Once Upon a Dream:

By sarahbethbooks

147K 4.7K 264

***The sequel to Dreams Comes True*** This book occurs after Regina confesses to Gold that she will get reve... More

Page 1: "You Used to Be Heroes":
Page 2: Welcome to Storybrooke:
Page 3: The Day Regina Cast the Curse:
Page 4: Dream?
Page 5: Not Happy:
Page 6: Lasagna and Turnovers:
Page 7: "Please. Don't do this.":
Page 8: Getting Rid of Magic:
Page 9: Running:
Page 10: Stopping Henry From Destroying Magic:
Page 11: "I Can Have Everything":
Page 12: Nightmares and Trying to Move On:
Page 13: Tamara, Neal's Fiancee:
Page 14: Granny's Diner:
Page 15: Thinking at the Docks:
Page 16: Selfless, Brave, and the Truth Will Set You Free:
Page 17: Dream's Thoughts:
Page 18: Memories Back, Or So You Think:
Page 19: The Secret Bean Field:
Page 20: Who's Lacey?
Page 21: David Nolan, Mr. Gold's Wingman:
Page 22: Emma's Up to Something:
Page 23: Beans and Much-Needed Conversations:
Page 24: Greg and Tamara's Package:
Page 25: Plans:
Page 26: Hook's Return:
Page 27: Emma is Suspicious of Tamara:
Page 28: Operation Praying Mantis:
Page 29: Greg and Tamara's Plan:
Page 30: Kidnapping and Never Changing:
Page 31: Regina and Dream's Missing:
Page 32: Greg's Mission Against Regina:
Page 33: Finding Regina and Dream:
Page 34: Conflict of Interests:
Page 35: "But I Already Risked Saving You Once. I Won't Do It Again":
Page 36: Finding Out Where Regina is:
Page 37: Stopping Greg and Tamara:
Page 38: Neal's Gone:
Page 39: The Trigger?!?
Page 40: Telling the News to Henry and Gold:
Page 41: Trying to Save Storybrooke:
Page 42: Getting the Beans Back:
Page 43: Regina's Sacrifice:
Page 44: Doing What's Right:
Page 45: Saving Storybrooke and Regina:
Page 46: Henry!
Page 47: Where Did They Take Henry?
Page 48: Neverland:
Page 49: Conversations About What Happened:
Page 50: Gold's "Speech":
Page 51: David and Dream's Talk:
Page 52: Hook Being Sentimental:
Page 53: Mermaids?
Page 54: Fighting and Storms:
Page 55: Having to Work Together:
Page 56: Through the Forest:
Page 57: Making Camp:
Page 58: What To Do With the Map:
Page 59: The Anniversary of Daniel's Death:
Page 60: Trying to Figure Out the Map:
Page 61: Cora's Lies:
Chapter 62: Regina's Revenge... Or is it Regret?:
Page 63: The Map that Leads to Henry, or So They Thought...
Page 64: Fighting the Lost Boys:
Page 65: Lost Girl:
Page 66: Finding Out Where Henry Is?
Page 67: David's Secret:
Page 68: Getting Lost:
Page 69: Regina Meets Tinker Bell:
Page 70: A Chat With A Fairy:
Page 71: Conflicts:
Page 72: What Did Regina Do?
Page 73: Tinker Bell:
Page 74: Regina!
Page 75: Is It So Hard to be Happy?
Page 76: Tinker Bell's Help?
Page 77: Words of Advice:
Page 78: Finding a Way Off the Island:
Page 79: Neal's Cave
Page 80: Losing Time:
Page 81: David's Not Getting Any Better:
Page 82: Dead Man's Peak:
Page 83: Deadly Plant:
Page 84: The Message and the Lie:
Page 85: Captain Swan's Kiss:
Page 86: Practicing Magic:
Page 87: Neal's Alive?
Page 88: "The Deeper the Lie, The More Truth in Its Echo:"
Page 89: Neal's Plan:
Page 91: Dark Hollow:
Page 92: Reunited to Find Henry:
Page 93: Pan's Lie:
Page 94: Skull Rock:
Page 95: Henry!?!
Page 96: Stopping Pan:
Page 97: Finding Pan:
Page 98: Regret:
Page 99: Henry's Okay:
Author's Note:

Page 90: Hook Will Never Stop Fighting for Dream:

1.1K 37 3
By sarahbethbooks

The four of them walked out of the cave, trying to make their way to Dark Hollow. Neal stopped when he saw a path covered by branches and bushes. "We're gonna have to cut our way through," Neal said, looking at Emma and Dream, who was behind him. 

"Here. Use this." Dream said, taking out the sword that Hook gave her.

"My cutlass?" Neal asked, raising his brow as she reached it to him. "You find it in the cave?" He asked her.

"No, actually, Hook gave it to me." Dream said, making Neal look at Hook. 

"Since when are you sentimental?" Neal asked him with a scoff.

"I thought Dream would wish to have something to remember you by."

"Oh. Thanks. She's got me now." Neal said, starting to cut a path, making Emma and Dream raise a brow at Hook. 

"What was that about?" Emma asked him as Dream crossed her arms over her chest. 

"I assumed he had heard my secret. I also assumed that you'd told him about our shared moment." Hook said, looking at Dream. "Why would you assume that?" Dream asked, raising her brow. "Because I was hoping it meant something." Hook sighed to himself, hoping that she was not still angry at him. 

"What meant something was that you told us Neal was still alive. Thank you. I realized you could've kept Pan's information to yourself." Dream continued as the two didn't notice that Emma followed Neal but stayed where she could hear them. 

"Why would I have done that?" Hook asked her as she shrugged.

"I don't know... Maybe Pan offered you a deal. Why else would he tell you?"

"It was a test. He wanted to see if I'd leave an old friend to die. Even if the old friend happens to be an obstacle in getting the woman I want." Hook confessed, making Dream sigh. "And you chose your friend..." Dream sighed, making him smile at her. 

"Does that surprise you?" He asked.

"You are a pirate."

"Yeah, that I am." Hook scoffed, looking to the ground. "But I also believe in good form. So, when I win your heart, Dream, and I will win it, it will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me. I won't leave you. I'm not the last guy." He said, walking closer to her, making her breath hitch in her throat. 

"This is not a contest, Hook." Dream sighed, biting the inside of her lip, trying to hold back from kissing him since she was still angry with him.

"Isn't it? You're gonna have to choose Dream. You realize that, don't you? Your father and brother are both against me, and I don't intend to give up..."

"The only thing I have to choose is the best way to get Henry back." Dream said as he nodded. 

"And you will." He smiled at her.

"You think so?" She asked him.

"I have yet to see you fail. And when you do succeed, well, that's when the fun begins." He smirked at her.

"Guys?" Neal asked, walking back with Emma. "I think I found it," Neal said, handing his cutlass back to Dream. 

He put his hand on her back, letting her walk in front of him as Emma and Hook looked at each other. "You and Hook?" Neal whispered to her. "You kissed him?" He continued when Dream sighed.

"It--It meant nothing... I guess you didn't hear the part where he kissed Emma, too." Dream said, making Neal look at her before he glanced back at Emma. "I know the story about your mom. You don't have to worry, Bae. Let's just get Henry." Dream said, making Neal nod as they continued to walk down the path.

~season 3, episode 7: "Dark Hollow"~

~622 words~

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