Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

By Fakkarilord

69.5K 2.5K 2.2K

Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... More

Prolouge, Different approach
Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Who's the strongest?
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)

1.1K 56 6
By Fakkarilord

Everything is already planned out, the assault shall begin!


Rimuru sits atop a cliff in the middle of the night, wondering how much has happened in the past one week. He faced a Hero Egg Bearer who was as powerful as him, saved Gabil from an ambush, found out an army of 80,000 is heading to Tempest and now he has assigned everyone to intercept a certain point to destroy a crystal. He touches his head in frustration, there's too many events happening in so short of time!

Rimuru: (God dammit, so much happening in such little time...)

Rimuru could've sworn he had a few headaches, even if he is just a slime who isn't supposed to feel like this.

As a slime, he shouldn't be able to feel anything like this...

Rimuru: (Will Gabil and Geld be able to defeat their points? They are powerful, but they cannot compare when faced with the others...)

Rimuru silently wonders, seeing as how Geld and Gabil might not be able to win against Otherworlders.

Don't get him wrong, they are powerful no doubt. However, Otherworlders aren't to be taken so lightly. Should they get proper treatment and training, they could match demon lord's. Ofcourse, that isn't the case here but reports do say they as powerful as the executives in this country...

Rimuru: (But I can't do anything regarding that, due to how low and scarce our numbers are. For now I can only hope that they will be able to defeat them.)

Rimuru lays back on the grass, white hair spreaded through all of it and a look of complete dissatisfaction present...

However, he widens his eyes and immediately gets up. He sensed something, someone.

Rimuru: (Hold up...)

He looks back and find nothing, swearing he could've heard and sensed someone coming.

Perhaps he's going senile? He is after all-

Rimuru:Who's there?!

Rimuru jumps up and unsheathes his sword, covering it in space elements distorting properties.

Definitely not, he's more then certain.

Rimuru: (Where the hell did they go?)

Rimuru looks around, scanning the area using {Great Sage}.

He tries detecting who's there, even if there is the slightest trace.

Rimuru: (Nothing...)

Rimuru sits down, perhaps he's overthinking.

Rimuru: (Must've been my imagination...)

Rimuru abruptly gets up, unsheathing his katana once more.

This time, he glares at the surroundings to make sure that whoever was there is aware he knows they are here.


He looks around the area with his eyes more vigorously, taking his blindfold off and scanning the area more thoroughly. Suddenly, he hears a woman laugh behind him.

No, a chuckle would be better. And goddamn that chuckle clearly showed she was amused.

???: Ah sorr-

He immediately turns back and aims the sword at the person, stopping at their neck and flaring his aura.

He intends to kill her right here and now if he has to.

Rimuru: Who are you?

Rimuru examines the woman Infront of him, finding a white haired just like him.She has heterochromic eyes, one light blue and the other crimson red, and she wears a gothic dress. Overall, she is a pretty woman. Ofcourse, that doesn't concern Rimuru.

Veldora: (Hold up,wait a min-)

Rimuru: (Not now Veldora, She's dangerous... She was able to escape from my sights so easily.)

Veldora: (But Rimu-)

Rimuru cuts the thought link with Veldora for now, he doesn't need an otaku dragon ruining his thought processing. He stares at the woman, who looks a little wide eyed, but then she chuckles again.

That sort of irritates him, she's just shrugging him off as nothing.

???: Like I was saying,sorry about that. I just found you struggling to find me amusing.

Rimuru sensing no hostility, sheathes his sword and lowers his aura.

Although it does sort of infuriate how she found someone else struggling an amusing thing...

Rimuru: Alright, now who are you?

Rimuru gets straight to the point.

She's dangerous, very dangerous. He's already facing an army heading here, he doesn't need another threat up his ass.

???: I just arrived, is this how you treat a guest?

She says in a "hmph" like style, meanwhile Rimuru just deadpans.

She's definitely one of those girls that like to have the feeling of royalty...

Rimuru: (Ma'am...) You appeared out of no where playing with me, and I couldn't even notice you. Ontop of that, I have rarely met anyone that could sneak up on me like that, so your clearly dangerous to my country here.

Rimuru points to the lights in the distance.

She seems a bit taken aback by what he said, before going close to his face and inspecting him.

???: Ohhhhhhhhh, so your the leader of that country?

She asks in a surprised tone.

She starts inspecting him with a finger on her chin, her heterochromix eyes glowing at every spot she looks.

Rimuru: Yes...

The situation is very... Awkward.

This woman just appears out of no where, and now she's invading his privacy like it's a normal Tuesday for her.

???: Very well then, that saves me time.

She says, tensing Rimuru up and putting him on even more guard.

Did she come to fight...

???: Just call me Valentine. I've come to discuss things with the leader, or you now that I have found him.

She states even more seriously, no more of her joking attitude present.

Seems like a tsundere if you ask Rimuru.

Rimuru: Very well then, Valentine-San, let's talk somewhere more comfortable.

Rimuru motions to a hill in the north of the city, where a small house is located.

She stares off into the difference before looking at him haughtily.

Luminous: Just call me Valentine,you talk as if we're strangers.

Rimuru deadpans at her.

She just looks at him confused.

Luminous: What?

Rimuru deadpans even more.

Seriously, is this woman high?


He exclaims.

It is to be noted a loud shout was heard throughout the hills vicinity.

Rimuru's house.

Two individuals sipping on tea are seen inside a small house.

Both are focused on one another.

Valentine: Not bad, even I haven't tasted something as good as this before.

She compliments the man who made the tea.

Although she tries to hide it, her eyes are glistening with stars showing she enjoys it.

Rimuru: ...

He just sips on his tea quietly. He would've handed the task to Shuna, had it not been for the fact this woman is a complete stranger and is definitely stronger then him.

Valentine: So, let's start talking.

She puts down her tea, which is halfway done.

Rimuru does the same.

Rimuru: Alright... now what did you come here to talk about?

He asks what he has been longing to know.

The tension is in the air.

Valentine: It's about the army heading here, and a few individuals that have disobeyed me.

She states, earning the curiosity of the white haired Majin completely.

Is she the perpetrator behind this...

Valentine: Ofcourse, I have no particular interest in the army itself but the few that are present in it.

Rimuru: And what does that have to do with me?

He asks, no emotion present in his words.

Valentine: Simple, I want you to kill them.

She says whilst pointing at him...

Did this woman just order him?

Rimuru: We've just met, and now your ordering me around?

Rimuru states with a glare and clear hostility.

She just laughs it off.

Valentine: Ah, Don't worry. Its nothing much, and it's not an order. Im simply giving you a choice whether you'd like to deal with them or not.

Valentine clears up, although the Majin still eyes her suspiciously.

Rimuru: I feel as if alot of context is missing here, mind explaining why you want these people dead?

Rimuru asks, sensing a clear motive behind something like this.

After all, it isn't everyday someone just comes over and asks him to assassinate someone.

Valentine: They are some people who have disobeyed me, which is why I want them dead.

Luminous says with visible boredom.

The Majin just looks at her...

Rimuru: They are your subordinates, aren't they?

She nods, the tension becomes larger in the room.

His aura is unleashed into the house only, causing it to shake. She is now on her guard.

Rimuru: Answer this one question of mine...

She looks at him confused, what does he want to know?

The wooden cups crack, so does the houses walls.

Rimuru: Are you a vampire?

Is that is? But it'll save her trouble, so she just nods.

Sadly, she shouldn't have confirmed that.

Rimuru: Do you know someone by the name of Cassius?

She widens her eyes, how did he know him?

This time, it's her turn to glare at him.

Valentine: How do you know-

The table splits into two, she jumps and forces her self outside the house through the broken door.

She had drawn her weapon, a one headed scythe in defense to the mans katana...

Rimuru: Doesn't seem like you were a good sister, eh?

The Majin is seen standing with his katana aimed to pierce her, holding her in place with the weapon.

She just scoffs, what is wrong here...

Rimuru: Don't just come into my fucking country and order me around, they are your subordinates. Deal with them, not like whatever the hell you did with your "brother".

He deflects her scythe into the air, taking advantage of her loose grip.

She just widens her eyes even more.

Rimuru: If you aren't a fan of trouble, then please leave. I politely decline your "request", and politely urge you to d-

Another scythe appears, aimed at his neck.

He just blocks it by intercepting with his blade.

Valentine: Mou, can't you make this slightly easy?

She has a smirk, her vampire fangs coming out of her mouth.

He just scoffs, seemingly struggling to hold her scythe in place.

Valentine: As for that guy... Perhaps there is a misunderstanding.

The Majin is the one to be confused and slightly shocked this time.

What misunderstanding?

They both dissipate their weapons.

Valentine: Did he still hold envy towards me?

She asks, her expression seemingly softening.

What the hell?

Rimuru: Hatred, alot.

She just sighs, her eyes appearing as if she is slightly conflicted...

Valentine: So even in the end, he couldn't see clearly with his two eyes.

Her voice seems sad...

Her sorrow is genuine.

Is this one of those issues in families where a slight misunderstanding caused a crap load of bullshit that other people were caught in?

Valentine: Perhaps he didn't notice... He hated me, and I hated him back just as much. However, I truly did respect him from the bottom of my heart...

She clenches where her heart is supposed to be.

The Majin feels like rolling his eye, but he is interested in the backstory.

Valentine: I respected how he worked so hard, he had the most powerful will out of all of us. He wished to keep striving forward even if he could never match me, he never gave up... And honestly speaking, I could careless about him killing Twilight. That man was obnoxious, and he took his experiments too far.

From the memories he received he devoured him... Didn't this woman humiliate him because she got angered by him killing Twilight?

Valentine: But even with such power and sightful eyes, he could never see the hope I had for him. He always envied me, it was clear everytime he looked at me. He didn't see me as a... Sister, I guess? I suppose he only saw me as an obstacle. As for Twilight... I honestly just got infuriated he stole my kill.

Her expression seems to stiffen up, it appears she is recalling some memories. Although in the end, she just pouted...

The Majin looks through the former vampires memories once more, this time looking more clearly...

Valentine: Well, I suspect he's dead right now under your hands, correct?

He slightly nods, and she just lets out a sigh.

Valentine: Oh dear, my poor little brother... Oh well, nothing that can be done now.

She just shrugs with her hands.

He expected her to lash out with the visible care she was showing towards him. It appears she wasn't too close to him, but did somewhat care for him.

Valentine: Well, as for my subordinates, I suppose I'll take care of them. I'd rather not have a pointless fight right now, not in the mood.

She turns around, but abruptly stops when he calls her out.

She turns around and faces him, wondering what he wishes to know.

Rimuru: What... Nevermind, Sayonara.

It appears he wanted to ask something... But, he just bid her farewell.

She just shrugs once more, casting a teleportation spell and heading back to wherever she came from...

A few hours later

Hes back at this cliff,the same one he was sitting at and met that vampire at, which he found out when he saw the fangs whilst she talked.

He feels a bit, weirded out.

Rimuru: (This is quite troublesome...)

Even more burdens in an already bad situation.

Well, not more burdens... She did say she's going to take care of them.

Rimuru: (At the same time,this is damn frustrating as hell.)

Rimuru clicks his tongue in annoyance, not liking how the gravity of the situation has multiplied.

Well, assuming she does keep her promise.

Rimuru: (Dwargon won't be of much help in our current state... And no country were in relationships with will be strong enough to help us.)

Rimuru thinks in even more frustration.

He clenches his fist, veins popping up on his face.

Rimuru: Hell!

He raises his hands and slaps them on his face.

Purely out of frustration.

Rimuru: (If only there was a way to get actual useful help...)

His eyes widen behind his blindfold.

Useful help...

Rimuru: (Wait...)

He remembers the deal he made with Demon lord Ramiris.

He took spirits, in exchange for demons inside golems...

Rimuru: (I could... Summon a demon.)

Rimuru looks back in the clearing, now with neutralness in his face.

Perhaps it isn't that bad of an idea.

Rimuru: (I just need to create a medium... But I need corpses.)

Rimuru has the first requirement, which is to be able to create material bodies for the demon to inhabit. The material body can also be called the physical body, and is needed to maintain ones balance in the overworld, especially for spiritual life forms like demons.

Rimuru: (But to compensate the lack of corpses, I could use my magicules.)

If one doesn't possess a corpse to summon a demon, they use their own magicules to support the transportation summoning of a demon from the underworld to the overworld. But, usually this process is less efficient and more consuming on the person.

Rimuru: ...

Rimuru walks up to the middle, having a hand that now glows in a purple light.

Right now, he needs someone to help. He can care about the trouble later.

Rimuru: (I can create the material body easily using {Creation}.)

Immediately, a body made of demon steel is created and placed in the middle.

It Isn't made too sturdy, but it'll do.

Rimuru: (All that's left, is to supply enough magicules for the summoning as compensation for corpses.)

Naturally, the demon would dissapear from the overworld either way, as they can only live in the overworld for a specific time based on the body they have been provided and how powerful they are. But, if one provides a proper medium and constantly provides sacrifices to keep the demon, they could stay in the overworld for aslong as they please.

Rimuru: (Very well then, let's begin.)

A summoning circle takes place near the body created by Rimuru, indicating the start of the summoning.

Rimuru: Any of you that heed my call.

Rimuru pours magicules into the summoning circle.

The bright circle starts spinning violently like it's on steroids.

Rimuru: I summon you from the underworld.

The circle glows even brighter, taking in more magicules from the Majin.

Whatever he's summoning, it's definitely hella strong!

Rimuru: To Serve Me!

Rimuru finishes, and the circle starts spinning rapidly at the completion. In one fell swoop, nearly 1/4 of the majins magicules have been taken as compensation.

Rimuru: (Holy shit.)

He exclaims in his mind, not expecting the cost to be so damn high.

Whatever he summoned, it's on a whole another level...

Rimuru: (But Beretta didn't take these many to summon... And she was a Greater demon.)

Rimuru looks at the circle,recalling how Beretta barely took 5 percent of his magicules to summon.

If a greater demon barely budged his magicules supply, then...

Rimuru: (If this guy took a quarter of it, he must be some monster...)

Rimuru looks at the sphere that envelops the middle, the body he created no where to be found.

It's definitely inside the circle.

Rimuru: (Well, he won't be able to violate the contract between me, not until he completes it.)

Rimuru unsheathes his sword, preparing for the worst.

If worse comes to worse, the demon may aswell just attack him for no reason.

Rimuru: (And I am more then capable of killing him if he is only 1/4 of my power.)

Oh how wrong he is...

Finally, the sphere dissipates, revealing a black haired demon with a strand of red hair and clothes that resemble a royalty.

???: Ah~ To be summoned by the one I wish to serve, such bliss~

Rimuru widens his eyes.

What did this Akuma just say?

???: A suitable body... And bountiful offering of magicules, I couldn't ask for a better deal.

The demons wings engulf him, before dissapearing into thin air and revealing his golden pupils with black instead of white eyes. He levitates down and comes face to face with the one whom summoned him, taking a small bow whilst standing.

Rimuru: Oi...What do you mean "By the one I wish to serve".

Clearly it's not everyday you summon a high ranking demon that says he wishes to serve you.

Especially not one giving off a menacing and foreboding aura like this.

???: Ah, pardon the rudeness of this lowly one, Master. I have been observing you for the past few months, and I wish to serve you after witnessing your acheivements.

The demon explains, causing Rimuru to be even more confused.

Did this guy just downplay himself?

Rimuru: <Realization> (Is that why I felt like I was being watched?)

Rimuru stares at the demon, who doesn't even move an inch in his bowing position.

He had a feeling he was being watched from somewhere at all times... Well, atleast they didn't watch him when he was taking a bath for no reason. Guess even demons respect privacy.

Rimuru: Elaborate why you wish to serve me, Arch Demon.

Rimuru asks, clearly feeling uneasiness towards the demon he has summoned.

There is definitely more to whatever this guy wants.

???: It's simple,my lord... Although perhaps you may not understand, I believe you may lead me to the truth of this world.

The Majin sweatdrops slightly at the demons statement.

Following someone for something like that...

Rimuru: ...

???: I wish to learn more behind how your so powerful, which is why I would gladly take even the most lowest position amongst your subordinates. And plus, your wisdom is something that I have enjoyed throughout my observations.

The demon this time, fully bows down towards the Majin. He's on his toes, showing the utmost respect towards him.

He even complimented the Majins intelligence, something demons rarely do as they just focus on power...

Rimuru: (He seems trustworthy... But he is a demon.) Firstly, prove you will be of use to me by doing the task I give you. If your capable of doing them, I will be up for talks with you.

The demon raises his head, revealing a smile. Well, it isn't really a smile... It's a full blown childlike smile.

???: Understood, what is it that you wish for me to do, Master?

The demon asks enthusiastically. Suddenly, he sees images of certain places inside his head, 2 to be exact.

Rimuru: Currently, this country is at war. There are 8 weakening crystals around the area, all defended by 1 otherworlder and 200 soldiers.

Rimuru explains.

The demon gets the gist of it. It isn't uncommon for countries to summon demons inorder to fight off invading countries. Although, this time it appears he's only a side character.

Rimuru: Your job is to head to the coordinates I have given you and kill the otherworlder. The rest can be dealt with by my troops.

Rimuru finishes.

The demon was right, he isn't going to single-handedly have to take all the troops here. Although, he'd gladly do if he was told to.

???: Understood, it's an easy task.

The demon bows even further.

If he continues bowing deeper, he might aswell have his head on the ground.

Rimuru: We will start tomorrow.Until then, conceal yourself in whatever way possible.

Rimuru orders the demon, who obeys and starts floating away.

Rimuru: Also, once the battle begins.

He flares his aura and stares at the demon menacingly.

Rimuru: If you dare to kill a single subordinate of mine, your going back to the underworld.

Rimuru tones his aura down.

The demon just fucking smirks.

???: I can never dare to hurt the subordinates under you, Master.

The demon assures the Majin.

Rimuru:Good. Oh and also-

The demon looks at the Majin.

Rimuru: What should I call you?

Rimuru asks.

???: I am a nameless demon, my lord. But if you will, you can call me Noir.

The demon answers the question

Rimuru: Very well, now go and hide somewhere...

The demon nods and obeys, going into hiding and eagerly waiting to fulfill his mission.

He will serve this slime at all costs.

Rimuru: (Phew.)

He has a powerful ally now, he can stop worrying about Geld and Gabil for now. He will focus on his own preparations now for tomorrow.

On a nearby hill located in the North, nearly 200 soldiers and 4 mages stand, seemingly maintaining and defending a crystal. In one of the tents, a woman who appears to be in her 16's is seen sharpening a sword.

Hestia:(Tch, this is so damn boring.)

An otherworlder, one of the strongest in Falmuth's army, is just sitting there with a bored expression. She wears the casual clothing, having amber eyes and short hair that looks like fire.


Hestia: Nani?!

An explosion is heard, and the sounds of screaming accompany it. She rushes outside, only to find everyone dead and the crystal destroyed.

Hestia: (Ehhhhh?)

She exclaims in her mind, but immediately diverts her attention once she senses someone coming towards her. She looks towards the direction of the person, finding a woman wearing a black dress with two daggers and green mixed with cyan eyes. The most noticeable part of her,however, are her fox ears and tail.

Hestia: (A Majin... Is the monster kingdom retailiating?)

The Majin stops a good distance from her,showing an evil smile.

Rena: Hello, pleasure to meet you. My name is Rena, bestowed to me by my lord, the Great Rimuru. You wouldn't mind being my opponent, would you?

She states her name and asks.

Hestia: Tch.

Hestia brings out her sword, covering it in pure crimson flame's.

Hestia: Not at all...

She assumes a stance against the Majin who does the same, ready to fight.

The Majin draws her daggers out, her calm expression turning into a psychotic yet badass one.

Southern Crystal.

In the Southern part of the monster kingdom, a crystal that is one of the source of their weakening lies. Protected by 200 soldiers, maintained by 4 mages and lead by an otherworlder.

Aratiri: Nothing today aswell...

A boy who appears to be 18 with light, long yellow hair and clothing that differentiates him from the rest stands. Its the usual day, wait for the main army to attack Tempest and defend the crystals.

Aratiri :Oi!

He calls for a soldier that's came back from patrolling, impatience is present in his voice

Aratiri: Any sighs of monsters?

The soldiers moves his head in denial, whilst he just clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes.

Aratiri: ... Alright, you can leave.

The soldier nods and starts walking away.

Aratiri: (Isnt that city of monsters gonna retaliate?)

He wonders, monsters clearly won't let such a level of offense off so easily....

And as if answering his question, an figure crashes in the middle.

Aratiri: Eh?

He looks towards the figures direction, finding a short, black haired man with a strand of red. The man wears the clothing of a royalty, and has golden and black eyes.Whats noticeable, however, is the giant claws on his hand.

Noir: Ah, forgive my rudeness, I've come to fight you.

He points towards Aratiri, shocking the otherworlder.

Aratiri: (Me?)

The boy smirks a little, sensing his aura. Finally, worthy fucking opponent.

Aratiri: Very well then, I accept your challenge Akuma!

He unsheathes the dual swords on his back, assuming a stance. Noir smiles, knowing he gets the best out of the humans that the orcs are about to kill.


The North-Eastern part could only be described as Hell. Chopped and minced limbs on the ground, whilst confusion arises and the soldiers die.

Anemone: (What the hell?)

A boy no older then 15 is seen holding two giant cleavers, deflecting all the small yet tough strings that come his way. He has white, short hair and wears the clothing that distinguishes him as an otherworlder.

Anemone: (All of this,in two minutes...)

Suddenly, a light tap on the ground is heard behind him. He looks towards the source with his senses, finding someone with one large horn and dark blue clothing staring at him emotionlessly.

Souei: Your the only one with different clothing, so you must be an otherworlder.

He brings out two long but thin and sharp daggers based on what he senses.

Anemone: (Just how much of a monster is that country?)

Anemone readies himself and prepares a stance against the Majin.


Gabil has departed with his dragonewts, making his way to the North-Western part of the land.

At the same time, a boy no older then 16 with blueish long hair and a mask is seen standing in the nearby cliff, as if anticipating something. He wields two daggers.

Kai: ...

He stares into the horizon, seeing many dots heading their way.


An ogre with two short horns is seen approaching an woman that appears to be in her 20's and has completely black, long hair and wears an otherworlder dress.

Lorelai:Well, it was too be expected that you'd retaliate sooner or later.

She says with a sadistic smile, something Benimaru isn't fond of.

Benimaru: Ofcourse, we can't just sit around and do nothing now, can we?

Benimaru replies in a carefree tone, sheathing his blade covered in dark flame's. The woman inturn, manifests a scythe in her hand and wields it with both arms. Benimaru has already gotten rid of the crystal and soldiers in the South-Eastern part, all that's left is the otherworlder Infront of him.


Mahina, a girl that has grey, long hair is seen standing in a formation with all the other troops guarding the crystal. she wields a simple katana. The scouts they sent out,numbering 10, were sent back with 1 to warn them of the arrival of the enemy.

Mahina: (Not good...)

Nearly a Thousand goblins stand in the opposite direction, mounting Direwolves that move as fast as horses.

Mahina: (We are severely outnumbered...)

Only 191 soldiers with no mounts stand in the opposite direction alongside her. The Eastern part is not in good condition, not one bit.


The South-Western part received news of the Western part being obliterated, and that the enemy is now rapidly moving towards them. Only the otherworlder of that area, Ethan, a man in his 20's with brown, short hair who wields a great sword on his back survived the attack.

The otherworlder of the South-Western part, known as Sirius, has pure white hair and possesses two blades tied to chains to cover up distance. Both Otherworlders started giving commands and formations to the soldiers, preparing for the soon to come monster army.

Soon enough, they see many wolves mounting goblins and 2 swordsman on walk approaching the settlement.


The main army itself, coming from Falmuth, is currently taking a stop and setting camp for the time being. The soldiers have moved out in high spirits with their numbers, believing nothing will stop them, even further raising their morales when the Champion of Falmuth, Razen, has joined them in this conquest.

Currently, the soldiers sit in circles of campfires,cheering and drinking, whilst others patrol or take a rest until they start moving again. The king himself has joined in the army, believing that victory will be easy and stating he wishes to lead the army itself.

Razen: Eh?

Something's not right...

Razen: Nani?

An anti-magic field? No...

In an instant, a barrier that prevents one from going through it is casted in the entire area, causing all the soldiers present to stare at the blue sphere in confusion and somewhat fear.

Suddenly, water droplets appear in the air at every cornor of the army, not leaving a single place untouched. A few people look into the sky, finding a dot.

And from here onwards, all it can be defined as...

Is Judgement Day.


Next ch is Otherworlders vs executives, stay tuned.

A little backstory as well, nothing too much.


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Honestly I don't know why people would ever read this but okay. A MHA fanfic of my AU. If you don't know who Loud Cloud is and what happens to him th...
40.8K 1.7K 27
The final battle with Ivarage was, to put it briefly, catastrophic. The majority of the Cardinal World and Tempest were gone. Only people with True D...