I'm Not Wicked

By CottenCandyPoison

85.8K 2.2K 148

This is a Descendant story that will follow Eleanor Thropp through her trip to Auradon. Eleanor is the daugh... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve (finale part)
(Descendants 2) Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
(Descendants 3) Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven

Part Sixteen

1.4K 45 4
By CottenCandyPoison

"Gabriela..." Eleanor trailed off, seeing her friend crying her eyes out.

She had found her in their shared dorm room; sitting on her very pink bed in a fetal position.

Eleanor quickly shut the door and ran over to her. As she sat next to her (looking a bit like a confused bird by the way she was sitting) Gabriela looked up at her with her eyes full of tears.

"I don't understand why practically everyone thinks I should just—stop talking to you! Oh, Gabriela, she put a spell on you! Gabriela, why would you want to reside with someone so disgust-ick-a-fide? Gabriela, I don't want you to make the same mistake as Glinda!" Gabriela screamed, running an angry hand through her hair.

Eleanor put an awkward arm over Gabriela's shoulder as she considered what to say. Growing up, Fiyero was the only one who would really be good at this kinda comfort stuff. Elphaba could help with some good advice, but was never the best at, "hey, don't worry, everything's gonna be okay." because most of the time, that was a pure lie.

"I mean, someone says one mean thing to me and I fall apart! You're so much better at this than me." Gabriela complained, crossing her arms like a child.

"To be fair, I've had more practice when it comes to dealing with people saying rude things." Eleanor stated, still unsure about the situation.

Gabriela laughed slightly at Eleanor's comment before going back to pouting.

Carlos would know what to do, Eleanor thought.

"You can't let what they say bother you." She stated, looking unsure if she wanted to say it at all.

I always do, but you shouldn't, she thought, though she didn't say it aloud.

"Like you." Gabriela said, looking up at her friend.

"I have no other choice." Eleanor said plainly, looking over at Gabriela.

The two stared at each other for a long, silently moment.

Nock, nock, nock, nock, nock-

"Two nocks would've sufficed!" Eleanor yelled, silencing the nocking as she walked to the door.

She opened it to see a group of people.

"Glad to see you're back to normal." Dorian stated, sounding annoyed but also a bit fearful.

Eleanor moved to the side as she noticed Jay holding Dorian by the shirt with the angriest expression.

As he walked in with Carlos, Mal, and Evie close behind him, Eleanor noticed they all had angry expressions.

"You know, the fact that he told you to leave, seems like it should've been included in the 'Why i'm leaving Auradon' story!" Mal yelled, directing her anger at Dorian.

"We found out last night, but considering the events we thought it would be better to tell everyone today." Evie explained, fumbling a bit as she spoke.

"Wait, what's going on?" Gabriela asked, walking over to the group, quickly whipping the tears from her cheeks.

Jay still held onto Dorian's button up pollo shirt as he glared at him.

"You tell her." Carlos demanded through gritting teeth.

"Guys, you don't have to-"

"I told Eleanor to leave." Dorian said quickly, interrupting the girl in question.

"What?" Gabriela asked disbelief, anger rising in her face.

"It's fine, it doesn't really matter!" Eleanor yelled, throwing her arms in the air; which hurt, by the way.

"Yes it does! He-he's...arg!" Carlos exclaimed, failing to articulate words through his anger.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say Dorian is an ass-"

"I know! I'm the worst! You made that very clear on the walk here!" Dorian interrupted, moving closer to Jay and quickly backing up as he practically growled at him.

"Dorian, why would you do that?" Gabriela asked, pretty sure she already knew what his response would be.

Eleanor crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot slightly as she gave Dorian a "you should've seen this coming" look.

"I would just like to point out," Eleanor started, making everyone turn to her, "before you try and say that you're worried I'm like my mother, even in the context you have, she wasn't in the wrong."

"You wanna elaborate, or-" Dorian started, but Eleanor was already way ahead of him with her response.

"Your mother shows up in a falling house, kills her sister, takes the shoes from her corpse, refuses to give my mother what was rightfully hers in the first place-"

"Okay, I see your point, I guess-"

"I'm not done!" Eleanor practically screamed, interrupted Dorian once again, "the shoes that were the only thing she had to remember her sister, by the way. And then supposedly killed her off as well!"

A moment of you actually have a point crossed Dorian's face, only staying for a couple seconds before another thought crossed his mind.

That's why she wanted the shoes?

Gabriela walked up to Eleanor and gave her a hug, which Eleanor surprisingly excepted.

"Are you okay?" The blonde asked quietly.

"Sweet Oz, Gabriela, I'm the one who's supposed to be comforting you." Eleanor responded with a slight laugh that Gabriela returned.

"I know," Gabriela said, pulling away and holding Eleanor's hands, "that's what makes me so nice."

"Um... I hate to break up this touching moment, but ah..." Carlos stated unsurely, gesturing to Dorian.

Eleanor quickly noticed the the two were just standing in silence, holding hands as they stared at each other.

Gabriela seemed to notice as well as her face became more pink than her dress and Eleanor's cheeks grew a darker shade of green, accented by a bit of purple.

The green-girls mind raised.

What just happened?

Why is Gabby blushing?

Am I blushing!?

Sweet Oz...

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