nouis horanson

By justeverything5

1.4K 31 0

Louis and Niall have been together for 3 years now. they have no kids but it's their dream to have at least o... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 9

44 1 0
By justeverything5

Nialls pov

"Sir ma'am I told you to leave my house!" I say walking into the living room. I see the scared faces of the kids and my heart breaks into thousand little pieces.

The man is bigger than me or Louis so it does scare me when he faced me.

"They're our kids!" The woman says. "Listen, ma'am, they're ours now! We legally adopted them!" I say trying not to look scared at all.

"You're just a wink!" She says. I scoff and look at her. "And you're just a bitch who can't accept she doesn't have children anymore!" I yell angrily at them.

Not very smart cus the man punched me in the face shortly after. He stomps my stomach while I lay on the ground. I feel like throwing up cus I didn't have this kind of pain in a very long time. Louis is calling 911 already which I'm glad about.

Harry attempts to push his father away but he's small and not very strong so it doesn't work. His mother hit Harry harshly which makes Liam pissed.

This gonna end up badly. The father attempts to hit Liam but I stand in front of him so his father hits me instead. Jeez! This man hits hard mate.

Harry ran to Louis in the kitchen and has his panda in his hands. Bucky is with Harry and Louis.

The mother tries to hit but I jump in front of him too so I fall on the ground. I haven't had this much pushed in 20 years. I lay on the ground trying not to show off how weak I am right now.

I stand up and I kick the man in his balls. The woman knows the kick me. I lay on the ground but this time it hurts so much I can't move anymore.

Louis walks to us. I don't know what happened next a lot. I just know I woke up in the hospital.

Louis pov

Niall went out. I get punched in the face once before the police come. They arrest the man and the woman and Harry walks to me.

The officer walks to Harry but Harry is too scared so he hides behind my leg.

"I have a little something for a very brave boy!" The officer says. He gives him a Teddy bear and looks at me. "We already called an ambulance they'll be here in a moment. They'll take care of your boyfriend," he says.

Not much later the ambulance comes and we can ride with them. Niall is still passed out. "No one got a punch for me..." zayn says under his breath but I could hear him.

"I think Niall should have the Teddy bear!" Harry says playing with the bear and the panda. "You can give it to him when he wakes up," I say trying so goddamn hard not to cry.

Liam comes next to me clearly seeing something is wrong. "He's going to be fine!" He says. "Or we can pray for him?" Zayn suggests.

We all get on our knees and pray for Niall to be okay. After not much later we arrive at the hospital and they take Niall to do some checkups.

It feels like ages but we can see Niall. He wakes up not very much later looking at me. I have tears in my eyes when I see he's awake. Not cus of sadness but cus of happiness! He's awake!

I hug him tight and then hit his arms softly. "Never scare me like that again!" He giggles and the kids walk in. "So when can I leave?" Niall asks. I know he doesn't like hospitals.

"Look what I got from a police officer!" Harry shows the Teddy bear to Niall and Niall giggles. I can tell he's in a lot of pain right now.

"Thank you..." Liam says softly and you can hear he feels bad for Niall. "Always!" Niall says as if nothing happened.

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