Experiment 3 (countryhumans)

By OkieDokie10101

8.7K 154 410

Sequel to the book 1945 Art made by: @YunJins_Polearm Germany with his boyfriend Poland were having a regular... More

Before the book starts
The door to the left
Portal to Earth
5k dollars
Nice try.
Don't mess with Germs
She warned her.
Polish human vs Czech (+more) human
Taiwanese and Austrian threat.
Deal's made
Trust is not the answer
You failed the only rule
1st attempt?
Fun 1/3
Fun 2/3
Fun 3/3
Moments before disaster
Double disaster 1/3
Double Disaster 2/3
Double disaster 3/3
German union
Visible confusion
I'll do it myself.
Failed magic
Authors note
German Union (GU)
Amelie's ending
Almost back to normal
Oh, Canada..

Coal Black Vision

130 3 3
By OkieDokie10101

IM BACK PEOPLE! I'm not dead I promise 😔

Germany noticed some more people, but he was saving energy so he could locate East in such area.
He opened a closet and quickly shoved himself inside before using his hands to grasp onto the little line cracks oh the closet to keep it closed.

A little sound of a certain material clashing together was heard, a loud irritating one. He covered his ears with his hands until it went back to stable. He slowly turned around, trying not to cause more sound that sounded like multiple tennis rackets slapping each other.

It was dark, Germany couldn't see anything. He reached over to reach the object, grabbing some ring shaped object. With a little too much force, he ripped off the ring shaped object from something. Apparently it was attached to something.

Germany listened to the faint footstep, almost non existent. The people seemed to pass the area. He opened it and had a little heart attack.

Those were a closet of grenades.

He immediately realized that he actually just pulled the safety pin off. He activated his magic and pushed the closet even more towards the wall in panic before making a quick barrier to hide himself in.

'What's that sound..?'

Germany heard from the other side, a loud bang was heard, the grenade has exploded. The explosion affected Germany, sending him flying to the other was with the barrier bursting. With his magic present with him it makes anything he does much more... effective.

He crashed through the wall that was behind his back, he quickly let out his wings to slow down the fall. He was now in another wall.
He grunted as he landed on his right wing, making him groan from the pain. Germany looked at the blinding lights, it reminded him at the hospital or UN's office who loves to blind people purposely probably or Bavaria when that dumbass hangs the Christmas lights in October.

'Western?!' East called out and ran towards him.
'East!' He cried out, East kneeled down at her twin and checked up on him.
'What did you do?!'
'I accidentally set off a grenade.. don't even ask how.' He admitted, sitting up better so some pressure won't be added to his wing.

East put he hand on his back to stabilize him, while he looked around.
'Have you found her?' Germany asked, before getting up and weakly flapping his wing.

East nodded, and pointed to the door nearby. That was were Amelie was. He quickly got up and ran towards the door. It was time to end this, it was time to get home.

East rushed to follow West. The door was metal and shut tight.
If it wasn't open then they will make it open.

Germany activated his magic and pressed his hand against the door, would be a good idea to punch it open? He sensed to the material, it didn't seem safe to open it, East was about to smash the door open but he quickly tugged her arm to stop her.
'I know another way.' He whispered to East, before using the magic to make a magic shark think enough to slide through the door.

East noticed this and teleported through the door before taking Germany's shard from underneath.

She saw Amelie on the other side through a massive hall, but didn't make a sound. She used her own dark magic to help her twin brother get through as well, making him teleport through the door even if he can't teleport.

'-' He was about to say something when East shushed him, making sure they won't get caught.

East stepped forward first when suddenly Amelie turned around with a remote in her hand.
'I'm not that dumb you know.' Amelie bellowed, echoing through the entire hall to the little room.
'I can see everything.' Amelie laughed, 'Cameras... or not.'

East was shocked, she swore she smashed all the little cameras into multiple pieces, shredded like pencil shavings.

Germany stood still, not sure of what to do next. Amelie got up and what it seemed like she had some sort of.. power.

'How did you... I thought you are-!' Germany was about to echo more pointless words, but she cut him off.
'Human?' She chuckled, 'Yes sweetie, you got that correct.' Germany cringed from the word "sweetie", glaring at her as if he was going to shred her the same way East did to the security cameras.

'I supposed you have questions... you know this isn't the first time a country went to Earth.. right?' Amelie giggled lightly, it sounded cringier than a discord kitten trying to sound creepy like in some anime.

Germany tried hard not to laugh from such ear killing voice, but at the same time tried to stay still.

She held up up her hand which was covered with some metal glove, it seemed that was how she uses the power since Amelie was a human, not a country.

Blasting a large ball of magic, East ducked down while Germany hit his own magic ball, clashing into each other and spreading the mixture of black magic and an unidentifiable magic around the area.

Amelie coughed, the air was heavier for her. East and Germany were unfazed, other than the mild smell of the other magic.

East found that magic familiar, but staying silent about it.

'Just give up.' Germany coughed, 'You stand no chance with some shitty glove.'

'You stand no chance with my "shitty" glove.' Amelie smiled.

Taiwan grunted as America slapped her.
'I TOLD YOU TO NOT-!' America yelled, Taiwan was holding back tears but didn't show any weakness towards the American.
'You bastard. I didn't have a choice!' Taiwan screamed back, 'I didn't want to do it either, but my life was on the FUCKING line!' She turned back dramatically to leave the area but American pulled her back, she quickly walked him with her tail, slitting his face slightly, almost hitting his eye.

'You call this for fight?'
'I WANT YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE OH MY GOSH!' She screamed, covering her ears as she got overwhelmed by his yelling.

Australia and New Zealand meanwhile was looking for a safe spot to be there as a get away.

Vatican was meanwhile a guard to make sure guards weren't nearby.

Poland and Canada noticed the tensions from Taiwan and America.
'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW!' Poland yelled as they both rushed towards the two, Canada pulled off America from the Taiwan and Poland checked up on Taiwan.

'What are you two thinking?!'
'I didn't start this nonsense. I was trying to be alone and he won't stop bothering me!' Taiwan rubbed her sore shoulder.


'I TOLD YOU MY LIFE WAS ON THE LINE. THAT WAS YEARS AGO TOO WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS NOW?! IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW WE JUST HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!' Taiwan responded, Poland glanced at the pissed off American and overly stressed Taiwanese.

'Break it up guys, America, this was years ago you can't talk about it now, and Taiwan.' Taiwan had her head low, trying to calm herself down. 'Taiwan just please. Is there anything you can do, to help East and Germany? (West)' Poland pleaded.

America scoffed.
'You aren't gonna get shit from her, she obviously doesn't say anything.'
Vatican slapped America lightly to shut him up while continuing to attempt to fix up the slit.

'I can try something.' Taiwan said, lifting her head up to look at Poland. Ukraine meanwhile popped out from a tree and climbed down before running towards the group to pass them a random potential needed material for the getaway before leaving again.

Poland held the thing Ukraine gave, confused on what to do with it. Taiwan looked at the object and snatched instantly and leaving.
'UKRAINE!!' Taiwan called out, she looked back at Taiwan and returned before Taiwan clashed her magic together into sharp magic weapon shaped like a scythe.

'Do you know how to use this?' Taiwan asked, passing it to Ukraine. She inspected the scythe, before adding a hint of her own magic to make it suit with her own magic before nodding.

'Go there. My magic can also help locate them because it's connected to what Amelie is using now...'

'How do you just-?'
'You don't have to do anything, you will feel warmth when you are closer. Don worry you won't freeze, you'll just feel nothing.'

'Amazing! The game I suck at the most comes to reality, hot and cold.' Ukraine sighed jokingly before using her magic to make a quick vine to pull her towards to area like a grappling hook.

East and Germany wheezes as Amelie uses the stolen magic aggressively. Germany got up, ignoring the blood covering his one eye and make a quick magic barrier as East wiped the magic off her eye.

This was unexpected, it's as if Amelie planned this entire thing for years.

West breathed in one more, trying to ignore the pain that spread through his bode as he retracted his wings to keep them safe.

He shook as strong wind hit his face from the magic around, East quickly went to her twin.

'I told you, it's over.' Amelie sighed. 'How about we end this fight, by you coming back to me with the others, hm?'

Germany thickened his barrier against Amelie, East next to him trying to find a plan while trying to not zone out accidentally while doing so.

An idea snapped with her, she ran towards her brother and activated her magic very lightly, just so it covers her hand before taking her twins hand which was covered in his own magic while making the barrier thicker.

'East!' He gasped, knowing what happens when they do that.

Coal black vision spread for the two twins.

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