Once Upon a Dream:

By sarahbethbooks

146K 4.7K 262

***The sequel to Dreams Comes True*** This book occurs after Regina confesses to Gold that she will get reve... More

Page 1: "You Used to Be Heroes":
Page 2: Welcome to Storybrooke:
Page 3: The Day Regina Cast the Curse:
Page 4: Dream?
Page 5: Not Happy:
Page 6: Lasagna and Turnovers:
Page 7: "Please. Don't do this.":
Page 8: Getting Rid of Magic:
Page 9: Running:
Page 10: Stopping Henry From Destroying Magic:
Page 11: "I Can Have Everything":
Page 12: Nightmares and Trying to Move On:
Page 13: Tamara, Neal's Fiancee:
Page 14: Granny's Diner:
Page 15: Thinking at the Docks:
Page 16: Selfless, Brave, and the Truth Will Set You Free:
Page 17: Dream's Thoughts:
Page 18: Memories Back, Or So You Think:
Page 19: The Secret Bean Field:
Page 20: Who's Lacey?
Page 21: David Nolan, Mr. Gold's Wingman:
Page 22: Emma's Up to Something:
Page 23: Beans and Much-Needed Conversations:
Page 24: Greg and Tamara's Package:
Page 25: Plans:
Page 26: Hook's Return:
Page 27: Emma is Suspicious of Tamara:
Page 28: Operation Praying Mantis:
Page 29: Greg and Tamara's Plan:
Page 30: Kidnapping and Never Changing:
Page 31: Regina and Dream's Missing:
Page 32: Greg's Mission Against Regina:
Page 33: Finding Regina and Dream:
Page 34: Conflict of Interests:
Page 35: "But I Already Risked Saving You Once. I Won't Do It Again":
Page 36: Finding Out Where Regina is:
Page 37: Stopping Greg and Tamara:
Page 38: Neal's Gone:
Page 39: The Trigger?!?
Page 40: Telling the News to Henry and Gold:
Page 41: Trying to Save Storybrooke:
Page 42: Getting the Beans Back:
Page 43: Regina's Sacrifice:
Page 44: Doing What's Right:
Page 45: Saving Storybrooke and Regina:
Page 46: Henry!
Page 47: Where Did They Take Henry?
Page 48: Neverland:
Page 49: Conversations About What Happened:
Page 50: Gold's "Speech":
Page 51: David and Dream's Talk:
Page 52: Hook Being Sentimental:
Page 53: Mermaids?
Page 54: Fighting and Storms:
Page 55: Having to Work Together:
Page 56: Through the Forest:
Page 57: Making Camp:
Page 58: What To Do With the Map:
Page 59: The Anniversary of Daniel's Death:
Page 61: Cora's Lies:
Chapter 62: Regina's Revenge... Or is it Regret?:
Page 63: The Map that Leads to Henry, or So They Thought...
Page 64: Fighting the Lost Boys:
Page 65: Lost Girl:
Page 66: Finding Out Where Henry Is?
Page 67: David's Secret:
Page 68: Getting Lost:
Page 69: Regina Meets Tinker Bell:
Page 70: A Chat With A Fairy:
Page 71: Conflicts:
Page 72: What Did Regina Do?
Page 73: Tinker Bell:
Page 74: Regina!
Page 75: Is It So Hard to be Happy?
Page 76: Tinker Bell's Help?
Page 77: Words of Advice:
Page 78: Finding a Way Off the Island:
Page 79: Neal's Cave
Page 80: Losing Time:
Page 81: David's Not Getting Any Better:
Page 82: Dead Man's Peak:
Page 83: Deadly Plant:
Page 84: The Message and the Lie:
Page 85: Captain Swan's Kiss:
Page 86: Practicing Magic:
Page 87: Neal's Alive?
Page 88: "The Deeper the Lie, The More Truth in Its Echo:"
Page 89: Neal's Plan:
Page 90: Hook Will Never Stop Fighting for Dream:
Page 91: Dark Hollow:
Page 92: Reunited to Find Henry:
Page 93: Pan's Lie:
Page 94: Skull Rock:
Page 95: Henry!?!
Page 96: Stopping Pan:
Page 97: Finding Pan:
Page 98: Regret:
Page 99: Henry's Okay:
Author's Note:

Page 60: Trying to Figure Out the Map:

1.1K 38 0
By sarahbethbooks

*Present Day*


"My name is Dream Mills." Dream said, looking at the map, trying to say anything that could show the map. 

"I'd wager the solution to Pan's riddle is a bit more complicated than that." Hook said, walking over to Dream.

Emma sat off to the side, looking annoyed, while Regina stood next to Dream, with Hook on the other side. While Mary Margaret and David sat in front, trying to be supportive of helping Dream. "Don't hold anything back, Dream..." Mary Margaret gave a smile. "I'm the biological aunt of my adoptive little brother, Henry... Man, this family tree is more complicated than this map." Dream sighed, letting out her frustration. 

"Dream, honey, focus." Regina sighed, not wanting to waste any more time. 

"Right... Um, I live in Storybrooke. And I'm, um... the daughter of the Evil Queen and the Dark One... Rumpelstiltskin." Dream confessed, but still, nothing appeared on the parchment. "Which apparently just makes me the product of one of my father's deals..." Dream sighed, still looking at the empty parchment. "And, um... Pan called me "The Dreamer?" Or something like that... I still don't understand what it's supposed to mean, despite being a play on my name." Dream sighed when she was just about to give up on this map. "This is getting hopeless..." Dream sighed, looking at her mother.

"Come on; we can still figure this out, sweetie," Regina said, rubbing Dream's back.

Emma got up, grabbing the parchment from Dream before Regina could stop her. "No, you won't." Emma scoffed, finally done with the game. Her son was out there, and they were no closer to finding him. "Emma!" Mary Margaret called out, shocked to see her daughter act like this. "But Regina can. I'm beginning to think there isn't a map on here. But that doesn't mean it can't lead us to Henry." Emma continued to say to the group, reaching the parchment to Regina. 

"I thought we decided that using magic was a bad idea, Emma..." David spoke up, looking at his daughter.

"For once, I agree with the Prince." Hook said before turning to David. "Well, I told you we were getting along." He smirked at David, who just scoffed at him.

"What do you want me to do?" Regina asked Emma, taking the parchment for her.

"A locator spell... Right? This parchment belonged to Pan. It will lead us to him." Emma said to Regina, who hesitated, but she wanted to find Henry too. "Fine." Regina sighed before putting the spell on the map. The map floated up from Regina's hand before it started to float towards the Dark Jungle.

"So, it appears we will be venturing into the Dark Jungle after all..." Hook sighed while the group looked at the map floating into the Dark Jungle.

"You mean the place you told us never to set foot?" Dream asked, being the only one to look at him. "That's the one." Hook sighed, looking at Dream, not having a good feeling about this.

"Well, Emma, you said you wanted to be the leader? Lead." Regina said, motioning to the Dark Jungle when Emma was a little hesitant while looking at the Dark Jungle.

~season 3, episode 2: "Lost Girl"~

~530 words~

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