Tensura, An Alternate Timelin...

By Fakkarilord

69.5K 2.5K 2.2K

Tensura, a world filled with alternate timelines. Ofcourse, this is just one of those many timelines. Disclai... More

Different start (Rewritten)
Looking out. (Rewritten)
A battle... (Rewritten)
The recruitment (Rewritten)
Slime vs Vampire. (P/1)
Ogres and... Beastmen? (Rewritten)
Small Recruitment, Large Power (Rewritten)
Cassius and Rimuru, Lizardmen envoy. (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/1) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/2) (Rewritten)
Battle in the Marshlands. (P/Finale) (Rewritten)
Halfling. Alot of naming. (Rewritten)
A Maou? OH SHIT! (Rewritten)
Ingracia (P/1)
Equal and War. Hero vs Demon (Part 1)
Equal and War. Preparation (Part 2)
Equal and War, Dispatchment (P/3)
Equal and War, Greed vs Storm (P/Finale)
A Duel Between Besties.
Rimuru's stats. P/1
Conflicts arise.
Declaration of another war.
Puppets against Storms
Demon vs Hereos.
Ingracia. (P/2)
Peace in the country of Storms.(Kinda)
New subordinates, Meetings.
Recap. (Alongside Rimuru's pets.)
Another Evolution.
Who's the strongest?
Rimuru's stats, P/2
Preparations for an event.
Another fight.
Tournament Round 1. (D/1)
Manas: Who?
Tournament Rounds 2, 3. (D/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/1)
Empire vs Slimes. (P/2)
Assembling all of Jura
Vote now sussy bakas. (Closed)
I feel old

Prolouge, Different approach

6.1K 110 106
By Fakkarilord

This ch has been rewritten, I recommend you start re reading from here if you want to understand the changes that are to come.



A stories beginning lies in it's base, it's start. The start of the story, how the events before the main line lead to them. To put it simply, the foundation of a story lies in it's prologue, as it gives one an insight on how things will be.

Either way, let's begin, shall we?
Initiating Memory...
Complete, playing battle

??? Vs O̵̧̦̪̞̐̓́̈́̒̓͆́͋̆̀̑̕͠}̷̛̦̓̀͐͐̈́͆̔͌̅̋͜͝|̴̨̻̪̙̙̣̼̙͈̙̯̰̑̌̉́͘_̴̧̙̩̫̫͓͇̝̔̆͜|̴̨̦̼͈̩͔̼͎̄̽̅̈́̋̚-̵̧̳̞̭̪͎̲͈̝̱̗͒͐̑̍|̵̧̨̦͈̮̗̞̣̗͔̼̯̲̒͘-̸͚̤̙̪͕̳̝̟̼̔͛͒̂̑̊̈́̆̆̃̿̕͝͝[̴̡̨̤̖̙̻̦̬̞̱͍̠͍̎|̵̱͙̟͖̖͕̃̔̿̿͌͒̊̀̉̚͝͝-̵̩͙̦̖̋͐̃̃͝͝;̷̛̺͚̳̳̺̋̉̂͂́͑͋̐͘̚-̴̨̗̙̺̫̮͉͎͎͆̔͆̃̅͌̽̔̊͛̆̄̽͘͜͜|̶͇͎̩̳̈́̀́̈́̃̋̋̓̈̾̕-̸͎̜̼͈͉̹̪̖̹̲̲̌̐͊̓̋̀̍̏͊̋͊̃͝͝͝/̴̱͖̞̖̯̳͌̈́̏̅̕~̵̛͖͖̱̩̘̞̯̪́͜͠/̸̢̳͍́̐̃̔̇̔͠-̴̫͇͉̆̋̕͝\̶̰̳̫̰͚̘̃̌͂̈́͂͒̑̌̕͜͜͝|̷̛̝̭͍̱̤͉̂͌͐̄̎̐̆́̇͋̑0̶͎͎̝͔̜͎̆͊͂͆̈̂̔͜

A man is seen inside a digital world, running through the codes underneath him.

???: GET BACK HERE, O̷̟̬̘̓}̶̱̣̐̈|̴̧̪̲͛̓͛_̷̝̬̣̈|̴̠͓́̿̈́-̷̧̮̑̚|̴̖͒͂̑-̸̢̎̒̚[̵̘̩̥͂̐|̷͈͐-̶͖̺̑;̵̛̳̞̅-̴̫̾|̵͙̹͇͘-̶̢̺͋̓̉/̸͎͌̑͆~̶̡̀̌/̷̗͔̓̆-̵̫̈́̕\̸͚͙͛̇|̷̡̗̙͘0̴̭̹̓͐̑͜

The man chases another being, purely green in color with glitching present across the others body.

???: As if! Like hell I'm getting near you!

The purple being replies, lifting his hand up as the surrounding gets distorted.

???: Die!

Bringing his hand down, many unidentifiable distorting attacks are launched.

???: Don't even try, it's no use.

The other swipes his hand, getting rid of the attacks out of thin air before reassuring his chase.

???: Why are you so damn adamant in wiping me off of Reality?!

The distorted Ai looking being shouts, fear present in his frantic running and his terrified voice.

???: Simple, to make you pay for your sins.

The pursuer replies calmly, his previous anger no where to be seen.


The runner shouts back, stopping and facing his pursuer.

???: I suppose...

He doesn't stop running and aims a punch, sending the runner flying across the field of codes.

???: But have you forgotten that we are vastly different despite being the same person?

He seemingly teleports Infront of the code, grabbing it by the neck.

???: Both of us have half the memories of the Real One, but embody different things.

He grips the thing and tightly shoves it into the floor.

???: You embody that of his insanity, and I embody whatever humanity he had left...

He shoves him on the ground once more before yeeting him across the field again.

???: Regardless... You know you can't kill me, hehehehehe.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!

The other distorted person gets up, laughing like a maniac.

???: Oh I know.

The pursuer just shrugs, earning a confused look from the runner.

???: But I like to have a plan B, and even a C at most times.

He points at his back, his shrugging hands turned into a pointer as his thumbs point towards his back.

???: No.... No, no , no.... NONONONONO!

The reality behind the pursuer gets distorted, turning red as a voice utters.

Initiating Antivirus on System...


The runner tries to run away, but wherever he looks, the impending doom approaches in red.

???: Remember this, you led us to this path.

A knife appears on the pursuer hands... One he used to murder 11 children.

???: Karma is a bitch, isn't it?

He teleports Infront of the runner once more, before stabbing it roughly with the distorted looking knife.


The same knife appears in the others hand, also being roughly shoved into the others digital body.

???: Hehe, who said either of us is coming out of this alive? This was a suicidal mission to begin with, G____h___p

The red world closes in, only a void of nothingness being remained where it's red destruction spread.

???: CURSE YOU... NO, FUCK YOU, ___L___ ___O_

The red world finally closes in, erasing both out of reality...

(Claim thy dots here.)


???: Jeez... Finally, after god knows how many centuries... Your finally dead.

The initial pursuer floats in the void, his purple pupils glowing dimly in the dark surroundings as he floats with no where to land.

???: That... Was so damn difficult... That guy was a serious Pain in the ass...

[Confirmed, Individual has acheived {Pain Nullification} as per wishes.]

An unknown voice speaks in his head, one that sounds monotonely female.

???: Goddammit... I'm hearing things again... Screw that, who's memories are these?

Life flashes before his eyes, his face being expressionless but pain visible in his eyes.

???: I'm guessing this is what I used to live like? I've heard before that when you are on your death bed... Yep, these memories are definitely mine.

He motionlessly floats in the void, viewing his memories one by one.

???: That's some cruel shit... But damn was I a Glutton...

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Gluttony}.]

One of the sins of hell has joined his side, even if he is unaware.

???: Jeez... It's neither Cold nor Hot in here, what is this Reality?

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved {Resist Heat} and {Resist Cold}. Combining... Successful, Individual has achieved {Resist Temperature}.]

The monotone voice rings in his head once more.

???: But seriously, what is up with this world? It lacks Law, almost as if it was being Manipulated. Not to mention that these bastards aren't even going to Prison, they should be locked for eternity!

[Confirmed, individual has achieved {Law Manipulation} and {Infinity Prison}.]

The monotone voice rings in his head once more, annoying him.

???: Can I put up some sound barrier or a Universal Barrier between this woman and me? Don't just appear out of no where in this Spatial distorted area and start asserting your Dominance. I know I'm gonna fucking Die!

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved {Universal Barrier} and {Spatial Domination}... Confirming whether soul is powerful enough... Confirmed, combining {Law Manipulation}, {Infinity Prison}, {Universal Barrier} and {Spatial Domination}... Success, Individual has achieved Ultimate Skill, {Covenant King, Uriel}.]

The floating man deadpans, his dissapointment present on his face.

???: How nice of you, Jackass. What are you, some Great Sage?

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Great Sage}.]

The man deadpans even more.

???: If you can do that, mind giving me a resistance to sharpness, electricity, flames? Bet you can't do th-

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved {Sharpness Resistance}, {Lightning Resistance} and {Flame Resistance}

This time, the man clenches his fist in annoyance as a tick mark appears on his forehead.

???: How nice of you... Fuck it, I'll just ignore it and reminisce my entire life before this...

He closes his eyes and unclenches his fist, taking a small breath to calm himself down.

???: I used to be a serial killer... That's a bad part indeed, seems like I was totally Merciless...

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Merciless}.]

The man just ignores the voice, looking through his memories.

???: These memories... Why the hell am I remembering them now, it's almost as if I have Perfect Memory...

[Confirming whether Individuals soul is strong enough... Confirmed, Soul is found to be strong... Confirmed, individual has achieved {Perfect Memory}.]

Ignoring the voice once more, the man simply ponders over everything he goes through.

???: Let's see... Creating a World in which HE wouldn't be in... I've done it, finally. This World won't simply be a Mirror for him.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Creation}.]

The man slowly opens his eyes, his life seemingly being drained by the second as his pupils become dimmer and dimmer.

???: Well, now what? It's been so long that I haven't even been able to keep up with how much Time I had spent against that Space Manipulating Bastard.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved control and manipulation over Elements Space and Time.]

???: Motherfucker, just shut up, I'm trying to die peacefully here.

He groans in annoyance, finally closing his eyes one last time before drifting to eternal sleep... Not.

???: Eh?

Perhaps he half expected to wake up somehow reincarnated...

???: Excuse me, what the fuck is this?

But as a slime? Not in a million years.


The prologue has been re written, I leave whatever thoughts may come to your head.

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