Blood Brothers


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"We not gone let nothing or no one get in between us. We brothers y'all. Blood Brothers." Four friends whose... More

Chapter 1: Grand Rising
Chapter 2: The Past
Chapter 3: Rude Awakening
Chapter 4: Music to my Ears
Chapter 5: Hustle
Chapter 6: Proposition
Chapter 7: Conflict of Interest
Chapter 9: Potential
Chapter 10: Broken Promises
Chapter 11: More Life
Chapter 12: Loyalty
Chapter 13: Aftermath
Chapter 14: Heart to Heart
Chapter 15: Two Lines
Chapter 16: Missing You
Chapter 17: Pride
Chapter 18: Poison
Chapter 19: Emotional Rollercoaster
Chapter 20: Lovebirds
Chapter 21: Just Sing
Chapter 22: Wait for Me
Chapter 23: The Storm
Chapter 24: Word is Bond

Chapter 8: Changes

107 13 39


"Dom fucking tripping J, that nigga lucky I didn't ring his scrawny ass neck Tuesday night." Markell's voice flowed through Jordan's car speakers

Jordan listened to him vent as he drove to Lauryn's house, it was early Friday evening which meant that he was picking up Jordyn for the weekend.

"Come on Kel, y'all are better than this bullshit. Why don't you just talk to him? It seems to just be a big ass misunderstanding." Jordan reasoned

After all of the years of the men being friends, Jordan became the peacemaker of the group. He didn't care for drama or pointless ass arguments and he felt like life was too short to be beefing with the people you love especially when shit can just be talked out. Jordan knew his friends very well though, he knew that Markell was very prideful and Domonique was stubborn as hell so getting the two to reconcile would be easier said than done.

"Nah fuck that." Markell spat "That nigga said its fuck me, so he gone have to stand on that."

Jordan sighed, "Your feelings just hurt nigga and so is Dom's, once both of y'all get the fuck up out y'all feelings, then this whole issue can be resolved."

Markell sucked his teeth, "I ain't trying to hear that shit. Hell gone freeze over before I go out my way to hit that nigga line and that's on my father."

Jordan shook his head as he pulled into the driveway of Lauryn's three bedroom house located in midtown.

"Your pride gone be the death of you Markell." Jordan put his silver 2020 BMW Series 8 Grand Coupe in park

"Well so be it, I don't give a fuck how long we've been locked in, it's just certain shit you don't say." Markell spoke nonchalantly

"Your feelings are valid, and so are Dom's which is why y'all need to talk. But I'm not about to keep repeating myself, y'all grown ass men. Y'all will figure it out. This ain't y'all first argument anyway." Jordan stated honestly over the conversation

"Mhmm." Markell sighed into the phone "Imma let you go, I know you gotta pick up baby girl today. Give her a kiss for me, and tell her uncle Kel got her them new airpods she wanted."

Jordan shook his head before laughing, "Man, y'all got that girl spoiled rotten!"

Markell's laughter filled his car, "You know I can't tell her no, she gone get whatever she wants from me."

Jordan smiled at that statement, he was genuinely happy to have friends who loved and cared for his daughter just as much as he did. They were all a blessing.

"Appreciate you fool, I swear. But lemme go get her, I'll holla at you later." Jordan unbuckled his seat belt as he got ready to hang up his phone

"Heard you, be safe!" Markell responded before disconnecting the call

Jordan killed the engine to his car before stepping out and closing and locking his car doors. His freshly retwisted mid back length dreads swung freely from side to side as he walked to Lauryn's front door and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" He heard Lauryn ask from the other end of the door

"Girl you got this ring camera, you know it's me. Open the door before I kick it open." He joked

Lauryn swung the door open and mean mugged him, "Mhmm, kick my door open and imma be kicking yo ass all up and down my driveway."

"Stop talking crazy, you wouldn't lay a hand on me." Jordan said with a smirk

Lauryn rolled her eyes before smiling, "Try me and see."

"Man whatever, where my daughter at?" He asked dismissing her statement

"She's upstairs, packing up a few more toys. Come in, I want to talk to you anyways." Lauryn opened the door wider so that Jordan could step in

"What's going on?" Jordan asked curiously as Lauryn closed and locked the door

Jordan was used to picking Jordyn up, saying hi and bye to Lauryn, and leaving. The fact that she invited him into her home caught him off guard and made him very curious as to what she wanted to talk about. From Jordan's perspective, his and Lauryn's co-parenting relationship was in a great space for once and he hoped that she wasn't about to mess that up.

"Calm down Jordan, it's nothing negative." Lauryn laughed as she walked into the living room and sat on the couch

Jordan followed her and sat on the smaller sofa that was a few inches away from the couch that Lauryn sat on. He took in her appearance and noticed that she had gotten her hair braided down in stitch braids into a bun in the back, she wore a black nike shirt with the matching sweat pants, and a pair of white nike socks covered her feet. Her dark brown melanin skin was glowing, and her brown almond shaped eyes sparkled, Lauryn looked happy.

"What's up with you Lauryn? You got this glow to you. I haven't seen you shining like this since you were pregnant with Jordyn." Jordan expressed

Lauryn laughed showing off her almost straight teeth that were covered with braces, "Sound like you trying to play me. I know I look good!"

"Shit, I never said you didn't." Jordan shrugged his shoulders "Talk to me, what's up?" He gave her his undivided attention

Lauryn took a deep breath, "Well I've been seeing someone."

"What, like dating?" Jordan asked

Lauryn nodded her head, "Yeah, we've been dating for about 3 months now."

Jordan nodded his head, he wasn't surprised that Lauryn was dating someone. She was a beautiful woman and she had a lot going for herself, she had her cosmetology and business license and was the owner of one of the most popular beauty salons in the city, Hair and Glamour. Lauryn was a certified hustler, not only did she do hair and makeup, she also taught classes on how to do braids, wig installs, natural hair, and make up. Her business was doing extremely well and Jordan was not only happy for her, but he was also proud of her. He of all people knew how hard Lauryn worked to get to where she was today. He remembered the days back in high school when she was doing hair out of her mama's kitchen. Jordan saw firsthand how Lauryn evolved into the woman she was today and it was a beautiful sight to see.

"Does he make you happy? You look happy." Jordan genuinely stated

Lauryn smiled causing her dimples to appear, "He does. He makes me very happy, he cares about me, Jordan."

Jordan smirked, "You say that like I don't care about you."

Lauryn rolled her eyes, "Not as much as you care about your music."

Jordan sighed. Although he and Lauryn were young when they had Jordyn, he did love Lauryn and truly did care about her. Hell, she was the mother of his child, she gave him the best gift he could ever ask for. They were just polar opposites and back then they were still trying to figure out who they were and what they wanted out of life. Their life paths just didn't align with each other, and adding a baby to that equation just made shit tens times harder. Lauryn loved and cared for Jordan just as much as he did her, but she would never forget the times that Jordan put his music career before her. The two decided years ago that they were better off as friends and coparents.

"Let's not even go down that road Lauryn, it never ends well." He looked at her

Lauryn shrugged her shoulders, "You right. Anyways, I want to introduce my boyfriend to Jordyn."

Jordan's jaw flexed at the words that just came out of Lauryn's mouth.

"What? Y'all only been dating 3 months right? Don't you think it's too soon?" He asked her as he tried to keep his emotions in check

For the most part Jordan was a laid back nigga but when it came to the people he loved, especially his daughter, he could get very overprotective and guarded. He didn't care that Lauryn was dating, in fact he was happy for her, but he was skeptical of her having some random ass nigga around his daughter.

"I met him 3 months prior to us dating, so it's been about 6 months since I've known him. You and I made the agreement that if either one of us started dating we'd tell one another and that's exactly what I'm doing. Please don't make this hard Jordan." Lauryn looked at him

Jordan sighed, "I just don't want no random ass nigga around my daughter Lauryn. I don't even know shit about this nigga."

"Well I'd like for you to meet him before I introduce him to Jordyn." Lauryn stated

Jordan slightly chuckled, "You serious bout this nigga huh?"

Lauryn nodded her head, "Dead ass."

"A'ight. What's his name? What does he do?" Jordan asked

If this nigga was going to potientally be around his child, he needed to know everything about him.

"His name is Quincy, and he is a teacher." Lauryn answered with a smile

"A teacher huh? You left me" Jordan pointed at himself "A fine ass musician, an artist, for a teacher?" He joked

Lauryn sucked her teeth, "Be fucking forreal Jordan, you always playing. Do you want to meet him or not?" annoyance laced in every word she spoke

"Girl you so damn sensitive, got damn can't even joke with your ass." Jordan complained, "But yeah sure, I'll feel him out and determine if he's worthy enough to be in my daughter's presence."

Lauryn looked at him, "He really makes me happy Jordan, and if I didn't think he was a great person I wouldn't even be entertaining him."

As Jordan opened his mouth to respond, Jordyn came running down the stairs and into the living room.

"Daddddddyyyy!!" She yelled enthusiastically as she ran into Jordan's arms

"Hey pretty girl!" He said as he hugged her and kissed the side of her face multiple times

"Your mama braided your hair?" He looked Jordyn over admiring her neat braids and clear beads "What they call those? Pineapple braids?"

Lauryn and Jordyn both laughed.

"No daddy, they're lemonade braids." She smiled at him

Her smile melted his heart, "Oh, my bad, they look beautiful baby. Your mama did her thing." He complimented as he winked at Lauryn who fanned him off

"Thank you daddy. You ready to go?" She asked him

Jordan smiled. His daughter was a true daddy's girl and it showed.

"Yes ma'am." He grabbed her small pink duffle bag that she bought downstairs with her "Give your mama a hug and kiss."

Jordyn did as she was told and showered her mama with love.

"I'll miss you sunshine, be on your best behavior. I love you." Lauryn kissed Jordyn's forehead

"I love you too mommy." Jordyn said before grabbing her fathers hand and walking towards the front door with him

Lauryn followed them out, "Jordan we can finish up our conversation Sunday evening when you drop her off. Sound good?"

Jordan opened the front door allowing Jordyn to step out onto the porch first before he followed behind her.

"Yeah sounds fine Lauryn, we'll see you on Sunday." He answered as he and Jordyn made their way to his car

He unlocked the doors and buckled Jordyn into her booster seat and put her bag next to her before closing the door and making his way to the driver's seat. He noticed Lauryn was still standing on the porch watching them leave as she always did.

"A got damn teacher." Jordan mumbled to himself before laughing and starting his car

He shook his head as he started his car and backed out of the driveway, eager to spend the weekend with his favorite person.


"Here's that track list you asked for." Noah said as he slid a sheet of paper towards Jordan

Later that evening, the two of them sat at the marble granite island in Jordan's kitchen finishing up Chinese food. Jordyn had already eaten and was in the living room making Tik Toks on her iPad.

Jordan grabbed the sheet of paper and quickly glanced over it, "Bet, you got a little bit of everything on here" he said in approval noticing that Noah had various genres of music on his list and from various years going back to the late 80's

Noah laughed, "You know me, I like a little bit of everything. I know you finna have my shit lit though, it's never a dull moment when DJ Gemini is on the ones and twos."

Jordan smiled, "You damn right, imma rock yo shit out. Don't even worry about it, this finna be the party of the year."

Noah nodded his head in agreement, "That's big facts."

Noah's phone went off multiple times, causing him to sigh heavily as he checked his notifications.

"Rayne?" Jordan asked as he ate the rest of his vegetable lo mein

"Nah, fucking Dom. I swear this nigga been blowing my phone up since him and Markell got into it. Just venting, I told his stubborn ass he just needs to talk to Markell." Noah explained

Jordan laughed before shaking his head, "Shit you preaching to the choir. I've been telling Markell the same shit."

"Yeah, imma just let them figure that shit out. They have bounced back plenty of times before, this time won't be any different." Noah said as he got up to throw his empty containers in the trash can

"Yeah you right." Jordan said in agreement

"Anyway, I've been looking into Jamal's case." Noah announced as he leaned against the kitchen counter

Jordan's heart skipped a beat as soon as the words came out of Noah's mouth. He was nervous when he initially asked Noah to look into his brother's case, but the fact that Noah had agreed to do so put his nerves at ease. Honestly, he wasn't expecting Noah to have looked into Jamal's case so soon. Jordan should've known better though, Noah was the definition of dependable.

"Anything you can do for him?" Jordan looked at Noah

"Possibly. I want to petition for a retrial." Noah answered

"Retrail?" Jordan questioned "Like take his case back to trial?"

"Yup." Noah answered "We'd reopen the case, go over all the details, have a new jury, a new judge, and a new approach."

"What would the new approach be?" Jordan asked completely intrigued

"Mental health and new beginnings." Noah answered simply "Back then when the incident happened Jamal was 16 years old and his mother had just got murdered a few months prior. The prosceuters tried to portray him as being a ruthless, cold hearted, street nigga but in all actuality, he was a severly depressed, undiagnosed, grieving teenager. Now I'm not saying what he did was right, but no one looked at the bigger picture, no one took into account what he was battling mentally, not even his sorry ass lawyer. No worries though, I'm going to get the job done."

Jordan nodded his head, he agreed with everything that Noah was saying. His mothers death left both of her sons broken-hearted. While Jordan turned to music, Jamal went to the streets, they both grieved in different ways. Jamal was angry and it showed, he didn't get a chance to grieve properly. It was as if he was making everyone pay for his mothers passing.

"That sounds good Noah, great even. Do you think we have a good shot at winning the retrial?"

"I do." Noah responded with no hesitation "Jamal has made a tremendous amount of progress since he has been locked up, he's no longer that broken teenager who entered the system years ago. He has grown as a person, he's an adult now. He deserves a second chance and I'm going to fight for him to get that second chance, you got my word on that Jordan."

Jordan smiled, "That's all I need Noah, you just as much as my brother as Jamal is. I know your word is good. Is there anything else you need from me?"

"Just be prepared, anything can happen. This won't be an easy journey." Noah warned "Oh and I'll be needing to go to the prison to visit Jamal, it's important that he's heavily involved in this case and that his voice is heard."

"Okay got you. What's the fee looking like? I'll take care of everything." Jordan responded

He had no issue paying Noah what he was worth, especially considering the fact that he was going out of his way to work on Jamal's case.

Noah laughed, "Fee? Nigga it's on the house. Consider it pro bono."

Jordan quickly shook his head, "Nah man, I can't let you do that."

"Jordan please, you DJ'ing my party for free. What's the difference?" Noah asked

"The difference is DJ'ing is easy for me, it comes easy. You getting Jamal out of prison isn't going to be an easy feat, I have to pay you for your time Noah."

Noah waved Jordan off, "Man I don't wanna hear that shit, you and I were locked in way before this lawyer shit. Since we were 7. I'm not charging you anything J. Just let me do this for you, let me bring Jamal home. Seeing your face when you finally hug your brother again will be all the payment I need." Noah expressed genuinely

Jordan's heart felt full as he took in Noah's words, he was so grateful and blessed to have genuine ass friends. He didn't even know how to verbally express his gratitude to Noah, he just hoped that Noah felt it.

"I appreciate you man, I swear to God." Jordan said looking at him

Noah smiled, "And you know it's vice versa. I got you bro. Now where is my niece at? Jordyn!" He yelled out "Show uncle Noah how to do one of them tik tok dances." Noah patted Jordan on the back before going into the living room to spend time with his niece

Jordan laughed at Noah before getting up to put away Jordyn's leftover food and to clean up the slightly dirty kitchen. He couldn't help the smile that stayed on his face for the remainder of the evening. From the looks of everything, his brother would be coming home sooner rather than later.

Have y'all seen any similar personality traits that the four men have so far? If so, what are they? I know y'all wondering how exactly Jordan's mom got killed, don't worry as the book progresses, that story will be told in later chapters!

What do y'all think about Lauryn? About her and Jordan's coparenting relationship? Thoughts on her and Quincy dating?

Hope you all enjoyed, until next time!


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