Un-known blood line (Stefan S...

By Grace3Taylor

3.2K 38 5

"Good bye Elena" Isobel said as she looked between Elena, Damon and Stefan who were in front of her. "Oh, but... More

1) the great Mystic Falls
2) Sister?
3) Oh no! Emily!
4) good old days
5) Deal
6) three hundred years
7) Deal
9) Kathrine
10) Bonding
11) Distracting
12) Tomb
13) Stuck
14) Rose
15) Sorry
16) Elijah
17) Truth or lie?
18) Seriously?
19) I dont have to do it forever
20) I'm not apologizing
21) blood
22) tears

8) I'm so, so sorry

90 1 0
By Grace3Taylor

Not edited:

It has been a day or two since the whole incident with the sheriff. Caroline and Elizabeth are still at the Salvatore boarding house and Stefan has taken it upon himself to stay here. Which is sickening! Dont get me wrong, I dont have a problem with him. He's sweet and innocent and kind, but i dont like waking up to hearing those two kissing. Like now-

I wish i didnt have vamp hearing, i wish i didnt have vamp hearing! All i can hear is moaning and kissing and BLEH! I cringed and put a pillow over my head, like that would help. Lucky humans with there stupid human hearing, so unfair!

"This is bad of us" Elena said.

"Yes it is" Stefan agreed.

"I agree, it is" i mumbled, since Kathrine was still after there relationship.

"If Kathrine finds out...." Elena said matching my thought.

"Kathrine who?" Stefan said and i groaned as i heard more kissing.

"Make it stop!" i mumbled into the pillow.

"Ok, I, um, i need to be in the shower" Elena said and i sighed in relief. Finally! They were stopping.

"Love it, lets go" Stefan said.

"No! The bathroom is even closer to my room" i said into my pillow.

"No, just me" Elena said laughing. "I'm late. I'm decorating at the Lockwood charity thing"

"What do you know? So am i" Stefan said.

"I'm actually loosing brain cells from this" i said hitting myself in the face with the pillow.

"Do you think thats really a good idea to be at their house today?" Elena said. "Mason Lockwood tried to kill you"

"Ah, the pain, the pain. Why did i agree to sleep here knowing romance was in that room" i said literally falling off my bed and onto the floor. Ok, i am being over dramatic, but if that was your sister and you could hear all that, would you be behaving like this? Yea, thought so.

"I dont trust Mason. I wanna be there today to keep an eye on him" Stefan said.

"Ok" Elena said then i finally got off the floor and used my vamp speed to get changed before going downstairs. Where i could still faintly hear the noise, but at least now i wasnt next door to it with vamp hearing.

Now i was at a place my Aunt dragged me to along with Elena and Stefan. Why do they want my company, its anyone's guess. But im here and helping the Lockwood's with the event. I am walking with Stefan when Jenna walked up to us.

"Stefan, Emily, hey" She said.

"Hey" Stefan and i said at the same time then looked at each other before looking back at Jenna.

"I'm cooking dinner tonight. Ric will be there. You should come" She said to Stefan.

"Oh, um, you know, Elena and i, we're kind of taking a... a pause" Stefan said.

"Really?" Jenna asked. "Because thats not what it sounded like this morning"

Oh, so human ears were unlucky like mine. Wonder what Jeremy thought of this.

"Yea, same here. What was that this morning Stef?" I asked and he looked like he was trying not to be awkward while also giving me short glares which i grinned at.

"You know what? I heard nothing" Jenna said then gave us a smile before walking away. Jenna's the best.

"Why?" Stefan asked when she left and i turned to him with the exact same grin on my face.

"Why what?" i asked.

"You didnt have to join in" Stefan said while smiling a little.

"Kind of did. What you were doing with my sister this morning was awful" i said "I mean, this is what it was like" i pulled the ends of my hair to make it strait then said "'This is bad of us'" pretending to be Elena. then i quickly scrunched up my hair and made my voice deeper to pretend to be Stefan. "'Yes it is' 'If Kathrine finds out....'Kathrine who?'"

"Ok stop" Stefan said and i dropped my hair before bowing for my performance.

"I could hear every word and sound...... if your gonna stay over could you at least make the making out quiet?" i asked and he rolled his eyes. "Now, before you roll your eyes at me again, lets go help set up the glasses"

We then began to walk outside while i carried the box Stefan brought in.

While setting up some glasses Stefan was in the back of the small booth while i set up the front.

"Hey Mason" i said while he walked past. Him and Stefan quickly turned to me.

"Hey May, Stefan" Mason said and continued walking to a pile of boxes near by and put the one in his down. Then turned to us. "Wasn't expecting you two here. Or anywhere"

"Yea, we had this little accident. But, uh, I'm fine now and Mays fine now" Stefan said. Mason then came towards me and Stefan which i got slightly un-comfortable with.

"What did you do to Sheriff Forbes?" Mason asked.

"Oh, she's fine too" Stefan said. "but from now on, you'll have to do your own dirty work"

"Not a problem" Mason said then began to turn away and looked at me before he did so. Then we quickly continued walking when he crashed into someone.

"Oh" she said quite loudly and it sounded like Bonnies voice.

"Excuse me" Mason said then continued walking.

"Bonnie" i said and turned my back to her to seem busy.

"Whats the matter? Are you ok?" Stefan asked walking towards her.

"When i touched him, i saw something" Bonnie said.

"What do you mean, like a vision?" Stefan asked.

"I saw May" she said and i frowned as they both looked at me then back at each other.

"You saw May?" Stefan asked.

"He was kissing her" Bonnie said and i raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips. Well, this feels un-comfortable now.

"No, Bonnie, May wouldnt kiss....." Stefan said then quickly looked away from Bonnie and to Mason. "You didnt see May. You saw Kathrine"

"We need to go find Damon, now" i said turning to them then began walking away from them and towards Damon.

"Kathrines with Mason Lockwood?" Damon asked in disbelief when we told him.

"He got into town right after she did. It makes perfect sense" Stefan said.

"I know, but Mason Lockwood" Damon continued "Werewolf thing aside, the guys a surfer. She's got to be using him. She has to be"

"Using him for what?" I asked. "We know she has dirty work, but we dont have any clues to what it is"

"Mason's looking for a moonstone that allegedly can break the full-moon werewolf curse. Maybe Kathrine wants it as well" Damon said.

"Theres our clue" i said.

"Why?" Stefan asked, referring to what Damon said.

"Well......... no idea. Thats the beauty of Kathrine. She's always up to something" Damon said.

"Ok, back to the moon stone, how do we find it?" i asked.

"Jeremys getting it from Tyler" Damon said and my eyes widened.

"You involved Jeremy?" i asked.

"Why would you involve Jeremy?" Stefan asked then began walking past Damon and i quickly followed after Stefan and lightly flicked Damon on the shoulder on my way past him.

"He's playing Indiana Jones. He involved himself" Damon defended.

When Bonnie went to help Damon and Stefan i left to go find Elena. Because, i am still avoiding Bonnie after being so rude for my involuntary addition to the vampire existence. Plus, she should have at least helped Caroline who has been her friend since kindergarten. Bonnie needs to get over herself and just be nice about it.

When i found Elena she was on her phone and i walked up to her and sat on the steps beside her.

"Having a phone that close to your face can damage your eye sight" i pointed out jokingly.

"What does Stefan mean by 'With Damon and Bonnie. Fill you in later'?" Elena asked.

"I left before i could know much. I'm still ignoring Bonnie, remember?" i asked.

"Right" she said and began to message Stefan saying 'Damon and Bonnie? Fill me in now'.

"Elena, Stefan has it covered, just wait till later so he can do what he needs to do" i said. She looked me dead in the eye before ringing him and i rolled my eyes and put a hand over my face.

'Hey, You shouldnt be calling me' Stefan said.

"I told her that too" i said into the phone.

"I know. But i have no idea whats happening" Elena said "Damon got Jeremy into something. You've got Bonnie with you. And I'm sorting stupid masquerade masks for Miss Lockwood"

'All right. It's ok. Hold on' Stefan said.

"You seriously need to let it go Elena. It's not fair on Stefan" i mumbled. Then i heard someone ringing me. I frowned and took out my phone. "Gimme a minute" I then answered "Hello"

"Hey, its me" Bonnie said and i rolled my eyes "dont hang up just give me a minute"

"Fine" i grumbled.

"I'm sorry about what i did. But me and Caroline need you to help us out" Bonnie said.

"Ok" i said.

"Ok meet us at the edge of the Lockwood property at a well" Bonnie said.

"Got it" i said and got up. "Meet you there" then i hung up.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked.

"That's my business" i said.

"Come on Em" she said standing.

"Nope, i gotta go help. Dont follow me. I dont want you getting hurt out there" i said and quickly walked into the trees then vamp ran to find the well. When i got there i saw Stefan. "Stef, hey"

"Hey" he said. Then i heard Elena.

"Seriously?" i asked.

"What?" she asked and i shook my head in disbelief. "What's going on?"

"You shouldnt be here" Stefan said to her.

"I know. But i am. Whats going on?" Elena asked.

"Were looking for the moon stone" i said rolling my eyes at her 'i wont do what you say, ra ra ra' it is so annoying.

"Bonnie thinks its down here" Stefan added. I broke the lock on the well then helped Stefan open it. We threw it to the floor then i handed him a flash light. Stefan turned it on and looked down the well before putting it back on the edge.

"There is a quicker way to do this" i said and climbed on the well, about to jump down there.

"I can go" Stefan said.

"It's fine" i said and took the flash light.

"Hey" Elena said and i looked at her. "Be careful"

"No promises" i said while she gave me a serious look.

I grinned before jumping into the darkness. I was falling for a few seconds before hitting freezing water. But i didnt have to worry about that for long because my skin began to burn. Oh no. Vervain. I screamed as i clawed at the walls to get out the water

"Help!" i yelled. "Stefan! Elena! Help!"

I could feel my skin burning and i looked at my hand to see my skin red. It feels like i am being burned alive!

"Emily!" Elena screamed.

"Stefan! Elena!" i screamed back still clawing at the walls.

"Emily whats happening?" Stefan yelled, but i couldnt answer. My vision was getting blurry. I whimpered and held my head, only putting vervain on it.

"Vervain" i groaned in pain while i was fighting the black that was clouding my vision.

"Emily!" Elena screamed. "Emily!"

I then heard someone else talking but i was now about to fall into unconsciousness. I began to breath heavily and my body was beginning to go numb. My limbs couldnt hold my weight anymore. My movements were so slow. Everything was going in slow motion. I'm gonna die, again. Then i fell forward and i sank into the water, my face burned but i couldnt move. I was frozen.

I was still a few moments before feeling someone grab me and pull me out the water. But my eyes were stuck shut. I heard someone gasp at my burned skin.

"Oh my god" they said and i then felt the water come off me and i was flying upwards. Am i in heaven now? Then i felt three pares of hands grab me and pull me out. Now that i was out the water i was healing and i could open my eyes. I looked around me slowly to see three fuzzy people. They all set me on the floor and looked at me. I closed my eyes because they hurt, but listened closely to what was happening around me.

"Elena? I'm ready for you" Carolines voice said. Caroline?

"Hold on" Elena yelled from the well. "I need to find the stone"

"Hurry!" Caroline called.

"Hold on i think i found it" Elena said. Then i heard her screaming. I tried to move and help but i was still healing and unable to move.

"Elena whats going on!" Stefan yelled.

"I got it! Come on! Bring me up!" Elena yelled. Then i heard Elena out the water. "Oh god"

There was a small thud next to me and i slowly tilted my head towards where she landed.

"Emily" Elena said.

"Em" Caroline said. I then heard something rip and smelt blood. I couldn't react to stop her from me being frozen in pain. Then i felt her hand on my mouth and her blood in my mouth. I flinched which hurt my back but apart from that i couldnt move.

"I got the stone, Emily" Elena said. I was healed enough to open my eyes and i looked up at her in a 'stop, i dont want to hurt you' way. "Emily, its going to be ok. Everything's gonna be ok"

After what happened at the well Stefan made me stay at the Salvatore boarding house. I agreed, but only because i knew that if i didnt he would have dragged me there anyway. So, now i sit, bored, in the living room, drinking some of Damons alcohol while Damon rolled Masons body into a rug and Stefan entered the room holding the moon stone in his hand. Damon looked at it confused and underwhelmed.

"All this for that?" he asked.

"Sadly" i commented. Stefan threw the moon stone across the room and to Damon who caught it.

"I see you've exercised your usual restraint" Stefan said to Damon.

"Had to be done" Damon said then took Masons phone off the floor and looked at it before typing "Carol. Big opportunity in Florida. Gonna be gone. For a long time. Will send for my things once i get settled. Much love, Mason"

"Can i help get rid of the body at least?" i asked and Stefan hesitantly nodded and i jumped up and picked up the side he wasn't holding.

"Ooo, last number dialed" Damon spoke up, still going through Masons phone. "I wonder who that could possibly be"

Stefan quickly stood.

"No, no, no. Don't provoke her" Stefan said desperately.

They then started resiling for the phone.

"Guys stop" i said walking towards them.

Then i heard ringing from our side, meaning he called. Damon!

"Mason, you should've been here an hour ago" Kathrine said.

"Wrong boy toy" Damon said and me and Stefan threw our hands in the air in annoyance.

"Idiot" i whispered as i fell onto the couch.

"Damon" Kathrine said. "For once, you've surprised me. I assume Mason's with you?"

"He's right beside me. Although his hearts across the room" Damon said.

"You shouldn't have" Kathrine said sighing.

"I've had a very busy day today. Killed a werewolf. Found the moonstone. Did you know he hid the moonstone in the bottom of a well full of vervain?" Damon continued to annoy her.

This is gonna blow up in his face very soon, I can practically feel it.

"Guess he didnt trust you very mutch" Damon said. "Although he did love you. Poor guy. Hey, where are you? Because i can bring hom over. Last goodbyes and all that"

"You have no idea what you've just done" Kathrine said.

"Aw, did i put a kink in your master plan? I'm so sorry" Damon said making a pouty face. Stefan shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you honestly believe i dont have a plan B? And if that fails, a plan C, then a plan D, and... you know how the alphabet works, dont you?" Kathrine said and i could tell that she had a very large smirk on her face just from her voice. "Send my love to Stefan"

Then the line went dead. We all looked at each other and i gave Damon a 'your an idiot look'

"You happy now?" i asked and Damon just stood and walked out the room. "This is gonna blow up in our faces isnt it?"

"Yea...." Stefan said putting a hand over his face and sighing in annoyance.

"I'm gonna go to the guest bedroom. Night Stefan" i said and began walking.

"Night Emily" he called. I gave him a salute before turning the corner and going up the stairs.

I was woken by a very annoying and repetitive noise. I grumbled in annoyance and saw that i only fell asleep half an hour ago. Huh. Who's calling at this hour? I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" i asked since i didnt see the caller.

"Hey, It's Elena. Something happened to Jenna. Kathrine got in the house and compelled her to stab herself. She's in hospital" Elena said and i shot into a sitting position before getting out of bed.

"Which hospital?" i asked speed walking out the room and down the stairs.

"No, I can handle this, you need to get better"

"Who cares if i get better? What about Jenna?"

"I can take care of her. I just wanted you to know" she said before hanging up. I rolled my eyes in annoyed at her not telling me where the hospital was and that i couldnt go and see if Jenna was ok.

I then decided that since i was up i could just watch tv and make some popcorn. So, i went to the kitchen, made some popcorn, went to one of the many living rooms and looked through the DVD's. When i found the Twilight series i quickly put the first movie on and began watching it. Halfway through the movie, when Bella was being introduced to the Cullens i heard Elena's voice in the other room. I paused the tv, grabbed my popcorn and walked to the room. I stopped at the door when i saw both of them crying and quietly listened.

"We did this. Stefan, Jenna's in hospital, and Jeremy could be next. All because we didn't listen to her. Because.... were together" Elena whispered. "Stefan-"

"I know what you're gonna say to me" Stefan interrupted.

"Then let me say it" Elena said. "I've been so selfish because i love you so much and i know how much you love me. But it's over" Stefan shook his head while tears went down his face. "Stefan, it has to be"

"Elena, i dont-" Stefan said.

"No Stefan" Elena interrupted. "It has to be"

Elena then slowly kissed him then pulled away. When she did, she rushed out the room. I was about to follow her when she began to talk to Damon. Since they were talking i walked into view to see Stefan crying. When i showed that i was here he turned to me and i walked towards him, putting down the popcorn on a table and when i reached him i hugged him. He needed it.

"I'm so, so sorry" i whispered.

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