Last One

By Autu_mn

2.2K 63 17

Everything seems to be improving and going perfectly well for teenager Demi, but that soon changes when she's... More

Last One
Last One - Act 1, Scene 1
Last One - Act 1, Scene 2
Last One - Act 1, Scene 3
Last One - Act 1, Scene 4
Last One - Act 1, Scene 5
Last One - Act 1, Scene 6
Last One - Act 1, Scene 7
Last One - Act 2, Scene 1
Last One - Act 2, Scene 2
Last One - Act 2, Scene 3
Last One - Act 2, Scene 4
Last One - Act 2, Scene 5
Last One - Act 2, Scene 6
Last One - Act 3, Scene 1
Last One - Act 3, Scene 2
Last One - Act 3, Scene 3
Last One - Act 3, Scene 4
Last One - Act 3, Scene 5
Last One - Act 3, Scene 6
Last One - Act 3, Scene 7
Last One - Act 4, Scene 2
Last One - Act 4, Scene 3
Last One - Act 4, Scene 4
Last One - Act 4, Scene 5
Last One - Act 4, Scene 6
Last One - Act 4, Scene 7
Last One - Act 4, Scene 8
Last One - Act 4, Scene 9
Last One - Act 4, Scene 10
Last One - Act 4, Scene 11

Last One - Act 4, Scene 1

28 1 0
By Autu_mn

The next day

At school

Adele and Demi in Music class

Adele: Hey did you get added to that group chat by Joe?

Demi: N-no? He tried to m-message me though b-but I ignored h-him.

Adele: He actually seemed like he was sorry in the message he sent.

Demi: R-really?

Adele: Yeah, I'll show you.

Adele gets her phone out and shows Demi the message

Demi takes the phone and reads the message

Demi: Huh. It does s-sound like he m-meant it.

Adele: Yeah, I think he does. Maybe he finally realised how shitty he's been acting.

Demi: Either t-that or Ethan t-told him to say s-something.

Adele: I don't think so, he was in the chat as well.

Demi: Oh.

Adele: He probably tried to message you individually cause it was more about you than us.

Demi: Y-yeah. I'm n-not ready to t-talk to him about it y-yet though I d-don't think, I d-don't know,  it's j-just a lot.

Adele: Yeah that's fair enough.

Later, at lunch...

Adele and Demi at a table

Kayla comes rushing down the hallway towards them and sits at the table

Kayla: Did you guys get that message from Joe!?

Adele: Yeah I did.

Demi: I d-didn't b-but I've s-seen it.

Kayla: Pah yeah it was 'an apology.' I bet he copied and pasted it from somewhere or something stupid.

Demi: I thought Ethan s-said to h-him about it to b-be honest.

Kayla: Oh my god I didn't even think of that! (Laughs) He probably told him what to write and everything. Man it's funny.

Adele: Speaking of.

Joe walks over to the group

Joe: Hey guys. Did you get my text?

Adele: Yeah we did Joe, thanks for saying sorry.

Kayla: Yeah thanks.

Joe: And Dem, did you, err, see my message?

Demi: Shit, n-no s-sorry, I was b-busy.

Joe: Could I talk to you then? Alone?

Demi: I g-guess.

Demi and Joe move away from Adele and Kayla

Joe: I just wanna say I'm sorry, again. And I was wondering would you be up for coming round mine later?

Demi: Joe!?

Joe: What?

Joe realises what he said

Joe: Oh no no, not in that way. (Laughs lightly) I mean come round so we can talk and I can explain last night, properly.

Demi stayed silent

Joe: Please Dem. At least let me explain.

Demi: Ok...b-but I c-can't s-stay long.

Joe: That's fine, I just need to say what I need to and then you can leave and we don't have to speak again, if you want that.

Demi: I'll s-see y-you later.

Joe: Bye Dem.

Joe walks away, Demi goes back to her friends

Adele: What was that about?

Demi: I'm g-going r-round his later to hear h-him out about y-yesterday.

Kayla: Oh shit.

Demi: It'll be f-fine, I h-hope.

Adele: If it isn't then message me and I'll come over.

Demi: Ok.

All laugh lightly

After school...

Demi arrived at Joe's

Joe: Thanks for coming.

Demi: N-no problem.

Joe: Do you want a drink or anything?

Demi: I'm f-fine, thanks.

Joe: Feel free to take a seat.

Demi: Joe, I'm in a w-wheelchair.

Joe: Shit yeah sorry. Sorry. Do you want me to help you onto the sofa or are you okay there?

Demi: I g-guess you could.

Demi holds onto Joe as he helps her onto the sofa

Joe: Is that okay?

Demi: Y-yeah, thanks.

Joe goes into the kitchen, comes back with water, then sits down on the sofa near to where Demi is seated

Joe: I just wanna start of by saying sorry again for well, everything.

Demi: Joe, I said it w-was okay.

Joe: No but especially for the dance. I lied to you and it fucked everything up and I hate that.

Demi: W-why d-did you lie?

Joe: I...I don't know. I guess I didn't want you to know I was smoking still cause I know you don't like smokers.

Demi: Joe I've known for m-months, we were together when you s-started.

Joe: I thought you knew!

Demi: Yeah I d-did.

Joe: I really don't know why I lied. And I left you! Fucks sake. I should've at least helped you sit down before I left. Or just not left. If I had only done that then you wouldn't be hurt even more.

Demi: No one c-could've known though Joe. B-but yeah you shouldn't have left me, especially cause I could b-barely stand.

Joe: I know, I know. And it was straight after we'd kissed, oh god! I wasn't even thinking.

"8 o'clock alarm" by John Michael Howell starts playing in the background...

Joe sighs

Joe: I got nervous. I act out when I'm nervous. I started smoking to get rid of that, and it made me feel shit, which was worse. But then me feeling like shit meant I treated you and the others like shit. And it all went wrong.

Demi: We would've t-tried to help Joe. W-why d-didn't you s-say anything?

Joe: It wouldn't have worked, I would've pushed you away even more.

Demi: I know y-you act out b-but just d-didn't expect you to that much. Especially w-when y-you and Kayla w-were arguing last night, that w-wasn't y-you.

Joe: I know, and I felt bad immediately after. I was mad at myself more than anything but then took it out on you guys. I just wish you didn't find out like that.

Demi: Y-yeah so do I... Why w-was Kira out there with y-you at the d-dance anyway?

Joe: I messaged her to come. I got scared when you and I kissed and panicked so I went back to Kira and I kissed her, which might have been my biggest mistake yet.

Demi: D-did the others know?

Joe: Ethan saw us. And he probably told Adele, but I don't know.

Demi looking upset but keeping it together

Joe: I was so dumb to kiss her because now you're hurting, and I hate that drunk decision has fucked everything up. But Demi-

Demi: (Interrupts Joe) Y-you were drunk?

Joe: I...yeah, yeah Dem. Again I used it to cope but it only works for so long.

Demi: Have y-you d-drank today?

Joe: No, but that was the last time I had anything.

Demi: W-what about s-smoking?

Joe: I...smoked earlier. I've cut down a lot though. I know it's bad but I'm trying Dem I really am.

Both silent for a minute

Joe: I know I'm a wreck but I'm getting better. I really am.

Demi: I b-believe you.

Joe: You do?

Demi: Yeah, I can tell you're trying. Y-you seem d-different, m-more relaxed.

Joe smiles

Joe: I'm trying so hard to change. Being with Kira made me realise that I don't want to be that person anymore. And that she isn't the right person for me. I don't want to be with someone like that, and especially cause she's friends with Jesse and Lacey who bully everyone, including you for gods sake.

Demi: Y-yeah they s-suck.

Joe: They do.

They both laugh

Joe: I realised I was becoming mean like them and I hate that, so I broke it off with Kira.

Demi: Y-you b-broke up? But y-you said last n-night she w-was your girlfriend?

Joe: I lied. I broke it off a couple days ago cause she became so toxic it was awful oh my god.

Demi laughs

Demi: She w-was already t-toxic.

Joe: She really was. Why did I date her!?

Demi: I d-don't know. You d-date weird people.

Joe: That means you too.

Demi: Oi!

Both laugh again

Demi: So is that r-really the w-whole reason y-you broke up or d-did something else h-happen?

Joe: I realised I was happier before without her. (Laughs) And also that she wasn't the girl I wanted to be with.

Joe laughs nervously

Joe: I wanted her to be you Dem... I want to be with you.

Demi: W-what? Really?

Joe: Yeah I never really got over you after we broke up.

Demi: But you d-dated Kira?

Joe: Dating and a relationship are very different things, especially with someone like Kira.

Demi: T-true.

Joe grasps Demi's hands, she holds his

Joe: Look, I know I don't deserve you but I swear the guy you first fell in love with is still in here, he just needs help being brought out. Just give me a chance please Dem, even if we don't date. I'd do anything just to have you in my life again.

Demi: C-can I c-confess something as w-well?

Joe: Yeah, of course, go ahead.

Demi: I s-started g-gaining f-feelings for you again as well. (Laughs)

Joe: When was this!?

Demi: A c-couple weeks before the dance maybe. J-just after me and Beau b-broke up. I didn't even t-tell Adele.

Joe: I didn't expect that to be honest. I didn't think you'd be willing to trust me again.

Demi: I never d-didn't not t-trust you?  Yeah we've had arguments and one of us g-got hit by a car (gestures to self, then laughs lightly) but we're still ourselves. I still w-wanted to be with y-you after all that.

Joe: I want to be with you as well Dem.

Demi pulls Joe closer and they kiss

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