It All Started With Magnets

By AMLKoski

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Nearly fifty light years away from earth, a lone space ship lands at a space port, and the lone human steps o... More



327 50 5
By AMLKoski

The next day

"My fat little golden goose, where are you?" At Bianca's call I rolled my eyes but looked at the door to the canteen.

"I'm in the canteen! What do you want?" I just had a greasy burger and fries and was basking slightly. Sometimes nothing hit quite the same as greasy food. There was just something satisfying about it that other, healthier foods couldn't provide.

I watched as she walked through the door with a wide, almost cat ate the canary like smile. "There you are."

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion as I watched her. "What do you want with that smile on your face?" She was a lawyer, I didn't trust that look, not at all.

"So untrusting, Roxie" The smile seemed to grow even wider and I groaned. "I can smile at my little golden goose, can't I?" She asked it sweet as pie and I scoffed.

"Not like that."

She crossed her arms over her chest and then made a showing of looking at her nails. "Well then. I guess you don't want to hear about how I negotiated a trip to visit your family under the guise of Hudson picking out a temporary strike team to protect you from the CANSOFCOM main base."

My mouth dropped open in shock and I stared at her. "No." I could see my family? "No, you didn't." I shook my head as I stared at her and she looked overly smug.

"Oh but I did." She buffed her nails on her button up and I scrambled out of my chair. I bolted towards her and hugged her tight, lifting her off of her feet as she yelped in surprise.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I wanted to cry. I was so excited and thankful I wanted to cry. I had been wanting to see my family since I came back to earth but I hadn't asked because I had been terrified I would be told no. And I didn't go to see them after Hudson told me where they were because I didn't want to get him or them into trouble. I set Bianca down and nearly vibrated. "Thank you so much!"

She patted my shoulder, giving my arm a firm rub with a more genuine smile. "It's the least I can do for my golden goose. Now I will be coming with you as I need to have a meeting with the other partners of the firm. But while I'm busy doing that you can take a tour of the base, help Hudson pick out the team, or hang out with your family." I nodded rapidly. I didn't care as long as I got to see my family. "Alright. If you two are ready to go, we can head out." At that I quickly nodded and looked at Hudson who just shrugged and got out of his chair.

It wasn't long before we were exiting the base out of the rear entrance to the new, more hidden landing space they had made for my ship. From there we were in the ship and on our way. I had Hudson input the location into the GPS and Bianca seemed more than excited to be flying in the ship with us. I made a mental note to take her on a special trip to the moon and maybe even mars. It wouldn't take too long and I knew she would appreciate it. The woman was making this entire process so much easier for me. Since we had decided to work solely based on the Accords, the pressure had been off of me and that was just... I was so thankful for it. I had felt like I was going to crack right down the middle before the suggestion.

The flight to the hidden CANSOFCOM base wasn't too long and I hovered over the air strip, turning on my comms. "This is Captain Roxie Matthews of codename Void Breaker, requesting landing permission." I looked out of the view screen as I waited and was aware of Hudson shifting his weight from his spot behind me. Bianca had taken the smaller co-pilot's seat and that left him standing.

"Captain Matthews, you have been cleared to land on bay 2." The voice came over and I looked down at the air strip and spotted a soldier wearing a bright yellow vest gesturing at me right in front of what looked to be a helipad with a big white B2 painted on it. I followed the gestures and it wasn't long before I landed the ship and shut off the power.

"Alright, you two head out while the shields are down and I'll put them back up once you're out. I'll follow behind right after." I wasn't leaving the ship unshielded. I still didn't even at the Ontario base. Bianca gave her assent and Hudson lingered for a moment. "It's fine, boss." I glanced at him as I took off my harness. It wasn't necessary but I figured it made Bianca feel more secure so I wore it.

"I need one of those shield ports." He muttered it out and I smirked.

"Just say the word and I'll make you one, Riviera." That had him giving a loud groan as he followed Bianca to the back of the ship. I dropped the shields and it wasn't long before I heard the hatch opening and Hudson's call that they were out. I quickly turned the shields back on as I got out of the seat and moved to the back. My shielding was already up and I stepped through the hatch before hitting the outside panel, closing up the ship. I did a little giddy wiggle. I was going to see my family, I was so excited.

Hudson grabbed the top of my head and moved me so I walked beside him and I rolled my eyes but let him do it. A crowd was waiting for us at the edge of the airstrip near the buildings and a greying haired man stepped out. "I'm Major-General Matt Granier, Vice-Admiral Hollister gave us a call letting us know you would be stopping in for a bit. Glad to see you, Colonel Hudson, you enjoying your post?"

"Yes, sir." Hudson saluted him sharply.

"Bianca Hathaway." Bianca held out her hand and the General took it, giving it a firm shake.

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Hathaway. Your reputation precedes you." He gave a firm nod at that and Bianca gave an almost vulpine grin at that. "And you must be Captain Matthews." The General's gaze landed on me and I stuck out my hand.

"Pleased to meet you." He took it and gave it a firm shake. "Thank you for helping keep my family safe. I really appreciate it." I really did and he gave a small bow of his head as he let my hand go.

"That's absolutely no problem, Captain." His eyes flicked to the ship and he gave a low whistle. "I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life." He shook his head slightly, a wry smile on his face. "A right fine ship. I know the Air Force would sell their own mothers to get their hands on it."

That had me laughing lightly, "They can join the Medical Corps if they want to try and play around with one that much."

He chuckled before nodding. "That they can, Captain." He turned to Bianca. "If I recall you're here on business, Ms. Hathaway. We have a boardroom set up for you and your partners. If you would follow Major Green, he will lead you to it." He gestured to a soldier behind him and Bianca nodded.

"Certainly." She glanced at me. "I will be just a phone call away if you need anything." I nodded at that and watched as she gestured to the Major and they both walked towards the nearest building.

"And you're here to get a temporary strike team, Colonel Hudson." The Major-General looked at Hudson, who was standing so straight I wondered if he would snap in half if he tried to bend over.

"Yes, sir." He gave a sharp nod at that.

"I'm certain we can find a team that will work with you until yours returns." The Major-General glanced at me. "And you're here to visit with your family if I recall."

"Yes, sir." I gave him a nod, resisting the urge to give an excited little dance.

"I hope you have a very good visit." He slowly smiled as he watched me.

"Aunty Roxie!" At the familiar voice I stiffened and then quickly looked around, trying to see her.

I spotted the seven year old running towards me and I nearly burst into tears. "Jesse!" I bolted towards her, my arms out and when she was in range I scooped her up, kissing all over her cute little face as she hugged me tightly around the neck. "I missed you! I missed you! I missed you!" She giggled as she tried to kiss me back and everything was blurry with tears and my knees went weak. I ended up crouched on the ground, her on her feet as I brushed her hair back from her face.

"I'm so happy to see you! Did you bring me space rocks?" She beamed at me and I nodded, struggling to speak with the lump in my throat.

"I brought you so many things!" I croaked it out and cupped her face in my hands, kissing all over it again as she giggled, wiggling to try and escape

"There's the idiot that ruined my life." At the amused words I sniffled, letting Jesse go.

"Fuck you, Georgie." Even as I said the words I held up my arms for him.

"Come here." It came out of him a little gruff as he grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet, hugging me tightly, rocking me side to side. "Don't you ever do this bullshit again, okay? I know you're a fucking pain in the ass but nearly starting world war three is a step too far." The words had me laughing and wiping at my face as best as I could with my arms still around him. He pushed me away and did it himself, his palms rough on my cheeks but I didn't mind as I beamed at him. "Little fucking shit, meeting aliens before me."

"I get all the bragging rights." I couldn't help but rub it in as I said it. He was my little brother after all.

"Fuck you." He hissed it out and then licked his palm attempting to use it to wipe my face and I scurried away, nearly bumping into Hudson as I did so. "Is she this irritating with you?" Georgie didn't even miss a beat as he pointed at the larger man.

"Worse." Hudson said it shortly and I threw him an offended look. I wasn't that bad.

"Ahhhh!" My mum's familiar excited screech reached me and I beamed. I spotted her half jogging towards us, her arms in the air, waving them frantically. "My baby!" I bolted for her, hugging her tightly as I lifted her off her feet and the minute I set her down she cupped my face and kissed me all over my face like I did to Jesse. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" She said it each time she kissed my face and I laughed, unable to help myself before I hugged her again.

"Can your old dad get some of that love?" My dad laughed as he said it and I let mum go to reach for him. He pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing me tight. "There's my baby girl." He whispered it low, clearing his throat. "I'm glad you're safe." He pushed me away, holding my shoulders before he cupped my cheek in one hand and kissed my forehead. I leaned into the kiss, trying my very best not to burst into tears. No matter how old I got, they were my parents and I loved them so much.

My mum brushed my hair from the side of my face. "You promised me you would show off all the videos and pictures you got. I'm holding you to that." She chuckled, her eyes a bit wet and I nodded. The souvenirs I got were all on the ship and honestly I felt quite a bit more comfortable in it than not.

I turned to look at Hudson as my dad let me go and it seemed as though he had just finished introducing himself to Hudson and the two were talking, Jesse hanging off her dad's belt, staring up at Hudson in awe. "Hey, boss, is it alright if we just hang in the ship while you do your thing?" I knew that it was technically separating us which was a very big no go but he needed to find a strike team he could trust and I wanted to show my family everything I got. "I promise I won't go anywhere. I know the rules. I figure it's where all of my things are and it's a bit more comfortable than a boardroom for visiting." His eyes narrowed and I could tell he was wanting to tell me no.

The Major-General walked over, his hands behind his back and his posture perfectly straight. "Colonel Hudson, I see no issue with that. As long as she keeps the bird on the ground and not in the air. We can suspend you of your duty temporarily and I can appoint Major Leslie here to guard the ship on your behalf." He gestured to a solider off to the side who stepped forwards.

Hudson narrowed his eyes and pointed at me. "If that ship leaves the ground for even half a second. I will shoot you." With that he nodded at the Major-General and headed for the main buildings. I chuckled at that and rolled my eyes but I knew better than to test him on that.

"We getta go in your space ship?" Jesse squealed it out and I nodded, wiping my eyes again.

"Absolutely." I chuckled as she squealed happily and bolted for the ship. "Come on guys." I gestured at the rest and followed after Jesse, chuckling as she skipped happily in her camo overalls.

We reached the ship and I opened it up and quickly hopped up and inside. "Aunty! I can't get in!" Jesse said it with a grunt and when I looked over my shoulder she was pushing against the doorway, the shields shimmering but not letting her through.

"I gotta turn off the shields, sweetie. Give me a second." I quickly made it to the front and dropped the shields. "Alright, come in!" I called it out and the four of them came in quickly, oohing and aweing at the interior. "Everyone clear of the door?" At the called out yes's I turned the shields back on and then nearly skipped towards them. "What do we want first? Story time or gifts?" I put my hands on my hips and Jesse squealed.

"Gifts!" At her wide smile I laughed and nodded.

"Gifts it is! You guys can sit down at the table." I gestured to it and smiled at my mum and dad. Georgie snagged Jesse up off the floor, sitting down on the booth like seat, sliding towards the far wall. I grabbed my box of personal items and carried it over. "Alright, this is some of the stuff I got from space and from the aliens." I wrinkled my nose at Jesse and she laughed, looking more than excited. I quickly flipped some of the wrap away and pulled out two dragon scales. "Our first gift!" I presented the scales with a flourish. "These are dragon scales." I held one out for Jesse and she took with with a wide eyed look of awe. Georgie took the other one and I quickly grabbed two more, handing them to my mum and dad.

"Actual dragons?" My dad asked it and I nodded.

"After gifts I'll be showing you guys some videos." I wanted to show them everything.

"Fucking sweet!" Georgie looked thrilled as he turned the scale back and forth, watching it shimmer.

"Just wait, you're gunna love the grog." I beamed at them before I turned back to the box.

He was so going to love the grog.

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