Happiness - MileApo ✔️

By rahaaai

95.4K 4.9K 865

To achieve Happiness, there is a lot of pain to face. Will that Happiness come your way? or Will that Happine... More

01. Eventful Meeting
02. The Omega Life
03. Unexpected Guest
04. Become A Regular Guest
05. The Offer
06. Take It or Leave It
07. The Answer
08. Happiness Is Not Yet To Come
09. The Beginning of New Life
10. I want to, but I Can't
11. The Phone Call
12. Unbearable Moments
13. A Neat Little Package?
14. The Result
15. The Damned Tattoo
16. Remember, The Tattoo
17. The Night
18. I Love You
19. The Sister
20. Fever
21. It's Starting
22. 'Thought You Will be Happy'
23. 'I Will Go'
24. 'I Don't Want to Die'
25. Bad Condition & New Problem
26. The Test
27. The Painful Process
28. The Truth Hurts
29. The Pain Left The Scars
30. Safe Bubble
31. Seeking Help
32. Protect The Baby
34. Almost Perfect
35. Protect The Family
36. Let The Scars Heal
37. Almost There
38. Everything's Ok
39. Baby's Coming
40. Happinness

33. Everything Coming Together

2.6K 117 37
By rahaaai

Within days Pong had found Mile and Apo a lawyer. The couple was presently on their way to meet with the said lawyer. According to Pong, her name was Alpha Jene and she was well known for the custody hearings and battles.

She was a hard, efficient, no nonsense type of lawyer that worked hard to make sure pups were placed with, or stayed with, the parents that would provide the best, loving, and safe environment that would best help the pup – or pups – thrive.

Alpha Jene's office was downtown in a high rise. They had been able to find a parking spot and managed to go to the lawyer's office in time.

Nolan presently clung tightly onto Mile, having refused to stay in his carrier. Apo sat next to Mile on the expensive looking dark red leather sofa as Alpha Jane started taking notes of their dispositions.

Jane was an older Alpha, beautiful and fierce looking. Long wavy caramel brown hair, and walnut brown eyes with thin dark raisin lips.

"So this is the cutie that's being thrown into this mess?," Alpha Jene questioned. Her large walnut colored eyes looking at the pup with nothing but adoration.

Nolan was standing on Mile's thighs with his Daddy's help, his whole backside firmly pressed against Mile. His big light brown eyes looked at the lawyer with curious suspicion.

"Yes, we received this yesterday in the mail." Apo replied, his voice shaking. He handed over a letter they had received from Mario lawyer.

Apo had been besides himself when he had ripped open the letter. Nolan's father wanted full custody. The Omega had screamed and cried. He woke the pup up from his afternoon nap and Nolan had started to wail out of fear. Apo had grabbed the house phone and dialed Mile's office phone. When the Alpha had answered, Apo had barely been able to tell him what was wrong he had been so badly shaken by the letter's words.

Mile had rushed home, unclear as to what was going on till he walked in and the Omega shoved the letter at him.

"Alright, I have to ask you a few questions so I can build your case. Alpha Mario lawyer has already filed for motion. So I need to catch up." Jene started.

"Obviously the pup is male. How old is he?," Jene questioned.

"A year and a half, almost two." Apo answered. Jene frowned. The pup was quite small for his age.

"He's clearly attached to you both and seems very happy. However, he seems to be very small for his age. Why is that?,"

"I—I didn't have an Alpha when I was pregnant with Nolan," Apo told her, caressing Nolan's face that was peeking from under Mile's arm.

The Omega couldn't keep the smile from his face. Nolan was acting like a monkey climbing all over Mile. Mile was so good with him, he let Nolan do as he pleased but made sure the pup wouldn't fall or hurt himself,

"Nolan's upbringing? You went through the pregnancy alone, that's hard to do," Alpha Jene prodded.

"I wanted my pup, and no, he didn't know Nolan existed," The Omega explained. Jene arched a brow.

"We'll come back to that. Is there any history of child abuse or domestic violence?," Apo looked at Mile and then back at the lawyer.

The panicked look the Omega gave made Jene look at him sternly. Mile placed his hand over Apo's thigh protectively.

"My Omega was a street walker when he had Nolan. We met and they moved in with me. No harm has, nor ever will come to him." Mile firmly stated.

"Dada!," Nolan cheered and turned to bury himself against his Daddy's warmth.

Jene watched the pup, who was clearly a happy one that was safe and very much loved.

"What is it that you do Alpha Phakphum?,"

"I'm a police officer," Mile replied. Jene smiled.

"Good. Omega Phakphum, has your profession officially been changed?," Apo's heart sped up. No one had ever called him Omega Phakphum before.

"Yes," Apo replied.

Mile took the file they had brought from Nolan's diaper bag.

"The O.P.R.B. approved his change to House Omega, here is all of the documentation." Mile added quickly. He giving the lawyer the file. Jene flipped open the manila folder, scanned what she needed quickly.

"Good, this will help greatly," The lawyer sat back in her chair and looked at Apo.

"So, you met Alpha Mario while in your previous profession. Did you know him or was he just some 'guy' for the night? Do you remember him?," Apo paled a bit.

He hated thinking about his past, he still felt ashamed. Mile took his hand in his, deep midnight eyes looking at him adoringly. Silently giving him strength. 'Stop letting your past define you. You did what you had to do to survive, for you and Nolan. That Apo took a deep breath and looked at Alpha Jene.

"I never saw his face, never heard his voice. I was working at Glory Holes when he got me pregnant. He didn't wear a condom like the regulations dictated," The Omega answered honestly. Jene nodded, taking down notes.

"How did he find out about the pup?," Mile clenched his jaw as he released Apo's hand in order to catch Nolan who was about to fall off his lap.

He picked up the pup and placed him on the sofa between the cramp small space between Apo and himself. Nolan reached up to touch and explore his Papa's growing stomach.

"Nawo Dada!," Mile looked at Nolan and Apo caught the hint of panic flash in his eyes before Mile looked back at the lawyer, keeping his hand on Nolan as the pup wobbled on his tiny feet while kissing Apo's stomach.

"My sister. She didn't approve of me falling for Apo and mating him. She liked to cause problems between us," The big Alpha admitted sheepishly. A slight wave of anger hit Apo nose.

"And how did she do that?," Jene demanded. Mile sighed and told her how Anita had gone about getting Nolan's DNA and how she found Mario.

He also added how he had turned her in and was going through disciplinary actions as they spoke. Jene was wide eyed by the time he finished.

"I see." The lawyer scribbled down more notes. Apo couldn't stop looking at Mile. He didn't know Mile had turned his sister in. He knew the Alpha had spoken with her, told her she wasn't welcomed in their home, but he had no idea he had gone this far to protect them.

A small sense of relief went through him and he found himself needing to touch Mile. The Omega placed his hand back into Mile's warm one, making the Alpha glance at him and smirk happily.

"I'd like to add that when Mario showed up in our lives, he had made it very clear he didn't care about Nolan, he just wanted Apo. There were many witnesses." Mile added.

"Good, I'll need affidavits from them all. That will come in handy," The lawyer smirked as she noted the mentioned information before looking back up at her clients.

"Now, did you two mate right away?," Apo suddenly blushed furiously and looked over at Mile.

"No. I wanted to provide a safe environment for him and Nolan. It just—We just. Everything just fell into place later," Mile tried to explain. He was also blushing which made Jene smirked at both of them.

"Alright. I believe I have everything I need for the moment, but I will need to get those affidavits as soon as possible," Jene informed them.

"I'll get those for you right away," Mile agreed.

"Perfect. Its obvious Nolan is very happy where he is. Omega Phakphum you've done everything you could during those harsh circumstances to make sure the pup was safe and it shows," Jene told him.

"Thank you," The Omega smirked as he petted Nolan's head. The pup was standing putting all his weight on Apo's stomach, his head resting against it, his eyes half asleep.

"I'll do everything I can to make sure the pup won't be uprooted from his home." Jene assure them.

"Thank you," Mile told her before carefully picking up the pup.

"Come here buddy." Nolan nuzzled against Mile's neck as the Alpha got him comfortable in his arms to sleep.


As promised, Mile had gotten affidavits from Pong, Tong as well as two nurses under Doctor Win employment that had witness the ordeal and had promptly brought them to their lawyer Alpha Jene.

She would keep them informed for the hearing date. The Therapy session this morning had been hard on Apo's nerves. He couldn't help but talk about his fear of losing Nolan. Even having a lawyer working in their favor still made him scared.

Mile had continuously assured him that he wouldn't let that happen. Anna had asked Apo if he believed Mile, trusted in his words. Apo had looked up at Mile and then back at Anna.

"I want to believe him," He really did, but the fact that Alpha Mario was even taking actions to take Nolan away made him angry. It was Anita's fault yes, but if Mile had stopped her and protected them in the beginning from her berating, he wouldn't be in this nightmare where he might lose Nolan.

To his complete surprise, Apo had voiced this, not realizing he had spoken them till he smelled the guilt in Mile's scent that hit his nose. Nolan was asleep in the carrier and Mile kept his eyes on the pup. If they lost Nolan, it would be his fault.

He hadn't wanted to think of it that way, but Apo had just made it clear he did blame him. Before Anna or Luke could comment, Apo had more to say.

"I know this is not about putting blame on anyone, or using it to hurt you, but it's how I feel and I have to accept it even if I don't like it. I know you mean every word you say. When you say you won't let it happen, I feel it. I'm just scared and I hate your sister,"

"Good, release how you feel, it's important for your Alpha to know," Anna encouraged. Mile signed.

"I honestly don't think I could have stopped her from this. She had planned it, stole Nolan's binky and ran with it. I had no idea she would go that far. I can't control her every actions. And you should have told me about the calls, about her constantly coming over. I thought she was just being a bitch when I was around. I failed you, I know that, I have to live with that for the rest of my life Apo." The room got quiet.

It was the first time Mile had voiced his irritation or defended himself in any way. The Alpha felt some tension leaving him and he knew his Omega cringed back.

"Don't shy away from this. Anger is normal and you two have to be able to express all your feelings to each other. Holding them in will stop you from getting closer and moving forward. this is good," Anna encouraged.

Luke winked at Mile. Luke and Anna had both asked them how things were going, how they were handling the stress of the custody process, what did they do while at home together and individually to decompress. Together?Most of their time spent together was dinner or going to sleep. As for decompressing, well, Apo would take long baths with soothing scented oils with candles, to which Mile would help him out of the tub when done, and acted as a complete Gentleman.

Mile couldn't openly admit how much the simple task would turn him on, he'd make himself think of the most hideous things in order not to alert the Omega of his arousal.

But by the look Luke gave him, he knew what it did to him. When Anna asked Mile what he did to release his stress, Mile had stated that he would empty his glock at the shooting range. Luke had snorted.

"Have you guys thought about maybe adding date nights into your weekly or monthly schedules?," Anna asked.

Mile hadn't thought about that. Even before this whole mess they hadn't really gone out on dates. He liked the idea however.

A date? Apo had never even fathomed a date. He wasn't even sure what a date entailed, but he was curious.

"Obviously by both of your pondering faces, you've never been on one. So I propose you have a date night. Spend time together alone, talk, rediscover why you two want to be together in the first place without making it about either pups." Luke suggested.

"Ok," Mile agreed right away while Apo nodded.

Spending time alone with Mile sounded good yet scary at the same time. His mixed feelings were starting to get on his nerves, he just felt tired.

The Omega looked at his big Alpha who was caressing Nolan's sleeping chin. A date night with Mile. He wondered how it would go.


Mile had spent the better part of his Tuesday shift, hiding in his office, glued to his computer to find the perfect place to take Apo for a date. Traditional ideas had hit him of course, such as going out to a fancy restaurant, going to the movies, going out to get ice cream or take a walk in the park. All of them sounded nice but Mile was worried about Apo's  condition. He was rounding his seventh month and Mile wanted him to be comfortable.

He was frustrated and wanted their first date to be special. The Alpha sighed and stood from his chair as he grabbed his car keys and made his way for the exit. He had someone to check on. It wasn't long till he pulled into the parking lot of Museum in bangkok He jogged up the stairs, waved at the regular security guard who had been there since the building was built and ducked inside the massive building.

It was busy for a Tuesday afternoon. He scanned the room twice before spotting the dark haired Beta he was looking for. Mile made his way over as the Beta spoke with unhappy customers.

"You called the police!," The customer shrieked, eyes wide staring at Mile.

"We will never come back here again!,"The man barked and ushered his two small pups of about six years old towards the exit.

"Problem?," Mile asked amused as Bill turned to face him.

"Officer Mile, you always seem to show up just at the right time," Bill smiled, shaking Mile's hand in greeting.

"The guy's pups were trying to be part of the bear's exhibit." Mile huffed a laugh.

A few years ago the young college Beta had gotten into trouble with the wrong crowd. Mile had found him and seeing the pup clearly hadn't belonged, the Alpha had given him an ultimatum. Mile would take him home, he would stay out of trouble, stay in school and Mile would regularly check on him, or go to jail. Bill had made the right choice and begged Mile not to tell his overbearing mother. Within months, the Beta was excelling in his classes once more and had found a good job at Museum  as the Manager.

Mile had been checking up on him every few months for the last two years.

"Guess I did pop in at the right time," The Alpha smiled and followed the young Beta towards his small office.

As they started down the hall, a massive poster for the stars and planets exhibit in the auditorium caught Mile's attention.

Stars. Apo had mentioned once how he had never seen the stars because Bangkok was too bright.

"Um, Mile? Is everything ok?," Bill asked, looking at him suspiciously. The Alpha hadn't realized he had stopped walking and was openly gawking at the poster.

Mile licked his lips as he smiled and looked at the short Beta.

"Actually, I need a favor,"


Apo was sound asleep with Mile wrapped around him, snoring lightly against his neck. Both dead to the world, comfortable in each other's warmth, mingled scents soothing and content when they were both jolted awake when the pup monitor crackled to life with Nolan's early morning cries.

The Omega growled and buried his nose into his pillow as Mile sat up, wiping his face.

"I'll go. Go back to sleep," Mile offered, caressing the Omega's shoulder before he stood and shuffled out of their bedroom.

Apo snuggled back in the bed but the warmth had been disturbed and the Alpha had taken most of the heat with him.

He groaned and moved to lay on his back to stare at the ceiling, since he was apparently awake now.

"Alright buddy, what's wrong?," Mile's voice came over the baby monitor. Apo could hear Nolan whining. He was wonderful with the pup. It was one of the first things that had attracted him to Mile.

Nolan had been in love with the big Alpha from day one. The Omega caressed his swollen stomach. He had no doubt Mile would be just as amazing with their second pup. Things between them were getting better. Apo was not as full of anxiety every day or feeling like he was stepping on eggshells all the time.

His fears were still there, but the Therapy sessions were really helping him. He found himself looking forward to going to bed with Mile and feeling safe in the big Alpha's arms. Mile never pushed for more, and when the Alpha would wake up with morning wood, which was pretty much every day, Mile would make sure to ease away from Apo before going into the shower to do the job.

Apo liked to let him think he didn't know what he was doing in there.

"You're gonna be a big brother, it's an awesome thing you'll see." Mile's voice said sweetly to Nolan. Apo smiled.

Mile was excited about the pup coming and he liked pumping Nolan up for it.

"Geezus! ugh! what did you eat!," Apo turned to look at the monitor as Nolan giggling came over the speaker. He could hear the diaper being removed.

"Ugh... this is just wrong Nolan," Apo snorted as he started laughing, covering his mouth with his hand. He could clearly imagine Mile's disgusted face turning green as he changed the pup.

"Ugh. I need a shower," Mile groaned over the pup monitor. Apo laughed, turning his face into the pillows.


Apo looked at his closet, frustrated. He had changed four times with Tong trying to help him decide. Mile had made plans for a date. Part of the Omega was excited, he had never been on a date before, yet the other part of him didn't want to go. He felt like a whale and unattractive.

"I don't wanna go. I have nothing to wear that won't make me look like a cow," Apo huffed as he sat back on the bed. Tong smiled at him.

"You know that's not true. Mile will love whatever you decide to wear," He encouraged as he walked over to the closet to pick something else out.

Apo caressed his swollen stomach. He knew he was right, but it didn't diminish the fact that he wanted to look attractive for Mile.

That realization made him smirk. The Alpha had gone through the trouble of planning their date and making sure Tong was available to babysit Nolan. His best friend had happily agreed as well as Pong, who was also here to spend time with Nolan, taking a break from his busy schedule at the hospital.

The only clue Mile had given Apo for their date was that there would be dinner and then a special surprise and for Apo to dressed comfortably.

"Ok it's still a tiny bit chilly outside but do you want pants or a dress?," Tong asked as he looked through the clothes hanging. Apo sighed.

"I'd like a dress but I haven't shaved my legs. I can't reach," He grumbled.  he did shave his legs from the knees to his ankles. It was frustrating not being able to do his beauty routines and he felt too shy to ask Mile for help.

Tong pulled out a midnight blue maternity dress and turned towards him.

"I'll help you don't worry. I think this dress will make Mile drool, you haven't worn it yet," He smiled, taking the tags off.

Apo had ordered the dressed from a catalog last month. He did love the dress. It was flowy and it reached just above his knees over his big stomach. It was long sleeved which was in a lace flower designed that continued around the collar, which would show off his neck and bite mark.

"Come on, I'll shave your legs while you put some makeup on," The older Omega instructed as he helped him up from the bed and ushered him towards the bathroom.

Pong couldn't kept the smirk from his face as he watched Mile pacing the length of the living room. Nolan was bouncing on Pong's lap, watching his Dada with curious eyes, sucking away on his binky.

"Mile," Pong started. Mile ran his fingers through his hand, growling when he realized he had just disheveled his spikes. He went to the mirror in the foyer and fixed his hair quickly.

"Mile," Pong tried again. "It will be fine, relax," He knew his baby brother was nervous. They had never gone on an actual date, having skipped a few steps. Seeing Mile so worried about it going well made him smirk sympathetically. Mile really wanted to make Apo happy.

"Dada!," Nolan cheered, wanting his father's attention. Pong smiled at the cutie on his lap. Mile turned around seeing Nolan smiling and reaching up for him. Without a second thought he picked up the pup who was looking at him knowingly. Mile arched a brow.

"Do you know something I don't?," The big Alpha asked his pup. Nolan touched Mile face with his little hands and then his bright brown eyes looked to the side of him. Nolan's smile somehow got brighter with his dimples showing.

"Papa pwetty," The pup announced, his right little hand pointing to the side. Mile spun around and found his Omega standing there, looking stunning and glowing.

"Wow," The Alpha gasped. The Omega's hair was neatly styled. His light brown eyes were shining, and beautiful lips with clear lip gloss. He wore a dark blue dress and his pretty feet in comfy looking black slippers.

"Sweetheart you look beautiful," Mile managed after Nolan poked his face from gawking.

Apo couldn't help the small blush. "Thank you. You look very handsome Alpha," The Omega admitted.

Mile was dressed in form fitting black jeans that hugged his ass just right and a forest green long sleeved that caressed the Alpha's broad shoulders and muscled arms. He was clean shaven and had gelled his hair. Pong stood and took Nolan from Mile.

"You look very nice Apo" He added, making the light brown haired Omega smiled at him.

"Thank you Phi Pong," Apo replied.

"Alright, you don't wanna be late, didn't you say you have a reservation Mile?," Tong said. He practically pushing them out of the house. He shoved both of their jackets at them as they started out of the door.

"Have a good time!," He closed the door and leaned his back against the door releasing a sigh. Pong smiled at him and went into the kitchen in favor of finding what Nolan wanted for dinner. 


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