Happiness - MileApo ✔️

By rahaaai

95.4K 4.9K 865

To achieve Happiness, there is a lot of pain to face. Will that Happiness come your way? or Will that Happine... More

01. Eventful Meeting
02. The Omega Life
03. Unexpected Guest
04. Become A Regular Guest
05. The Offer
06. Take It or Leave It
07. The Answer
08. Happiness Is Not Yet To Come
09. The Beginning of New Life
10. I want to, but I Can't
11. The Phone Call
12. Unbearable Moments
13. A Neat Little Package?
14. The Result
15. The Damned Tattoo
16. Remember, The Tattoo
17. The Night
18. I Love You
19. The Sister
20. Fever
21. It's Starting
22. 'Thought You Will be Happy'
23. 'I Will Go'
24. 'I Don't Want to Die'
25. Bad Condition & New Problem
26. The Test
27. The Painful Process
28. The Truth Hurts
29. The Pain Left The Scars
30. Safe Bubble
31. Seeking Help
32. Protect The Baby
33. Everything Coming Together
34. Almost Perfect
35. Protect The Family
36. Let The Scars Heal
37. Almost There
38. Everything's Ok
40. Happinness

39. Baby's Coming

3.1K 109 9
By rahaaai

Nolan was sound asleep, looking adorable as could be. Mile couldn't stop petting the pup. He was Nolan's father. This perfect little creature that trusted him and loved him completely was his son in the eyes of the law. 

 Mile caressed Nolan's cheek, smirking when the pup smirked in his sleep at his touch. The primal pride and overwhelming need to protect Nolan had always been present since he first saw the pup. 

Mile hadn't been able to picture his life without him or Apo after that first night. The Alpha had felt completely crazy yet had been unable to stay away from the pup and his beautiful Papa. 

 Mile quietly stepped away and made his way downstairs. Apo was in the shower and the Alpha was listening to see if he would need any help. 

At thirty weeks, Apo was quite round and big. Mile couldn't wait for their pup to get here. He had already turned the bedroom next to Nolan's into a nursery, trying to keep it neutral with them not knowing Nuri's sex which only added to the excitement as far as Mile was concerned. 

 The Alpha was quite proud with how it came out. Mile had peppered his face with kisses telling him he loved it. Mile had beamed and puffed out his chest which had made the Omega snort at him. 

 The Alpha moved over the coffee table then grabbed a blanket and laid it on the living room floor. He threw a bunch of pillows and cushions on top, arranging the setting like a bed before he went around lighting a few candle, illuminating the room in a warm orange glow. 

 The Chinese food had arrived right before he had put Nolan to bed and thankfully still unbeknownst to Apo . Mile wanted to make sure the surprise was perfect. 

The Alpha had made sure to get all of the Omega's favorites; spicy and tingly beef hand-ripped noodles, spicy and sour lamb dumplings, eggs drop soup, Mongolian beef, mu shu chicken, orange chicken, shrimp and pork fried rice, crispy shredded Beijing duckling and veggie spring rolls. 

He laid all of the food out so the Omega could eat as much of whatever he wanted. Mile wasn't a fan of Chinese food, but Apo loved it and this was for him. 

 "Mile ?," The Alpha spun around finding his beautiful mate standing there in his pink fuzzy slippers and a baby pink sleeping gown that reached his mid thighs, looking completely beautiful. 

Apo's light brown hair were still damp and Mile bit his lower lip. The Omega was just stunning and glowing. The Alpha couldn't stop letting his eyes roam over every inch of him. 

 "Hey Sweetheart," Mile smiled and watched as Apo looked around the room, a small smile on his pretty face before looking back up at him. 

 "What is all this?," The Omega asked, coming towards Mile on the blanket. 

 Mile smiled and helped the Omega to sit and get comfortable among the many pillows and have his back supported by the sofa. Apo's light brown eyes were wide and hungry as he looked over all the delicious food spread out for him. 

 "Well, I wanted to have a date night, but I didn't want to make you stay on your feet, so, I thought a romantic night at home with your favorite takes outs and some candles would work," Mile explained, getting comfy next to his mate as they started to help themselves to the food. 

 Apo smiled at him and pulled him in to kiss the Alpha deeply. "It's perfect, I love it. Thank you," Mile beamed and Apo leaned to rest most of his body against him. 

The Omega was happy and felt safe and content against his Alpha. Apo continued taking pieces of the many different dishes when he spotted what seemed to be a champagne bottle. He was about to question when the Alpha already saw him looking. 

 "It's alcohol free champagne, so apple cider pretty much," Mile explained, handing Apo a flute while he held his own. 

 Apo grinned, his nose wrinkling and Mile couldn't stop himself from kissing him, passionately and lovingly. They pulled away slowly, still nipping at each other lightly, sharing adoring smiles. 

 "Oh! You got lamb dumplings! You have to try one, please!," The Omega pleaded, holding a piece up to Mile mouth. The big Alpha took a bite, watching as the simple moment was making his mate so happy just by doing what he wanted. Mile's heart swelled. He lived for that smile. 

 "So?," Apo asked curiously, light brown eyes wide and bright, watching Mile chew the small piece. 

 "It's not bad," Mile admitted, loving the happy look that graced Apo's face.

 "Yay! Ok I know you're weirded out by duck but will you please try this it?," The Omega asked, picking up a piece of the crispy duck. 

 He brought the bite up to Mile's lips and the Alpha couldn't say no. Mile took a bite and was pleasantly surprised at how good the meat was. He had heard and expected it to be rubber-like. It was actually good. 

 Apo made Mile try a piece of everything while eagerly eating most of the food himself. As he took another mouthful of orange chicken, he watched his Alpha eat some of the shrimp and pork fried rice. Mile had ordered all of his favorites. Mile wasn't big on Chinese food yet the Alpha had paid attention to what Apo ordered. The Alpha tended to order Korean, Italy, or Mexican when Apo ordered Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. 

Apo didn't care much for Mexican food so this gesture from Mile meant that much more to him. Especially because he was embarrassed to say he had no idea what Mile even ordered from the Mexican place. 

 The Alpha turned to look at him, feeling watched and smiled at him before leaning closer. Mile caressed his face and his heart swelled when Apo leaned into his touch. The fear of never having his Omega want his touch again had been all too real only weeks ago and Mile reminded himself, never again would he fail this beautiful creature in front of him. 

 The Alpha grabbed the folder he had left on the sofa and handed it to the Omega. Apo arched a brow at him but took the folder and opened it. 

 "By the State of Thailand and presiding Judge Alpha Jane, in the case of Nolan's Custody, this is an official Certificate of Adoption to certify that Nolan has been formally adopted into the Phakphum pack by the father Mile Phakphum. He is entitled to all the rights and privileges there to as one of his pups." Apo read, voice cracking from the emotions that took over him as tears ran to his eyes. 

 Mile is officially Nolan's father. Mile was beaming as Apo looked over the documentation. +

"Mario is going to jail for a long time Apo . He was involved in horrific things, he'll never get out. Nolan never has to know about him if you don't want him to," Those shining light brown eyes were looking at him filled with so many emotions Mile couldn't decipher them. 

Mile had promised him he would do anything to keep Nolan safe and he did. Apo had no idea what else his pup's biological father had done for Mile to be able to put him in jail for the rest of his days but the Omega found that he didn't care. 

Mile had proven his promise true and kept him and Nolan safe. Apo whole body was humming in happiness. He pulled the Alpha to him and kissed him hungrily, making his mate growl into the kiss as he mewled in response. 

 "I love you," Apo whispered against Mile's lips as he caressed the Alpha's soft scruff on his cheek. Mile nuzzled him, his throat tight with his emotions. He had been desperately hoping to hear the Omega say those words again, so much so he hadn't realized how much he had painfully needed it. His heart was practically thumping out of his chest as a bliss filled whined escaped him sounding like a wounded puppy who had just been pet and showed kindness for the first time in his life. The Alpha buried his face against his Omega's neck, nuzzling him and whining as tears escaped him. Mile held his mate tightly and told him again. 

 "I love you Mile ," 

 "I love you so much Apo," When Mile looked back up at him, tears sliding down his face, Apo kissed him. Slowly they pulled away, eyes gazing at each other adoringly. 

 "I um, I was wondering if you would wear this again?," Mile asked. Bringing up the mated sapphire diamond necklace the Alpha had given him when he had asked him to mate. 

Apo gasped, he had miserably thought he had lost the necklace. He had looked for it everywhere. He nodded quickly and Mile clasped it around his neck. 

 "I found it on your bed when you were in the hospital. I've kept it on me every day; I needed a piece of you I um—I'm not even sure why but I couldn't let it go," The Alpha tried to explain. 

 The Omega took him by his neck and pulled him in roughly for a heated kissed. Mile happily went as he began to lean over the Omega, who was laying back against the many pillows. The kiss was hungry and filthy. 

 Mile was mapping out every inch of Apo's mouth. His hands were touching and groping every part of the beauty beneath him. His thumb began teasing a very sensitive nipple over the nightgown, gaining panting whimpers from Apo as Mile licked and sucked at his neck. Mile was drowning in the Omega's maddening scent.

 He growled against Apo's ear as the Omega started to rub Mile's crotch. Apo mewled as he felt Mile's cock harden in his jeans. The Alpha slid a hand up Apo's thigh, groaning when he realized the Omega wasn't wearing any panties. 

Apo moaned against Mile's neck as the Alpha traced his fingers over the Omega's hard cock before moving lower and rubbing two fingers over his slick wet hole. 

 "So wet Po," Mile panted before taking Apo's lips, sucking on his bottom lip as he teased the Omega's hole, circling his fingers in his slick. Apo spread his legs wide and moaned at Mile's ministrations. He ran his hands over the Alpha's shoulders and back, nails running up and down. 

"Too many clothes," Apo panted. He was dripping slick and his hole was pulsing. Mile's touch made shivers course up and down his spine. Mile pulled away shortly, took off his dark green shirt, and returned his lips to Apo's . 

The Omega wrapped his arms around his neck, fingers playing in the Alpha's short dark hairs. A desperate need of having his Alpha inside of him swirled inside of Apo. He wanted his mate, the bite mark on his neck tingled and he wanted Mile to sink his teeth into him again. 

He felt hot and frantic as Mile's fingers starting teasing his hole again. He moaned loud and wanton as Mile slid in one finger to the knuckle into his heat. It wasn't enough, he twisted his hips as best as he could while the Alpha licked and kissed at his neck and shoulder. The Omega growled frustrated and pushed the Alpha off. Panic flashed in those deep midnight eyes. 

 "I'm sorry! I shouldn't of—" Mile started to apologized, scared he had pushed the Omega too far, Apo ignored him; his body demanding to be taken was making his wolf mewl in want. 

 "Help me up." The Omega barked. The Alpha did as asked quickly and carefully. 

 "Po—" Mile began again as guilt ate at him. 

Apo went to him and started to unbuckle Mile's jean and bit the Alpha's jaw lightly. Mile's brain short-circuited and he growled, grabbing the Omega's face and kissed him hungrily, gaining whimpers from his mate as he felt his jeans and boxers being pushed down. 

 "I need you inside of me Alpha," Apo moaned, his gold Omega eyes looking up at Mile filled with lust. 

 Mile snarled as his red Alpha eyes took in the pretty Omega looking up at him with kiss-swollen lips and wild light brown hair. 

 Apo turned around and kneeled on the sofa, resting his elbows on the back of the sofa he looked back over his shoulder at Mile who was stroking his cock watching him. His jeans and boxers were wrapped around his ankles. 

Apo mewled at his Alpha, opening his legs wider and arched his back invitingly to his mate while rested his swollen stomach in the pillows, feeling comfortable. 

Mile lifted up the pink nightgown and caressed the Omega's beautiful ass. He spread those cheeks and buried his face in the Omega's slick, licking fervently, lapping up his lover's slick, and slid his tongue inside his heat. Apo moaned loudly and whined as Mile fucked him with his tongue. 

 "M—Mile ! Oh," Mile bit his left ass cheek before taking his cock in hand and guided himself slowly into the Omega's willing body. The Alpha moaned and growled as he slowly pushed into him. 

 "Oh! Yes. yes,"Apo panted and moaned as Mile filled him.

 It had been too long and finally being completely inside of him was like nothing else. Half of him wondered how he could have gone so long without Mile having him. 

 Mile started sliding in and out, watching his massive cock disappear fully into the Omega's small and perfect ass. He gripped Apo's plump cheeks and sped up his thrusts. 

His lover was voicing his pleasure noisily, crying out his moans, practically screaming his mewls. The Alpha moaned, snapping his hips. 

Fuck he had missed this, there was nothing like this feeling, being surrounded by Apo in every way, in the most intimate way, scent powerful and potent hitting Mile's nose. It rendered him helpless but to do anything and everything to please the beautiful creature beneath him. 

 Apo panted, his mouth open and drooling, nails digging into the back on the sofa as Mile fucked into him, sending crippling sensations throughout his body. His toes curled as the Alpha hit that special spot inside of him repeatedly. His whole body hummed at having his Alpha have him, owning him and he loved every second. 

He was so close and he could feel his Alpha was too with how erratic his thrusts started to become. The Omega bared his neck and mewled at the Alpha. Mile roared and leaned forward, sinking even deeper into Apo, making him cry out. 

 Mile nuzzled his neck and bit him lightly here and there, as he rammed his cock into his lover's pliant body. The Omega mewled again and added a desperate growl as he exposed his neck again to the Alpha. Mile looked at the mating bite glaring at him and without a thought, instincts slammed into him and he sank his teeth into Apo's neck. 

Apo screamed as he came in a blinding rush, pushing back, meeting Mile's punishing pace. His whole body hummed as tremendous bliss coursed through him. The Alpha's bite intensifying every second as his essence pulsed inside of him. 

 Mile emptied himself deep inside of his mate, snapping his hips twice. He shivered at the ferocity of his climax as it washed over him. 

The Omega's blood in his mouth tingled and made him feel whole as he unclenched his jaw. Apo was panting and shivering beneath him from the magnitude of their love making as Mile licked at his wound. 

 "Did I hurt you?," Mile asked gently, nuzzling Apo at the nape of his neck where his short hairs curled. The Omega was about to reply when he let out a piercing scream. Panic hit Mile as Apo radiated a sudden fierce pain. 

 "Apo!?," The Omega whined in pain and Mile felt his socked feet suddenly soaked. He looked down to find a pool of liquid, which was dripping from Apo . 

 "My water broke.... Ahh!," Apo managed before a powerful contraction hit him. 

The baby was coming and Apo growled at the timing. Mile spazzed backwards almost falling over his own feet as he struggled to pull up his boxers and jeans. 

"Tell me what to do! What do you need?! Oh my gawd!," Apo turned to lay in his side as he focused on breathing. 

 "Call Dictor Win, get the suitcase I keep by the bedroom door. Ahhh!." Mile sprang into action, grabbed the phone, dialed the Doctor and then ran to the bedroom. 

He slipped twice yet managed not to fall. Win told Mile he would meet them at the hospital and then he called an ambulance. He put the suitcase by the door as he returned to Apo . 

 The Omega was breathing harshly and holding on to his stomach as pain rush through him every few minutes. 

 "Apo ..." Mile was petting his lover, deep midnight eyes worried and scared. The Omega tried to smile at him. 

 "Nuri is coming... ohh... our pup is coming," Apo cooed as a tear slid from Mile left eye. 

 "I love you, I love you so much," Mile cried, kissing Apo's sweaty forehead, petting his hair. The ambulance could be heard pulling into the driveway. 

 "Nolan ," Apo managed as another painful contraction hit him. Mile yanked open the front door as the EMTs came in. Mile ran around extinguishing the candles before he bolted up the stairs to get Nolan . 

The pup was awake and sitting up in his crib looking sleepy and confused as Mile picked him up. 

 "Come on buddy. Nuri is coming. Time to find out if you have a little sister or a little brother," Mile quickly gushed as he grabbed the pup, the diaper bag and Nolan's jacket. 


 Mile was holding Apo's hand as the exhausted Omega pushed, For Omega if they in labor a special opening will open at their 'no man's land' area—screaming as he went. 

 "Almost there Apo! I see the head, push!," Win  encouraged. 

 "You're so amazing, so beautiful, so perfect," Mile kept ranting in awe of his Omega, watching those brwon eyes go back and forth with gold.

 He was sweaty and visibly drained as he panted for breath before pushing again. His face was flushed and his hair damp and sticking to his forehead and Mile had never been more in love with him then right then. 

 Apo is giving him a miracle. Apo screamed, practically crushing Mile's hand when the cry of a pup sounded throughout the room. 

 "Oh look at this little one," Win whispered as he and the nurse rushed to clean and cut the cord. 

 Apo was trembling from exhaustion, hand still clasped tightly around Mile's as they both watched Win stand and bring the newborn pup to them. 

 "Congratulations, you have a beautiful little girl," The doctor announced. 

 Mile was already crying as Apo took the pup in his arms. He couldn't speak, he could only look at the tiny marvel that Apo gave him. 

She quieted as soon as she settled against her Papa. Apo nuzzled the pup, letting his scent wrapped around her. 

Two deep bottomless midnight eyes looked up at her parents. The Omega looked up at his Alpha, a gentle smile on his face as he watched Mile staring at their daughter with nothing but wonder as tears slid down his face. 

 "Hi Nuri, its Daddy," Mile said. His voice cracking from all of the overwhelming emotions he felt. 

He reached up to touch her and hesitated. She was so tiny and perfect. He glanced at Apo and the Omega smiled at him, encouraging him to hold their pup. Slowly and carefully, Mile took the ever so small pup and held her against him. The pup watched him curiously and nuzzled against him. Mile nuzzled her forehead and let his scent wash over her as her own light scent hit his nose. Cedar. He brought Nuri closer to his face and inhaled her scent deeply. He leaned over to Apo and they both nuzzled the little pup who seemed to be just as fascinated with them as they were with her. She had stunning deep midnight eyes and light brown hairs feathered her head. 

 "Hi Nuri," Apo cooed and the pup wiggled in Mile's hands, making both parents laugh. 


 Pong was pacing the hallway while Tong held on to Nolan who was looking all around searching for his parents. The pup was very confused. Ping finally arrived with Wang, Jay, and Chan in tow. 

 "So?," Ping asked. 

 "Waiting," Pong said as he resumed his pacing. Seconds later, Mile stepped out of the room with a pink bundle in his arms. 

 "Dada!," Nolan called as Tong came forward along with everyone. 

 Nolan watched the tiny pup in his Daddy's arms. Nolan's big light brown eyes were wide and completely enthralled. 

 "Nolan , this is your little sister. This is Nuri," Mile said softly as everyone looked at the tiny pup with awes and smiles. Nolan looked up at Mile . 

 "Nawo?," He questioned and Mile beamed. 

 "Yeah buddy, Nuri." The smiled that graced Nolan's face as his brwon eyes returned to looking at his sister made the big Alpha proud. 

Mile brought Nuri closer to Nolan to let them scent each other. Peaches and Cedar danced around Mile's nose. 

 "Congrads, she's beautiful Mile," Ping said, clasping a hand on Mile shoulder. 

 "Gorgeous little one." Chan agreed, watching the interaction between the two pups. 

 Nolan was carefully petting Nuri while the little girl watched him with those deep midnight eyes filled with confused wonder. Mile looked at his brother and smiled. 

 "Five and half pounds and fifteen and a quarter inch long," Tong couldn't seem to be able to speak, only enjoy this amazing moment, and watch his baby brother experience something he never thought he would. 

 "How's Apo ?," Tong asked gently, his eyes also on Nuri. 

 "He was amazing. He's sleeping right now, passed out pretty quickly after Nuri made her debut to the world." Mile informed him. 

 "I bet," Tong agreed, smiling.


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