Losing Hope *EDITING*

By jensenclays

211K 5.1K 2.7K

(Glenn Rhee love story) Living through hell is hard for Claire. That hell just so happens to be trying to sur... More

Chapter 1; Claire Curvel
Chapter 2; Claire Curvel
Chapter 3; Claire Curvel
Chapter 4; Claire Curvel
Chapter 5; Claire Curvel
Chapter 6; Claire Curvel
Chapter 7; Claire Curvel
Chapter 8; Claire Curvel
Chapter 9; Claire Curvel
Chapter 10; Claire Curvel
Chapter 11; Claire Curvel
Chapter 12; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 13; Claire Curvel
Chapter 14; Claire Curvel
Chapter 15; Claire Curvel
Chapter 16; Claire Curvel
Chapter 17; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 18; Claire Curvel
Chapter 19; Claire Curvel
Chapter 20; Claire Curvel
Chapter 21; Claire Curvel
Chapter 22; Claire Curvel
Chapter 23; Claire Curvel
Chapter 24; Claire Curvel
Chapter 25; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 26; Claire Curvel
Chapter 28; Claire Curvel
Chapter 29; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 30; Claire Curvel
Chapter 31; Claire Curvel
Chapter 32; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 33; Claire Curvel
Chapter 34; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 35; Claire Curvel
Chapter 36; Claire Curvel
Chapter 37; Claire Curvel
Chapter 38; Claire Curvel
Chapter 39; Glenn Rhee
Choose one please (A/N note)
Chapter 40; Claire Curvel
Chapter 41; Claire Curvel
Chapter 42
a/n; please read
Chapter 43; Claire Curvel
Chapter 44; Claire Curvel
Chapter 45; Claire Curvel
important!! please read.

Chapter 27; Claire Curvel

3.3K 88 62
By jensenclays

"I need to pee," Beth nagged again. I chuckled softly, lifting my head up from her shoulder.

"We've been driving for hours," I pointed out. "I need to pee too." I looked up front to Glenn, waiting for an indication that he heard me. Him and Maggie switched off on driving an hour ago. It was night now and we hadn't even stopped once. "Unless you want us to pee in the back seats," I challenged.

Glenn honked the horn twice before slowly pulling over. I leaned forward in the middle seat, shaking Hershel's shoulder. I waited until he opened his tired eyes before saying anything. "Me and Beth are going to go pee, is that okay?"

Hershel nodded his head tiredly, sitting up right and unbuckling his seat belt. "I need to too so I'll go with you guys."

Beth opened the door, sliding out and waiting for me to get out before closing the door softly as not to wake Maggie up who was asleep in the back still. I shivered as the chilly night air blew against my skin --pulling my pathetic excuse for a jacket tighter around me and pulling the sleeves over my hands.

"What's going on? Why'd you guys honk?" Rick asked as he came towards us.

"Bathroom break," Beth answered timidly.

I nodded; raising an eyebrow as Rick looked displeased. "Al'right. Anyone else that needs to use the bathroom needs to go now because we are not stopping again tonight."

I smirked as several people scattered to the edge of the road, finding an abandoned car or something to hide behind while they did their business. I followed Beth to a small Honda, standing on the other side as she went pee.

"I sure wish we had toilet paper or something," she complained. I laughed quietly, shaking my head. "I'd feel better as least knowing I could wipe down there."

"I'll be sure to pick some up if I find any," I promised. I sighed, sticking my hands into my jean pockets. I kicked a empty can at my feet away from me, leaning against the side door of the Honda. "Beth?"


I shook my head. "Never mind."

I turned my head to the side, waiting for Beth to walk over to me before going around the car. I pulled my jeans halfway down, squatting down and using my right hand to hold myself up with the car as I peed, my stomach tingling from releasing the pressure in my bladder.

"I wonder if the dog got away," Beth spoke loudly.

"Me too." I really did want Franco back around. He made me smile even if it was just for that one day yesterday that I had him. Now I lost him and for all I know he could be walker chow right now. I should have kept a better eye on him.

I zipped my jeans back up once I was finished and walked back over to Beth, my teeth chattering from how cold it was tonight. It was freezing and I do not like the cold under any circumstances. "The adults are talking, I guess someone smarted up and took the food out the car and now we lost it all," Beth told me as I stood by her.

"Oh," I mumbled. I pushed myself off the car and quickly made my way to Maggie's car. I opened the door and bent down to look under the back seats. I smiled at the sight of the few cans I managed to grab. There was about 13 of them possibly. I'm surprised I grabbed even that much in the rush we were in. I grabbed 4 cans and walked towards Rick and them. "I managed to grab a few cans before we left," I beamed.

Rick and the others looked at me surprised. "What? Nobody else thought to grab any so I did." I hid the proud smile I so badly wanted to show off, just glad I managed to help out once again.

"Thank God we have someone smart around here," Daryl praised.

I smiled, holding out a can for someone to grab. Rick grabbed it, nodding his head in thanks towards me. He handed it to Carl and grabbed another one for Lori. "I don't know what we would do without you around," Rick admitted.

"Probably forget the cans of food again," I joked. I handed one to Carol, earning a small smile from her. Daryl took one too and T-Dog took the last one in my arms. "I have more in the car if you need anymore Rick." I was really only telling him because Carl needed to eat and Lori was pregnant so she needed food as well.

"How many cans you got left?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe about 9 more at most," I told him.

"Save 'em. We'll try to find more food tomorrow. Just make sure you, Beth, and the others eat as well tonight."

I nodded, stuffing my hands back in my pockets as I turned around to go back to the car. The only light source I had was the glaring lights from Maggie's car that led me back to where I needed to be. I swung the back door open, taking my spot back in the middle seat and waiting for Beth and Hershel to get back in.

My eyes flickered to the sleeping Maggie besides me and then up front where Glenn sat quietly, his hands still gripping onto the steering wheel. I furrowed my eyebrows, debating if I wanted to keep my talking with him to a minimal or not. "What's wrong with you?" I found myself asking. I rose both of my eyebrows --not liking the rude glare he sent back my way before turning back around to stare out the window. "Did I do something now again? Is it because I went pee?"

"No." His tone was sharp and it left no room for conversation.

I rolled my eyes at his attitude, slumping in my seat. I stared out the window, my lips pressed in a firm line, my jaw clenching as my hands balled into fists. Stupid Korean man. Always managing to piss me off. I don't see what crawled up his anus and put him in a bad mood, but now he was making me irritated once again.

The door opened, making me look over at Beth and Hershel. "Daddy said you can sit up front with Glenn if you'd like," Beth insisted.

"Oh, okay." I internally groaned, leaning forward and climbing up into the front seat. I held back a laugh as I accidentally elbowed Glenn in the cheek, not hard enough to leave a bruise but hard enough for me to find it funny. "Sorry," I apologized even if I wasn't sorry.

He deserved it at least. He's being a jerk again.

I plopped down in the passenger seat, going right back to slumping. "Put your seat belt on," Glenn demanded.

I rolled my eyes, pulling my seat belt on nonetheless. No use in making him angrier at me. Glenn started up the car and we were off, following behind everyone else as Daryl led the way this time. The car was silent, a silence I didn't want at the moment.

I sighed heavily, leaning my head against the cold window. I chewed on my bottom lip in thought, small white puffs of air blowing out of my mouth. "Why are you mad at me Glenn?" I asked. I turned to look at him, giving him a look.

I frowned as he gripped the steering wheel, his eyes glaring out the window. "Why do you always flirt with Daryl," he sneered more than asked. "You always want to be around him more than me."

My heart sank, my eyes becoming glossy. It shouldn't have, but his words hit me harder than a truck. What he said actually hurt me. How could he not see that he was the only one I wanted? Why would he doubt me?

I shook my head. "I don't, and if you think that than you don't know me at all," I whispered, my voice coming out small and scratchy. I was hurt and I wasn't going to try to hide it.

Glenn turned his head to me, completely ignoring the road in front of him. His face softened as he stared at me, regret flooding in his eyes. I shook my head, looking away from him and laying my head back against the window. I shut my eyes, not even wanting to be in the same car as him anymore. If he doubted me now, who's to say he won't doubt me in the future?

"Claire," Glenn whispered. "Claire, please look at me. I'm sorry."

No. No way. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of just so easily forgiving him this time. Not this time. Not again. It's okay, but it isn't forgiven.

"It's okay," I mumbled.

"Do you forgive me?"

"It's okay," I repeated more sharper this time. It was okay but it wasn't forgiven. He wasn't going to get a 'I forgive you' because then he would just do it again.


I opened my eyes, looking over at Glenn tiredly. Not sleepy tired, just exhausted of everything. "Just stop," I begged. "Just let me rest."

Glenn sighed, nodding his head slowly as he paid his attention back to driving. I craned my neck to look into the back, seeing that the others were asleep except Hershel. I gave him a small smile, although it felt more like a grimace, and turned back around. Great, Hershel probably heard that whole conversation and thinks I'm being irrational. Whatever.

This love shit is too complicated for me. I don't want it anymore.

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