Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

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This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 27

966 143 158
By LizSorora

Jimin found himself halting his vehicle under a bridge in an area quite far from the city while following the address he put on his GPS, the road ended up taking him farther than he had thought.

The motorcyclist whom he assumed to be the same one that had knocked on his window and had invited him to this sketchy environment, lay ahead before his view, leaning against his motorcycle while he had kept his lights on along with his helmet. 

Jimin hesitated to open the door and step out of his vehicle as he looked at him, unsure if this impulsive decision to actually go there, was a smart one, but he was kinda fed up at this point and if whoever was after him had finally decided to face him, he wasn't gonna run away from that opportunity.

He checked briefly his phone, just to see if Jin had seen his messages and after he took the positive answer that reassured him slightly, he allowed a serious expression to take over his face and opened the door and placed his one foot outside. However just as he was about to fully get out of his driver's seat, a gun was placed on his head, making him momentarily freeze his movement.

The feeling of the cold metal at the side of his head, had him counting within himself, but once he reached beyond number three, he allowed a smile to reach his lips and gave a side look at the stranger who was holding a gun against his temple. 

"Twins I see. " He commented as he now moved freely, ignoring completely that gun and casually walking ahead, leaving the door of his car wide open.

The armed man, that was dressed in black and was wearing a helmet exactly like the other stranger that was before him, followed behind him, making sure to have him within close reach of shot, for he had orders to not underestimate the actor that they were ordered to beat up.

"I came all this way and lost my time, so you better give me at least some information." Jimin talked to the man that was before him, playfulness all over his face as if he was joking. 

The way he didn't appear scared or pressured in any way, had the two men that didn't know much about him, look at him slightly confused, but Jimin couldn't see their faces under their helmets.

"Oh, we will give you information, alright. Tonight you are about to learn how to count." The man before him spoke and Jimin made sure to pay attention to the intonation of his voice in order to remember it, just in case.

"Did anyone tell you that I didn't go to school?" Jimin casually tilted his head as he replied, a mocking tone evident in his words, which made the two men feel slightly agitated emotionally even though he had not offended them in any way.

There was something about this cockiness he was displaying, that left them with the impression that he was looking down at them. They had a gun behind his head and had him outnumbered too, yet Jimin not only didn't seem fazed but had the audacity to underestimate them. Indeed they didn't have the right to take his life, as they were ordered to not do that under any circumstance however they had the liberty to beat him up till he loses consciousness and they were definitely feeling more willing to go through with their mission after this behaviour of his.

"You sure are looking too confident for someone that is alone and had fallen into a trap." The man behind him spoke as if intending to break the news to him just in case he had been too shocked for his little mind to have comprehended even that.

"Trap?" Jimin giggled as he repeated his last word, finding the occurrence slightly ironic. Regardless it wasn't an outcome that hadn't crossed his mind. He didn't worry at all, however, for from the moment he had felt that gun against his head and he was still standing, meant that once again, they needed him alive and will keep him so. Nothing else mattered much to him, for he considered them no match for him.

"Please, be serious. Two kittens can't trap a tiger.  But since I am a generous soul, despite you having wasted my time and having damaged my car, I will give you the chance to retreat from this mistake you are about to do. "Jimin's words made the two men scoff for they took them as nothing but a bluff, and honestly Jimin wasn't expecting them to take him seriously, still he morally thought it would be right to give them a chance to escape.

The man before him left a whistle to echo in the air after his statement and from the shadows under the bridge, many more people started appearing, some with bats in their gloved hands and bandanas used to cover the lower part of their faces. Jimin allowed his gaze to do a quick scan of their faces just to photograph in his mind their eyes and anything else that could be considered distinguishing about those individuals that apparently had intentions to gang up on him.

Ten huh...ah, I shouldn't have come.

He thought inwardly as after becoming aware of their number, he grew worried. But not worried because there was a possibility that he was gonna be beaten up and most likely feel quite a lot of pain tonight, but because there was a limit of physical pain, he would like to not step over, because there existed mental consequences for that.

"Why do you even want to beat me? If there's something you need to get from me, we can just discuss it over." He made an attempt to rationalize the situation but from the way the man before him laughed, he understood well that the way he had previously behaved most likely had ruined that chance.

"You know people use the wrong words sometimes in an attempt to provide themselves with a sense of security. There's no need to take it personally." He added as he took a step back, observing the men that had surrounded him by now and that were looking at him, rather sternly.

"This may be a bit too much attention, how about you just look at the floor for the moment? I might start getting shy." He hated himself as those words followed his words, for they were sarcastic and he knew it but he couldn't help but contradict his peace offering attempts, simply because his ego was slightly getting triggered over hearing the nonsense he himself was spitting out of his mouth.

"Get him." The man near the motorcycle ordered coldly and they all simultaneously launched at him, making Jimin's face instantly fall expressionless, just as his fit positioned themself strongly against the ground. 

The first man that attacked him was skillfully avoided by him and was met with a knee on the stomach before he pushed him to the side and inhaled a breath, preparing to avoid another attack that was coming his way. In three breathes in, he had three people down, and his combat skills had established the base of his arrogance in the eyes of his attackers at that moment, however, his glory lasted short, as a gunshot echoed in the air, and his movements reflexively came to a halt along with his mind.

The sound pierced his ears as if the bullet had entered his head and had not torn the air instead. It rang in his brain as if it was an empty space, that someone made a hole in and all of a sudden, the peace was distorted. He moved his head slowly to face the man that now had the gun directed at him, and even though he couldn't see his face, Jimin became aware that there was a possibility that they wouldn't hesitate to wound him a bit more seriously than he could afford.

He had just started filming for his new role and there had already been enough ruckus about him in the media. Certainly, him getting shot wouldn't be ideal for it could raise total chaos as to why he was shot and why was he where he was at such a late hour. God only knows what speculations and gossiping this could create and clean up things would be very hard.

He decided to put his hands up as a sign of surrender, inwardly preparing himself for the outcome of his action however as he was met with the first kick on his ribs, he couldn't help but let a phoneme of pain, escape his lips.

His next action was just to put his arms up and protect his face as they all started attacking him and he found himself on the floor, just receiving one hit after another. He was aware that if he was to fight back his outcome could end up worse so he was trying his best to just take it, however as a bat crashed by the side of his ear, his eyes which were shut tight instantly grew wide.

He heard someone's faint voice ordering to not hit him on the head, however, those words only grew distant as the hitting kept going on. The taste of blood reached the corner of his mind as the liquid had travelled down his face from the scratch one had done on his skin at the side of his head, and upon tasting the metallic flavour, he inhaled a sharp breath that had his mind instantly chained up in fear.

The sound of cracking started ghosting his head, as his vision started wavering in a trembling rhythm that he was aware that was not normal. Despite the fact that he was being hit and was in a movement, his vision was trembling as if an earthquake was occurring and it was. The core of his entity had started shaking and the most fearful of them all to him was bringing his message to him. I am awake

"No...No, You need to stop!" Jimin yelled at them as terror infiltrated his head, however, there was no way any of them would do as he said.

"Stop! You don't know what you are doing! You will get yourself killed!" He shouted at them, just as he turned around and caught someone bat midair and brought himself to his feet very quickly.

"You need to leave! Right now!" Desperation had taken over his face as he spoke at them, his voice coming out forcibly as he had already started feeling his toes falling apart within his shoes. 

Every part of his skin was being overtaken by that tearing feeling that had him almost ready to start screaming his mind out, for it was worse than torture. For him it was death, it was cruelty. Misery for him and delight for the one that was tearing him apart from within him, cracking through his skin like a demon that was crawling out of hell.

"You are fighting back huh?" One of the motorcyclists spoke as he gave him a death stare and the others made way for him to approach Jimin, who was already looking in a rough condition.

"There's no money worth of this. Please just run away." Jimin's pleading expression got the man utterly shocked for a moment, for he genuinely seemed to appear like he was worried about his enemies. And that itself was absurd.

"You sure are a good actor, I give you that." The man discarded his try and Jimin displayed a slight disappointment just as he received a spinning kick in the face by that man, sending him to the ground.

The impact had shaken his head quite a lot and blurred his vision but most importantly, it had made him feel nothing. Not even an ounce of pain, not even a feeling of collusion. It was as if he had fallen on the ground by the push of the breeze and not a powerful kick.

-How dare they spill my blood...

A growling voice crawled from within his chest, making him instantly leave a scream, that had the others around him caught off guard. They had never before in their lives witnessed a cry so full of despair and pain.

-How dare you allow them to harm you...

The booming voice crept on his head, making Jimin reach both his hands on his head as he turned around and faced the ceiling, with dialled pupils and shaking orbs. His shaky sharp and frequent breaths penetrated the atmosphere that had fallen silent, some observing him in worry of them having damaged him badly, and some watching him in utter shock.

He felt the looming touch of the scratches of nails against his heart, making him inhale a quick breath and not exhale anything back. His movements came to an absolute freeze as he within his head, was pulled into darkness and found himself pinned against a wall. Dark smoke floated before him.


Jimin managed to utter as the image of P3 started showing itself through the smoke, utterly penetrating him.

His hand reached out to him, covered in blood, with long nails that were dripping down the red liquid, in a rhythm that started growing evidently in the atmosphere, fading his own thoughts and erasing the sound of his voice as he kept moving his lips, but he could not hear his own self.

The reflection of his own self cleared out before him as soon as P3's nails touched his chest and in Jimin's ears started echoing his own heartbeat, tremblingly, weakly, pathetically.

"Don't look at me with such dread in your eyes. What's so scary about facing yourself?" P3's voice tinged in a low whisper around them, just as he pulled back his hand a bit and without even blinking, he forcibly dug his long nails, into Jimin's flesh, winning out of him a clamour of pain.

The sound of it had P3 chuckling lowly to himself but he didn't stop, until he could feel Jimin's heart beating at the palm of his hand.

His unstable breaths and the tears that were streaming down his eyes, made P3 lean closer to Jimin's face as softly use his other free hand to caress his cheeks and swipe the tears of poor agony that he had gotten out of him.

"I will make sure they pay every tear we have ever shed, so don't be afraid. Dying isn't that painful, you know. We have done it once before." He uttered just as he looked right into Jimin's eyes which were full of anguish and appeal for him to spare him at least once. 

"I... don't want to- live this again." Jimin barely managed to utter his small wish that was insignificant for he didn't have the power to push him back to sleep and he was aware of that.

No one had ever chased away P3. No matter what they were to try, he only leaves, when he wants to go.

"Oh, poor little thing. Only if you knew, how many more things there exist that you would rather never live again." P3 responded just before he left his nails to pierce Jimin's heart and with a skilful move, tore it whole right out of his chest, leaving Jimin staring with wide eyes at him, utterly frozen, right before his eyelids lowered and the tears that he had on his eyes, rolled down his eyes. Once those tears fell into the darkness everything faded for him. But for his body, a different reality was going down.

He had been screaming insanely and whimpering around the dirt for some minutes now, under the gazes of the men, that had taken several steps back by now, some scared of his behaviour as he gave the impression that he was being possessed by something and losing his mind.

And after all that activity that surely had disturbed his audience, Jimin halted so abruptly and casually stood back on his feet, not even bothering to look at them as the first thing he started doing, was dust off his clothes.

"Trying- to scare us off with your weird acting, won't work on us!" One of the guys that were wearing motorcyclists attire spoke up, in an attempt to press some dominance, however as soon as P3 lifted his head slightly and left his piercing gaze fall on them, a wave of chills ran through his body, making him unconsciously take some steps back. As if his intuition was telling him to flee.

A low chuckle escaped P3's mouth as he left the corner of his lips to tag upwards and lifted up his hand, which had now been stained by his blood on some parts, only to bring his wrist near his mouth and let out his tongue, to take a taste of the sweetness he enjoyed.

His psychotic action had many exchanged glances with each other in fear, for the atmosphere around him had totally changed, and they all had started feeling like pray before his eyes. 

"Would you look at that... It's already dinner time." P3 uttered as he lifted his head higher and allowed his smile to grow almost as quickly as fright imprisoned the gazes of the people he was facing.

And that fact sure made P3 feel, more alive than ever.

---To be continued...

The almighty P3 is finally among us you all! Ah, the fun we will have with this yandere character XDXD Look forward to it~

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