Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

By Blushieeeeeeeeee

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Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... More

Prolouge, Different approach
Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Who's the strongest?
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)

1.1K 51 19
By Blushieeeeeeeeee

This chapter is like 1/8 action and the others just talk no jutsu of explanation. Ofcourse, if you wish to understand the situation better as I have changed many things, then it is in your best interest to read and not skip this part.


Gabil did not like the situation he was in, neither did the dragonewts. Some humans who seemed weak at first appeared their cave, so Gabil decided to approach them and kindly ask them to leave. But, these humans chose violence and started attacking him and the dragonewts. The man who seemed to be moving in teleportation like movements, scathing and bruising the dragonewts for his own entertainment.Another man who had extremely brutal strength, punching and yeeting back any dragonewts in his vicinity. Finally, the girl who could straight up send commands using their own voice.

Shogo: How entertaining, isn't it, Kyoya!

The man who goes around punching everyone exclaims, asking the man who wields the sword.

Kyoya: Indeed!

The onslaught continues, dragonewts after dragonewts falls. Most of them have passed out, but a few of them are actually Dead.

Their guts and organs spilled the ground, a bloodbath present where all of them stood happily just a few moments ago.

That infuriates Gabil... How dare they enter the cave and start killing his comrades.


Gabil jumps up and aims his spear at all three of them.

A giant serpent manifests behind them, radiating pure power from its sheer magical prowess alone.

The Otherworlders look at his attack with amusement.

Gabil: Serpentine Crash!

The dragonewt unleashes a spear of sharp water that heads towards his opponent. Both Shogo and Kyoya stare at the attack in excitement, whilst Kiara just stares with a small and horrid expression.

Shogo punches the attack, receiving a few scratches, yet otherwise dispelling the attack. Kyoya moves at insane speeds and appears next to Gabil, slicing him many times and kicking onto the ground. Gabil lands on the floor crashing, leading out a grunt.

Kiara: He seems to be the leader, based on his strength. Lets kill him now and get out of here, we've had enough fun.

Both Shogo and Kyoya nod their heads, with Shogo walking towards Gabil who looks at him with pure rage.

Shogo:Awwwww,is someone mad about their comrades death?

The man exclaims sadistically.

His eyes looking down at the Dragonewt, his sadistic smile sending shivers to Gabil.

Gabil: ...

The dragonewt coughs some blood due to the slashes on his body.

Shogo:Very well then.

The man raises his sword, right in a manner of execution.


The man exclaims with a psychopathic laughter in the end, bringing his sword down.

Gabil:(Dammit, it appears I will die here...I seemed to have failed you, Rimuru-Sama.)

He closes his eyes, accepting his fate.


A sound of steel echoes the surroundings, followed by Kyoya being kicked by someone and pushed back.


Kyoya grunts and coughs out some blood due to the sheer force of the kick. Gabil opens his eyes, shock evident, and stares at the figure Infront of him whom he immediately recognizes.


The white haired Majin looks at the Otherworlders,who stare back with an angry and shocked expression.

Rimuru scans the surroundings, looking at the passed out dragonewts and the few dead corpses on the ground.

Rimuru: ...

There's a few of them dead...

Rimuru:You did well,Gabil.

He turns around and faces the lizardmen,who immediately bowed to the Majin.

Gabil: I'm sorry, Rimuru-Sama. My incompetence had led to the death of my fellow comrades...

Gabil tries to hold back his tears, especially since 1 of his most trusted companions have been amongst the killed.

Rimuru: You went against Otherworlders, it was to be expected. But there is no time to fret over our comrades deaths, that will come later.For now, we need to focus on the oncoming battle.

Rimuru assures Gabil it wasn't his fault, taking his opponents into account. Meanwhile, the Otherworlders get pissed at the Majin ignoring them.

Shogo: Oi!Were still here y'know!

Shogo says with an angry expression and voice.

Rimuru: Urusai...

Rimuru turns his head around and faces the Otherworlders.

Rimuru:Your already dead. Stay down like the rotting corpses you are supposed to be.

The Majin says harshly, pissing off the Otherworlders even more.

Kiara: Yo-You! How dare you insu-

No words are continued, all that's left is heads and limbs falling on the ground with blood splattered all over the place.

Gabil stares at the scene in shock and horror. The same enemies that hundreads of dragonewts struggled to scratch, now being no more then minced meat on the ground. Gabil looks at Rimuru,who holds a neutral expression, yet has clear anger visible in them.

Gabil:Have I angered you, Rimuru-Sama?

Gabil asks, scared. However, Rimuru just looks at him and smiles.

Rimuru: Ah, don't worry. Im not mad at you, not at all. It appears I let my emotions get the better of me against them.

Rimuru admits, clearly showing a bit of sorrow and regret in his voice, noticed by Gabil.

Gabil: Rimuru-Sama!

Rimuru once again looks at Gabil.

Gabil:There is no need for you to be sad or regretful! It was our own incompetence that led to such an event. Had we been stronger and more independent, the likes of this wouldn't have happened, AM I RIGHT!

Gabil looks back at the remaining Dragonewts, who roar in response.




All the dragonewts exclaim there thoughts, not once holding a negative response towards either leaders.

Rimuru: ...

Speechless is what Rimuru is at the moment. However,that speechlessness turns into a light chuckle noticed by all of them. Rimuru once again smiles at them, this time with full on happiness.

Rimuru:Thank you, all of you...

He is glad to have such caring comrades, even if he wasn't here for them, they will never leave his side.

1 hour later.

Many figures with wings carrying their own kind follow the white haired Majin Infront of them. They are currently heading back to the city, Tempest to make sure everything is alright.

Rimuru: Nani?

The Majin stops and holds a hand in the air, causing all the dragonewts to stop behind him.

Rimuru: ...

A barrier surrounds the entire area, targeted directly at the city itself.

Rimuru: So they really are here for war.

Rimuru heads towards the barrier.

Gabil: Is there anything wrong, Rimuru-Sama?

Gabil questions his master's strange behaviour.

Rimuru: Can't you see it?

Rimuru questions,and Gabil simply moves his head in denial.

Rimuru: Interesting...

Gabil just stares in confusion.

Rimuru: A barrier meant to specifically weaken monsters, and even hide from their sights.

Gabil widens his eyes at the explanation, but soon turns them into awe.

Gabil: (To have easily noticed something like this, as expected of Rimuru-Sama!)

Rimuru: Very well, I can dispel a part of it only, enough for all of us to get through.

Rimuru puts his hand on the barrier and makes it visible in the eyes of the dragonewts, who just stare at the large purple sphere in shock.

Rimuru: Know that once you pass through this, you will be weakened. Be on guard and never loosen up in the slightest way. GO!

The dragonewts quickly obey and start going through a large hole in the sphere, passing through with all of them in just a minute. Once all of them go through the barrier, Rimuru follows from behind and starts to feel the weakening affects aswell.

Rimuru: (So it also affects me?)

Rimuru wonders what level of spell they were using if they managed to weaken him.

30 minutes later...

Rimuru's condition right now could only be defined with one word, Dumbfounded. Entering the city alongside the dragonewts, he mentally prepared himself for more casualties after seeing the destroyed buildings. But, when he asked for the casualties from Souei, who immediately manifested beside him alongside Ranga once he landed, there were absolutely no dead men. However...

Souei: However, there have serious injuries on some of our troops, including Rena and Hakurou whose injuries aren't healing.

Souei finishes his report.

Rimuru: Wait, Rena and Hakurou were defeated?!

He can't believe what Souei has told him. These two are not be messed with especially when they go all out. Rena has the highest magicule capacity in the city, even more then Shuna and only being surpassed by him. Combine that with her mastership in daggers, further combined with her agility and speed, she becomes a deadly assassin with powerful close combat capabilities.

Hakurou himself is even more of a shock. That man may have low magical capabilities when compared to the others, but his pure skill in swordsmanship and speed which far surpasses Rena and Souei, allows him to become the most formidable out of all of them in close quarters,even more formidable then Rimuru himself if magical powers aren't included.

To put it simply, they are the more... "Upper" echelon of power houses Tempest has to offer.

Souei: Yes,Rimuru-Sama. They were defeated by 2 Otherworlders, but we managed to capture one of them.

Jeez, seems like these humans are stronger then anticipated.

That's the only internal thought inside Rimuru's head.

Rimuru: Where is the captured otherworlder?

Rimuru asks, they definitely did something with them.

Souei: Shion is currently tor-interrogating him.

Rimuru does an imaginary gulp, knowing damn well the fate of the otherworlder is not in good hands.

If Shion is torturing you, then even a million deaths would be better then to face her.

Rimuru: Very well... Lead me to where the injured are as of now.

Souei: Hai!

Souei immediately gets up from his bowing position and starts leading Rimuru towards the injured.


Rimuru: (To think the humans would immediately launch war after I left... But how did they know I wasn't here?)

Rimuru wonders, remembering only his executives and monsters in the city knew of his departure.

Rimuru: (That would mean... Someone leaked out information regarding my departure.)

Rimuru enters the building, heading to the room where the injured are kept with Souei.

Rimuru: (That means... One of the thousands of people in Tempest are a traitor. Or worse, not just one but there might be many traitors present.)

Rimuru looks Infront of him, arriving at the area where the injured are kept.

Rimuru: (However, I have already checked my excutives memories using the connection between them and me, and not a single one of them has leaked anything. Infact, they made sure not to let anyone outside of Tempest know of my temporary leave from the city.)

He walks into the room, eyeing all the injured who are being treated.

Rimuru: (Which means that someone from outside of Tempest got in and managed to find out about me.)

Rimuru scans the entire area, searching through the memories of each and every person.

Rimuru: (Not a single one...)

No one here is a traitor, Good.

Shuna: Rimuru-Sama...

He looks into the direction of the voice, finding a pink haired Kijin with two horns bowing to him slightly. Finding next to her is Hakurou and behind her is Rena.

Rimuru:What's their condition?

He asks, concern visible in his voice as he looks at the two.

Shuna: Not good... Unlike the others who were immediately treated with full potions, their wounds won't heal no matter what.

Rimuru walks up to the beds the beastwomen and Kijin lay out, inspecting their coma like state.

Rimuru: I see... These wounds have some external force still acting on them, preventing healing on them completely.

Shuna widens her eyes, even a magician like her couldn't tell there was a foreign spell.

Just how deadly were these humans?

Rimuru: But, something of this caliber is nothing.

Rimuru taps the shoulder of both of them, immediately closing up their wounds.

Rimuru:They should wake up now.

Meanwhile, the subordinates of Rimuru just stand there, dumbfounded.


Two swords clash, resulting in a echo in the surrounding alley.

Two men defend a woman in-between from two others.

Benimaru: Get out of the way, Champion Yohm.

Benimaru shows no struggle blocking Yohms attack, whilst Yohm appears to struggling to move his sword even an inch forward. At the same time a lycantrope known as Grucias, also blocks another sword with his claws albeit barely.

Bentley: She's a danger to all of us, why do you not understand?

Bentley kicks Grucias, causing the lycantrope to jump back and cough some blood from the kick.

Grucias: Bullshit! She's just a member of the champions squad!

Grucias takes a defensive stance Infront of the woman known as Myulan.

Benimaru: She helped in casting the barrier that weakens us! Are you so blinded by your love, you fail to even comprehend the truth being presented directly?

Benimaru unleashes some flames on his sword, melting the champions greatsword and forcing him to jump back.

Bentley swipes more viciously, destroying Grucius's daggers as he also jumps back.

Yohm: (Not good...)

Grucias: (Were cornered...)

Both Bentley and Benimaru prepare to charge on and end this once and for all... But are abruptly stopped midway.

???:Now now, no need to be so violent.

Everyone present looks at the source of the voice, finding a woman with fox ears and tail heading to them with a small smile. She wears a orange with red flowers kimono, walking elegantly towards the scene. Finally, She opens her closed eyes, revealing bright green and cyan mixed eyes and speaks once more.

Rena:There is absolutely no need to fight like a vicious beast. Oh wait, you already are one~

She mocks, specifically eyeing Benimaru.

The red Kijin just scoffs at her arrival.

Benimaru: Why are you here, we are more then enough, and you already know i don't like your guts.

Benimaru gets straight to the point.

There was no need to waste time arguing.

Rena: Simple, Rimuru-Sama has returned and asked for them to be imprisoned for now. He personally will interrogate them.

Everyone present widens their eyes, shocked at the arrival of this lands lord. Yohm and Grucias show a horrid expression at the mention of being interrogated personally, whilst Myulan who hasn't even met Rimuru up until now, is visibly scared.

Benimaru: Very well then.

He looks at the 3 in the middle.

Pointing his katana at them.

Benimaru:Hopefully you comply with us, for if you don't then we'll use force again.

Both Yohm and Grucias click their tongues, but their visions alongside Myulan's goes black as the 3 fall down.


Rena stands ontop of the knocked out bodies, holding a sweet yet scary and deceiving smile.

She turns around and faces the Kijin.

Rena: Ofcourse, it's a crime to keep Rimuru-Sama waiting over such petty things.

The two men just facepalm.

She is one of three simps for Rimuru, so much that they consider wasting a second of his time an crime.

The other two? Shuna and Shion.

Rena: Start moving, Rimuru-Sama has called an executive meeting and would like all of you to gather as quickly as possible.

Benimaru tries to ask something, but Rena just activates Extra Skill {Presence Concealing} and dissapears alongside the knocked out bodies, leaving no room for questioning.

Benimaru:(That damn busted skill!)

The two just start heading towards the executive hall, half of the way being filled with Benimaru cursing Rena. For some reason,these two have a sort of rivalry going on with each other, and are famous for it throughout the entirety of Tempest.


A room filled with all the executives of Tempest, all waiting for their lord to finally come. The members present are:

Rena. (Annoying Benimaru for shits and giggles.)

Benimaru. (Holding himself from slapping a woman.)

Bentley. (Watching the show between Benimaru and Rena.)

Hakurou. (Same as Bentley.)

Geld. (Dumbfounded by the fox woman's carefreeness in such a situation.)

Shion. (Just P A T I E N T L Y waiting for her lord.)

Souei. (Sitting on his chair, arms crossed like the badass he is.)

Gabil. (Still thinking about the event in the cave.)

Vesta. (Also waiting for Rimuru like Shion, with actual patience.)

Kaijin and the Dwarf brothers. (Just talking with each other about the recent events.)

Rigurd. (Same as Vesta.)

The entire half of the hall is filled with Rena annoying the shit out of Benimaru, whilst the rest is the others talking.

Benimaru: (Rimuru-Sama better be arriving soon, otherwise I might just hit this Woman!)

Benimaru thinks at the back of his head, being poked by the Fox lady as he thinks.

Geld: Leave the poor man alone, Rena.

Geld speaks up for Benimaru, whilst Rena looks at his direction.

Geld:There is a army approaching us as we sit here and do nothing, and it's in your best interest to maintain seriousness infront of our master.

Geld scolds Rena, who finally stops annoying Benimaru and sits back at her seat with puffed up cheeks. Meanwhile,

Benimaru:(THANK YOU GELD.)

Benimaru says at the back of his head.

He promises he'll take Geld out for a drink after this.

Finally, the door opens, revealing a white, crytalish long haired Majin with a blindfold. Behind him,a pink haired Kijin follows him. Everyone present in the room stands up, greeting their master with utmost respect.

Hakurou: It pleases us to see you in good condition, Rimuru-Sama.

Hakurou being the first out of the many greetings the others give to their master.

Rimuru: Thank you.

It's a simple reply returned to all of them with a smile. He sits down on his chair, Shuna standing behind him and everyone also sitting down once he sits down.

Rimuru:Very well, would you mind breifing me of what happened whilst I was gone?

Rimuru looks towards Souei.


Souei finally opens his eyes and arms, looking towards the direction of his lord.

Souei begins his investigation.

Souei:The event started a few hours ago, when all of suddenly started feeling weaker for some reason. Most of us weren't even performing and severe activities, so we were simply left in confusion in what's happening.

Souei begins all the way from the beginning.

It would make no sense to tell what just transpired, no?

Souei: After approximately 2 hours, a sector was ambushed by nearly 200 soldiers. Benimaru, Shion and Hakurou alongside some Goblin Riders dispatched in that area to deal with the ambush. I, on the other hand, dispatched my Shadow squad in all directions to finally figure out the source of weakening as it was getting annoying.

Souei stops midway to take a breath, before continuing once more.

Souei:What me and my squad discovered, were 8 crystals that seemed to be emitting the source of our weakening. Ontop of that, nearly 200 soldiers that appeared to be holy knights were stationed on each of these crystals, all wearing the same armor. However,they aren't the real threat.

Rimuru becomes more intrigued alongside all the others who weren't aware.

If two hundred holy soldiers aren't a threat, people trained in the art of killing monsters, then what is present that overshadows their threat?

Souei: They appeared to be lead by a single, casual clothing individual that emitted an aura of power equal to the likes of... The higher ups in this country.

Nearly everyone sweat drops at the information, not expecting such power on the humans side.

Rimuru becomes more intrigued. Three of his top tier higher ups could definitely take a weak seed down. To have humans that can match them equally... Truly astonishing

Souei: These crystals are located in the North, South, East, West, North-West, North-East, South-East and finally the South-West. I came back here to see Benimaru and the others to have dealt with the ambush, and called for an executive meeting to share the information I am right now.

Souei takes a small breath, alongside a few others.

The tension is visible for whatever next topic he is about to bring up.

Souei: Until... Another sector was ambushed by even stronger humans. Shuna and Rena had intercepted the ambush alongside a few others. However, they were quickly overwhelmed.

Rena looks down with a bit of shame,
clicking her tongue aswell.

She can remember it, the woman with ice magic that humiliated her.

Souei: The ones who ambushed the other sector, were nearly 5 Otherworlders.

Rimuru doesn't like what they are facing with here, not one bit.

3 Otherworlders are already a pain in the ass, why the hell are there more?

Rimuru: (Otherworlders... It's as if the likes of such weapons is widely available. First in Ingracia, now the city, and even the cave aswell.)

Rimuru recalls the events that happened in Veldora's cave and Ingracia.

The country has resources to extend for maintenance of these Otherworlders, must be a buggy one.

Souei: Everyone present with the exclusion of Kaijin, Vesta and the Dwarf brothers arrived at the area, resulting in a all out battle between the executives and otherworlders. We managed to capture one of the otherworlders, but the rest managed to get away and escape from our grasp.

Rimuru remembers the otherworlder they captured. Apparently, she had been the one to defeat Rena.


Rimuru: Did you interrogate her? Did she say anything yet.

Rimuru now looks at Shion, who nods.

The excitement present on her face isn't ignored as they stare with a sweatdrop.

Shion: Hai!

Shion exclaims enthusiastically, finally getting a chance to present Infront of her lord.

These guys took too damn long explaining everything!

Shion: It was easy! The woman didn't even try to hide anything when I tortured her!

Rimuru's mouth opens wide whilst the others sweatdropped at the contents of the last words.

This girl didn't even hesitate to admit she just tortured the poor woman!

Rimuru: Wha-Nevermind, what did she say?

Rimuru doesn't bother asking and just continues.

Clearly, Shion is fucking doing it again whether he prevents her or not.

Shion: I asked her to tell me the details of the army arriving in Tempest, and the reason behind their invasion! She told me all of them once i told her i would sto-

Rimuru: Just tell me what she told...

Rimuru asks Shion, not wanting to listen to the details regarding her "Interrogation".

No one does, unless you wish to be traumatized for eternity.

Shion: Ha-hai.

She fake coughs, and finally puts on an serious expression.

Y'know shits going down when Shion's serious, that's for sure.

Shion: She told me that the nation attacking us is known as the Nation of Falmuth. The army heading our way numbers nearly 80,000 in number, coupled with a few Otherworlders and knights they got from the "Holy Church".

Everyone widens their eyes and mouth at the details regarding the army, with the exclusion of Souei.

First off, was this Shion?

Secondly, it appears someone was aiding this invasion. More specifically, a potential enemy known as Ruberious.

Souei: I can confirm this.

Everyone looks at him.

He stands up from his seat.

Souei: I personally investigated the army heading our way, and have made an mental map and image of their entire army in my mind.

No one is shocked.

They know what Souei is like, this is just a normal Tuesday.

Rimuru:Then please tell us what it is like.

Souei nods at his lord's words.

Souei: There are 30,000 foot soldiers, 20,000 archers, 15,000 hired mercenaries, 5,000 mages from the country, 9,950 Paladins from the church and 50 Otherworlders. An mighty and grandiose army of 80,000 soldiers. Pairing that with the soldiers stationed in the Cardinal directions it turns, in total, an army of 81,600 soldiers. If they move here with constant stopping and schedule, it should only take them 3-5 days to arrive.

Souei finishes his report.

Tempest only has an army of 10-15 thousand to expend!

Shion: In contrary,she also confirmed the "Powerful Individuals" in the camps near the crystals as otherworlders. In the process, she also revealed that they somehow managed to find out about our full potion supply,which is why 3 Otherworlders were sent to the cave.

Shion continues in place of Souei, revealing the reason behind the attack at the cave.

So, the country has strong power and a good intelligence gathering system...

Rimuru: ...

Such a powerful army, and he had only left for 2 weeks. So, news of his leave from Tempest wasn't announced by anyone, not at all. Infact, this invasion must've been planned once Tempest became famous, seeing as the might of Falmuth's army should've taken months to build up.

In short, the preparations for war begun before he even left Tempest, and could date back to as far as when they fought Charybdis which was nearly months ago.

Rimuru: ...

They're country isn't in the best condition as of now, and they barely have the time to start preparing soldiers to deploy at each cornor. In that case, they only have one option...

Rimuru: We attack first.

Everyone stares at Rimuru.

Comprehending his words, they let out an eh in sync.

Benimaru: What... Wait!

Benimaru finally speaks up after a solid minute of silence.

But, he soon understands.

Benimaru: I see... We don't have much time to expend soldiers and resources to defend at various points.

Benimaru starts analysing, he's the general for a reason.

Rimuru: As weird as it sounds in our current state, this is the best course of action. The army will arrive here in nearly 3-5 days, and that is barely enough time to deploy enough troops equally at all sides to defend the country.

Everyone gets the gist of what he's saying.

They all seem to be in a thoughtful thinking.

Rimuru: Therefore, our only option is to attack first and decimate them right now, or...Take the risk and put the lives of thousands of our people in danger by defending this Country without proper deployment.

Rimuru adds, and everyone comes to the logical conclusion that is indeed the best course of action.

Rimuru: Therefore, I would like to know the positions these crystals are in,and deploy you based on their locations.

Rimuru finishes his explanation. Everyone looks at each other,and even Souei himself is wide eyed. However, Souei is the first to regain his composure and start explaining.

Souei: Most of the settlements of crystals are on plain ground, so intercepting them should be easy. However,the ones located in the North and North-West are located ontop of hills, so intercepting that point will be harder.

Souei finishes.

It appears the enemy took all necessary precautions against them.

Rimuru: I see...

All parts are stationed equally. However, the quality of the soldiers and the ones leading them must be different at each part.

Rimuru: (Dwargon is located in the Northern part, so there might be extra strong defences in that part. Blumund, on the other hand, is located in the western part so there might be stronger troops for precaution even if Blumund isn't a powerful country.)

Rimuru smiles, finally having decided who to send where.

It's time to retailiate.

Rimuru: Very well then, let's begin assigning all of you.

Everyone looks at their lord, determination present whilst Kaijin, Vesta and the Dwarf brothers only looking with neutral expressions.

Rimuru appoints the following:

Gabil will intercept the North-Western part with his dragonewts, as it is located in the hills. His squad is best suited for that area of combat.

Rena will intercept the Northern part, seeing as her magic is the most refined out of all of them and should allow her to easily get there without difficulty.

The North-Eastern part will be intercepted by Souei and his Shadow squad. It shouldn't really be a fight.

Benimaru will take the South-Eastern part. Something tells him that there is just someone that deadly as hell over there.

The Goblin Riders will intercept and stall the Eastern part, waiting for Benimaru's arrival to finish off the crystal. In addition to this squad, Rigur alongside Raiga will assist them

Hakurou alongside the Direwolves and Bentley will intercept the Western part, after which,they will move to the South-Western part to join their remaining forces and destroy it. Gobta will join at the south-western part once they are done.

Finally, the Southern part will be intercepted by Geld and the high orcs. Whilst only sending Geld may be underkill, he's alot stronger then he seems and could most probably take a otherworlder.

This, will take place 2 days from now one.

Rimuru:That concludes it, any questions?

No one questions anything at all. Until Gabil raises his hand.

Gabil:We have no objections, Rimuru-Sama. However, there is a question you must answer.

Gabil clears up and asks.

Everyone looks at the Dragonewt.

Rimuru:What is it?

Rimuru questions, tilting his head.

Gabil: What about the main army? We will be able to dispel the camps with the crystals, but what about the main contingent itself?

Gabil finally asks the question everyone wishes to know. They all look at their lord,waiting for an answer.

Rimuru: The main army is mine to Kill.

Rimuru states, and a solid two minutes of silence passes.

Rigurd: What...

Rigurd finally says something.

Rimuru:I will deal with the main army itself.

Everyone's uneasiness it visible, but before they can object.

Rimuru: I have said my word... An army like this is nothing for me, and my strength is more then enough to deal with it.

Rimuru says with complete resolution and deternination, before finally getting up alongside everyone else.

Benimaru:Very well then, Rimuru-Sama. We will do as you have said.

Benimaru states with a bow.

Followed by everyone else.

Rimuru: Good, your free to leave. Be prepared, we will move out next day and show them what they get for going to war with us!

Everyone: Hai!

Rimuru: Let's show those lowly Ningens they messed with the wrong country!

Holy Empire of Ruberious.
Rosso resident.

???: Well, this is quite a pleasant surprise...

A man who appeared to be in his 40's murmured, sitting on a couch with a laid back personality. He has short white hair, an handsome face and wears clothes resembling royalty.

A man that united the countries of the west to face the threats of the east, the perpetrator behind the council of the west. A man that served the greatest human emperor, seeking the good of humanity by fighting the demon lord's. Granbell Rosso, leader of the Rosso family in Ruberious.

Granbell: To what pleasure do I owe you for barging into my house, Grandmaster-Sama?

On his other side stands a young boy with short black hair and way too casual clothing given the situation.

He chuckles, raising his hands in the air.

Yuuki: No need for formalities, Hero-san.

The guild master who orchestrated the entire system in the palm of his hands, the foulest Majin in existence.

Kagurazuki Yuuki.

Granbell: Then tell me Yuuki, may I know what possessed you to barge into my house whilst deliberately killing my grand daughter.

His expression darkens, his smile turning into a frown with an look of pure hatred towards the Majin.

His aura leaks killing intent, it is clear he is ready to Kermit murder at any moment.

Yuuki: Well, to get rid of you Ofcourse. Your an obstacle in my plans, best to deal with you now.

Granbell stands up and pulls out a sword immediately, pointing it at Yuuki.

His eyes and face now turning into a deadly glare filled with killing intent.

Granbell: You barge into my house, kill my Grand daughter... And now you intend to kill me?!

Although Granbell is serious, it appears Yuuki isn't.

Yuuki's look turns into that of mischievousness, him looking down on Rosso.

Yuuki: I won't be your opponent, he will.

Rosso feels a new presence behind him.

Turning around, he meets a katana aimed directly at his face.


I'll be honest, nothing changed much here other then the end.

Just corrected some spelling mistakes, punctuated a few spots and added a few details.

Next Chapter tho, will be vastly different.

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