Last One

By Autu_mn

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Everything seems to be improving and going perfectly well for teenager Demi, but that soon changes when she's... More

Last One
Last One - Act 1, Scene 1
Last One - Act 1, Scene 2
Last One - Act 1, Scene 3
Last One - Act 1, Scene 4
Last One - Act 1, Scene 5
Last One - Act 1, Scene 6
Last One - Act 1, Scene 7
Last One - Act 2, Scene 1
Last One - Act 2, Scene 2
Last One - Act 2, Scene 3
Last One - Act 2, Scene 4
Last One - Act 2, Scene 5
Last One - Act 2, Scene 6
Last One - Act 3, Scene 1
Last One - Act 3, Scene 2
Last One - Act 3, Scene 3
Last One - Act 3, Scene 4
Last One - Act 3, Scene 5
Last One - Act 3, Scene 6
Last One - Act 4, Scene 1
Last One - Act 4, Scene 2
Last One - Act 4, Scene 3
Last One - Act 4, Scene 4
Last One - Act 4, Scene 5
Last One - Act 4, Scene 6
Last One - Act 4, Scene 7
Last One - Act 4, Scene 8
Last One - Act 4, Scene 9
Last One - Act 4, Scene 10
Last One - Act 4, Scene 11

Last One - Act 3, Scene 7

28 1 0
By Autu_mn


Demi and Kayla sitting in the canteen

Adele walks up to them and sits down

Adele: Hi guys.

Demi: Hey y-you're here!

Adele: Yeah yeah I'm here. Sorry, I was gonna message but I've been visiting Ethan the last few days and completely forgot.

Demi: It's o-okay Adele, we w-were just worried that's all.

Adele: Yeah. So was I.

Demi: S-so what happened?

Adele takes a deep breath

Adele: You know Ethan had that knee injury a while back?

Kayla: Yeah?

Adele: Yeah well, they tried to fix his knee that second time, but it healed badly cause they set it wrong. And then fast forward to Sunday night, he's in excruciating pain, ends up in hospital, and... now he's an amputee.

Kayla: Shit.

Demi: W-wait so they c-cut off his leg!? It was that b-bad that they c-couldn't do anything else!?

Adele: Yeah.

Kayla: Hang on, hang on, what's he gonna do about running? He wanted to go to the Olympics right?

Adele: I don't even know if he'll want to do any of that after this. He doesn't really wanna do anything at the minute.

Kayla: Poor dude.

Adele: Yeah he's not doing too great. (Starts to tear up)

Demi: I know w-what that's like. Can w-we go see him?

Adele: Yeah, might cheer him up to see his friends. (Smiles slightly whilst trying not to cry) He should be home today too.

Kayla: Ok so it's settled, we're going round his after school.

Adele: I'll message him and say. the hospital

Joe pushing Ethan in wheelchair

Joe: You okay dude?

Ethan: Yeah, just tired.

Joe: Makes sense. Bet you're excited to go home though.

Ethan: Yeah, I guess. Won't be back in school for at least three weeks though.

Joe: At least its only three weeks and not like two months.

Ethan: True. How come you're being so optimistic lately?

Joe: I err, stopped smoking.

Ethan: Shit, no way, dude that's amazing.

Joe: Yeah. I mean I have one from time to time but I've cut down a lot.

Ethan: That's amazing dude. I'm proud.

Joe: Thanks. It's fucking hard though I tell ya.

Ethan: Yeah I can imagine.

Joe: Obviously nothing compared to what you're going through but yeah.

Ethan: Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that if I'm honest.

Joe: Ok, whatever you say dude.

Ethans phone went off, he checks it

Joe: Who was that?

Ethan: Adele. Said her and the others are gonna come see me later.

Joe: Nice. I told my form tutor I'm ill today so I can stay with you if you want.

Ethan: Yeah that'll be good. Might take my mind off this as well.

Joe: Ok I'll just let my mum know.

Both exit the hospital

Back at school...

Maths class

Kayla and Demi go to their desk

Lacey and Jesse walk in

Jesse: Still in a wheelchair I see. (Laughs) That's what you get for trying to stand up.

Lacey: Well she can't stand now.

Demi: I c-can still r-roll over your feet though.

Jesse: Sorry? What was that? Couldn't understand from all the stuttering.

Kayla: Oh piss off you dickhead.

Jesse and Lacey walk away and sit at their desks, still talking

Lacey: Apparently their other mates in hospital too! Better not be friends with her otherwise you'll end up injured as well.

Jesse: Why would anyone wanna be friends with her anyway!?

Lacey: Exactly.

Both laughing loudly

Kayla: God they piss me off. Dem?

Demi: Huh?

Kayla: I said they piss me off.

Demi: Oh, yeah. Hey h-have you n-noticed Joe ain't in?

Kayla: He's not in? Obviously Ethan's not here but na I didn't realise Joe weren't.

Demi: Yeah. It's w-weird.

Kayla: So you miss him?

Demi: What?

Kayla: Dem come on. You never talk about Joe... unless you still like him!

Demi: I d-dunno, m-maybe I do a little...

Kayla: I knew it!

Demi: Yeah b-but he left me at the d-dance and I c-can't ignore that.

Kayla: I guess that's one way to stop missing him.

Demi: You d-didn't know him like I d-did though. E-even if he was a b-bitch at times, he d-did c-care and I c-can't ignore that.

Kayla: Yeah I guess so. And at least he apologised for leaving you by yourself at the dance as well.

Demi: Yeah, so he d-does still c-care.

Kayla: Yeah, it's not like he went out to go kiss another girl after kissing you.

Demi: Yeah. If he d-did that then I w-wouldn't miss him.

Both laugh

After school

The girls got dropped off outside Ethans house

Adele knocked on the door

Ethan: It's open!

All go inside

Adele: Hey love.

Ethan: Hey.

They hug

Adele: How you feeling?

Ethan: So tired but better now you're here.

Adele: I've missed you so much.

Ethan: So have I. (kisses Adele)

Kayla: Hey dude.

Ethan: Hey guys. Welcome to my house I guess. (Laughs lightly)

Kayla: How've you been?

Ethan: Okay I guess. Glad to be home.

Kayla: Yeah not surprised, hospitals are gross.

Demi: And the f-food sucks.

Ethan: True. (Laughs lightly) You okay Dem? Ya know, with your injury and that.

Demi: Oh yeah n-no I'm f-fine, d-don't w-worry about me.

Ethan: At least you can't feel it I guess.

Demi: That's o-one advantage at the m-minute. C-can't w-walk though, b-but hey, it is w-what it is.

Ethan: Yeah, and hey at least you won't be the only one in a wheelchair for a while, I'm stuck using it till my leg...or I should say what's left of it, heals properly.

Demi: T-true. I c-can t-teach you my t-tricks for g-getting around in it t-too if y-you w-want?

Ethan: Oh my god yeah please. I keep getting stuck.

Both laugh

Demi: You'll g-get the h-hang of it e-eventually, it t-took m-me a w-while.

Ethan: I'll get a workout for my arms too.

Demi: Y-yeah y-you w-will. (Laughs)

Joe walks into the room looking at his phone

Joe: Hey Ethan who you talking to?

Joe looks up

Joe: Oh shit. Hi guys.

Adele: Hi Joe.

Kayla: (whispering almost to Demi) So that's why he wasn't in maths.

Demi: M-m-makes s-s-sense.

Kayla: Dem you okay? You're stuttering a lot.

Demi: Y-y-yeah. J-j-just t-t-tired...

Demi zones out

Kayla: She's having a seizure.

Adele goes up to Demi and holds her hand

Adele: It's okay Dem, you're safe.

Ethan: I feel so bad for her. She's got so much to deal with.

Joe: Dude so do you. You literally just got your leg amputated.

Ethan ignores Joe and tries to go closer to Demi

Demi comes out of it

Kayla: Hey there she is!

Demi: Hi.

Adele: You okay Dem?

Demi: Y-yeah f-f-fine.

Adele: Good.

Ethan: Do you want a drink or anything Dem?

Demi: N-no Ethan it's ok-kay. I'll d-do it.

Ethan: I'm not sure if that's such a good idea Dem, you just had a seizure.

Adele: Yeah Dem I agree with Ethan.

Demi: I-I am f-fine!

Adele: Ok ok. If you need us just shout.

Demi: Y-yeah y-yeah.

Demi makes her way into the kitchen

Kayla: So, Joe. How come you're here?

Joe: I'm helping Ethan.

Kayla: Right. Explains why you weren't in maths earlier.

Joe: Yeah. I didn't miss much did I?

Kayla: No no, just Jesse and Lacey picking on Demi again.

Ethan: Aren't those guys friends with Kira?

Joe: Yeah, yeah they're friends with Kira.

Kayla: Who the fuck is this Kira bitch?

Joe looks at Ethan and Adele

Joe: She's err, my girlfriend.

Kayla: Hang on you're dating this bitch who's friends with the guys who literally bully Demi. Might I also mention that Demi is your ex!

Noise comes from the kitchen

Ethan: Dem? You okay?

Ethan makes his way into the kitchen, Adele follows

Demi on the floor in there, broken glass surrounding her

Demi: Ethan, I-I'm s-sorry, it s-slipped out my h-hand. I t-tried to g-grab it b-but fell. I'm s-sorry. (Almost crying)

Ethan: Hey hey hey Dem it's ok, don't worry.

Adele helps Demi back into her wheelchair

Adele: How did you get on the floor?

Demi: I m-moved my l-leg.

Ethan: Hang on, you couldn't move your leg before?

Demi: Oh s-shit y-yeah.

Adele: Try again Dem.

Demi moved her leg up slightly

Demi: S-shit. I m-moved it.

All three laughing and smiling

Adele: I better clean this up.

Ethan: Thanks babe. Don't move Dem, you don't want to get a puncture.

Demi: I w-wont, y-you s-stay there too.

Ethan: I will, don't worry.

Adele cleaned up all the glass

Demi: A-all c-clean?

Adele: Yeah, you're good to go Dem.

Demi goes to wheel herself out of the kitchen

Ethan: Hey Dem, come here a minute

Ethan looks at Demi's hands

Ethan: Adele, can you get the first aid kit please, Dem has a load of cuts on her hands and leg.

Demi: I d-didn't even r-realise.

Ethan: Probably cause you can't feel it that much still.

Demi: P-probably yeah.

Joe and Kayla still arguing in the living room

Kayla: I can't believe you fucking did that to her!

Joe: It's not like I did that to you!

Kayla: Yeah, but you did it to her of all people! Hasn't she been through enough.

Joe: She's not the only person who's been through shit in the last month. Look at Ethan for fucks sake.

Demi: (to Ethan from in the kitchen) W-what are they t-talking about?

Ethan: I dunno Dem.

Adele: Dem, come here let me help clean up those cuts.

Joe and Kayla till arguing

Kayla: You left her on the dance floor by herself, when she could barely even stand up! And then she got pushed over. Because of you.

Joe: I told her to go sit down but she said she was fine!

Kayla: Because she only fucking thought you'd be gone for a minute to get a drink. But no, you'd gone outside to smoke! And you kissed what's her face when you were dating Demi!

Ethan, Adele and Demi come back into the living room

Joe: I wasn't dating Dem! Ok I kissed her at the dance but that was one time! I'm with Kira! She was the one I kissed outside that night!

Demi: S-so that's w-why y-you were g-gone for so long. Y-you lied.

Joe: Dem, I...

Demi: (crying) Y-you really d-don't care d-do you.

Demi goes to leave

Joe: Demi, just let me explain.

Demi: N-no Joe, y-you've d-done enough. (Takes a deep breath in) Ethan, I h-hope y-you f-feel b-better. M-message m-me if you n-need anything.

Demi leaves

Kayla: For fucks sake Joe. You always have to treat her badly don't you.

Kayla leaves after Demi

Adele: I should go too, make sure Dem is okay.

Ethan: Yeah go ahead.

Adele leaves

Ethan: You too Joe.

Joe: Ethan, come on. I'm here to help you! You need me.

Ethan: I'll be fine Joe, just leave.

Joe: It's not like you didn't know I did that! I told you!

Ethan: Yeah but I wouldn't have told Dem like that.

Joe scoffs in disbelief

Ethan: Just go dude.

Joe: Fine. I'll go, but don't expect me to come back!

Joe storms out and slams the door

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