Under Control

Por SimpForNothing

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Sequel Out Now "In Control" ________________________________________ Moving to New York city is a big thing f... Más

Ch 1: New Boss
Ch 2: Get To Know
Ch 3: The Docks
Ch 4: Naughty
Ch 5: So It Begins
Ch 6: Shopping But Not Dating
Ch 7: Getting To Know You
Ch 8: A Tease
Ch 9: The Ace
Ch 10: Date?
Ch 11: Date Me
Ch 12: Honesty Is Key
13: I Like You
Ch 14: Girlfriend
Ch 15: Relax
Ch 16: The Manor
Ch 17: I Love You
Ch 18: Off To The Parents
Ch 19: The Parent's
Ch 20: Freaky & Calming
Ch 21: Problems
Ch 22: What's To Come
Side Chapter: Halloween
Ch 23: Secret Santa
Ch 24: Merry Christmas
Ch 25: Happy New Year
Ch 26: Anger & Pain
Ch 27: All Alone
Ch 28: The Past
Ch 30: Trapped?
Ch 31: Runaway
Ch 32: Two Weeks
Ch 33: It's Okay
Ch 34: Please Don't
Ch 35: Painful Thoughts
Ch 36: Fixer Up
Ch 37: Little Truths, Lots of Lies
Ch 38: Reconnected?
Ch 39: Our Secret
Ch 40: Danger
Ch 41: Regards
Ch 42: Donny Denatello
Ch 43: Arthur Whitlock
Ch 44: Broken Deals
Ch 45: Distractions
Ch 46: Lost Memory
Ch 47: Meeting Greenwood
Ch 48: Awake
Ch 49: Laying Low
Ch 50: Having Fun
Ch 51: The Talk
Ch 52: The Attack Pt.1
Ch 53: The Attack Pt. 2
Ch 54: Safety
Ch 55: Discovery
Ch 56: Eye For An Eye
Side Chapter: Childhood
Ch 57: Distant Memories
Ch 58: Behind The Mask
Ch 59: Enjoy Yourself
Ch 60: Losing
Ch 61: Fathers Daughter
Ch 62: Tomorrow
Ch 63: Face To Face
Ch 64: Face To Face Pt.2
Ch 65: Ending It All
Ch 66: Epilog
BC 1: Babies
BC 2: Ex's
BC 3: Threes A Party
BC 4: Birthday
The End

Ch 29: Moving On

4.1K 163 8
Por SimpForNothing

Azrael pov:

"You can't be serious!?" I struggled to hold my anger inside. I dragged my mother and father into a secluded area to speak.

"You're being emotional." My father removed my hand from his shoulder.

"Emotional? You just brought her in and expect me to be fine?" I scoffed and ran my hands through my hair.

"It's in the past, be a man and move on, Azrael." He sounded irritated as he tried to walk away.

"I'm not a man! I'm a woman, who quite frankly hates the person you're asking her to date." I spun him around to face me. He slapped me across the face without a second thought.

He hated when I put my hands on him, he liked to be the untouchable leader of our shitty family. What a fucking joke.

"Date? You will marry her Azrael. Nothing less." I stood shocked at his words, dumbfounded he could say such a thing.

"I refuse-" Another strike landed on me. I knew better than to retaliate, it never ended well.

"You wanted to be responsible, well now you can, especially since that slutty little distraction is gone." My heart ached to hear him speak so badly of her. I know I'm mad at her but even I wouldn't stoop low enough to call names.

The look in his eyes told me everything, there was no backing out, I was obligated to do this. Not seeing any reason for my own happiness or general care for my life I gave up quickly.

"Fine…" Shoving past him I went back to the kitchen and found her sitting and drinking tea.

She's just like I remember her. Long silky Brown hair, shiny green eyes, and a beautiful face. Yet none of it made me feel the same. I kept comparing it to Amilia, all I could think about was Amilia.

"Azrael, you look well." She stood to hug me but I stopped her immediately. Keeping her at a distance as I shook her hand.

"Josephine. How's life treating you?" I didn't really care, I just needed my father to be happy.

"Decent, it's never really been the same since we split." She smiled but it didn't give me butterflies like before.

"Right, well whose fault is that?" I scoffed but stopped when a heated glare was sent my way from him.

"Yes I know… I'm terribly sorry for back then, Azrael." She stroked my arm but it felt wrong.

The worried look on my mother's face along with my father's glare guilted me into playing along more. I have nothing left to lose, my heart was empty and I was bitter about it. Maybe she could help, after all, we used to be in love.

"All is forgiven." I smiled despite it being a lie. A grunt behind me let me know I said the right thing.

"Why don't you two get reacquainted, you will be married soon." My father spoke but his eyes were elsewhere.

"Of course. No need to rush though." Josephine blushed and followed me out of the kitchen.

We walked to the backyard, enjoying the cool breeze and the last bits of snow melting. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as she placed hers in her jacket.

"I heard what happened." She said suddenly. We stopped outside of the garden, nothing really growing due to the cold.

"It's fine." I hated the pity people gave me over it. I hated her and I was over it, nothing else mattered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked gently but it set me off anyway.

"NO, I don't. I'm tired of people asking me that. I don't to talk about it with you, or Damien, or even my own fucking mother!" I kicked some snow and huffed angrily. My body hot with anger I didn't know I had.

"Your temper is still there." She giggled but I was too upset. Sliding a hand through my hair I nodded and tried to stay calm.

"It's better… just not with recent events." I sniffled and let out a cloud of hot air I to the cold. 

A hand took mine, it was smaller and colder than I was used to. She looked up at me, green eyes filled with so much shame and guilt.

"I'm really sorry how things ended, Azy." I flinched and tugged my hand away. I didn't care about what happened back then or anything of that sort.

It was the name she used…

"It's fine. Truly." I rubbed my neck and tried to calm down my racing thoughts. 

"I've felt so guilty these past years because of my mistakes. I want to make it up to you." She looked away embarrassed.  Going along with it I nodded and took her hand back in mine.

"We can try again. We're gonna get married after all." I chuckled and tried to let myself feel even though I was still grieving.

"Really?" She smiled and bit her lip. For just a moment I could see Amilia in her movements.

"Honestly." I nodded. She squealed and jumped into my arms. 

I hated the feeling. I hated the way she touched me. I didn't like anyone touching me since Amilia, I hadn't so much as kissed another person since her. Pushing her back I kept my distance with her, even when she pouted.

"Physical contact isn't my strong suit right now." I felt like wiping away her touch, anything to remove the feeling of snakes moving across my skin.

"Right. We'll work on it." She smiled and pulled me towards the house.

Going inside I went to find my father while she went to find my mother. He was in his study, relaxing by the fire as he read. Going in I stood at the side of his chair, watching the flames blaze as the crackling sound filled my ears.

"Yes?" He grunted.

"I'll try. Just don't rush me to marry her." I told him. He huffed and continued to read his book. Knowing I won't get anything else out of him I leave his room. Heading for my own.

Sitting on my own bed I face the ceiling and let myself decompress for a moment. I was running out of tears to shed, no longer able to keep crying like a child over all of this. Curling up into a ball I shut down completely and try to sleep away my sadness.

What am I doing with my life?

Amilia pov:

The bed dipped as Mike sat on the edge, I didn't dare look at him. Pulling into myself tighter I pushed away the sickening feeling that burned in my throat.

"Who's Azy?" The pit in my stomach dropped. Immediately sitting up I turned around and met the sharp end of a blade. He pressed it to my throat.

"W-what?" Playing dumb was a mistake. He laughed and pushed me off the bed harshly. I landed with a thud and groaned in pain.

"Tell me now, Amilia." He was standing over me, pointing the blade down as I tried to sit up. 

"No one."  My hair was pulled as he lifted me up by it and dragged me across the floor.

"Don't lie to me." He jabed the knife into my shoulder, Twisting it as I screamed in agony.

I tried to remove it but he pressed it in deeper. When he pulled it away I watched the blood gush and spill onto the floor. His foot connected repeatedly with my body, beating me if I didn't tell him anything.

I wouldn't. I'm too stubborn. I can't risk him finding and killing her. Punching me in the face made me go prone on the floor. He screamed and screamed, yet nothing he did would get me to tell.

"Fine. I'll rip this place apart."

Panic set in as I knew an item that was brought with me would give away who she is. Grabbing his leg I stopped him from looking, taking every kick that he gave. When he managed to kick me away I grunted and still tried to get closer.

"S-stop… I'll tell you." I struggled to breathe. The ribs that healed from the last beating broke again. 

A smile fell on his face as he lifted me up by my hair and tossed me on my back. Straddling me he pressed the knife to my throat hard enough to draw some blood.

"Spill it."

I pounded on his chest, I couldn't take in a full breath of air with him and this knife pressed on me. He let go when I was close to passing out, it wasn't much but it was enough to stay conscious.

"S-she's my girlfriend…" I gasped weakly, trying to not choke on my own spit.

His eyes darkened before the knife was thrown away. He wrapped his hands around my throat and proceeded to choke me out. The look of pure anger and hatred in his eyes made me panic harder. I kicked and tried speaking but nothing worked. Beating on his chest and shoulders got the same result. This is how I die? Choked out by my own uncle.

He let go and the euphoric feeling of air filling my lungs brought me back to reality. It didn't last long as he proceeded to beat me again. I didn't fight back or make noise, instead I curled up and let him do as he pleased. My shoulder really hurt and so did my ribs. I just wanted to rest.

"You're a woman. Not some faggotty dyke!" He loosened his belt and used it to beat me. Welts and burns trailing on my skin from each hit.

"I don't want to hear you say her name again. Do it and it'll be worse." He was huffing by the time he stopped.

My breathing was shallow, my vision blurred, and my body twitching from the pain. All I could do was nod weakly as he stomped away. Other people came in and pulled me out and into the hall.

They took me to the bathroom to clean up and fix my wounds, after all, Mike liked his women pretty. It took them a long time to stitch and stabilize my shoulder wound. I don't know what they did after that, I blacked out. The pain was too much for me to handle.

When I did wake up I found it to be day, my entire being in an agonizing amount of pain. I couldn't really move, my body was too weak. I couldn't see out of my left eye, it was swollen shut. I was left a mess again after being so good for so long.

I wouldn't shed tears over this man again, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I cried myself to sleep. Instead I forced myself up and moved to dress up. Grabbing a summer dress and hobbling on weak legs from his violation the other night.

Getting myself decently dressed I left my room and limped through the halls, hugging the wall as I did. I skipped breakfast, not much in the mood for eating. Instead I went to the library to clear my mind of the swirling thoughts.

The guards posted outside as one stayed inside with me. Sitting in a chair and opening a book I had left from the last time. I let myself enjoy this one nice thing. It was about a princess and a prince, cliche but I liked it.

It didn't matter how many times I reread or tried to stay focused, my mind kept drifting back to Azy. I wondered what she was doing, if she was okay, if she was happy that I was out of her hair. Did she find someone new? Does she hate me?

I'm sure she does. I left her alone the night of our early anniversary, what kind of person does that? I should have gone to dinner, maybe it would have changed my mind about not telling. Maybe I'd still be wrapped up in her arms right now if I did.

I hope you're okay Azy…

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