Last One

By Autu_mn

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Everything seems to be improving and going perfectly well for teenager Demi, but that soon changes when she's... More

Last One
Last One - Act 1, Scene 1
Last One - Act 1, Scene 2
Last One - Act 1, Scene 3
Last One - Act 1, Scene 4
Last One - Act 1, Scene 5
Last One - Act 1, Scene 6
Last One - Act 1, Scene 7
Last One - Act 2, Scene 1
Last One - Act 2, Scene 2
Last One - Act 2, Scene 3
Last One - Act 2, Scene 4
Last One - Act 2, Scene 5
Last One - Act 2, Scene 6
Last One - Act 3, Scene 1
Last One - Act 3, Scene 2
Last One - Act 3, Scene 3
Last One - Act 3, Scene 4
Last One - Act 3, Scene 5
Last One - Act 3, Scene 6
Last One - Act 3, Scene 7
Last One - Act 4, Scene 1
Last One - Act 4, Scene 2
Last One - Act 4, Scene 3
Last One - Act 4, Scene 4
Last One - Act 4, Scene 6
Last One - Act 4, Scene 7
Last One - Act 4, Scene 8
Last One - Act 4, Scene 9
Last One - Act 4, Scene 10
Last One - Act 4, Scene 11

Last One - Act 4, Scene 5

14 1 0
By Autu_mn


Scene starts with Joe packing his things into his parents car.

"Sober up" by Gus Dapperton is playing.

He looks around before getting in the car but gets in and they drive off.

Meanwhile at school...

Demi, Adele, Kayla and Ethan sitting at a table before class

Kayla: Any of you seen Beau this morning?

Ethan: Nope. Haven't seen him since Sunday really. How come?

Kayla: Was just wondering, it doesn't matter.

Ethan: Ok.

Demi: Guys, Joe's j-just left.

Adele: Did he message to say?

Demi: Y-yeah, he sent a m-massive p-paragraph saying how m-much he loves me, and explaining that he w-won't be allowed to use his phone.

Kayla: Shit.

Ethan: Its suddenly got real.

Kayla: I didn't think he even drank that much.

Demi: I thought h-he stopped.

Ethan: I would've told you, but it wasn't my place.

Demi: It's o-okay Ethan. Any of us w-would've done the same.

Ethan: It's just weird to think he's not gonna be here for a while.

Demi: For f-four months.

Kayla: Wait that's how long he's gone for?

Demi: Yeah? Did he n-not tell you that?

Kayla: No, but he did say he was had been drinking before he fought with Jesse the other day.

Ethan: When did he tell you that?

Kayla: Monday in our science class.

Demi: How d-did I not notice?

Ethan: He was very good at hiding it Dem.

Demi: True. W-we didn't know he s-smoked till 3 m-months after he started.

Adele: I don't think his parents knew about the drinking until last week either.

Demi: It was p-probably when he got b-beat up by Jesse that they noticed.

Adele: Probably. Speaking of, have you noticed Jesse's being nice to people now?

Demi: He is?

Adele: Yeah, he held the door open for me and Ethan earlier.

Kayla: He smiled at me and told me I looked nice earlier.

Demi: W-what is going on?

Ethan: No clue but I'm not gonna do anything about it cause Jesse's being nice so taking advantage of that.

Demi: Good p-point.

Kayla: Have you guys applied to any colleges yet?

Demi: Nope. I'm not f-focusing on that right n-now, I'll apply later.

Adele: I have but I doubt I'll get in.

Ethan: Babe, you're gonna get in. I'm sure of it.

Adele: Thanks. It's just so stressful waiting to hear back from them.

Kayla: Where did you apply to?

Adele: A drama school a couple hours away from here.

Kayla: You'll get in I bet. You're extremely talented.

Adele: Thanks, and yeah I hope so, its just the requirements to get in are so high so I'm trying so hard to get my grades up for that. But yeah hopefully they get back to me soon. What about you?

Kayla: Haven't applied anywhere yet. I want to go to another country though.

Adele: What are you gonna apply for?

Kayla: I'm debating on photography or art at the minute, but I'll probably end up applying for photography.

Adele: At least you got a plan then.

Kayla: True. What about you Ethan?

Ethan: I did get a scholarship but I dunno if that offer still stands now.

Kayla: It should do cause you've still got the grades and everything.

Ethan: Yeah but I'd need to run, and I can't even walk without crutches at the minute.

Demi: How did it g-go Tuesday anyways?

Ethan: Very good. They said it'll be fitted in about a month and said I'll be starting to walking in two.

Demi: That's a-amazing Ethan.

Ethan: Scary but yeah it is good.

Adele: How was your date with Joe, Dem?

Demi: Amazing, up until he t-told me he w-was leaving. Still had a g-good time though.

Adele: Good I'm glad.

Ethan: He was so nervous to tell you about it.

Demi: Really?

Ethan: Yeah, he called me just before he left and started freaking out.

Demi: Shit. I c-couldn't even tell he was freaking out.

Ethan: Again, he's very good at hiding it.

Demi: Y-yeah I know.

Beau enters and comes to sit with the group

Beau: Hey guys.

Adele: Hey.

Kayla: Where've you been?

Beau: I was with my boyfriend, sorry didn't see the message yesterday. Where's Joe?

Ethan: He didn't tell you?

Beau: Didn't tell me what?

Demi: (quieter) Joe's g-gone to rehab.

Beau: Wait what? When did he leave?

Demi: This m-morning.

Beau: Shit. You okay Dem?

Demi: Yeah, y-yeah, he told me b-before.

Beau: I mean, I know he drank and smoked but not enough to be sent to rehab.

Ethan: It's cause his parents found out. That's why he's gone there.

Demi: He almost didn't go b-because of m-me. D-didn't w-wanna leave me again.

Demi tearing up

Adele: Aw Dem.

Adele hugs Demi

Demi: He n-needs to get better though so it's for the best that he's g-gone.

Kayla: It'll be okay Dem.

Ethan: These four months will go quickly anyways.

Beau: He's gone for four months!?

Ethan: Yeah.

Beau: Well shit. We actually started to get along as well in Sunday.

Adele: Ironic ain't it.

Kayla: That and as soon as he leaves, Jesse is being nice to people.

Beau: God I've missed a lot.

Demi: Y-you have.

Kayla: So, when do we get to meet this boyfriend of yours then?

Beau: Now if you want. He's walking down here now.

Beau waves to him as he comes walking down the pathway to sit with the group

Beau: Guys, this is Elijah.

Elijah: Hi.

All say hello back to him

Beau: This is Kayla, Demi, Adele and Ethan.

Elijah: Hi, it's nice to meet you all. Beau's told me a lot about you guys.

Kayla: It's nice to finally meet you too. 

Beau: Ok you guys talk, I need to go get some food.

Beau leaves and walks to the canteen

Elijah: (laughs) Well, you can get to know me. Not in that way obviously cause I'm with Beau, and am gay.

Kayla: Ah don't worry about it, I'm also gay.

Elijah: Oh that's so cool. What are your pronouns by the way?

Kayla: She, her. Yours?

Elijah: They, he.

Kayla: Nice.

Both laugh lightly

Adele: Oh yeah, by the way, there is usually another one of us, but he's not here.

Elijah: Oh okay. Is he ill or something?

Adele: In a way? He's just not gonna be back for a couple months.

Demi: H-he's in rehab.

Elijah: Oh. I'm sorry if I was prying.

Demi: No, no it's f-fine. Beau m-might've said to you already.

Elijah: He hadn't, but thank you for trusting me with that.  

Demi: Thought you m-might as well know as you're t-technically part of the group now.

Elijah laughs

Demi: So anyways, h-how long h-have you and Beau been going out?

Elijah: Just over three weeks I think now? 

Demi: Aw that's nice. Y-you two seem really good together.

Elijah: Thanks. 

Ethan: Beau said you're on the football team, what's that like?

Elijah: Yeah joined last term. I really like it but the coach is a bit strict though.

Ethan: Yeah he gets like that sometimes.

Elijah: Oh, where you on the team?

Ethan: Not for football, but I did track though.

Elijah: How come you stopped?

Ethan: I had a massive knee injury, and then that leg had to be amputated. That's why there's crutches there.

Elijah: Oh shit. Sorry.

Ethan: Na it's fine. Most people usually ask straight away anyways.

Elijah: I didn't even see the crutches to be honest. 

Ethan: Huh. That's a first. (laughs)

Beau comes back 

Elijah: Hey there you are. 

Beau and Elijah kiss

Beau: You guys are being nice to them aren't you?

Elijah: Yeah they are B, don't worry.

Ethan: I was just telling Elijah about my injury and about the coach.

Beau: Oh, ok. You've both got a mutual hatred for coach then.

Ethan: I wouldn't say hatred.

Elijah: Yeah, he's just a little strict that's all. 

Beau: Fair enough. 

Lacey comes walking over

Lacey: Elijah, I need you to come over here. (grabs Elijah's arm and starts pulling him away)

Elijah: What? Why?

Lacey: Because. Everyone is looking at me and Jesse funny and I need you  to do something stupid to distract them and take all the attention off of us. 

Kayla: She doesn't want attention? That's a first.

Lacey ignores Kayla

Lacey: Well? Come on. Let's go. I need you.

Elijah: Lace no, I'm talking to these guys and hanging out with Beau. Get someone else to.

Demi: W-wait a second, y-you two know each other?

Elijah: Yeah. She's my sister.

Demi: Your what?

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