.

"Like you said, I know you better than anyone." I sit across from him. "And I saw the switch after we pulled Lex away." I nod and he gazes at me. "I'd grin back if I wasn't looking at someone at hate."

"Right." He sighs.

"But, luckily, I care about what's on the inside, not the outside." I add and he grins before the cell door opens, revealing a man with glasses.

"Oh. You must be Lex." The man heads over.

"Lex? No, I'm not Lex. I'm Clark Kent." Lionel tells him.

"Oh, Houston, we have a problem. That stone was meant for Lex. Oh..." He walks over to the bunk bed nervously and puts the books down on the top bunk.

"Where did Lionel get this?" He looks at the stone.

"Um...uh...I-I-I don't know."

"Please. You have to tell me."

"Spit it out." I get up. "Now." I pull up my shirt to reveal the gun in the front of my sweatpants.

The man looks in the direction of the cell door, then tries to move to the wall covered with pictures. Lionel looks around to see if anyone is watching as Edgar lifts one of the pictures revealing a hidden hole in the wall. He then pulls out a small statue.

"It came from this Mayan rain god statue. One of this teams found it in an underwater ruin off the coast of Honduras." The man explains.

"How did he know to search there?" Lionel questions.

"Oh, he's scouring the globe. Yeah." He puts the statue back in the wall. "These ancient symbols, they've, uh, shown up in Egypt, Central America, even a, uh, sacred Indian cave right here in Kansas."

"These symbols, they look like they mean something."

"Well, you'd better believe it." He chuckles. "The, uh, the mark on your stone right there, that, uh, that means water. That's the element of, you know, transformation...you know."

"How do you know that?" I question.

"Oh, you know, I've always kind of had a thing for pattern recognition. You know, codes and ciphers, that sort of thing." He points to two other pictures. "Uh, that one means fire, and the one up there, that's air. Take the three and put them together." He holds his fingers in the shape of a triangle. "Mayan legend says it leads you to a trove of knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. I didn't believe any of this myself until fifty eight minutes and fourteen seconds ago when a myth about body jumping suddenly became, uh...real." He taps Lionel on the chest and giggles. "Well, here you are. It's hard to argue with it now. Stranger things have happened."

"What did you do to end up in here?" Lionel wonders.

"If you ask the D.A., I embezzled fourteen million dollars from the Princeton University pension fund."

"Princeton?" I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Yep." The man nods.

"Did you do it?"

"I'm a mathematician, you know. I'm looking for patterns in the Dead Sea scrolls. No, money doesn't really mean a lot to me." He walks to the bunk bed and I share a look with Lionel. "You know what happened? I was framed."

"And you just happened to end up in this prison, in Lionel Luthor's cell?" I cross my arms.

"Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty lucky, huh?" He walks back and forth between the wall and the bed. "All I have to do is get my hands on a couple of these symbols and, um, he set me up with his lawyers. They're still trying to get me out of here. I just hope he lasts long enough."

"What do you mean?"

"He's dying. Yeah, that's...yeah, he's dying." The man turns his attention to the pictures on the wall and Lionel looks at himself in the mirror. "Mathematically speaking, it's, uh, it's happening."

"If he's dying, then...that means...I'm gonna die." Lionel touches the mirror.

"No. Hey." I grip his shoulder. "I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna figure this out, Kent. You're not going before me. You're not."


"You warm enough?" Lionel asks as I lean against the gate, watching him and the other prisoners.

"I'm fine, Kent." I nod. "Don't worry about me."

"Edgar. I've gotta make a call. How do I do that?"

"Well, once a week, you get a turn unless you know how to work the system, which of course I do." Edgar tells me.

"Edgar." Lionel warns.


"Please. I need you to help me."

"What's in it for me?"

"I don't shoot you." I retort.

"Silly child. You won't." Edgar chuckles and I send him a death glare, making his smile drop.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." I rasp out.

"Look, I can get you out of here." Lionel says.

"C'mon, if the real Lionel Luthor can't do it, what are you going to do? I mean, you have no money. You have no power." Edgar inquires.

"I have a lot more power than you think." He mutters to himself.

I turn my head to see another prisoner enter the commons area. He is a large man with long dark hair, a goatee, and tattoos on both arms. His orange jumpsuit is pulled down to his waist and he is wearing a white tank top. He has one blue eye and one brown eye.

"Time to play Who Wants to Beat a Billionaire?" The man says aloud.

A rumble of excitement is heard among the other prisoners. Edgar looks at Lionel with fear, then runs away as the large prisoner walks toward Lionel. Several other prisoners form a circle around Lionel as the large man walks toward him.

"You got my five large?"

"What?" Lionel looks around for a guard and sees that the only one present is leaving on the elevator. "What are you talking about?"

"That senile act isn't gonna work, Trump. Payment's past due." The man tells him.

"Things have changed. I don't have any money. You have to—"

The man swings a punch at Lionel's face. Lionel ducks, dodging it, and then swings at the man's face. The man grabs Lionel's fist and squeezes it tightly, pushing him to the ground. Lionel grimaces with pain.

"Don't play me, Trump. I'm doing three life terms for murder. What's one more?" The man questions and I grip my gun that's in the hoodie of my pocket.

"Brianna, don't." Lionel tells me.

The man punches Lionel in the face, sending him to the floor. He kicks Lionel in the back and several of the other prisoners shout with excitement.

"You got till tomorrow." The man smiles and walks away as the circle of prisoners begins to disband.

"Kent, I gotta tell you parents." I clench my fists, stopping myself from jumping over the gate and getting him out of here.

"No. It'll make things worse. Brianna, please." Lionel begs. "Just stay out here with for a little while longer."

"Okay, Kent. Okay." I whisper.


"What do you think? I wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule, Mister Luthor." Clark leans down, resting his hands on the back of the chair across the table from Lionel as I sit at a table a few feet away, then sharing a nod with the guard. "I understand how time-consuming making license plates can be."

I crane my neck to see that Lionel has one hand on top of the table and the other in his lap beneath the table. The stone. Nice going, Kent.

"You're not gonna touch me with that rock in your hand. You won't get near me, not with my...speed."

"You're never gonna get away with this." Lionel inquires.

"Oh, but I am." Clark sits down. "With my mind and your body, the sky's the limit, Clark."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, it's becoming clear to me why you're so secretive. You understand that true power..." He holds a hand to his chest. "Is better left concealed."

"No matter how hard you try, you'll never be me. My parents, my friends, they'll see right through you."

"I'm not so sure. They haven't so far, have they? Like, um, Brianna?" Clark questions. "Guess she doesn't know you as well as you thought she did."

"She knows me. And if you touch one hair on her head, I'll kill you." Lionel rasps out and Clark chuckles.

"I need you to do something for me." Clark pulls out a piece of paper and a small tape recorder. "Say the name Mehan and these numbers." He holds the tape recorder toward Lionel.


"Because if you don't, your good friend, Lex, will very shortly be dead. An unfortunate accident."

"But he's your son. Your only child."

"And I'm his only father, but that didn't stop him from putting me in prison and robbing me of everything I had. Now speak the words into this recorder, or you will be directly responsible for your friend's death."

I tighten my jaw before I get up. I fix my hood over my head before exiting the room. I have to get Martha or Jonathan here. But first, I wanna try something.


I stop outside the barn and I pull the rag from my back pocket. I unfold it to reveal the kryptonite ring I made in the shed earlier. Of course, I would never use this on Clark. Which is why I'm using it now. I grab the ring and slip it on my finger with closed eyes, hoping I won't glow it out.

I now open them and see that the rock is still a glowing green. My eyes widen in relief as I took Greg Arkin at his word about the lead. Lead makes Clark stronger and since I made the ring band out of it, it stops me from glowing out the meteor rock. I now make a fist and pull my hoodie sleeve down more to cover it. 

"Kent?" I enter the barn.

"Brianna." Clark walks down the stairs and I keep my fist still, not moving it in the slightest.

"I just wanted to check on you. See if your head is still swollen." I release my fist and bring my hand up, now turning his head.

"Mhm." He groans before hunching over.

"Woah, hey. Kent, are you okay? What's going on?" I grab him by his shoulders and I glance at the ring on my finger. "You look sick."

"N-Nothing. Just a little parched. I haven't had anything to drink all day." He pulls away.

"I'll get you some water." I make a fist and pull my sleeve down again.

"N-No, no. That's—That's alright. Very kind of you to check up on me."

"Just doing my community service." I shrug and he smirks.

"Now I've come to realize how Mateo could ever let you go."

"Easy, he couldn't handle me."

"No kidding." He chuckles. "You should be with someone who can. Who can play your games, at your level, know what you're thinking without even having to talk."

"That would be like dating myself and I don't know about you, but, that'd be very weird, wouldn't you think?"

"Brianna, you have to know, what I said earlier, I meant. More than anything." He walks closer to me.

"I'm sure you did. But I hate to break it to you yet again, Kent, but me and you don't really mix."

"I don't understand why you're so interested in all of these other locusts. Think a minute. Do you have any idea what I have to offer you?"

"I'm trying my hardest not to imagine that." I force a grimace, still playing along. "But, uh, okay, sure. I'll play." I release my fist and place my hand on his shoulder. "What does Clark Kent have to offer me? Hypothetically." I raise my eyebrows and he starts hunching over once again. "Hopefully a better immune system. Do I smell or something?"

"No, no. I just have a headache now. I'm going to go get that water." He steps away. "I'll call you later? We can continue this conversation."

"Sure." I punch his arm with the hand I'm wearing the ring on before turning and I hear him groan. "Count on it." I look at the ring in my finger before making a fist, then grinning.


"Step in, please. Five minutes." The guard tells me and Martha and we nod.

"I'm glad you came." Lionel says as we sit down.

"We're only here because you told me it involved the safety of my son." Martha replies.

"I know this is hard to believe, but I swear, it's the truth." He looks at me and I nod. "It's me, mom. It's Clark."

"You're sick, Lionel. You need help. Brianna, let's go." She gets up to leave.

"Martha." I grab her arm.

"Mom, you have to believe me." Lionel begs.

"We're leaving!" Martha pulls me up.

"Martha it's him!" I tell her.

"Mom, mom, no! Mom, remember that dream I had when I was six and I was playing tag with dad, and all of a sudden I started running faster than I'd ever run before, and I was in the middle of Palmer woods completely lost. And you and dad had to call Sheriff Ethan, and when you saw me, you started crying. And I thought something was wrong with me, and you said no, there wasn't. And then you held me in your arms and you told me I was just special. I'm your special boy, you said." Lionel blurts out all at once.

"Special boy." Martha and Lionel say.

"It's him." I whisper and Martha looks at me.

"Don't be mad at her, mom. She was the first one to figure it out. I told her not to let you or dad know because I didn't think he'd go this far." Lionel informs.

"I'll find him. Just stay here with your son." I tell Martha before exiting.


"Jon!" I burst into the Kent house to see Clark holding Jonathan by the neck. "Let him go!" I now raise my gun at Clark. "Let him go, Lionel."

"A little slow for the smart one, Brianna." Clark turns to me and I smirk.

"I knew the whole time, you prick." I raise a knowing eyebrow and his face shifts. "You think you were alone back there? Threatening to have your son killed?" I take out the tape recorder and press the button.

"And I'm his only father, but that didn't stop him from putting me in prison and robbing me of everything I had. Now speak the words into this recorder, or you will be directly responsible for your friend's death."

"Oh, no. You didn't think you could beat me, did you?" I rasp out. "Oh, you did." I whisper before laughing and I put the recorder in my pocket. "Let him go and I destroy the recording."

"Or what? You'll shoot me?"

"I already made you a promise." I cock my gun as I raise it.

"You won't." Clark laughs. "Cause if you do, then Clark will be dead. Unless...you know I won't be."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows, playing dumb.

"What makes me weak? The only time I ever felt sick was when I was around you. What makes me weak, Brianna?"

"Brianna...run." Jonathan chokes out.

"You're not gonna shoot me, Brianna. I may not be Clark on the inside, but I am on the outside." Clark smiles and we lock eyes. "You really care for him, don't you? It's adorable. Ah, young love. I remember those days." He grins. "I know you know, Brianna. I remember the asylum. I remember the caves. I remember everything. It all makes sense now. You acted like you had abilities to protect Clark. Didn't you? You've known this whole time." He inquires and I grin in the corner of my mouth before the house phone rings. "No, no, Martha can't help you now. Tell me what it is." He looks back at Jonathan.

"Hi, you've reached the Kents. Leave a message." Martha's voice ends before a beep is made.

"Hey, uh, does this thing work? Hello. I'm calling for someone named Clark." Edgar says through the speaker and Clark drops Jonathan to the floor before turning to the phone.

I drop the gun from my hand and release my fist, punching Clark across the face with the other. He grunts and falls to the floor with a bloody lip. I fist his shirt and punch him again.

"That's the difference between me and you Lionel—I know when to separate my emotions. You don't, no matter how hard you try to. And that's why you will always lose." I punch him again and he grunts. "Jon." I kneel down to him. 

"Uh, Houston, we have a problem. I've done some more reading and, uh, it's not good. So I hope you're getting this because you should come see me ASAP." Edgar hangs up and I turn to the phone before I hear a whoosh.

"Jon. I'm so sorry. I couldn't-"

"You care about my son. Don't ever be sorry." Jonathan tells me. "How do you have kryptonite?" He looks at the ring on my finger. "I thought you can't-"

"I made the band out of led. I guess it stops me from glowing it out. Look, I'm gonna fix this, Jon. Kent's not dying." I get up.

"Brianna." He pulls me back down. "You're always saving him. My son has wanted to tell you so many times. But with everything you've been through, he would die if something happened to you because of him. So I want you to know that it's not because he doesn't think you can handle it or keep it to yourself, it's because he cares about you more than he cares for himself."

"I know, Jon. I know he cares about me." I whisper with a nod. "I don't care if he has these powers or not. He's Kent. He'll always be Kent. And he is not entitled to tell me anything. I don't mind being behind the scenes. It feels like an action movie." I hold up my gun and we share a chuckle.


"Brianna." Martha grins as I enter the Kent house.

"You guys definitely need extra hands." I nod before Clark walks over and picks me up. "Woah. Yeah, I guess I missed you too, Kent." I hug him back.

"Thank you." He whispers before setting me down, but still keeps his arms around me.

"I'll put it on your tab." I squeeze him and we pull away after a few seconds. "You okay?" I cup both sides of his face and examine him.

"Yeah. Thanks to you."

"I just visited you like the scorned wife would do in any Lifetime movie." I nod and he scoffs.

"Did Lionel say or do anything to you?"

"No." I shake my head. "Never had to the chance to face him. I was too busy being your bodyguard." I point to his chest and he grins. "Don't tell me Lionel went to school."

"Apparently, I quit the football team. I have to call Coach Teague." Clark sighs.

"He's a decent guy. He'll understand you were going through a rebel phase." I nod before crossing my arms.

"I hope."

"He will." I nod again.

"Right, cause you'd talk to him for me. Again." He raises his eyebrows.

"What? Get your head out of the gutter, Kent, I'm not a nice person." I shake my head and he laughs. "You made the team because you're good. Teague saw that."

"You're better." Clark nods.

"You're taller." I tell him.

"You're faster."


"You're bigger."

"You're stronger."


"You're more thick headed." I go on.

"You're smarter." Clark inquires.

"Yes, I am, Kent." I smile before walking past him. "I got it, Jon. Sit down." I take the broom from him.


"Meditate, read a magazine, do a crossword puzzle, I don't care, just sit down." I tell Jonathan before I start sweeping the broken glass in the dust pan.

"Any news about the case?" Martha asks as she crouches down next to me.

"Nothing yet. Guess my partners are still looking. But not calling me is a good and bad thing."

"You're not involved in anything, right? No one's after you?"

"No." I shake my head. "Everything's gonna be okay, Martha. Besides, anyone with at least one brain cell would think twice about going to war with me." I continue dusting the broken glass into the pan.

If Lionel tells anyone about Kent, he's gonna wish I had abilities.



this episode was something else😭 the fucker is richer than god's green earth, he could've paid everyone off to be free, but he really made clark get scared straight💀

but i ain't complaining about this scene though


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