Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

Oleh Blushieeeeeeeeee

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Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... Lebih Banyak

Prolouge, Different approach
Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)
Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Who's the strongest?
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)

1.5K 62 18
Oleh Blushieeeeeeeeee

Ill be skipping the Shizue Izawa part aswell as the Dwargon arc simply because, yada yada, it was incredibly boring to rewrite and especially since barely anything changed.

I'll do a small info on what happened.

1) Shizue lives. (This does not mean a ship arises, it's simply because I wanted to.)
2) Shizue, unlike previously, before the rewrite, does not stay in Rimuru's village and instead heads out for Blumund before going to Ingracia.
3) Rimuru created a spirit using {Creation} to inhabit Shizue, but it's simply artificial and will need to be replaced eventually.
4) Rimuru is aware of the situation regarding the kids and Shizue, and will eventually move out to Ingracia sooner or later.

The ch is handfully rewritten, but I don't think I'll complete it simply because I got bored. Perhaps after the Ingracia arc (which boy let me tell you, I have alot stored for...) I will finish rewriting it.


Rimuru sent off the adventurers squad just yesterday, sending two of his closest subordinates to watch them whilst they made their way out of the forest.

Rimuru: (And now... It's gotten boring.)

They were a fairly interesting squad, especially the masked woman... She peaked his interest and even impressed him, living for almost a century controlling a rampaging spirit. He saved her, Ofcourse, creating an artificial spirit using his Unique Skill. Ofcourse, he's no longer obligated to help her anymore, if anything, she should be obligated towards him... But, he promised her something, and that promise will come sooner or later.

Overall, they were a nice bunch, and he'd say the most he liked was Shizue out of them. She was a Japanese and a otherworlder like him, and both became extremely good friends with one another after sharing their past experiences. She shared her past with the Demon Lord Leon Cromwell, and how she wished to meet him again just to ask him why he saved her, and to fucking punch him in the face because he caused her suffering. The last part intrigued him, this woman had more balls then any other person, talking about beating the shit out of a Demon lord.

Rimuru: (That was a good time...)

Rimuru wondered what to do with the spirit he took from her, but remembered that he put the guy under Veldora's custody. Oh... Poor spirit, hopefully he's fine.

Inside Rimuru stomach...

A few spirits wandered around in Rimuru's stomach, but a specific Ifrit sat face to face with a menacing dragon. Both are staring at a board in the middle.

Ifrit: So... Veldora-Sama... What is this "Chess" you speak of?

Oh you poor spirit, do you have the slightest idea of how much Veldora is about to torture you mentally?

Outside of Rimuru's Stomach.

Rimuru: (He's probably being tortured, Veldora just seems like the type of guy to do that once you listen to his past atrocities.)

Half of him wanted to knock some sense into the damn dragon. Life isn't something to be taken so easily, how would he feel if he lost someone close to him?

Either way... It had also been a month since his fight with Cassius... No, that was no fight, that was a slaughter he almost lost his life in. It was only through a miracle he was able to activate Uriels Law Manipulation in time and get rid of the poison by altering it's properties.

Rimuru: (Welp, I'll just have to get stronger somehow, there's always more room to grow.)

But it didn't demotivate him, he knew there would be beings stronger then him in this world. All he can do, is keep on becoming more and more powerful, until he can defeat Cassius. He won't die a second time, he will live.

Rimuru: (Say... Gobuta and Rigur's patrol has been gone for quite a while now... They had left roughly 4 hours ago... Have they encountered... No, the vampire probably thinks im dead, and he even stole {Gluttony} from me so he doesn't even have a connection to me anymore.)

He'd rather not fight the vampire whilst still in a weakened state. The poison, although he neutralized it, he hadn't got rid of the aftermath effects. Nearly 68.8 percent of his soul was corroded.



Back to Rimuru

Rimuru: I feel as if some ROB is cursing the vampire right now... Meh, whatever.

Rimuru gets up from his balconies chair and starts searching for the goblin group using his senses, trying to find the group of starwolves and Hobgoblins.

Rimuru: (I guess I'll fly...)

Rimuru uses {Body Manipulation} and starts flying. An intrinistic skill he possess due to being a slime as slimes technically have no definite shape.


Clashing of metal is echoed in the surroundings. A purple skinned ogress with mace striking at the Hobgoblin Infront with visible intent to disarm him. The hobgoblins sword, bends everytime it clashes with the mace of the other, and small amounts of metal are also being chipped away.

Purple ogress: Hmph, I should praise you for the fact you've held so long.

The strikes become faster and deadlier then before, she wishes to end this quicker.

Rigur: (Shit, this isn't good... That pink ogress has put everyone, even Gobuta to sleep. Only Raiga and Ranga are awake at the moment, and I can barely hold any longer!)

Raiga, the father of Ranga, strikes his paws in a clapping position and grabs a giant wooden hammer wielded by a giant ogre. If his son was well versed in speed mixed with magical prowess, then he was a master at close combat with brute strength. His strature was bulkier then his son, and he could easily be labeled as the strongest in Rimuru's village.

Raiga: (Is this what Rimuru-Sama meant when not to look down on other races? We are named, and have even evolved, but these unnamed ogres and beastmen are still able to keep up with us.)

Raiga forcefully pushes the hammer away, before tackling the ogre and pushing it to the ground. However, another ogre, who looks old, appears and swiftly delivers a few slashes to throw the wolf off.

Raiga: (We are severely outmatched...)

Ranga leaps through the skies, taking on 2 ogres and 1 beastman who clash their blades against his horn.

Ranga: (It's already a hassle and pain dealing with one of these bastards, I cannot win!)

Ranga fires a lightning bolt at the lot, but the red ogre fires flames that equally match it's lightning and destroys it.

Raiga: Rigur! Son! We have to fall back!

Raiga shouts towards his comrades, seeing no way to win.

Rigur: But we can't leave behind our Comrades!

Rigur shouts back, before immediately clashing with the ogress once more.

Raiga: (Crap, he's right! Rimuru-Sama will be extremely mad if we were to leave them here.)

Raiga, Rigur and Ranga avoid blows at the same time, jumping back and landing at the same spot right Infront of their comrades.

Ranga: This isn't good... We are outmatched in both quantity and quality.

All three of them assume stances of defense, although it is clear they could collapse at any moment due to the tired look and panting. The 6 ogres and 2 beastmen gather up together, but they are in no stance which clearly shows that they think they've won.

Raiga: (We are being looked down...)

Raiga growls in frustration, not liking how the ogres look down on each and every one of them. Even the beastmen with them, a fox lady and a dog beastman, is looking down on him.

???: Yo, need a hand?

The ogres and beastmen alongside Rimuru's subordinates widen their eyes, looking at the new source of voice that has arrived.

Raiga: Rimuru-Sama!

The blue haired child walks past them, giving a shoulder pat to Rigur and a few headpats to Raiga and Ranga.

Rimuru: Stand back, I'll deal with this.

Rimuru walks towards the ogres and beastmen, stopping a good distance from them and putting his hands behind his back.

Rimuru: So, what possessed you lot to do this to my subordinates?

Rimuru asks the beastmen and ogres Infront of him, but all he gets in return...

Red ogre: Silence, Evil Majin! No human should be capable of enslaving so many monsters, reveal yourself now!

A.N: Not mine ofc, credits to the artist.

Rimuru: Eh?

Evil Majin...

Rimuru: Sakuze Moi. (Excuse me)

A tick mark forms on Rimuru's forehead, as he gives a smile of poise at the ogre and beastmens direction.

Blue ogre: To think the mastermind would show itself so early, how convenient.

And worse, he just got completely ignored!

Dog beastman: It's funny, how we mighty ogres and beastmen, even combined... We're defeated by lowly orcs!

The beastman shouts the last part, earning Rimuru's attention.

Rimuru: (Orcs? Why have they moved out of the desert regions? Have they grown tired of the Aqrabuamelu?)

The red haired ogre points his katana at the Majin.

Red ogre: For the price of our comrades, your head will do!

He tries to threaten Rimuru...

Rimuru: (Are they japanese? They have katana's, and those stances and clothing look pretty japanese too.)

Rimuru wonders with a hand on his chin.

Ranga: What do we do, Rimuru-Sama?

His personal pillow and mount asks with worry...

Rimuru: Oh you guys? Just sit back and relax, I'll deal with this.

But, Rimuru is as carefree as ever.

Ranga: But that would mean...

Rimuru pats Ranga's head reassuringly.

Rimuru: Daijoubu...

Rimuru turns around and faces the ogres.

Rimuru: Date Kimi...

Rimuru forms a smirk, infusing his fist with magicules as the ogres and beastmen ready themselves.

Rimuru: Yowaimo...

A blur appears Infront of the red ogre, catching him off guard before he gets punched and thrown into the nearby tree. The others look towards the red ogre in shock with how easily he was defeated.

Rimuru: C'mon! It isn't over!

Rimuru kicks the giant ogre and sends it flying across the field, cracking and breaking a few bones with his legs.

Pink ogress: (He's fast!)

Rimuru turns around and grabs a Tānto heading his way, breaking it with a push from his finger.

Rimuru: Please, don't attack so brashly.

The blue ogre pulls out another Tānto, whilst the pink ogress and the male beastman strike from behind with a mace and sword respectively.

Rimuru: YEET!

Rimuru grabs the blue ogre and throws it at the other two behind him, sending them flying aswell.

Rimuru: Hm?

The fox beastwoman from before appears behind him, taking out a dagger infused with flame's and aiming at his head.

Rimuru: (Interesting... It's extremely powerful and controlled, perhaps she's the strongest here.)

Rimuru turns around and gives her a sadistic smile, sending shivers down her spine.

Fox beastwoman: (Is he confident he can survive a hit like this? How delusional!)

She forces more power into her dagger, aiming to end him now.

Rimuru: (Even if I somehow get decapitated, then it doesn't matter either way, I'm a slime.)

Rimuru allows the dagger to close in, although it is incredibly slow in his eyes.

Rimuru: Heh.

The dagger breaks after making contact with his neck. The beastwoman has a look of pure horror and shock on her face.

Fox beastwoman: Mazaka...

That attack was her strongest, one no one could survive in her village. Even the strongest of ogres feared this attack of hers, yet it proved useless here...

Rimuru: Excellent magic, I'll compliment you on that.

Rimuru hand chops her, causing her to faint.

Rimuru: Sate...

He looks towards the remaining 2 ogres, a pink ogress and an old ogre.

Old ogre: (... He took us out in mere seconds, and he's certainly holding back too.)

The old ogre stands in a defensive position Infront of the princess of ogres, intending to defend her with his life.

Pink ogress: Wait, elder...

The princess walks past the old man, stopping just beside him an inch away.

Old ogre: Princess, you shouldn't stay here any longer,

The old man rebukes her for moving past him, but she signals him to stop.

Pink ogress: I want to know something...

The Majin Infront of her... He could kill each and every one of them if he so desired. So why?

Pink ogress: Are you not the leader of the orcs?

She asks with a gulp, waiting for an answer with anticipation.

Rimuru: ...

Dead silence fills the air...

Rimuru: Allow me to clarify something, princess of ogres.

The pink ogress widens her eyes, wondering how he knew of her identity.

Rimuru: I, am a Majin that will oversee this forest until HE returns.

HE... No, it couldn't be...

Rimuru: I have constantly been in check of each and every race, and have marked and made sure not a single moves out of it's territory. Therefore, I would like to know why the orcs have attacked and left their territory.

Rimuru explains to the ogress Infront of him, sending a wave of relief to her...

Pink ogress: I see... Please forgive us, it appears our haste has caused us to make a rash decision.

The others who were knocked out have woken up too, and have been listening to Rimuru's explanation aswell.

Rimuru: Well, nothin to do about it now, wanna come to my village?

Rimuru lifts the magic on his subordinates, causing them to groan as they wake.

Pink ogress: But we...

Rimuru: Meh, its alright, this was caused by an misunderstanding. Besides, I've attacked you guys back so it shouldn't be much of a problem.

Rimuru throws some potions at his subordinates, healing them all as they begin to come back to their senses.

Rimuru: Besides, we are holding a small feast aswell. The more the merrier, no?

And a small conflict which started from a misunderstanding, has been resolved through talking and a little bit of violence.


Nothing much changes, except that there are 2 beastmen here.

The next ch will also come out today. And if it gets delayed, then I gurantee you it'll come out tomorrow.

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