Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

156K 6.7K 1.4K

Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Special Christmas AU

4K 136 25
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"Are you warm enough?"

"Yes, Daddy. And you? I mean, you must be since we've asked each other this question at least ten times already."

Denver pouted. "You're too blunt, baby."

I grinned. "Yep, so what do you really want to ask me?"

My daddy dominant rubbed the back of his neck, his shy smile making my heart pound. Denver turned towards me on the couch, placing his hands on his snowflake-patterned, dark blue pajama pants. I paused the movie onscreen and faced him, giving my man my full attention.

"Um, well," he started, his ice-blue eyes glancing at my face. "I know you still don't do that well with crowds, but I would like to go on a date with you for Christmas."

I placed my hands on top of his right one. "Daddy, I would love to go on a date with you."


My heart clenched at his adorable expression full of happiness and excitement. "Yes, really. Do you have a plan in mind for us, Daddy?"

Denver nodded but didn't divulge any details. Instead of pouting, I crawled forward and settled into his lap. Denver chuckled as our lips met for a brief smooch.

"Not going to ask?"

I shook my head with a grin. "Only because I trust my man and I know he, meaning you, will make me very happy."

Denver's cheeks warmed as he curled his arms around my waist and shoulders. I snuggled into his front as he pecked my forehead. He whispered something to me, but I couldn't hear it properly because of his loud heartbeat in my right ear.

"What did you say, Daddy?"

Denver hugged me a bit tighter and tucked his nose into my curls, then heaved a sigh. "I just said that you're too cute for words, baby."

My cheeks turned pink as I beamed and I was dubbed the "cutest little boy on the planet" by my dear daddy dominant. Denver tousled my hair and heaved another sigh.

"I don't want to move, but I want to go on a date with you..." he whined under his breath. "Such a dilemma."

I rubbed his right pec with my left hand and kissed his jawline. "I know, but this is our first Christmas together. We should enjoy it to the fullest since we celebrated an early Christmas with Charlie and Carver. It's now time for us!"

"Very true," he replied with a smile. "I hope you don't mind, but I have a couple events planned that might draw out your little side."

I chuckled and firmly pressed my lips to his left cheek. "The only reason I don't mind is because I feel so safe with you, Daddy. My little side is undoubtably in agreement. You're solely his daddy dominant and protector who he loves a lot, and to the adult version of myself you're even more."

Denver bit his bottom lip. "Even though I'm not a perfect protector?"

"Especially because of that, Daddy, because no one is perfect. The only perfect people exist in books and movies. You're real, and perfection is impossible to achieve in humans because of our nature. But you strive to be better and that's part of what makes you perfect for me, Denver Charleston."

My precious man had started silently crying, so I used my Christmassy sweater's sleeves to dry his wet cheeks and dab around his eyes. Denver whispered his love for me as I returned it, our lips brushing and meeting properly for a deeper kiss. His tongue stroked mine as his fingers dipped under my sweater and gently grasped my waist. But Denver just continued holding me instead of going further.

My daddy dominant and I like laying together with our skin touching, so him touching my waist with his bare hands was similar to that. It was a comfort to him as much as his embrace is to me.


"Yes, baby?"

"How about I pick your clothes and you pick mine?"

Denver grinned, making my cheeks warm from his stunning smile. He pecked my lips once more and then got up off the couch with me in his arms.

"Sounds like a good deal to me." he replied, laughing as I gave him two thumbs up.


"Hmm, Santa Claws' Workshop?" I read aloud, eyeing the ever-growing lineup as parents with their kids approached the huge building.

But there were other couples like Denver and I going in, so we weren't the odd ones out. Or "even," I guess, since we're in pairs.

"Yes, I thought it might be fun to take the gingerbread-making class to make men to decorate. While our destination is Mrs. Claws' Kitchen, Santa Claws' Workshop is in the back where the kids go to play and look around at all of the various attractions. If you're interested, we can go there as well." explained Denver, holding my right mitten-clad hand with his left gloved one.

"That's interesting, but why is it spelled like that?"

Denver grinned at me. "Because it's animal-themed! I thought you would really enjoy it because of your plushie friends."

I was again struck by how thoughtful, caring, and loving Denver could be and was again amazed by my wonderful man.

"Thank you, Daddy." I said softly, squeezing his hand.

"You're welcome. I think I might have gone overboard in planning for our Christmas together, but I just hope we both really enjoy ourselves today."

I leaned into his side with a soft laugh. "I think we will!"

When we got inside quite awhile later, Denver removed my tuque and tucked it away in his bag with our mittens and gloves. I was met with a wide choice of animal ears with a matching accessory of either a small backpack-like animal part or a belt. For other more obscure but common animals like a turtle, a shell-shaped backpack was offered with a green headband.

Denver had paid online, so he showed his receipt to one of the receptionists at the front. He then guided me to the four walls of the entrance to Santa Claws' Workshop that had the animal sets from nearly ceiling to floor heights. And there were many different sizes—kids took two walls and the adults had the others, which was really nice.

"What are you thinking of wearing, Daddy?"

Denver hummed, tapping his lips. "I will tell you in a minute. What about you?"

I grinned. "Secret! I'll show you in a few minutes, so don't look!"

He chuckled and turned, so I went to find a bear set that would fit me. I want to be a brown bear that has a reddish tint in the fur, so I hope that's available in my size. I managed to find one on the other wall in the bear section. I was just taking it when an actual kid around my size reached for it.

"Aww, I wanted that one!" he whined, pouting at the lady he was with while pointing at the set in my hands.

"Sweetie, there is another one on the rack. Just take it."

"But I want that one!"

I glanced up at the woman, who was pursing her lips. I grasped the other set from the rack and the kid noticed me messing with them both, so he reached for whichever was closest. I gave it to him and then grinned.

"Both are identical, aren't they?" I said, putting on the headband.

The kid's cheeks turned bright red after I waved while leaving. The lady seemed relieved that the boy was quiet now, so I wonder if she's like a nanny to a spoiled rich kid or maybe an aunt tired of her spoiled nephew's antics. Either way, the kid was clearly spoiled rotten.

But that's not my problem. Denver is waiting for me.

Once I returned to Denver's side, I tugged on his coat sleeve and he turned. My soft gasp made him grin as he showed off his black bear set. Denver was in "awe" of my adorable choice that surprisingly matched with his own.

"I guess we're on a similar wavelength," I commented with a happy smile, locking our fingers together. "You're my daddy bear and I'm your baby bear."

Denver blushed and curled down to peck my cheeks. "You're so good at making my heart pound, Em."

My cheeks warmed. "I'm happy to hear that, Daddy."

"Shall we go to the class? I think our reserved time is coming up."

I nodded, letting him lead me down the hallway. He kept a firm yet gentle grip on my hand as lots of people wandered down the hallway towards Santa Claws' workshop. Denver followed an arrow down a hallway to the right that was labeled "Mrs. Claws' Kitchen." About five or six more people came along after us, which included the woman and the spoiled brat.

I sucked in my lips as we reached the Christmas-themed ornate door that was wide open. Denver led me onto the red, green, and white linoleum to one of the six rectangular stations with a counter, a sink, a small oven, and a stovetop on the end. On the counter, there was a piece of white paper printed with Denver's and my names. He put our stuff on the far end of the counter by the wall, then looked down at me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yes, Daddy. And you?"

He smiled and bent over, pressing my fingers to his lips. "I'm doing just fine, especially with my precious boy at my side."

My cheeks flushed pink, so I quickly hugged my man's shoulders before he straightened again. Denver chuckled while I heaved a sigh as he pushed his fingers through my hair.

"You were a little nervous, weren't you?"

I hesitantly nodded. "There are a lot of people around and so many kids."

Denver cupped my cheeks. "You're doing amazingly well, Em. I'm so proud of you."

The subtle knot of anxiety in my gut unraveled the second Denver's words were inputted into my brain. I smiled and squeezed him once more, then let go as a legitimately curvy older woman in a Mrs. Claws' outfit of a red and white dress with a matching Santa hat on emerged from an inner door. She was wearing white bear ears and a tail, so I realized she was a "polar bear."

"Welcome, one and all, to my baking extravaganza!" she exclaimed in a friendly, cheery voice. "Today, we're going to be baking and decorating gingerbread families. Raise your hand if you're excited!"

A show of hands came as the response. I shyly raised my hand with Denver, then he smirked at me as I buried my face against his bicep. I heard him mutter something about me being "absolutely adorable," but I can't help feeling at least a little shy with all these people around me. It's one thing to have a goal in mind and be focused on it in public, but it's a whole different ballgame when there's no goal for me to focus on yet aside from having an amazing date with my daddy dominant.

Denver squeezed my shoulders as Mrs. Claws' helpers passed out instructions to follow while she readied her own station in the front of the room. I glanced at one of the helpers in the usual elven garb for Santa's workers, but I could see that, instead of wearing elf ears, all had chosen animal sets of their choice like the customers. One girl was blushing a bit as she hurried back into the line of helpers waiting by the wall in case anyone needed assistance.

But, as the class started, it was obvious we needed no additional instructions or assistance from either Mrs. Claws or her helpers. I happily admired my man's skillful hands as he worked the gingerbread dough. I had helped by passing ingredients with the correct measurements, then Denver guided me in getting the perfect shape for the gingerbread people cut-outs. He showed me a neat trick, so I was soon cutting all the members in our little family. Denver laughed when I pointed to the most perfect gingerbread man in my eyes, which included him as well.

"Now, it's time put your cookies in the oven! Kiddos, stand back and let your guardians do this task. And adults, no clumsiness allowed! These ovens are hot."

I let Denver handle the tray of four gingerbread cut-outs, one of which had a dress that represented Charlie. Carver was included in the count of four, of course.

After the cookies were all in the oven and the timers were set, there was a period of waiting time. But instead of there being nothing happening, there was a giant marshmallow-stacking competition between the kids while the adults followed the instructions to make hot chocolate.

Denver kept eyeing me while I made a pyramid of marshmallows on his right while he melted the dark chocolate on the stovetop with a "double boiler," as he called it. I couldn't help sneaking glances at my man as well. His profile and expressions of concentration are really attractive. I want to cuddle up next to him and ask for more than just a few pecks on my cheeks. Maybe we can do that when we get home.

"Lame," muttered the spoiled brat from before as he passed by Denver and I to get something from the pantry, so I glanced over to his station to see his "castle" that looked ready to topple over any second.

Mrs. Claws suddenly called out, "One minute left! Make sure your marshmallows are properly stacked since we're judging height, design, and stability in order to give prizes to the three winners!"

I set the last marshmallow on the very top with Denver's help aside from the step stool, then the timer went off to signal the end of the competition. Denver ladled the homemade hot chocolate into two mugs for us, handing one to me as the judging began. Everyone settled down onto the provided wooden but cushioned stools at their stations, sipping the hot chocolate in near silence. I leaned into Denver's left side and smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Daddy. It's delicious."

Denver grinned. "You're welcome, baby. I'm happy it turned out well."

"Was this your first time making it from scratch?"

My man nodded. "I think I'll make this again."

I smiled broadly as I replied softly, "Sounds good to me!"

Denver curled his left arm around my shoulders and pressed his lips to my forehead, then continued sipping at his drink. I heaved a soft sigh until a loud bang occurred. Denver was a bit startled, but he helped steady my cup. We looked up to see a marshmallow tower had fallen from one of the helpers slamming the tray down onto the countertop. The little girl was pouting after her tower fell, but she didn't look too upset and a smile reappeared after she dunked one of the giant marshmallows into her mug of hot chocolate.

Personally, I wanted to do the same, but the judges hadn't gotten to my entry yet. Denver petted my hair, so I leaned into him as the judges got to the spoiled brat's station. Just lifting the tray that the tower was on made the castle fall apart. The kid was given points for height and creativity, but then was docked some because of the fragility of his design. He obviously didn't take that well and was about to complain when his guardian stuffed a giant marshmallow into his mouth to keep the peace.

When it came time for our turn, Denver shifted his position a bit on the stool and tousled my hair. I think he was trying to reassure me for whatever reason, but I'm not nervous and I don't think I'll be upset if I get a bad score. I just did what I wanted to do and had fun with my man, so I'm satisfied.

After the quick bang onto the counter, my pyramid stayed mostly intact save for the one marshmallow right at the top. Denver was quick to snatch that and hand it to me, so I grinned and him and leaned into his side even more. Denver chuckled.

"Simple but effective," remarked the wolf-themed helper.

"Classic design as well. Neat as a pin!"

After the rabbit-themed helper gave her judgement, then the frog-themed guy and Mrs. Claws gave it a once-over and glanced at me. I smiled and wiggled my fingers, but Daddy caught them and pressed my hand to his chest.

I giggled happily as Daddy peppered my face with kisses after the judges left to tally their votes. My precious daddy looks so happy to be with me and I'm super duper happy to be with him. I love my daddy so much, and I love having fun with him, too! Best day ever!

"Are you happy, baby?"

I giggled. "Yup! I get to spend my first ever Christmas with you, Daddy, and we're doing something new together."

Daddy smiled and leaned over to kiss my crown. "I'm very happy about those things too, sweetheart. May I help you decorate our cookies later?"

I beamed. "Yes, please! I need Daddy's skills."

Denver playfully clutched at his herringbone-knit turtleneck sweater (which somehow made him look even sexier) while he whispered about how adorable I am. I blushed and nudged his side, sipping at my drink that was still very warm. Denver kissed my cheek with a soft laugh on his lips as Mrs. Claws called for everyone's attention.

"All right, so we've tallied the votes and critiques. In third place, we have the Joseph family with their gingerbread house-themed marshmallow sculpture. It was very creative with the use of marshmallows for the snowmen outside."

The Joseph family of four looked happy. I gave them two thumbs up, then the young couple came in second place with a more structurally sound castle than the spoiled rich kid. The ones in first place was an older father-daughter duo with a fancy amphitheater design with entrances and exits. I was very impressed by them, to be perfectly honest.

"The first place winners receive a baking set and a special tour of Santa Claws' workshop, the second place winners get a twelve piece set of special animal-Christmas-themed cookie cutters which anyone can purchase in Santa Claws' workshop, and for third place...a real gingerbread house! How fun!"

Everyone clapped, even the bratty kid (although it looked like he was just doing it because his guardian forced him). I was really happy for the winners since they did such an amazing job in the span of twenty minutes. I spent most of my time just watching Denver move around me while working on his task.

As the timers beeped and the adults (or less clumsy ones) brought the perfectly baked gingerbread families out of the oven, Mrs. Claws began speaking again, "We have one more prize, though, for a special mentions. With a staggeringly large pyramid of marshmallows with height, stability, and a clean, neat look, Denver and Emil win a twenty-five dollar gift card to use in Santa Claws' workshop!"

Denver's wide eyes met mine, then we chuckled as we received some claps from the people who could do so. My cheeks flushed from the sudden attention, so I quickly moved the available squeeze bottles of icing over to where Denver and I would be decorating. I stood on a step stool and he moved in behind me to help as we picked out colors to use for our designs while the cookies cooled.

"Hey, um..."

I looked over to see the bratty kid and he seemed to be rather sheepish for some reason as he stood at the end of Denver's and my cooking station.


"I'm sorry."

My eyebrows hopped up. "For what?"

His cheeks flushed and he looked down. "For being mean. I didn't mean it."

I hopped off the stool and bent over, looking up at his downturned face. "If you promise not to treat anyone else like that, even that lady you're with, then I'll forgive you."

His face scrunched up, but he met my gaze and nodded. "I promise," he said quietly. "I really am sorry. I actually thought your pyramid was really cool 'cause you were super fast lining up and stacking the marshmallows."

"Thank you, and I forgive you." I replied with a grin, then straightened up with him. "You have to apologize to that lady, okay? She's been really patient with you."

The boy nodded slowly. "I will. But, um, c-can I get your number?"

Daddy inhaled sharply and coughed behind me, so I eyed him with a worried expression. "What's wrong, Daddy? Are you okay?"

My dear daddy waved his hand while he tried to stop himself from coughing. I hope he's okay. Maybe some hot cocoa went down the wrong tube?

"So, can I have it? You're really cute."

I quickly shook my head. "Nope, Daddy said not to give his number to strangers. But thanks for thinking I'm cute! You're not so bad yourself."

He blushed bright red. "Uh, thanks. Um, I'll talk to you later?"

I smiled and waved at him with both hands as he returned to his own station. The lady had been really nervous, but she looked both stunned and happy when the boy apologized to her. I'm happy he turned out okay.

Daddy guided me to the step stool again and pressed his front to my back to guide my hands for starting the decorating of the cookies. I'm so excited, but I can't help being worried about my daddy.

"Um, are you okay, Daddy?"

He nodded and kissed my head. "I'm fine, sweetheart. I was just a little surprised by the kid's boldness."

"Boldness?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yeah, he actually flirted with you. Gosh, kids are bold these days."

I giggled at my daddy dominant's exasperated tone. "Were you jealous, my cute man?"

Denver huffed and turned his head, but he briefly squeezed my waist. "No, and only because I knew there was no competition. You're my baby boy and lover after all." he whispered, helping me squeeze the green icing bottle very gently to get two dots each for my and Charlie's representations.

"Very true, Daddy dearest."

My gorgeous man blushed and moved next to me to work side by side. Goodness gracious, Denver is just too cute. I want to kiss his soft lips and cuddle with him properly when we get home.


I glanced up into my daddy dominant's ice-blue eyes with a happy smile on my face. "Yeah?"

"I love you." he whispered, so my cheeks burned after his lips brushed my right one. "I can't wait to cuddle when we get home."

"I was thinking the same thing."

Denver's cheeks warmed up a bit and he cleared his throat. "Glad we're on the same page."

I giggled, teasing my cute man a bit while we continued decorating. Once we were finished, Mrs. Claws had us prop the cookies up on little stands and take pictures of them to send to relatives or just keep as a memory. Pictures were taken of us as well, so we were handed the printed versions as we filed out with our stuff. Our cookies were boxed up once the icing hardened, so we were carrying those out with our prizes.

Denver took my hand and led me to Santa Claws' Workshop to check everything out. The winners of our baking class event were taken deeper into the workshop on a special guided tour, probably to explain how the mechanics worked for all of the moving toys like the train and its tracks above our heads and the wooden soldiers moving what were most likely empty wrapped boxes onto a conveyor belt, which wrapped around the huge warehouse-like space.

The "workshop" had a cozy, log cabin-like feel to it despite being inside of a building on the outskirts of the city. The warm tones combined with varying shades of red and green along with white and gold accents really helped in giving this place an almost pleasurable atmosphere. It was interesting seeing all of the little activities kids could do and I did notice the refreshment bar where many of the adults hung out. Denver kept close to me, though, while I wandered around the place.

There were little hideaways and goggles with gold dust to look through, interesting Christmas-themed puzzles like a maze to get Rudolph out of a pickle, and so much more. There were short slides and a play area that left little to be desired with how safe yet complex everything was that I could see.

It was more than a little overwhelming, to be perfectly honest. Unsurprisingly, Denver noticed my minute distress after a bunch of kids got us separated for a moment. He picked me up, so I hugged his shoulders and squeezed his sides with my legs. Denver smiled into my shoulder and released a soft sigh as I relaxed into his arms.

"Are you all done here, baby? Or would you like to hang out a bit more?"

"I'm good now, thanks. I think I managed go see everything here. Can we check out the gift shop before we leave?"

Denver grinned at me. "Of course. After all, we have to use up our prize money."

I returned his expression. "True!"

I was carried into the gift shop area, which was in the center of the wall to our left. Denver didn't put me down, so I was feeling quite pleased as he wandered around.

My man pointed to the cookie cutters and we were surprised to see they were a thirty-five dollar purchase. Although I guess I'm not that surprised since they aren't run of the mill—instead they were specially designed for this company. There were also freshly made and fully decorated gingerbread houses that were almost twice as big as the ones I'm used to seeing. Those were worth thirty dollars each, and I could see the value in them. It was good that the Joseph family won third place because the house could easily feed the parents and kids in more than one sitting.

I rested my head against Denver's own, yawning a bit as I tucked my nose down onto his shoulder. Denver petted my head, so I relaxed even more.

"Just rest, baby. It's been an exciting few hours, hasn't it?"

"Mhm," I hummed, lightly squeezing his shoulders. "Very much so. Thank you for planning all of this and bringing me here, Daddy."

"Of course, Em. It's my pleasure."

While Denver continued perusing the shop, I closed my eyes and rested as he suggested. I'm happy we did something new and fun that even my little side really enjoyed, but being with Denver is the best part for me. I can't imagine I would have had as much fun had I been here with just Charlie and or Carver. My daddy dominant is the one who made this trip really special.

I wonder how I can convey that to him today?

"Thanks for your purchase! Please come back again soon or when we're open for the next Christmas season."

"I'm sure we'll come back next year." replied Denver, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

Denver walked out of the gift shop and towards the exit, so I offered to be put down and carry something since he was loaded up with stuff.

"How about you get the keys from my backpack, baby? That will be very helpful."

"All righty." I murmured, reaching into his backpack to find his keys in one of the pockets he mentioned briefly. "Um, I think I can reach it..."

Denver thanked someone for opening the door for him, then we were hit with a blast of cold air. We weren't wearing our jackets or anything, so it was a quick trip to find our car on the packed lot before we turned to icicles. Denver put the purchases in the trunk and set me down, then quickly got our warm clothes out of his backpack and redressed us. I smiled happily as I tugged down my tuque.

Denver playfully swooned. "Oof, my baby boy is too cute."

I blushed and elbowed him. "Shush, Daddy. You're making me want to kiss you."

"That can be arranged..."

"On the lips with tongue."

"Oh," uttered Denver, his cheeks now burning. "That would not be good right now."

"No, so please refrain from saying cute and lovely things for awhile until we're away from this place."

Denver began to laugh, which made me smile. I was hustled into the front passenger seat and buckled into place, then Denver climbed into the driver's side a moment later. Once the car and its heater was on, we both sighed with relief and sank into our seats for a moment.

"Any other place in mind for our Christmas date, Daddy?" I asked, peeking at my handsome man as he carefully backed out of the parking space.

"Yes, actually, I have two places in store for us. I reserved a table at a restaurant downtown, then we're going to walk to the square to view the Christmas parade and the lights."

My happy smile made him blush. My adorable daddy dominant and beloved Denver Charleston is the most precious gift I could have ever received.


I eyed him again. "Yes, Daddy?"

His ice-blue eyes sparkled. "I love you, Emil Robertson; my precious baby boy and lover—the most wonderful gift I've ever received."

I blushed and hid my face. "I was thinking the same thing again."

Denver chuckled and tousled my hair with one hand. "I'm happy to hear that, Em. And after we get home and set up the gingerbread house I bought to go with our gingerbread family that we made, I have one more present for you."

I dropped my hands and caught his right one, then kissed his thumb. My daddy dominant's breath caught. I peeked at my handsome man again and grinned.

"And after that, then we can cuddle." I added, and he agreed.

Later that night, after the rest of our spectacular date that brought my little side out a few more times, Denver and I set up the gingerbread house and family on the dining table. We took pictures and sent them out, then Denver had me sit on the couch while he prepared our little plug-in Christmas tree for me. He had me close my eyes, so I did as told and waited patiently until I was given the okay.

I gasped softly and pushed off the couch, reaching for the large black bear teddy plushie. It was soft to the touch and I squeezed it as Denver took a seat in the corner of the couch. I hugged the plushie tightly and felt happiness well up in the form of tears. My heart felt full as I got up and hurried over to Denver, then settled myself into his lap.

"Happy, baby?"

"Very, Daddy. Thank you for our amazing date and for my present."

Denver cooed and pecked my lips. "You're very welcome, baby. I thought the bear would remind you of me from our first Christmas date for years to come."

I grinned. "Of course it will! And it's dressed in Christmas garb of a red Santa hat with a red and green plaid scarf. I love his little brown toe beans, dark brown eyes, and his cute ears and tail. And I'm glad we were able to keep the animal sets because I want to take lots of pictures of us wearing them."

Denver smiled as he hugged my form, then nuzzled and kissed my head. "That can be arranged, my lovely Emil. Shall we make good on our promise for cuddles?"

"You keep spoiling me, Daddy." I whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

He chuckled against my lips. "This is far from spoiling you, baby boy, as I have much more to give you if you want me."

"Yes, please." I replied without hesitation, then snuggled into his arms as he laid back with my form on top of his own. "I love you, Daddy. Thank you for choosing me."

"I love you too, baby. And thank you for choosing me to be your daddy dominant."

I giggled and whispered, "Merry Christmas, Daddy."

He hummed and petted my red waves, admiring the blond highlights being illuminated by the lights on our tree and from the TV that was playing Christmas songs.

"Merry Christmas to you too, my beautiful boy. A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." he murmured, then kissed my forehead again as I cuddled closer.

As Denver said, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. I hope you've had an amazing day. It has been literally exhausting for me. (I'm gonna have a nap after I post this...)

It's been a crazy rollercoaster of a year for a lot of reasons, but we've almost made it to the end of 2022. It's amazing how time flies.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this special chapter! I will see you next Saturday for the continuation of the actual storyline. I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 12/25/2022
Word count: 5615

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