Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

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This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 29

1K 142 97
By LizSorora

Under a hazy veil of sleep, you found yourself twisted in your bed, hiding your head underneath your pillow, annoyed over the unpleasant sounds that were disturbing your sleep.

"God, I barely closed my eyes, why did morning come so fast." You mumbled to yourself as your fash shrunk in displeasure and slowly reached your hand out of your covers, to reach your alarm clock. However, even though you stepped on it, that sound didn't stop, making you hit it once or twice more before your sleepy mind finally made the realization that the sound that was ringing wasn't coming from your alarm.

You lifted your body to a seated position abruptly, while your head was directed towards the door, processing the environment better and the fact that someone was ringing your doorbell, finally sinking in.

"The heck! It's 4 am?!" As your eyes fell on the clock and took in the early time, you couldn't help but utter that realization in astonishment, right before a veil of worry took over you, making you hurry off your bed to get to your door. For who would come ringing doors at such an hour, without a good reason?

You peaked over the hole of the door once there, just for security reasons and your mind couldn't help but get even more perplexed upon witnessing Jin's figure waiting at the other side of your door.

You opened the door immediately after that and faced him with your bed hair glory - which you had forgotten about- and your pyjamas, only to notice that he was not alone, but by the corner of the door, stood Jimin, in the same clothes you had bid him goodnight in, with the only difference that now those fine clothes were a mess.

"Oh my God-" Was all you uttered as he unbothered made his way in and Jin followed, but waited for you to close the door, so he could speak with you. You did so after a minute of pause however for you were sure taken aback but once you were left in the privacy of your apartment and turned around to face Jin, he took hold of your shoulder rather desperately and pulled you closer to him.

"Listen well to what I am about to say. Whatever happens from now on, stay at least two feet distance, don't turn your back on him ever under any circumstance and never, never get on his nerves." He uttered with a sense of fear in his orbs that got you by surprise for he had never looked that way before you.

"If you are to give advice to others, you should keep it yourself first." P3's voice made Jin freeze in place momentarily as he had assumed that he was walking ahead and thus wouldn't hear but instead Jimin had just taken some quick steps to your kitchen and had returned with a knife in his hand, that caressed Jin's back slowly enough to have him gulping down his saliva as he remained still.

You looked over his shoulder in confusion, and Jimin just tilted his head to meet your gaze and smiled at you, once he was sure that you noticed the knife, looking forward to your reaction that did not surprise him much but it excited him nonetheless.

You pulled Jin instantly more towards yours and out of reflex, you placed yourself before him, while you were still looking at him with wide eyes and utter shock on your face.

"Just what the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Jimin-" You halted your tongue as once that momentary anger and confusion washed over you, your gut feeling erased the sleepiness out of you.

His gaze was different, his aura was different, and his whole essence suddenly felt different. The more you looked into his eyes, the more you felt like a current of shock was passing under your skin, making you tremble in place while your instinct was screaming at you, like no other time.

"Worry not, I won't harm anyone, I got the knife just cause I couldn't find a toothpick," P3 uttered in an attempt to fix the tense atmosphere he purposely created. How fun was it, playing with people's fears?

He proceeded to use the tip of the knife as a toothpick and scratch nothing in particular between his teeth, as he walked away, intended to rest on the couch and wait for the shaken individuals he knew that had left behind and certainly you were that and much more than that, as never before you had felt so intimidated by a single gaze.

"Don't tell me that he is-"

"P3 in all his glory, unfortunately." Jin completed your sentence as he stood by your side, you both simultaneously walking slowly over the edge of the small corner that would allow you to take a look at the couch, only to see him seating there unbothered, then step back and look at each other.

"This does not look good."

"Wait till you hear why we are here." Jin's words had you feel even more worried and scared enough to question if you really wanted to know after all. But since you most likely wouldn't have a chance to choose, you just inhaled and exhaled some deep breaths, in order to collect your mental state and ground your emotions.

"I will go change, wake myself up and I will be right back." You told him right before you walked ahead and Jin followed behind you, noticing how you speed up your steps to pass by Jimin and rush to your room.

"Is that hairstyle in fashion these days? How down has the hair industry fallen while I was gone?" P3 commented as he showed towards your door with his finger, in between chuckles but despite the fact that his words were obviously intended in a joking way, Jin did not laugh and that made his face fall.

"You are so boring." He added, slightly annoyed with Jin for that but Jin just pursed his lips and stood still where he was, at a safe distance from him that made P3 smile again.

"What? Are you gonna sleep with your eyes open too now?"

"I won't sleep at all," Jin replied without hesitation, speaking the truth, for he was aware that there were no locked doors that could keep him. If he wanted to reach you, P3 definitely would find a way.

"Oh, you just know how to make me happy." P3 giggled, not hiding that the fact that he was on edge because of him, was quite satisfying for him. He proceeded to take the knife he had left at his side on the couch and start playing with it, letting it gracefully and swiftly dance between his fingers as if it was a mere pencil and not a cold weapon.  And while doing that he was looking Jin up and down, as if he was studying his vital life points, making him gulp harshly under his collar.

Thankfully for his mental state, you opened your door rather soon and stepped out of it, with a decent attire and your hair gathered up in a messy bun. Your nervousness however was still there as you walked to Jin at the same fast pace, without sparing a look towards Jimin for the fact that he was there alone, which made you feel anxious.

You had heard more than enough about this third personality of his and the fact that Jimin was so utterly terrified of him, sure had left a mental impact on you to be careful. But it had also made you have certain assumptions about him, that made him more fearful than he could have been if you were to have been meeting him, with zero prior information on him.

"Y/N I would have really preferred if we were to not get you involved with him, but he insisted on meeting you. It's not like I had an option of denial...I hope you understand." Jin showed how apologetic he was on his face as he spoke those words to you, knowing well that having any interactions with P3 was not easy nor it was something he felt comfortable allowing it to happen, for the risk was high, and he couldn't afford to have someone innocent as you were, get mixed way too far in this.

"You are sure painting me in a dark light. Don't listen to him, doll.  I am not as bad as it may sound." P3 interfered as he stood up from his seat, knife still in his hand. Thing that made both of you to take a step back rather alert and focused on his movement, just as he took a step forward.

That action made him lift the corner of his lips slightly but he halted his steps nonetheless, and slowly distanced his hand and dropped the knife on the floor, in an attempt to soothe their rapid heartbeats, which he assumed they had.

 "I came here because I am in need of information and as far as I recall, you have your ways on such." He went into the topic, as he placed his hands in his pockets, in an attempt to look less of a threat and you followed his movements with your eyes, before lifting your gaze back to his face, sceptically. "You had a hacker neighbour as far as I recall." 

"What? How does he know? I only said that to Jimin once-"

"P3 has memories of all of Jimin's other personalities, including Jimin himself. And he sure remembers everything too well. He is not like the rest. He is everywhere, like a shadow of consciousness. He knows more than I could ever...he knows more than Jimin knows about his own himself."  Jin filled in your wonder, leaving you with wide eyes for that was definitely inconvenient to not say worrisome.

He was capable of things that Jimin himself is not. He is constantly on the faded background of his life, no matter in what other personality Jimin was to escape in. He sounded like a curse. Like a ghost but the worse of them all, he sounded like an owner that had left others in his house and was enjoying seeing them fighting over his property, while it all belonged to him.

The possibility of him really being the real Jimin, the original one was high and you were sure that Jin must have thought of this before today too, yet he had not concluded to hang on to that possibility for some reason. And you didn't know if that reason was based on rationality and facts or just like you, he was just being biased, for while you looked at him, with thoughts of him being the original one, you felt sad for the Jimin you knew.

"What-What about my neighbour? Why do you need a hacker?"You managed to seclude your thoughts and utter something, as at the back of your mind you made a mental note to yourself to find the real answer to that question.

There was no way you could live on based on mere assumptions and wishful thinking. Even if it was gonna be bitter and even if it was gonna be a reality you would not prefer, you had to know. If the Jimin you had started falling for, was a fragment of an unhealthy mind or simply a person that owned that mind.

Once upon a time, you had told him with such certainty, looking him in his eyes, at this exact same place, that he was the real one. That you believed that, even if there were no proof. That his existence was true yet while standing before P3, a doubt was staring back at you through his orbs. He felt way too aware, way too much in control. Way too stable in his essence, for unlike P1 which you had met, there was no desperation in his eyes, to prove himself as anyone.

 "Since he was able to find you a number of a celebrity as I am, he must be skilled so I do have a difficult request that you should make to him in my stead," P3 replied as he took a step closer, but this time you didn't move from where you were at but just hardened your gaze on him.

"What level of difficulty are we talking about?"

"I want him to get into the system of the National intelligent service. I need to get information on some specific workers that are part of it."

"Have you lost your mind? That's NIS we are talking about! You can't go after anyone that works there!" Jin ended up raising his voice at him out of shock for his statement had certainly brought his mind into turmoil while you had stayed silent, with your mouth having fallen slightly open, for you definitely weren't expecting him to utter such a thing.

"Go after them? Who me?" P3 chuckled as he paused his words, his hand waving in a dismissive manner as if Jin had misunderstood his words in a silly way and that made both you and Jin feel slightly relieved that indeed there was some misinterpretation on the matter, for going after NIS was beyond absurd.

"I don't go after anyone, you silly." He added with a smile that fell instantly as he rapidly approached you and you and Jin found yourself instantly frozen in place as P3 placed his hands around your necks and pulled you closer to his face while staring at you both with that deadly gaze and stern cold face, that had you both holding your breaths short.

"They are the ones that are after me...They are the ones behind all these and way more than that"

Never in your life, you had imagined that a simple sentence would leave you in a mere instant, in a state of denial, fear and desperation at the same time, for if what he just uttered was the truth, then you were no match against your opponent.

But what stroke your mind way more strongly than that, was the ultimate wonder of what could he have done, to have the national intelligent services of a county in such despair to get him in their claws. What was it that lay in P3's memories that they needed badly enough to want him alive?

"They have been hunting for me, don't you think that it's time, I hunt them back?" Excitement travelled in his orbs as he spoke and his lips tugged upwards in a smirk while his hands slightly caressed the back of Jin's and your hair, before he let go and took a step back, allowing his smile to grow further into a grin.

If only you could see within him, how much he was looking forward to this day. How much he had dreamed of it, breathed for it. How much he had swum in his own blood, in anguish and pain, awaiting the day that he would be way more of a monster than they had been to him.

On that glorious day, that he will face the ones that made him like this and instead of feeling like prey, have the satisfaction to see fear and terror in their eyes instead.

It's only fair for them to taste the price of their creation. There will be no life, no resolution and peace until I have their hearts resting in the palm of my hands. 

I will show them, what a prey can grow up to become.

---To be continued...

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