Todoroki One Shots

By frederikkemariefonne

52.7K 1.1K 329

(Not my art) This will be a one shot book, mainly about Todoroki and class 1-A. This story contains: -Angst ... More

Returning Memories
Expected or Unexpected?
Present- or past memories
Is it worth it?
Real or fake?
Pity- or not?
Secrets and despise
Secrets and despise II
Brothers or not?
It's alright
Freezing impact
How It Is
It's alright II
Games or determination?
Games or determination? II
Best bet
Best bet II
Right answers?
Un-usual behavior
Un-usual behavior II
Chosen or not?
Fun events
Sorry's II
Unreversable? II
Way of play
Airing emotions
Flaming trouble
Unreversable? II(I)
Blooming friendship
Another's troubles
Panic and nightmares
Uncurable II
Different comfort
Endings and beginnings
True self?
True self? II
Unplanned trip
Undeniable changes
Returning light
Opposites attract
Unwanted Flashbacks


953 23 7
By frederikkemariefonne

Requested by: kynyav


Todoroki finally starts opening up to his classmates, as the questions they ask him, seem to become a part of his everyday life. But even though he tells them the truth, and gives them the right answers, no one in his class seems to believe him.

The only people he still has by his side, ends up being people like; Midoriya and Bakugou, who had seen his home life head on. But when the school then arranges a meeting for class A and an unknown person, the strings seems to untie themselves, as the persons quirk, isn't like what anyone had seen before.


"What happened?"

"Yeah, You alright Todobro?"

Questions came flying at him, but he didn't know how to answer.

How would he? It wasn't like he could just say something like: "My father beats me and sometimes it gets a bit too violent. But hey, it's alright, I'm not dead yet"

Even if he said something like that, he knew that no one would believe him... he had tried, too many times to still believe in it atleast...

"Yeah, I'm-" His voice cut off, as he could feel someone grabbing his left arm from behind, before pulling up his sleeve, revealing many variations of; bruises, burns and cuts, lingering all over the pale skin, as a red liquid ran from his shoulder to his wrist.

He could hear the person behind him gasp, followed by some of his other classmates, who had watched from the sidelines. "Todoroki, what happened?" The person behind him suddenly said, and he finally realised who it had been, without having the need to turn around-

"I'm fine, Yaoyorozu"

Were he though?


Ever since the incident, many other occasions came like this, with his classmates asking about his well being-


"You know that, you can talk to us. Right?"

Uraraka spoke from besides him, as they walked towards the dormitory. But even as her question seemed innocent, he couldn't help but feel skeptical about the entire thing. Why did people keep asking him that same question? "Yeah. Why?"

Her footsteps seemed to come to a halt, by his question, making the both of them stop. Did he say something wrong?

It only took a moment, before she began walking again, though only just enough, to the point where she could be standing right infront of him- her expression turning rather serious- "You know..." Her voice trailed off, as she began fiddling with her fingers, while bouncing on the bottom of her heels.

"We just wanted you to know that"



"Why can't you just talk to us! We just want to help, you know..." Sero suddenly yelled out, only for his voice to fade out, ever so slightly by the end of his sentence.

They had been sitting in Sero's room- on his bed, while reading manga's as they always did, when Sero had realised an un-usual mark by his wrist. He had tried you know.... to cover it, but it just never seemed to stick...

Todoroki, ofcouse had rejected every assumption, that Sero might of had, when the dark haired teen had, had enough, his anger and worry coming out in one go, as his emotions took over his voice.

The younger of the two didn't know how to respond, and instead just shifted his gaze towards the floor, hoping that Sero would forget everything about what had happened.

And even though the older of the two hadn't brought it up since, Todoroki knew that Sero wouldn't forget so easily...


"Endeavor has done this to me"

As his gaze shifted from one end of the room to the other, he couldn't help but flinch by the gazes he were sent in return. Why did everyone seem to be glaring at him? Had he said something wrong?..

The hand he had around his sleeve, suddenly dropped as his grip loosened, letting the bruises hide beneath the fabric ones again. Did they not believe him..?

Silence took over the room, making the air feel suffocating from the tension. Was it about what he said? Or how he said it, maybe? When no one said anything, he could feel himself shifting under the gazes being cast his way, as he couldn't help but shift from foot to foot- the uncomfortable feeling of being starred at taking over. When did he become so weak, towards his classmates..?


He tried saying, only to get cut off, when several of his classmates broke out laughing. He didn't believe, that he had said anything funny though... so what were they laughing at?

It wasn't until Kaminari suddenly spoke up, that the realization hit him- "You seriously think that we'll believe that? That the number one hero, is hurting his own son. Wow, you really have gotten a sense of humor since we first met"

The blondes words came out slurred, as he laughed in between almost every word... even as Todoroki couldn't see the fun, in the situation...

He told them the truth.. the one that they had been nagging for him to tell, and now they wouldn't even believe him..?

A sigh left his throat, as his gaze shifted to the ground. Why did he even think they would? Why did he think they were different...?

The laughter didn't falter, as it instead just became more and more unbearable to hear. He couldn't do this... he shouldn't have to... Casting a last glance at his classmates, he caught the gazes of several, as he shook his head from side to side, before turning to leave. No one ever believed him, so he should of expected this outcome..

He didn't even have the chance to take one step towards the exit, before a voice made him stop- "Are you being serious?" Ofcouse he was... Why would anyone lie about something like this? He glanced through his un-scarred eye, from over his shoulder, as he met the eyes belonging to Yaoyorozu, who seemed to have tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. Why her of all people...

They had been close friends for quite a while, so whatever she were about to say, could have a big impact on their current relationship.


He tried, only to get cut off when she broke out giggling again, before quickly holding a hand to her mouth, trying to fade out the obvious laughter- "Sorry, sorry go on" She waved with her hand, telling him to go on. But he couldn't help but feel unnerved, by the way she wiped away another tear from her cheek- laughter just on the verge of breaking back out.

His fist tightened by his side, as he tried to keep his temper from exploding. Why were they making fun of him? Couldn't they see, that this was serious?

"Ofcouse it's true-" His gaze fell to the ground, as his hair covered his face- making his teeth-clenching unnoticeable for his classmates, "- why would I lie about something like this..." His head didn't raise, and neither did his voice, as they both lowered and lowered, until there were barely anything left.

"You- you seriously think, that we'l-we'll accept that" A voice spoke from in between laughter, but Todoroki didn't look up- he couldn't.

Was this what happened, when you listen to other peoples wishes?... When you give in...


Even as time passed, he couldn't get the unbearable sound of his classmates' laughter out of his head- it being on constant repeat. Why was it always the people he trusted the most?.. why...

Ding Ding Ding

His gaze followed the sound, until it landed on his phone. Another alarm... He starred at it for a moment, just letting it ring. He should probably shut it off... the others were still sleeping after all...

He quickly shut it off, before falling back against the door, letting his thoughts consume him again- just like they had, all night...

How much had he even slept? Five- ten, maybe even twenty minutes?

He knew that the clock had to be around 6 am now, as his alarms usually go off by then- and he knew that it couldn't be later than that, as most of his classmates usually woke up by 7-7.30 am. Some even after that..

But if that was the case, then he should probably get up. He did have school after all...

But did he have to? After what happened last night, he doesn't think that he'll be able to face any of them.. Shaking his head from side to side. Todoroki finally gained a bit of strength to stand up, only to have to brace himself almost instantly on the door, as his balance seemed off- making his legs wobble slightly from beneath him. Maybe he should of slept more after all?

His vision blurred, only to clear mehr seconds after and leave a faint pounding in the back of his head. Maybe he shouldn't of sat against the door...

"Can you believe what he said? Like, why would Endeavor do that, he's a hero. Does he think that we're stupid or something?"

Mina spoke to the rest of their friend group, as they laughed in reply- leaving Bakugou just on the edge to strangle someone. He held himself back though... he couldn't hurt his friends, no matter how much he wanted to...

"Yeah, I know it's-..." As the others began talking, he decided to just cut the voices entirely from his brain. He can't handle, to keep listening to their bullshit right now.

Him, and the rest of their classmates were all in the common area, waiting for the clock to shift, so that they could go to their classroom, without having to sit there for half an hour. But even as most of his classmates, were just talking and having fun, he couldn't bring himself to join them, as he kept wondering about, where Todoroki was.

He hadn't gotten down yet and he were usually the first one done- his sleeping schedule being obviously shitty. The permanent bags under his two different colored eyes, saying everything, so that he wouldn't have to.

But Bakugou was diffidently not keeping an eye on him! It was just so obvious, that you couldn't, not notice it.

"-akugou? Bakugou?"

A voice calling his name, suddenly made him snap out of thoughts, only to realise that his entire friend group were starring at him. Why did they always seem to watch him like that.. almost as if they waited for him to give a command, or some shit... He really doesn't understand these extras sometimes.

"What do you want Shitty hair?" His voice were always extra groggy in the mornings, so he may of sounded madder than he actually were. But did he care?

Not one bit.

Kirishima just blinked at him in reply, making his patience run out slowly. Couldn't he just get to the point already! "I just asked, what you thought of this entire Todoroki situation" He finally spoke, but Bakugou couldn't help but think about it- What was there even to say?

"I don't know-" He started calm, but eventually found the anger he felt rising up, as he recalled the comments being thrown after the poor boy last night. The same boy who just wanted to make them happy, by telling them about his deepest secret. "- maybe you shouldn't of said what you said? Maybe you should actually of listened to him? Maybe you shouldn't be so goddamn fast to judge!?"

He had to sink back in his chair, as to make himself calm down. His throat already burned from yelling like he did, but he couldn't help but feel the need to- to what? Protect wasn't the right word... Bakugou didn't protect damn Todoroki... not in a million years...

But as Kirishima flinched by his voice, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Yelling may not be the best way, to handle this.

"Could you atleast try to understand his-"

He spoke, this time much calmer than before, until his words broke- his mind distracted by the person who just walked through the doorway and into the common area-


He looked a bit... Tired? Maybe he didn't get enough sleep, but that couldn't be the only reason for his worn out look. Todoroki had big black bags under his eyes and his eyes seemed almost hollow, but besides his obvious tired expression, he also had some rather concerning cuts around his face. Did he overwork again?.. or was it something else?

Bakugou didn't get time to say anything- or comment, on the others appearance, before the others unluckily had taken the initiative- "Are you just trying to get us on your side? We all know you lived like a spoiled brat for most of your life-" What the hell were they even saying now!?

Bakugou had to clench his fists, as to keep himself from exploding at them.

If they knew what Todoroki had been through.. then they would never of acted like this...

"- without having to do anything yourself, is that the 'oh so bad thing' that happened to you or what?" Bakugou had looked at Todoroki throughout the sentences, wanting to make sure he wouldn't be too hurt, when he finally shifted his gaze to the one who spoke-


He couldn't help his confusion. She never acted like this before... what happened? He watched as Yaoyorozu had to pull Jirou away from Todoroki, as she just kept mumbling under her breath, something Bakugou couldn't hear from where he were sitting. But he had no doubt, that Todoroki could.

When Jirou were a good five meters away, it seemed like Todoroki's body tensed down again. He hadn't even realised that he were tense before... He could see how the youngers head lowered, as a relieved sigh left his mouth. He almost seemed... scared?

Bakugou weren't usually one to take pity on others, but he really wanted to with this boy. He knows a bit too much, about what is- or has been going on in the Todoroki household. So hearing people speak like that, when they don't know anything about the situation, actually makes his blood boil within him. How did he end up with people that stupid?


He had walked into the classroom early, so that he wouldn't have to deal with his classmates' judging expressions... but just to his luck, it seemed like he couldn't avoid them after all..

One after another, his classmates entered the classroom, while every last one of them kept sending him judging glares- making him sink further and further back against the chair. Why couldn't they atleast try to forget about what he had said?

The only ones who didn't seem like someone, who would kill him at every chance they got was Midoriya and Bakugou- both of them standing up for him... in their own unique ways..

Midoriya gently asked them to look away, and tried to make them talk about something else, while Bakugou had his own methods..-

He yelled at them, until they looked away from Todoroki. And if they said even the quietest of words, he were just about ready to explode them right on the spot.

he just, wishes that they would stop already...

Don't misunderstand him, he were really truly grateful for their attempts at helping him.. but he really didn't want them to be blocked out, like he had from their class. They may not understand him, when it comes to this specific topic, but they have always been there for him and he doesn't wish that to be taken away from Midoriya and Bakugou... not because of him...

He had to listen to every hurtful word, being sent from one end of the classroom to the other- all of them being about him, in one way or another... Before Aizawa finally entered the classroom, making the ones who hadn't, shut up instantly.

"Sit down, there'll be coming a special guest in a few minutes and I don't want them to think, that you're all just some stupid brats"

Aizawa spoke in an irritated tone as he rubbed the space between his eye, but even so, it was clear to everyone that he were just trying to show them how much he cared. They could almost hear the words- "Be on your best behaviors, so they can see how sweet and caring you all are" But ofcouse, they knew that Aizawa would never say that out loud... But that didn't mean, that they wouldn't be able to hope...

It didn't even take ten seconds, before everyone had found their seats, and were forced to look forward, instead of towards Todoroki. Atleast they couldn't send him glares this way...

"Sensei?" Kaminari suddenly spoke from across the aisle, his hand in the air, even as he didn't wait for Aizawa to pick him- "Who is this person?"

He could hear Aizawa sighing, as he seemed to be debating on whether to tell them or not. But why wouldn't he? Was it something serious? "It's a former student here at UA actually-" Former student? He could see, by the others' expressions, that they had the same thought as him. But if it was a UA student, could it be that they knew them?

His thoughts didn't get a chance to continue, as Aizawa kept speaking- "- but she never became a pro hero, having lost the drive to, when she entered second year. But she's still in contact with the school and have become a professional psychiatrist, as her quirk fit perfectly for that kind of a job" Aizawa said, which just seemed to make everyone more confused.

What was a psychiatrist doing here? And why did they need her?

He didn't get to think any further, before the door opened slowly, only to reveal a short, slender figure with long pink hair. Was that her?

She nodded quickly to Aizawa, as she closed the door behind her- no word spoken between; them or anyone in the class. She didn't even look at Aizawa for long, before she turned out towards the class, revealing her blank-like eyes. Was she blind maybe?

"Hello" She began, bowing slightly as she spoke- "My names not important, as I would rather stay anonymous. But if you want to, then you can just call me: Laira, which is my 'work name', or the name that I use, whenever with patients, not wanting to bring myself or anyone else in danger, by telling them more than they need to know"

She got some nods in reply from several people in the class, before she continued- "I've come here, as you may know, because of your principle. Who asked me to come and check your mental states. As, after what I heard, wouldn't be too good with all of the incidents with the League Of Villains"

It wasn't like, it didn't make sense to him, but there was just one thing that he didn't seem to understand- How would she check their mental states?

"Laira?" Mina suddenly asked from her seat, as she rubbed her chin with her thump, trying to show her confusion. She earned a hum in reply, and quickly began talking again- "Why do you need to check our mental states, and why would Principal Nezu ask you that?"

He were a bit confused about that part too..

"He told me that, after the incidents you students have been a part of, you might have gained some serious trauma. And trauma can easily lead to impulsive decisions, in which neither me, or your teachers, would want to happen"

Students all around the room nodded in a understanding manner, before another hand flew into the air, this time though, it had been Midoriya instead- "How are you going to check out mental states exactly? Is it your quirk? What is your quirk?---" It didn't take long, before his sentence turned into rambling, quickly making people sigh all around the room.

He liked Midoriya as a friend, no doubt in that. But sometimes he really wished, that the older could atleast acknowledge it, when he starts rambling mid-sentence...

"Ahh, good question" Laira started, as she smiled out at the class, wanting her answer to be directed towards everyone- "My quirk is called: Inner mind, it allows me to visualize a persons worst memory and bring it out to a sort of movie, for others to see. It sort of just shows you the scene, as if it was happening right at the moment. But ofcouse, it's only a sort of projection of a persons memories, so nothing is real"

Some people began complementing her quirk, and her, but for some reason, Todoroki couldn't even think about that- only one thought stuck in his mind-

Would everyone see his trauma? All of them?...

He didn't want that.. Endeavor may hurt him, but he doesn't wish for anyone else to be involved.. It's not worth it...-

He's not worth it.

"-so let's just make a list, for who's gonna go first" Wait what? Todoroki looked up confused for a moment. Had he really zoned out? He watched, as Aizawa began writing peoples names on the whiteboard, in a sort of list, for who's secrets is gonna be revealed first. One thing Todoroki didn't understand though, was why Laira was picking people for Aizawa to write down, while the people she mentioned, had their hands in the air- waving them around eagerly, as if they wanted it to happen.

Was it him, who didn't understand the current situation? Or was it them, that was just being stupid?..

He watched as the last names got written down, dreading the moment his name would be written.






And the list went on.

If he was lucky though, maybe his name would be written as the last and he wouldn't have to go up... but he knew that it would happen anyway. It always does...




He looked a long time at his name, hoping that it would be erased, but it never did. Atleast he were the last to go up.. He told himself, trying to calm his beating heart, as it threatened to jump right out of his chest.


Almost everyone had been through now, and he finally understood what exactly her quirk did.

Midoriya had been up, not too long ago. He sat down in a chair, that they had placed by the whiteboard, as Laira stood besides him. It wasn't even anything mayor, that she had to do, as to make her quirk activate, but the outcome always surprised the people watching.

She had only laid a hand on Midoriya's shoulder, before her eyes turned completely pink, and a form for projection appeared infront of them, making a small barrier between Laira and Midoriya, and the class, who sat on the opposite side.

The projection had showed a small Midoriya and what looked like a young, form for Bakugou- talking to each other.

He doesn't wish to get into details, as it wasn't what anyone could of expected. But let's just say that; Suicide had been implied.

He never would of thought, that Midoriya would have been a part of something like that, when he's the brightest person in the class.. But life was truly unfair...

"-Todoroki, come here"

The mention of his name, was the only thing that made him snap out of his thoughts. "Yes, Sensei?" Todoroki said, as he stood from his seat, seeing Aizawa trying to wave him over, almost instantly.

"It's your turn, come up here" Aizawa continued, sensing the confusion in Todoroki's expression.

His heart dropped, as he walked towards the whiteboard. His turn? Already? He dreaded, needing to take a seat in that chair, as his secrets would be exposed infront of all of his classmates. They hadn't believed him before.. would this change anything..? And if so, would that mean that this could change his future?

Laira flashed a small smile at him, as he took a seat in the chair. She was just doing as told... but he still couldn't help, but feel a bit agitated by the entire situation.

"Are you ready?" She asked, but he couldn't say anything- he wouldn't. This could change his future. And, his fathers image... only god knows how this could end.. "If you're concerned-" What? He looked up at her, as she seemed to try and figure out what his troubled expression could mean, "-I promise that it wont hurt"

She seemed sweet. It would only be a dumb decision, made by his own selfish mind, to ignore- or even hate her... she doesn't deserve that..- "No. I'm ready" He nodded at her reassuringly, even as he weren't reassured at all.

Maybe he would just have to play along...

Laira gently placed a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch slightly. He really needed to get a hold of himself... "3-" She began counting down, but he just locked it all out, not wanting to hear- or see what was going on. His eyes closed tightly- waiting for the moment, when Aizawa would poke his shoulder and tell him, that it had been done. But just to his luck, there was a little detail, that they had failed to explain-

When the memory is shown infront of others, it flashes before the victims eyes aswell, showing them the scene, without wanting to...

He still hadn't opened his eyes, but he could clearly see a memory, that often replays in his mind.. only, this time it was alot more real. Not like the other times, where he would remember certain expressions. No, this was different, almost as if he were really there, watching from the sideline, as he saw himself, in the age of six- getting beat to the floor and punched violently.

He remember having dropped a plate that day, and this was his punishment..

The plate could be seen in a far away corner of the training room, shattered into small pieces, as he could see his own little hands bleeding from the glass-shards. Having been in contact with the plate, when he tried to pick the pieces back up- hoping, that Endeavor wouldn't see... but he always did...

It wasn't until Endeavor suddenly turned towards the direction that he 'stood', that Todoroki opened his eyes quickly, fearing that it was actually real.

But for ones, he would actually prefer the sight of Endeavor towering over him, as he beat him relentless- than the sight he was met with, when he opened his eyes-

The projection of what he had seen, was still displayed infront of him- this time, just in worse quality than before, but that wasn't what scared him, it was the looks being sent his way, from classmates all around the room- most of them containing pity. That wasn't what he had hoped for...

The little him from the memory, got kicked and punched, and for every hit, another set of tears seemed to find their way to his eyes, wanting to spill even as he wouldn't let them. He weren't going to cry here, especially not infront of the ones who thought he said this as a joke..

While the projection was going on, he suddenly caught eye contact with Kaminari and some of the others, who all seemed to be mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' while giving him an apologetic look. But he couldn't care less.

They had chosen not to believe him and that was their choice. He didn't need friends, who wouldn't even listen to his explanations..


I had some troubles making it save this story, so I'm sorry if it doesn't come out like it should. It has already deleted some sentences, that I had to re-write, so I'm already a bit tired of this..

I know that this was supposed to be a Christmas special, and I still intend to make one. It will be out a few days after Christmas though, as I don't think that I'll be able to write one in only three- to four days. I will try to make it as quickly as possible though.

Merry Christmas by the way, even as it is a bit early :)

13/12/22 - 21/12/22

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