It All Started With Magnets

By AMLKoski

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Nearly fifty light years away from earth, a lone space ship lands at a space port, and the lone human steps o... More



304 46 9
By AMLKoski

The next day

My sleep had been... a little poor. It wasn't that I had a nightmare, at least not that I could remember, it was just that I had woken up with my heart racing and gasping for air. I must have made some sort of noise because Mare had come into my room and asked if I was alright. I had said that I was, that I was just having a bit of a hard time sleeping.

She had just nodded and offered to make me some tea and perhaps a bit of meditation. I had agreed. It had felt nice to have her there when I woke up feeling like that. We had a small cup of tea and then meditated for thirty minutes, just until I felt calmer. She hadn't pressed me for anything but I found myself telling her about what happened anyway. She did as she always had, listened patiently and made sure that I understood that she was hearing me, even if she wasn't saying anything.

After I had been all talked out and feeling a bit wrung out because of it. She just gave me a rather sad smile and said that because brains were so complex, they hadn't been able to figure out how to heal the damage trauma caused outside of doing their best to mitigate symptoms and minimize the damage and keep the situations from happening at all. She said she was sorry that they couldn't give me anything to take it away from me but she, and the others, were there for me whenever I needed to talk and that if I needed even more support, they had mental health professionals they could arrange for me to see.

I had appreciated it. I had never felt more supported. The guys were there for me and knowing everyone on the council was as well, made me feel like I could perhaps get over it with some time. It was just so weird for me. I wasn't a person who had panic attacks or who was scared by loud noises or had nightmares. My life had been good for the most part and I had to wonder if perhaps getting shot in the shoulder had kind of made the entire assembly attack that much worse. Thinking back, every time there had been a gunshot I had flinched sightly, wanting to cover my ears. I didn't know though, I wasn't an expert in trauma or mental health. I knew I was fairly lucky that the trip to earth was my only really trauma-based thing in my life.

But still, I was slightly tired and I hoped that I would be able to sleep better when I went to bed. I didn't do well on very little sleep.

"These are so weird." Ham looked over his holo deck. I was hesitant to call them smart phones because they were much more advanced but they functioned basically as the same thing. But Dunnerton had gone out and got the guys each their own. Mine had been sitting on my shelf in my room so I had just snagged it. But I had thanked Dunner profusely for getting them for the guys. Communication was important and I knew they would feel better with a way to communicate with each other and me if we ever got separated.

"The fuck you talking about, Ham? These are fucking amazing!" Twigs seemed to be having a lot of fun playing with his. He had taken several scan pictures and had been fiddling with the holographic display and it was now pink in colour. Which he seemed to be absolutely thrilled about.

"What's Human Watch?" Luke's question came out hesitantly as he turned his, showing off the site that he found and I snorted.

"I forgot about that." I grabbed my own holo deck and brought up the site. "They made that when I first got to Torin, it was basically to report on all the things I did." There were nearly a thousand articles on there when I had left Torin, I could see the number had jumped slightly, probably people reporting me returning and my hospital stay.

"That's a major logistical problem." Fist said it and Luke and the rest seemed to agree.

"It's harmless. No one bothers me for the articles and they function off of the data that's publicly available." It definitely wasn't like the paparazzi on earth. I was given my space for the most part but they really did like writing articles about me. "I bet you guys on are on it now too." I scanned the newest headlines and smiled. "I was right." I brought up the newest article and the guys all stared at me in disbelief. "New Humans! Torin has been visited by eight more humans. They arrived with Roxie Matthews after her unfortunate trip to earth and have been staying with her in an undisclosed hospital during her recovery. We are hoping to share more info soon." I swiped the holo of the paper to turn and then tapped the picture. It showed a rather impressive composite sketch of the eight guys. "See?"

"This is a logistical nightmare." Luke gave a small groan, rubbing at his face and I shrugged.

"You get used to it." I had been surprised at how quickly I had gotten used to it. It had went from feeling like a closely monitored bug to meh, in like a month. "People used to bother me when I was out and about for a while but ever since Mare started my video channel, it happens way less. Plus the novelty is wearing off. I was getting pretty commonplace in the city after over three months of living here." I gave another shrug, scrolling through the new articles. There were quite a few speculating about my condition when I had arrived and about the guys but all identifying info was missing. Which I liked. The privacy was nice, especially to not have them discuss which hospital I was at and that no one from the hospital said anything about my condition or recovery.

"They have youtube?" Jetski looked shocked and I shrugged once more.

"Eh, it's called the Galactic Collective but it's similar. Acts more like an archive than anything else." There weren't ads, it wasn't a space dedicated to making money, and there wasn't really an algorithm. It just happened to be the most popular video hosting site out of the Galactic Union.

"What your account called?" Jetski asked it quickly, looking overly excited.

"Roxie the Human." The name wasn't one I chose but Mare said it would be a very good identifier for me and would allow for everyone to find me quickly.

"Holy shit! You have thirteen billion subscribers!" Jetski practically barked it out and I gave a small hum.

"Oh, that's neat. I'm up two point five." I was surprised I gained that many over such a short amount of time.

"Neat? You say neat! Jesus Christ, woman! Monetize that shit!" He pointed at me and I rolled me eyes,

"Galactic Collective doesn't offer monetization because it's an archival resource and I don't really need it." I really, really didn't need the money.

"Everyone needs money." Timmay said it casually and I shook my head, smiling slightly.

"I'm a human, I get things for free." There had yet to be anything that I paid for. It had been a bit irritating when it first happened but I then realized I was poor in the Galactic Union, I had no money, at all. None. So I fully accepted the freebies.

"That's an oversimplification but she is correct." Mare-aidee came out from the kitchen and I watched how Luke's gaze seemed to follow her as she moved around the various guys sitting and laying everywhere. "Until such a time as humans can be integrated into our societal network, including work opportunities and financial avenues, we provide for them free of charge." She sat down between me and Luke and I fought a smile as her cheeks went slightly darker as she tried not to look at him. "We need to assess each human individually to determine optimum placements."

"We gotta get aptitudes done." I grinned at the guys and Twigs blinked.

"What? Tests?" He looked horrified at the idea and I grinned a bit wider.

"My aptitude's science." I had that shit locked down already. I had it locked down the moment I stepped out on Torin to be exact.

"Specifically she will be heading research and development of the entirety of the newest scientific sector she created with her inventions." Mare-aidee's correction was slightly prim but overly fond as she looked at me.

"It's prestigious. Unlike you goons." I stuck my tongue out at them and Aragorn wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hey gurl, what else that mouth do?" He made a kissy face at me and I made my expression go completely blank.

"Bite." That had them all cracking up and I smirked at Aragorn but if anything it made his eyebrow wiggling get worse.

"Kinky." He gave me a horrendous, pretending to be seductive growl and I rolled my eyes with a smile, turning back to my device.

"I apologize for them. They're a bit much." Luke said it low to Mare-aidee and I forced myself not to look over at them both. I didn't want them to realize just how invested I was in their little budding attraction.

"They seem to be... boisterous. Much like the grog. I will get used to it in time." Mare gave a small nod to that and there as a slight pause. "Perhaps a little less time if you help guide me, Louk." My eyes widened and I fought a giddy smile back and when I glanced over at Mare, her cheeks were definitely a darker shade of blue.

"Anything you need from me, Mare-aidee. You can have." Luke's words had me quickly turning my head away from them so they wouldn't catch the absolute grin on my face. I wondered if a part of me should feel embarrassed that I was in my thirties and actively shipping two people together like they were characters from a book but I couldn't help myself.

The front door was shoved open and Gal'rug came in. "I do not like being so far away from your place." He pointed at Mare-aidee and she quickly wiped her hands on her dress.

"Nothing to be done for it and you need the exercise." She gave a short nod as she said it and I lifted my holo deck up slightly, pretending to be absorbed by the things on it.

"I will just get a housing unit moved over. Simple. Now we are going to the arena." He pointed at me and I glanced at him over the holo deck. He was definitely wearing his arena gear, simple and traditional grog gear and I glanced down at my definitely lazing around the house sleeping pants and rather nice flowy robe like shirt Mare had given me to wear when I had first arrived.

"I kind of wanted to stay in." I wasn't entirely sure how I felt leaving just yet. I didn't want to have another freak out or potentially run into something else that would cause a freak out. Plus I wasn't really dressed for it.

"No." With that he marched over, nearly pushing the guys out of the way before he grabbed me around the waist and I was heaved up and over his shoulder. I knew that had been coming.

I let out a noisy sigh. "Gal'rug." His habit of manhandling me was almost becoming a nuisance. "I'm not dressed for the arena." I really really wasn't.

"You look fine no matter how you dress." The half compliment was said gruffly as he turned and carried me away from the couch. "We are going to the arena. Then after that you have dinner with Dunnerton." He carried me towards the front door and the guys immediately were on their feet, following us.

"I hope you brought a big cruiser because those guys aren't staying." I gestured at him before huffing again, resting my elbow on his back as I placed my chin in my hand, watching the guys scramble to get their boots on.

"I did." He snorted slightly as he said it as he carried me outside.

"I need my shoes." I called it out and watched as Ham grabbed my sneakers from beside the door as he jammed his feet into his boots.

"This is against protocol, Gal'rug." Luke said it with a fair amount of irritation as he followed us out the door, the rest of the guys right behind him.

"Your protocol, human, not mine." Gal'rug sounded smug as he said it. "Besides, Yek'tel'bat'gorm is in the arena today. I am certain you would all like to see him." I could see the guys glancing back and forth between each other with barely concealed excitement.

But his statement had me giving a snort. "Bribery, Gal'rug?" I rolled my eyes slightly but smiled all the same. The grog was not above utilizing whatever means necessary to get what he wanted. That or carting me around like a sack of potatoes.

"It is not bribery, merely incentive to get what I want." He sounded so smug that I reached back with my free hand and smacked him upside the head with it, but all he did was chuckle.

"What do you want, Gal'rug?" Luke smirked as he looked at me and I flipped him off from my perch before Gal'rug turned and I was left facing the definitely large cruiser as he adjusted his arm around my legs.

"To go to the arena." He said it like it was the clearest answer and Luke was an idiot for not getting it. "Get in the cruiser."

"Gal'rug, please put her down." Mare's voice was frustrated and Gal'rug gave a low groan of irritation. "I mean it! You carry her around like a sack of dirt constantly." That had me smiling slightly. She had a point, even before I left for earth he had been carrying me around.

"It is the best way to ensure I get her to the arena, Mare-aidee." At Gal'rug's rather thin excuse I laughed, unable to help myself.

"You could ask. She likes the arena just as much as you do." I knew Mare would call him out on poor excuse and Gal'rug sputtered, much to my delight.

I tried shifting so I could see behind me. "He's being territorial, Mare-aidee. All the big strong humans around he's gotta show that he's the strongest." I laughed as I said it because Gal'rug snorted as if seriously offended.

"I do not need to show it. I am." He jostled me on his shoulder and I laughed harder as his words seemed to set the guys off.

"Those are fighting words!"

"I could take you!"

"I'll fuck you up, bro!"

"You and me One-V-One!"

"Look what you started." Luke seemed seriously agitated and I just laughed harder. I felt better stirring everyone up, it took my mind off the low level of unease that was running through me. I didn't want to have a freak out in public over crowds or loud noises. I just wanted to be normal again. I didn't like feeling this low level unease running under my skin. I swallowed it down, refusing to let it bother me.

"I would beat all of you. I hope you realize this." Gal'rug said it rather smugly and that just riled them up more. "Get into the cruiser, we do not want to miss the first battle."

I wiggled slightly, huffing out a breath. "Can you set me down?" I was getting uncomfortable being slung over his shoulder. It was pressing into my stomach and it was bringing up a low ache that I didn't appreciate.

"No." It was short and clipped and I rolled my eyes.

I patted his back, "I'm not going to bolt. You can set me down, big guy." As much as I wanted to go into the house and get changed, I wasn't going to risk him literally hunting me down because he would. With that, he carefully lifted me off his shoulder, setting me down before pointing at me in warning. I rolled my eyes again but smiled at him as I turned around. "Mare, can you grab me-"

"I already have it. I put your holo deck in it." She cut me off, bringing me my small backpack that I kept some spare clothes in.

"Thank you." I took it from her and she just huffed, giving Gal'rug a disapproving look. "I really would appreciate it if you stopped carrying her around like that. It is undignified." She shook a finger at him like he was a disobedient child and Ham grinned as he walked by us both.

"Undignified? Sign me up!" With that he scooped me up and I let out a yelp, flailing slightly a the suddenness of being swooped off my feet.

"No." Gal'rug quickly snagged me from his arms and then pushed him away and towards the cruise. "Not allowed." He set me back down, brushing off my clothes as if he thought that Ham had given me cooties. "Front seat is yours, as always." He bowed his head at me and I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks big guy." I reached out and gave his arm a squeeze before I turned and opened the front door to the cruiser and settled in the front seat, tucking my bag on my lap as I closed the door.

"That guy likes you!" It came from Jetski and my cheeks flushed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said it quickly and made a show of digging through my small backpack as if unbothered. I didn't want to get into that right at the moment. I had an inkling of what Gal'rug's feelings were and I knew what my own were, but that wasn't anything anyone else needed to know about.

"No no, Tank! That guy is completely smitten with you!" Ham chimed in and I just shook my head.

"Nope." I was not getting into it with any of them.

Konnie snorted, "Oh come on! We're guys, we can fucking tell!"

"He's a grog. Not a human." I pointed it out, knowing it was more than likely useless.

"Have you noticed he always refers to her as my?" Twigs said it almost conspiratorially and they all agreed as my cheeks heated up even worse.

"That's not true." It was flimsy and ridiculous and mostly they needed to stop prying.

"Bullshit, Tank!"

"And that territorial shit? He's doing it to show to you that he's stronger than us, ergo he's the better guy to get busy with to have babies!" Jetski pushed himself between the two front seats as he looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned, shoving him back into the back. "There is so much wrong with that statement. The grogs respect strength and they have-"

"Absolutely not! He doing it to show to you that he's the better choice!" Aragorn looked excited and I pointed at him.

"No, he's not." I wasn't getting into it and I absolutely wasn't letting them get into it.

"Looks like we can have the Nile on Torin too!" Fist nearly sang it out and I pointed at him, frowning darkly as my cheeks burned.

"I'm not in denial!" It wasn't denial to just not want to talk about the situation. My feeling about Gal'rug were my own and they weren't going to pry it out of me.

"Me think the lady doth protests too much!" Fist grinned at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Gal'rug is my friend and as such-

"And he a hundred percent wants to do the dirty tango with you between the sheets." Jetski spoke quickly, grinning and I rolled my eyes and flipped them all off as I turned back around, sitting in my seat.

"You guys always have to turn things sexual." They really really did and they needed to stop.

"You can't tell me you haven't thought about it." I knew Aragorn was more than likely wiggling his eyebrows at back of my seat and I scrubbed at my face, hating how heated my face felt, it had even touched my ears and my neck.

"Bet that's why she wanted to come back." And Twig's words set everyone off.

"Oooooooh! Yes!"

"Makes so much sense, bro!"

"I know right?"

I shook my head, "You guys are ridiculous."

Jetski scoffed, "If I had a six foot tall she-hulk wanting to get down, I'm just saying, I would get fucking busy."

"Absolutely ridiculous." I shook my head again as I said it, looking out the window as Gal'rug and Mare continued to talk.

"No judgment!" Aragorn all but called it out.

"Yah, these alien chicks can be fucking fine."

"I know right? Might need to get me an alien lover bingo card!"

"Gotta catch them all!"

"Oh for fuck's sake." I sunk down in my seat as they continued and Gal'rug and Mare seemed to finish their conversation as Gal came around the cruiser and opened his door and got in.

"We will head to the arena now." He nodded at that as he started the large cruiser before he glanced at me. "Mare-aidee let me know about this morning. If anything bothers you, you and I can go wait outside until you feel better." He said it low and so sincerely that I practically melted.

"Thank you, Gal, I really appreciate that." I did. It made me feel better knowing that he had my back like that. I knew he loved the arena but the fact he was willing to forgo it to make sure that if I had a problem with something, that he would leave with me so I could gather myself, meant a lot.

"I would do anything for you, my Rox'ie. You are my friend." At the soft words I smiled at him, reaching over and patting his arm. I appreciated him more than he knew. I really really did.

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