It All Started With Magnets

By AMLKoski

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Nearly fifty light years away from earth, a lone space ship lands at a space port, and the lone human steps o... More



309 45 8
By AMLKoski

Several hours later

"And I had to the go all the way to the school because she punched this boy right in his face!" My dad laughed and Gal'rug joined him, large bellows of laughter that made me smile as I watched them all.

"He deserved it." I crossed my arms as I leaned against the pilot's chair my mum and dad were sitting in, my mum sitting on his lap, that blue and gold wrap carefully draped around her neck and shoulders.

"I always knew deep down that my human was an aggressive one." Gal'rug slapped his leg and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"She was a menace." Georgie hooked my neck and gave me an aggressive noogie that I yelped at before I kidney shot him. He gave a rather undignified yelp as he let me go. I tried to fix my hair, scowling at him.

"She defends herself. I think it's a good thing." My mum said it with a smile and smirked as I finger combed my hair, sticking my tongue out as Georgie who was doing his best to stay out of hitting distance.

"I will never argue with that." Mare-aidee said it softly, glancing to me. "We do so care about our Rok'see and it has been a delight to meet her family." She clasped her hands together bowing at the screen.

"This has been absolutely amazing for us as well." My mum fairly gushed it out and it made me so happy to see. I had been a little bit hesitant to have the call after I tried it with the Vice-Admiral but at the same time I couldn't not. I was just thankful everyone got along so well, I had kind of figured they would but seeing it was something else entirely.

"At'kat is so cool!" Jesse gushed it out, staring up at the alien with damn near love in her eyes.

"And you, young hatchling, have been a delight to meet as well." He said it with a few happy clicks and I smiled between them both.

"You look just like a prayin' mantis! Those are the best bugs cause they know kung fu!" She gave a dreamy sigh as she watched him. I should have known she would take to At'kat'vo. She adored insects.

At'kat bowed his head at her. "I am flattered, little one."

"I still can't get over the fact she wasn't lying and you really do like monster trucks, Gal." Georgie said it, sidling closer but protecting his side from me as he looked at me like I was going to jump him.

"I cannot wait to see one in person! A heart thumping good time!" Gal'rug seemed pleased by that, thumping his chest with his fists.

"I don't care what it takes to get that spice delivered to earth but, Dunnerton, man. I am a fan!" My dad said it quickly and I smiled. I had shared some food with them and my dad had fallen in love with the spicy aspect of the jyngt food. Which hadn't surprised me, my dad loved his hot sauce and spice.

"I cannot wait to try your bar-bee-cue you have told me about. It sounds more than delicious." Dunner looked exceedingly excited with that and more than a little pleased he found someone who liked how spicy the food was.

"And your wings are so pretty!" Jesse said it, looking at Loril-ee.

Loril looked pleased by that. "I thank you, little Jesse." She fluttered her wings in a more dramatic way to show them off a touch more for my niece and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"We should probably get going though." My mum said it, making to get off my dad's lap. "Jesse has to do some online schooling in a little under an hour."

"That's a shame but education is more than important. We hope to talk to you again and perhaps even meet some time." Mare-aidee said it with a soft smile and my mum chuckled.

"I would love that. Perhaps take a stroll through one of those crystal gardens. They look amazing." She got to her feet and my dad followed suit.

"I agree. Hopefully we can chat soon." My dad nodded and I stepped back so they could get out of the smaller space. "Come here." He caught me around the neck with his arm and pulled me close. "I love you and you stay safe." He kissed my cheek and I hugged him back with a nod.

"Don't worry, dad. Hudson's really good about making sure I'm safe." The man would probably like to bubble wrap me and put me on a shelf but he was great at his job.

"That's good." He kissed my cheek again and let me go.

My mum took his spot, giving me a tight hug, smoothing down my hair. "Don't forget to call. We love you." She kissed my cheek as well and I hugged her back before kissing her cheek too.

Georgie gave me a one armed hug. "I'm not kissing your cheek because you have cooties." He palmed my face and pushed me away almost playfully.

"Fuck off." I smiled at him before I bent down and opened my arms for Jesse. She trudged over, looking more than upset but I picked her up, kissing her cheeks a few times. "It's alright, sweetheart. Hopefully I can visit again soon." She hugged me around my neck and said nothing so I rocked her back and forth.

"Come here, monster." Georgie said it as I came over and grabbed her, pulling her away from me. "Gotta let Aunty do her work with the aliens. Maybe if it's not too bad we can take a trip to see saturn with her. How does that sound?" He smiled at her and she beamed.

"Really?" She looked at me and I nodded.

"Really really." I moved over to the console and lowered the shields, motioning to the Council that I would be back as I followed them to the back. There were a few more minutes of goodbyes before they left but watching them walk away left a bit of a pang in my chest. I hated that there was so much between us, a lot that I caused, but I adored the fact I got to visit with them.

I spotted Hudson standing next to what looked to be eight other soldiers. "Why are you standing in the entrance without the damn shields up?" He didn't look at me as he said it and I scoffed.

"I could just put them up and not let you on if you prefer." I shrugged as I watched him motion to the others. They all turned and fell into step behind him.

"Get your ass out of the doorway and into the ship." He pointed at me and I nodded, moving back away from the entrance and back to the pilot's chair.

"Oh, where did they all go?" Everyone but Gal'rug was gone. I sat down and he grunted slightly.

"Went to get something to eat. I will be joining them but I offered to stay behind to say goodbye for us all." He nodded at that and I gave him a half smile.

"I miss you guys, you know that?" I really really did. Seeing my family helped soothe a bit of an ache inside me but I really missed my friends. I missed Torin and I wanted to go back. Yah Earth was great and all but Torin was like my home. I had made a life there.

"Me most of all." Gal'rug gave me a sly smile and I was aware of boots on the metal floor as they all entered the ship.

I laughed at his words, "Greedy grog." I rested my chin on my hand as I winked at him.

Hudson reached passed me and flicked on the shields. "Hey, Gal'rug, what are the scores?"

"The same really, Hud'sson. Haven't had a big fight in a few days. Just personal skirmishes. Happens every month or so."

At the respond Hudson nodded, "Gunna keep me in the know, right?" He pointed at the grog and Gal'rug slammed his fists together.

"Absolutely, my friend! One of these days you and I will get into the arena, test our strength!" He looked so excited and Hudson grinned.

"I'll hold you to that." He pointed at him before nudging my shoulder, gesturing with his head further in the ship.

I nodded my understanding and turned back to Gal'rug. "Now that I know I've been replaced, I'm going to end this call cause I hate you and your bromance with Hudson." I kept my voice teasing, chuckling slightly and Gal'rug's face went serious,

His eyebrows pulled down and he was nearly scowling. "No one could ever replace you, Rox'ie. You are the best of all humans." He said it so seriously that I nearly melted, my cheeks warming up. Why did they all have to say such sweet things to me when I was least expecting it?

"You don't know all humans, Gal'rug." I pointed it out, still teasing because I didn't know how else to respond to it.

"I know enough to know you are my favourite." He pointed at me, shaking that large finger and I laughed.

"Well, this is awkward. I've gotta tell you that I prefer Bav'ka to you." That had him laughing and I smiled at him. "But in all seriousness, Gal'rug. I think I definitely prefer Bof'jag to yo-"

"Nope!" He nearly bellowed it out. "I am your favourite grog!" With that he ended the call, leaving me in stitches as I laughed hard, covering my face.

"You done, Aun'Rox?" At the question I nodded, looking up at Hudson still chuckling. "Bianca let me know that she isn't quite done so she's going to spend the night. I would tell you what they're doing but it was a lot of legal shit and I didn't catch half of it." He made a slight face and I nodded. "So we can head back to base." He gestured to the view screen and I pursed my lips.

"Because you have a team..." I trailed off before I looked at him. "Can we go to my house so we can pick up some stuff?" The look he was giving me specified that was an absolute negative and I groaned. "Hudson, I would like some more clothes and a few more of my things." There had been some book and things that I had been wanting. "Besides if we do it now then we don't have to do a separate trip just for that. I will listen to you completely but I would really like some things." I looked up at him, almost ready to beg and he leaned down.

"You will wear a fucking vest, we will clear the area first, and you will do nothing without my say so." He pointed his finger in my face and I nodded quickly. I was perfectly fine with all that.

"It's more than reasonable." I said it quickly and he stood up.

"Alright, boys. We're going to collect some items for the asset. So make sure you properly kit up." Hudson spoke as he walked towards the back and I quickly turned on the comms.

"This is Captain Matthews of code name Void Breaker, requesting clearance for lift off." I said it evenly as I grabbed the controls.

"Request granted. Safe travels, Captain." At the words I shut off the comms with a nod and we were rising. I orientated the ship and I adjusted speed for full vertical until I could see what I needed. I quickly headed towards where I knew my hometown was. I reached it quickly and Hudson came back to the front.

"Alright, 205 second street east. I'm dropping her in the middle of the street. Spare key is underneath that big ass ceramic pot next to the door." I carefully lowered the ship to the ground, making sure to aim the entrance towards my house.

Once the ship was settled Hudson handed me a bullet proof vest. "Put this on." It was a sharp order and I nodded as I took the heavy thing and pulled it on. I still didn't like it but I wasn't going to argue with him. Hudson turned the shields off and moved back in the ship. I turned my personal shields on and followed him. "We go in, clear the house, then bring the asset inside. From there, once she has gathered what she needs, we bring her back to the ship, nice and easy. Eyes up. Let's go." He moved through the soldiers and hit the button, opening the hatch.

He smacked the shoulder of each guy who moved passed him and then pointed at me. "You wait until we call clear." I nodded and he left. I pulled on the velcro, making the vest a bit tighter on me, doing it down the side to make sure each one was snug.

I glanced out the entrance and my mouth dropped open. "What the fuck happened to my house?" It came out of me almost screeched as I looked at the busted window covered by plywood and the red spray paint that spelled out 'Satan's Whore' and 'The Anti-christ lives here' all across the front of my siding. "What the actual fuck?" Someone had fucking vandalized my house? What the fuck?!

"Stay in there, Matthews!" Hudson pointed at me and I threw my arms up.

"I wasn't leaving! I just wanna know what the fuck happened to my fucking house!" It was a one bedroom, one bath with an attached garage but it had been one of my proudest purchases and someone gave it a shitty spray paint job and busted at least one window.

"Someone was upset, clearly." He called it out and I rubbed my forehead hard. This was just a massive fucking headache.

"Fuck me, my insurance premiums are going to go through the roof after those claims!" I was practically seething. The busted window was bad enough but the spray paint on the siding was going to have to be removed and if I was unlucky all the siding would need to be replaced. All I could see was contacting contractors, dealing with insurance, and so much fucking money.

Hudson gave a laugh. "Look at you talking like an adult. Didn't know you were capable of that."

"Fuck you, Riviera!" I pointed at my house. "That's utter bullshit!" I wanted to know who did it so I could punch them in the face. That house had been my pride and joy, now it looked like a goddamned crack house.

"Clear!" Someone called it out and the soldiers returned, all forming two straight lines much like the other military escort had.

"Alright, Matthews, you know what to do. Stick between the soldiers." Hudson jumped up on the ramp and gestured for me and I balled my hands into fists as I stepped out of the ship.

"Stupid mother fucking bullshit! Vandalizing my fucking house." I nearly stormed down the ramp.

"How dare you show your face!"

At the shouted words I whirled around. "Fuck you, Nathan! Go back to your goddamn house!" I shouted at the old fuck who had been a pain in my fucking ass since I had bought the place. He was always nosy, judging everyone on the block, sprouting bible nonsense.

"The judgment of God will be upon you, whore!" He pointed at me, his back hunched as he shuffled down the sidewalk.

"Go suck a fat one, Nathan! I bet you vandalized my house you shrivelled up old dick!" I pointed at my house and he started throwing out bible verses about how I was Satan's minion and I rolled my eyes hard.

"Matthews, don't aggravate the locals." Hudson hissed it out.

"Judgement upon you! Judgement shall be given out today!" Nathan pointed at me, his eyes wide. "Bringing sin upon these streets! Bringing heathen messages and devices!"

"Fuck you! This ain't the South, Nathan! Get off my dick." I flipped him off and moved towards Hudson. "The dude thinks microwaves and toasters are the devil." I shook my head and scoffed as I moved down the ramp to get between the two lines of soldiers

"Judgement! Judgement upon you all!" He bellowed it out in his old man reedy voice and I rolled my eyes hard as I turned to tell him to shut up.

I felt like I was donkey kicked in the shoulder and there was a poud cracking boom right after. The force of it hit my shoulder and sent me nearly spinning as it shoved me back and to the ground. "Mother fucker!" The curse exploded out of me and suddenly there was gunfire everywhere. It was loud and I tried to cover my ears but my one arm felt numb where it didn't throb and refused to move properly.

"Asset down!" Hudson shouted it out and I was grabbed around the waist and hoisted up. "Cover us! I need to get her to the ship!" He basically carried me like a sack of potatoes as he sprinted up the walkway as the gunfire nearly burst my ear drums. "Where are you hit?" He yelled it out as he set me down, looking almost frantic. "Where are you hit!" He tried to grab my jumpsuit and I shoved at his hands, cursing. "Where are you hit? Jesus christ, Roxie, where the fuck are you hit! I saw you get hit!" His voice was almost frantic and I was aware of the gunfire dying off.

He grabbed my bad shoulder, trying to yank on the jumpsuit and I yelped at the sudden flare of pain. "Mother fucking bitch face, that hurts!" I slapped at his hands with my good arm, "You can't check with my shields up! Fucking stop!" I brought my leg up and kicked him hard in the inner thigh and that had him jolting backwards. "Fuck me is that going to fucking bruise!" I hissed it out as I smacked against the shield port with my good hand, turning it off. I grabbed at the velcro of the vest and Hudson pushed my hand away, quickly yanking at the velcro and then pulling the vest off. I quickly unzipped my jump suit and used my good hand to pull it away from my bad shoulder. I could already see the pink and blue as well as a rather vivid red line that must have been where the damned bullet slid against the shield as it pushed me out of the way. "Fucking beautiful, isn't it?" I gave a breathless chuckle then groaned as Hudson grabbed it. "Easy!"

"That should have tore through you! What the fuck?" He pulled me away from the wall and checked the back of my shoulder as if looking for some sort of exit wound and I rolled my eyes, feeling coming back into my fingertips like hot pins and needles.

"My shields, dumbass. I told you that they could stop a bullet." I leaned my head against the metal wall with another groan. "Felt like I got kicked by a damn horse though."

"Your shields did that?" He pointed at the rapidly growing bruise and I nodded.

"I told you they worked." I looked at him and he shook his head, rubbing at his mouth.

"You fucking scared the shit out of me." He said it low and I nodded. I could understand that. "We're going to get that shoulder x-rayed, I want to make sure there's nothing broken." I winced as I was able to finally close my hand. The pins and needles hurt a lot.

"I've got feeling back in it. Hurts like a fucking bitch though." I closed my eyes and swallowed. "There's ice packs in the freezer." Hudson nodded and got to his feet before carefully wrapping his arm around my back, hauling me to my feet. I hugged my arm to my stomach with a groan. "Who the fuck shot me? It wasn't fucking Nathan." The old man could barely walk, let alone fire a rifle.

"Don't know. Sit." He set me down in the co-pilot's seat and then moved back to where the built in freezer was. He pulled out a blue ice pack and a dish cloth. He wrapped up the ice pack and carefully pressed it to my shoulder. I winced at the sharp shooting pain that went through me at the contact. He grabbed my good hand and pressed it again the ice pack. I could hear sirens and closed my eyes tightly. "I have to go make sense of this. Stay here." He pointed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere right now, boss." I glanced at my shoulder and then back at him but he pointed at me regardless.

"Stay." With that he turned and left quickly as there were more sirens sounding.

I grimaced at it. This was a fucking mess. My eyes widened and I groaned again.

Hollister was gunna be fucking pissed.

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