Where i belong (COMPLETE!)

By Itchigo87

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A "what if" Adora was the one that came back to get Catra out of the Horde since in most Fan fics, its Carta... More

Chapter 1: Catra, found and lost
Chapter 2: Adora,Lost
Chapter 3: Getting in
Chapter 4:"GET OUT"
Chapter 5: Not out of the Woods yet
Chapter 6: Far to Bright Moon
Chapter 7: How to Threaten a Queen
Chapter 8: Can i sleep with you?
Chapter 9: Training Day, part 1
Chapter 10: Training Day, part 2
Chapter 11: Good talk?
Chapter 12 : Flower Therapie
Chapter 13 : "Don't you get it?"
Chapter 14: A Favour returned
Chapter 15: "Faaaaascinatiiiing"
Chapter 16 : Horny Cat (SMUT)
Chapter 17 : Soundproof
Chapter 18 : Scorpia and Consequences
Chapter 19 : The nightmare at Princess Prom
Chapter 20 : Light Hope and Soulbonds
Chapter 21: Loose Ends and Home
Chapter 22 : Glimmer and Bow
Chapter 23 : My Home and Family (SMUT)
Chapter 24 : After the War and Beast Iland
Chapter 25 : Vacation
Chapter 27 : Stars
Chapter 28 : Prime
Chapter 29 : Save the Blonde
Chapter 30 : New Home (Final Chapter)
Chapter 31 : Where we Belong (Epiloge)
A Heartfelt "Thank you"
Chapter 33 : Extra/New beginnings
Extra 1 : Adoras most precious

Chapter 26 : Into the Catradoraverse...kinda

593 6 4
By Itchigo87

TW: mentions of Sex

Catras POV:

The last few days were ....screw it...why lie to myself, the best days of my life (apart from the one i met Adora and the day she told me she Loves me) and i could barely believe i was allowed to be this happy.

I remember the words we exchanged when we were about to leave "We are so gonna do that again" i said "maybe next time ..just the two of us?" she answered, throwing me into a whirlwind of daydreams, consisting of Naps, Sunbathing with Adora in a Bikini and Sex whenever we wanted, without someone cockblo...Clam-jamming us.

Today we returned to Bright Moon and I was already missing the feeling of freedom this Vacation had implanted inside of me. We split from the Group and went to report to the Queen that we returned.

Now with the King at her side, the Queen was different. Calmer, less threatening but still very much in control "I am pleased you enjoyed your time. With that out of the Way, Catra do you wish for anything?" i was surprised

"didn't I just get a reward?" i asked

"no Adoras wishes included you that's all" Remembering my feelings when we arrived in Mystacor i tell her

"I have more in my life right now than I ever thought I would. If you want to do something, help some Kids that actually need it" the Queen looks surprised

"very well hmmm how about we create an Orphanage that is directly funded by the Crown in your name? "

"Yeah that would do nicely. Thank you" wow...something positive in this World with my Name on it.... who would have thought. Adora gave me another look that conveyed Pride and i already knew she would bring this up again later.

When we left the Throne Room, we went to pay Entrapta a visit. Ignoring her sign, we knock at the Door of 'Darla' which opens up minutes later and walk in. Inside we are strangely reminded of Castle Dyrl with all of the loose Cables, Tools and the sound of Metal work ringing throughout the Hallways.

We find Entrapta in the control Room, as always busy with some Tech stuff. "Hey Entrapta" says Adora but the Purple Haired Girl didn't look at her and continued her work. Slightly annoyed i walk up to her

"oy...you listening?"

"I am" she says, a lot quieter than we are used to from her.

"Are you okay?" Adora came up with a worried look

"I think that, if my readings are correct and they usually are, none of us are going to be okay" she told us, not changing her volume even once.

"Talk. Now" i say and with a sigh, Entrapta starts

"My initial assessment of the Fright Zones Energy collision situation was that, by trying to combine two Runestones to the same energy Frequency, they overshot their resource management and could no longer contain the Magic they unleashed but i was wrong...partly"

Adora and i had the same look of 'the fuck you just tell me' wich she noticed.

"...no matter, I was wrong. Technically their Goal was achieved but not how they planned it to since...well big boom and such. The Horde wanted to create a Portal but not just any Portal, one big enough to pull the whole Planed through."

I look at her confused "what do you mean they achieved their goal? The Planet didn't go anywhere?" Adora noded

"It didn't but that Explosion was like...hmm how do i explain this" she stands up and walks over to a pile of stuff and pulls out a Chalkboard. Entrapta proceeds to make a sketch of a Planet with rings going out, getting bigger and bigger in the process.

"No offense but im gonna dumb it down so i don't have to explain this twice" Adora wanted to say something but i was faster

"offense taken...go on"

"The Explosion was a side effect of Hordak trying to open a Giant Portal. In the process, the Energy required went haywire and blew up the Fright Zone BUT it left a remnant that is now functioning, similar like a Beacon, that sends out a Signal, using the leftover Energy that should have gone towards creating the Portal"

It finally clicked for me "So right now our Planet, that was hidden by Mara in another Solar system, is now screaming 'HERE AM I' to whoever is listening?"

"Correct...now imagine that, whoever hears that, creates their own Giant Portal and pulls us through? Someone like....."

"....Horde Prime" i whisper, remembering how i first heard that name


It has been a week since I've been made Force Cpt and Hordak didn't ask for me once. Not that I care but I hoped I would be working a bit closer to him to know what he is up to. I don't like not knowing anything about our shadowy Ruler...he gives me the creeps.

Walking closer to the Door of his Sanctum I try to listen to anything I can hear inside....no such luck. Determined to get some information today I reached up to a Vent, removed the cover and slipped myself in.

Moving in the direction that leads towards the Sanctum I stop when I hear voices. Shadow Weaver and Hordak "We need Adora back Lord Hordak"

"She is of no concern to us anymore. I have no Time for Traitors" Hordak snided "I need to get word out to Lord Horde Prime and return to his side. With his Army, this pathetic 'Rebellion', will be crushed in days"

"But Adora had an innate ...." "SILENCE '' I flinched in my position but didn't make a noise "I don't want to hear it. If you want to blame someone for Adora, start with yourself. Now Leave" I hear Shadow Weaver leave, already knowing that i better avoid her today

When i was about to leave i hear Hordak say "I might need to use more ..aggressive options after all"

Flashback end

Adora asks "How can we stop it?"

"It's already happened, The Signal is already out. All we can do is wait and see what happens." Entrapta starts writing on the Chalkboard again

"Possibility A: Noone notices/cares about the signal"

"Possibility B: Prime picks up the signal and finished what hordak started and we are immediately back at War"

"Difference being we don't know the Enemy this time and they have about 1000 times more resources" i mutter, remembering Light Hope's words about Prime.

Adora, looking panicked, starts to walk out "We need to warn the others" i follow her, knowing that if she tries to explain anything in this state, they are not gonna get it. Running after her I grab her Hand and make her slow down a bit

"Adora, calm down. we still don't even know IF something is happening" i expect her to be going into a Meltdown but she gives me a small smile

"I know but IF something happens we need to be Ready"

"maybe i am not the only one growing hmm" i thought

We reach the Throne Room and are announced. Before the Queen or King can speak, Adora skips the greeting "Your majesty we have ...troubling news" and we tell them everything that Entrapta just told us.

The Queen turns to the Guards at the Door, "Get me the Princess Alliance, the Captains and Entrapta to the War room within an hour. We need to Plan for another War it seems"

We went ahead to the War room with the Queen and King. Glimmer and Bow were already there and we talked with them while waiting for the others to arrive. "So why are we here again?" Bow asked "We haven't used the War room since the Fright Zone...well you know" explained Glimmer

"We tell you when the rest is here" Adora was a wreck but kept it inside. No doubt she also was hoping for a lot more days like our Vacation and not War prep.

After a few minutes the last Person, Cpt Gabriel, walks in and gives a apologetic smile. The Queen wasted no time to explain in how deep in shit we could be. "urghh...so we don't even know if or when something happens but we have to prepare or we could all die? " summarized Mermista and after a short silence Adora said

"That about sums it up yeah"

"I propose to have a new warning system in place. Entrapta could you create something like that?" Asked the Queen "Sure ...tiiiny problem is it's going to take me awhile....a week maybe"

"I can help with that" interrupted Bow

"Good. As for now you should return to your Kingdoms and start for an eventual Siege. We will get word out once we have any News" declared the Queen.

We all said our goodbyes and wished us luck. We would meet back once a week and swap information. It was late at night at this point and Adora and I found ourselves in our Room.

Adora was back to being the way she was when we were still in the Horde. Neurotic, worried and desperate to do literally anything. When we went to Bed i knew what i had to do to get her a bit calmer and so i took her left Hand and intertwined it into mine while i rested her right one on my Head. Like on autopilot she starts scratching my Ears, slightly massaging them and the Area around them, making it easy for me to purr.

"Thanks....you always know what i need kitten" she says with a yawn

"No, but i try to" i answer leaning closer to her "I love your touch and doing this, calms us both a bit so its a Win-Win"

"I will never get tired of this. Yes i mean your purr and touching you" Adora whispered, already being close to the embrace of sleep.

"Glad to hear it. Good night Adora" "nighd..catr.." is all she can say before her breath becomes slow and steady "Damn i am good" i think to myself as i snuggle into a comfortable position and shut my Eyes.

Hours.....it had been Hours and i could not sleep. Of course my own mind was going back to all we learned today over and over again, always ending in thought that another War would very likely mean one of us would die at least. We have been though a lot and now, once again, life is trying to fuck me. "It's not Fair" i thought, refusing to let my Tears gather.

I get up from the Bed as quietly as I possibly can and go into the Bathroom. Thinking that a late night shower might help, I crank up the hot water, undress and hop in. My distaste for Water only became tolerable when it had the perfect temperature to heat me up.

After i feel a lot cleaner and warmer i get out and dry as much of my Body as i can but already know that my Fur will take hours to completely Dry. I look at myself in the big Oval Mirror over the Sink. I always had a Love/Hate Relationship with my Hair. It was wild, impossible to Brush through and got in the way in a Fight more times than I like to admit.

"Maybe Change has to happen not only on the inside" I thought, considering cutting it.

I stand there with a tuft of Hair in my Hand, unsheathe my Claws and start cutting off a bit. It works but was not very...clean for lack of a better word. I notice some scissors on a shelf and try them out. That works a lot better and I just keep going until I am left with what Bright Mooners would call a Pixie cut and I was actually kinda happy with it.

"I feel...lighter ...better even. Should have done this years ago." i think, running my Hand through my now short Hair. I had kept it long because I felt safe and gave my smaller Body type a more intimidating look but i don't need that anymore. "can't wait how a certain blonde is gonna react," I say and giggle a bit to myself.

I put on a Muscle shirt and some shorts to sleep and get back to Bed. "You were always there for me Adora, now it's my turn to make sure you gonna make it through this" i think while i go back to my previous position, laying on Adoras shoulder "we will get through this" was my last thought before sleep finally took over.

Adoras POV:

I was walking through a haze like Mist trying to figure out where I was. "Hello? Anyone here?" i shout, feeling uncomfortable until I hear a Voice I would never mistake for anyone else's.

"Tired already? I thought punching was like, the one thing you're good at" Catras voice calmed me a bit but it sounded...sort of wrong .

I Ran into the direction I heard the voice from "and i thought you were supposed to be quicker" that...was MY voice? "what the Fuck?" I asked the Mist confused and walked on.

I came out of the Mist on a Cliff and was able to see Bright Moon...under attack. A loud noise made me look down from my position to see Myself as She-ra fighting Catra still in her old Horde Uniform "give it up Catra" 'I' say "there is no way you win this" circling around each other Catra says "I already made it farther than anybody thought i would"

"What the hell is going on here" I could not even begin to understand what was going on. It seemed like Catra led a Horde attack against Bright Moon but...that never hap... Then it hit me, what Light Hope told us about us being Soulbound, being born in every Reality. So this was a different reality? Then how am i here? Am I really or am I just dreaming about this?

So many questions but no answers were given. As i watched on, Catra jumped on 'my' back, ripping into it with her Claws saying "you on the other Hand, you aren't looking so good" before 'i' took her arm to hold her in place and rammed us both into the Base of the Cliffside in a way that would make her take the brunt of the Pain.

Jumping off 'my' back she lets out a maniacal laugh that i never heard before 'i' say "this isn't over"

"of course it's not over." Catra says, leaping once again, on top of 'me' to scratch 'my' Face "It won't be over until Bright Moon is destroyed and the Rebellion falls. It won't be over until darkness covers Etheria forever and it won't be over until i see the looks on your friends Faces when they find out that you failed, that you were to weak to save them"

I felt Heartbroken knowing that this is what could have become of Catra if i had not visited her that one night but instead of Tears, Anger rises inside of me. "She is still in there but too much of a stubborn BRAT to come out hmm" From where i was standing i could see Catra laying on a floating rock so 'i' couldn't spot her.

Remembering the Prom, her Body in my Arms, unconscious, not breathing, I focus on the scene in front of me and letting She-ra's Power flow through me. "For the Honor of GRAYSKULL" i shout and jump on top of her with enough Force to break the Boulder she was laying on. Catra, letting out a shrill shriek, could not react in time and was now on the ground pinned by me while 'i' just watched with a Face that was hard to describe.

My other self detransformes and if 'my' reaction was anything to go on, it happened involuntarily. "Guess there can only be one She-ra per Reality...good to know."

Catra looked at me with utter shock and disbelief, her Mouth hanging open as I got up from her. "Okey moron couple therapy time. Sadly I am not Perfuma so let's call this a crash course....but first give me a second" i say, turning around towards the army that had begun firing at the Bright Moon Runestone.

I take out my Sword again and let it fly through the Air, painting colorful lines like an Artist, focusing on every Tank I could see before releasing them. Horde Tanks are weak at the exhaust port on the back slot which made it easy to take them out, once you knew that. They were falling apart seconds later but I needed to make a point here.

"LISTEN UP HORDE SOLDIERS" my Voice rang out over the Battlefield "I come from a different Reality in which, within the next few weeks the Fright Zone Explodes, killing all of you sorry fucks. Surrender NOW or be part of Hordaks failed plans.... i don't care which" i step back towards 'me' and Catra who now found her voice again

"Why are there 2 of you? What the fuck is going on here?" looking at 'me' but i answer

"There are a lot more trust me... lets see i think i'll start with Light Hope and the Fright Zone" i tell them all i know and learn that, in this Reality, Light Hope was quite different which surprised me. When I mentioned that Entrapta should take a look, 'I' informed me she had died in this reality, saving Glimmer. I was upset and Heartbroken but I could not change that sadly.

They were both shocked when I explained Soulbounds, Catra looking like she wanted to run but her curiosity took over. "In my reality I have been dating Catra for quite a while now and things are going great"

Catras look was one of pure fury "BULLSHIT! ....Proof it" she snarls, clearly ready to attack me.

I turn around and whisper so only she would be able to hear this "You fell in love with Adora, the day you clawed Octavias Eye out" and turn around. 'I' looked confused but Catra was horrified

"how...how would you possibly..."

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because 'you' told me? does this suffice as proof or do you want me to go on....i can go a lot more embarrassing you know" i smirk at her, making sure she gets where i am going with this.

A now Redfaced Catra walks up to me, grabs my Arm and drags me away from 'me' "Okey lets just pretend i believe all of that...how...how did that happen exactly?" i sigh and start telling her from the beginning, feeling kind of bad for my other self who was waiting for us to finish.

"....and that's about all....no idea how i came here tho....or go back for that matter"

"This...is insanity" Catra stutters

"NO? Look around you and who you are fighting. THAT is insanity. If you could just not listen to Shadow Weaver or your own Ego for once, you could actually be happy"

I walk over to ...myself yeah this is still very tired and whisper to 'me' "you need to get her out or Catra will die"

"So that was not a lie? what you screamed at the Horde Soldiers?" 'i' ask in horror

"All true I'm afraid. Entrapta told me that over 90% of the Horde just vanished in that explosion". I know very well that, if this is still a version of myself that has feeling for Catra, with just this bit of information 'I' will do whatever it takes to get her out.

"ADORA" i hear in the distance

"Catra?" i mutter

"What?" said the Feline beside me

"No....not you. My Catra...i heard her Voice jus..just now" the World was spinning all of a sudden and i sank to one knee. "I think my time is up" i look at them both still very much in disbelive what has happened "don't fuck this up. You both can not be stupid enough to let your literal Soulmate get away " i smile at them and with the last bit of strength i can muster say

"We remember Catra. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other" Then all was Dark.

I woke up in a fully white Room. Medical bay, a sleeping Catra at my side, now with shorter Hair. I ruffle through it a bit and feel her waking up.

"New look?" i ask sheepishly

She looks at me with Tears in her eyes and throws herself onto me "ADORA" i hug back and say

"I'm ok and I have some crazy shit to tell you about. How long was i out?" i notice that Catra had not moved and was shacking and sobbing into my Chest

"TWO DAYS, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" she screams "do ..do you h...have any i..idea how wo..worried i was?"

Two days? holy shit no wonder Catra reacted like this. "Im sorry babe i...i thought it was a few hours" i say and Hug her tighter, pulling the shacking Girl into my Lap. After a bit of time she calmed down and looks at me. I kiss her with every bit of affection i have for her "I love you Catra" which makes her Tears come back

"hmm Love you too Adora"

After we calm down i start telling her what i just experienced

Narrator POV:

On the Battlefield surrounding Bright Moon two former Friends stood watching She-ra disappear in front of them.

"Yeah ....nobody is gonna believe this. It even sounds like a Feverdream" Adora said with Catra in deep thoughts sitting beside the blonde.

"She...you..THAT, mentioned Entrapta and Light Hope" Catra said "i want to say that all they told us was complete Bullshit but....it fits far to well"

"What did they whisper to Proof that..well you know" Adora inquired which caused the Catgirl to Blush instantly

"nothing....forget that. That i still refuse to believe" The feline stood up and was about to walk away when a hand was on her Wrist, holding her back.

"You really would rather risk death than consider joining the Rebellion?"

"Of course I would. They are gonna kill me 100% if they take me prisoner so I take my cha...."

"YOU REALLY THINK I'D LET THEM?" Adora interrupted, shocking Catra again with how sincere it sounded. Still she shook off the Hand holding her in place.

"How would I know? I never thought you'd leave me but ....look at where we are now" Catra asked, slight sadness and anger in her Voice

"Can we talk about it at least?"

"....im listening"

"There are bound to be people coming to look for us soon. Can we meet somewhere?"

The Feline sighed and looked at the Blonde's crystal Blue Eyes.

"First things first. Entrapta is alive and works for me. I want to know what Light Hope did to me...how she manipulated me. Ever since the Ruins something felt...off but now things make more sense. As if she had known what Memories would set me off.....Tomorrow i bring Entrapta to the Ruins....maybe there is something we can..... talk about there but come alone" she said and ran towards the Woods and onto a Tree "bye ...Adora"

"Bye Catra" the Blonde sighed, hoping tomorrow would be a chance to see her again

but that is a Story for another time......


This was not planned but i like the Idea behind it (tho i am not going Avengers on the Climax) Hope you enjoyed my ramble and have a nice day

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