nouis horanson

By justeverything5

1.4K 31 0

Louis and Niall have been together for 3 years now. they have no kids but it's their dream to have at least o... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 2

85 1 0
By justeverything5

Zayns pov

I look kinda annoyed at Liam. "What? He asks annoyed. "He doesn't ask if you have siblings for no reason!" Liam looks confused at me. "Now they want the 3 of us! You're an idiot!"

We see those lads come back inside and they walk towards us again. The white-haired lad sits down next to us. He takes a couple of deep breaths. What the hell is going on?

"What the fock are you doing?" Liam asks. "Oh well, I sat here 20 years ago to so getting some memories back. Not the best tho but it was better than living with my mum" I look confused. "Yeah, my mum was a real bitch! I will save you the horrible things she did," the other lad walks to us.

"Got them!" I look confused again. "Also the 3 of you have just been adopted! Come on we're gonna get your stuff and then we go to the beach!" Harry walks to my leg and I go down to his level. "What's the beach?" I shrug cus I don't know that so well either.

"Come on!" They seem kinda nice but I don't want Harry to get hurt anymore. We get our stuff and Harry won't let go of his stuffed animal that I get but he has to!

"I love your stuffed animal! What's his name?" It's a panda. "His name is mister Panda," Liam says angrily.

"Alright let's go!" We walk to the car and we have loud music. They're way too nice and especially the white-haired one. "So I don't think you'll remember but I'm Louis and that over-enthusiastic lad here is Niall, my boyfriend!"

"I'm Liam, that's Zayn and this is Harry" Liam says. Okay, he comes around a bit too. "We are not gonna push you to do things you don't want to but do you have swimming clothes or not?" Niall drives and has glasses on.

"I don't think we have swimming clothes, sir," I say. "Then we get those first!" We drive to the mall.

Louis pov

I haven't seen Ni so enthusiastic about anything since I asked him to be my boyfriend. It's clear the kids think it's weird and different.

We arrive at the mall and Harry's ankle hurts badly. Zayn is holding him but I can see he's hurt too. "Can I hold your brother? I won't hurt him!" I say. Zayn looks at Harry but Harry shakes his head no.

"No sorry sir," "That's okay. Again we are not pushing you to do anything!" I grab Niall's hand and we get them swimming clothes. When we're done we don't have time for the beach anymore. Mostly cus Liam didn't want to listen to me or Niall.

We get home. "What do you want for dinner? I'll order or get it and then Niall will show you the rooms or room whatever you want," they all shrug so I make Ni decide. "NANDOS!" The kids make a little jump. "Sorry, I just love Nandos!" Ni corrects himself. "Alright see you soon!"

Nialls pov

I get the kids to a room. "I don't know if you want to share or not so tell me!"

"Can we share 1 room?" Zayn asks. "Uh yeah, sure! I'm sorry that I'm too enthusiastic sometimes... I'm just happy that I can finally have kids..." I say softly. "So this is your room then. Tomorrow it's Saturday and then we will get you guys some things for your room. I'm downstairs for when you need me"

I walk downstairs and bucky runs to me and kisses my face again. Dogs did help me when I was feeling alone or sad. My adopted family had 2 dogs but they died.

Bucky jumps on my beech as I lay on the ground. "Yeah, I love you too buddy!" I kiss him on his soft hairy head.

"Who's that?" I hear a little voice asking softly. "Oh this is Bucky but you can call him Buck too. Want to pet him?" I ask when Harry walks closer. "What if he bites me?" He asks shyly. "I don't remember this one biting but if you don't want to you don't have to" he nods and his hands go through the soft hairs of Bucky.

"He's really big!" Liam and Zayn walk downstairs. They see bucky and Harry playing and they smile. "Dogs help again traumas. They can feel it when you're feeling sad or angry or when you're really happy they go in your feeling then" bucky starts to lie down on the ground.

Liam and Zayn walk slowly to us too. "He loves kids! He helped me a lot" bucky lies next to me. "Why did you go through a hard time?" Liam asks while he pet's Bucky. "When I was younger my mum killed my baby sister, I got in an orphanage and have been adopted a lot but they were abusive then I came to one with 2 dogs. I was scared at first but you are all so brave! I don't think I'll ever be that brave!"

"Sir, were you scared when you went to school?" I nod. "I wanted to be sick all the time cus I got bullied!" Harry smiles playing with bucky.

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