Blood-stained (Yuuji & Sukuna...

By BleedingRose7098

768K 33.7K 5.7K

Yuuji didn't like sharing his love, but sometimes it was only the demon inside him that could understand her... More

¤ Trailer ¤
¤ Prologue ¤
Grandpa ~ Ch1
Cursed Object ~ Ch2
Proper Death ~ Ch3
Ryomen Sukuna ~ Ch4
Death Row ~ Ch5
Too Good For Me ~ Ch6
Scared ~ Ch7
Brave ~ Ch8
A bit Selfish ~ Ch9
Ugly Little Thing ~ Ch10
Fair ~ Ch11
Stay ~ Ch13
Radar ~ Ch14
Entertained ~ Ch15
Understand ~ Ch16
Rain ~ Ch17
Crazy ~ Ch18
First Mission ~ Ch19
Guard ~ Ch20
Special Grade ~ Ch21
Forbidden Technique ~ Ch22
Hostage ~ Ch23
Power ~ Ch24
Pact ~ Ch25
Manipulate ~ Ch26
Upperhand ~ Ch27
Vow ~ Ch28
Dangerous Little Thing ~ Ch29
Justice ~ Ch30
Substitute ~ Ch31
Dreams ~ Ch32
Fear ~ Ch33
Best Friend ~ Ch34
Mad ~ Ch35
To Belong ~ Ch36
Intentions ~ Ch37
Control ~ Ch38
Five Seconds ~ Ch39
Ruin ~ Ch40
Location ~ Ch41
Saviour ~ Ch42
Mind Eater ~ Ch43
Similar ~ Ch44
Higher-ups ~ Ch45
Theory ~ Ch46
One Minute ~ Ch47
Playing Dirty ~ Ch48
Motives ~ Ch49
Sorry ~ Ch50
Pinky Promise ~ Ch51
Sinister ~ Ch52
Alliance ~ Ch53
Mirror Realm ~ Ch54
Feral ~ Ch55
Promise ~ Ch56
Need you ~ Ch57
Favour ~ Ch58
Training ~ Ch59
Void ~ Ch60
Attitude ~ Ch61
Loopholes ~ Ch62
Trick of the Light ~ Ch63
Take you away ~ Ch64
¤ Live for me - Trailer ¤
Begging ~ Ch65
Problematic ~ Ch66
Archives ~ Ch67
Revenge ~ Ch68
Breath away ~ Ch69
Breakdown ~ Ch70
Secrecy ~ Ch71
Queen Of Curses ~ Ch72
Kyoto ~ Ch73
Happy ~ Ch74
Villain ~ Ch75
Depends ~ Ch76
For him ~ Ch77
Mindset ~ Ch78
¤ Show me Trailer ¤
Too far ~ Ch79
¤ Need You Trailer ¤

Interview ~ Ch12

14.9K 616 143
By BleedingRose7098

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

After Gojo had concluded his brief conversation with Yuuji, (Y/n) and Yuuji went back to Wasuke Itadori's apartment and packed everything up. They put on some music and got to work, packing things that they'd throw away into boxes and the little things they'd keep into bags. They stripped the apartment bare until there were only furniture and things they wanted to donate left.

After that, the two split off. (Y/n) took the lighter dufflebag, as Yuuji insisted, straight to Yuuji's dorm. While Yuuji took his backpack and small but heavy duffle bag with him as he met up with Gojo. They met close to Jujutsu tech, talking about what Yuuji could expect from now on. Gojo introduced him to his new school and informed him on everything he needed to know at this point.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) headed straight for Yuuji's dorm. She was given the chance to pick out which dorm room to give Yuuji. She done him the favour of picking a room with a balcony as well as a room that was located right beside Megumi's, something he'd greatly appreciate. Obviously, (Y/n) wouldn't be staying with him everynight, so it would be better if he had easy access to a friend he could talk to when he needed to.

The girl placed the dufflebag in one of Yuuji's closests before grabbing the key and leaving the room as she shoved it into her (Yuuji's) hoodie pocket. Yuuji was the type of boyfriend that loved to see his girlfriend wear his clothes. It gave him a happiness he couldn't describe, seeing his clothes make her look tiny. He loved when she wore jis hoodies when it was cold. And he especially loved when she wore his shirts to bed with only her underwear underneath. It made him soft.

(Y/n) then made her way to the main entrance hall, where Masamichi the principal was waiting for her arrival. He had called on Gojo to inform her that he'd like to speak to her privately before Yuuji's interview. She sighed as she entered the entrance hall, the place dimly lit with blacked out windows as if it weren't day time outside. The man himself was in the middle of stitching up a new cursed doll, surrounded by hundereds more. The girl couldn't help but wonder if he really needed another.

"Masamichi, you asked for me?" The girl called out, sitting respectfully infront of the man, cross-legged. She trued her best not to look at the dolls surrounding her, never having liked them. They weren't the same as true curses. They were only alive due to the principal's cursed energy. They weren't real.

"Yes. I understand that you and the vessel of Sukuna are in a romantic relationship?" Masamichi questioned, not even looking up at the girl as he continued to sew. (Y/n) looked down at her lap, breathing through her nose nervously. The girl had a feeling that this would probably be brought up.
"We are. Is that an issue?" She asked him, trying to remain as respectful as she could even though she knew that she'd get annoyed by his answer either way.

"As long as it doesn't come in the way of your duties as a jujutsu sorcerer." He replied casually, making (Y/n) grit her teeth in anger. Of course that was his reply, without any empathy.
"It won't." She told him, her tone without any hint of emotion. Oh, it will.
"And you understand that he must be sacrificed to rid the world of Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses?" He proded on, his eyes still trained on his stitching.

Masamichi Yaga was trying to raise a reaction out of her, proding her enough to see if her true feeling slip. But (Y/n) had always been good with hiding her anger. She does it every day.
"I do." She replied monotonously. She doesn't. Yaga nodded slowly, clearing his throat as he put aside the doll that he was stitching, now finally looking up to (Y/n).

"Good." He mumbled, (Y/n) gritting her teeth so that she wouldn't reply. She had never had anything against principal Yaga before, but now in times likes this, she remembered how similar minded he was with the higher ups.
"Is that all?" She asked, desperate to leave and calm herself down before Yuuji came and saw that she didn't look to happy.

"No. I was hoping you'd tell me more about this Itadori Yuuji." Masamchi told her, leaning forwards to get himself comfortable as he watched (Y/n).
"What would you like to know?" (Y/n) asked him with suddenly bright eyes, happy to comply as this specific subject was one of the few that she could actually happily speak about all day.
"Is he capable of becoming a jujutsu sorcerer?" Masamichi asked with a raised brow, making (Y/n) sigh. She should have known that that was what he wanted to know.

"Yuuji is strong. Both mind, body and soul. He's kind and moral and want nothing more than to protect who he can. He'll be an amazing sorcerer." She told him truthfully. Yuuji would probably become a better sorcerer than she was. That was because Yuuji's mind was 100% into this, while (Y/n) was busy fighting her own moral beliefs.

"You think quite highly of him, don't you?" Yaga mused, raising a brow in the direction of the girl who nodded confidently at the question. Of course she thought highly of him. He inspired her to be strong like him everyday.
"I do." She confirmed, a soft smile on her face as the thought of Yuuji's grin danced across her mind.

"I hope he dosen't disappoint me." Yaga grumbed as he picked up another unfinished doll and began sewing once again. Really? Another one?
"He won't." (Y/n) said confidently. Before she could get up and take her leave, the front doors opened. The girl turned her head to see both Yuuji and Gojo standing at the entrance. They were here already? Did they not explore the campus first?

(Y/n) swivelled around at her spot on the hardwood floor, turning her back to Masamichi as she now faced her sensei and boyfriend as they walked into the dimly lit hall, the large wooden doors closing behind them on it's own.
"You're late, Gojo. 8 minutes late." Masamichi grumbled, his tone scolding as he failed to bat them an eye.
"As usual, not quite enough to chastise you for. Though, you should fix that habit." Masamichi scolded, continuing to see his doll which (Y/n) already knew confused Yuuji.

"If it's not enough to chastise me for, then don't chastise. Besides, you're just sitting around making dolls anyway. So what's eight minutes?" Gojo retorted, seeming smart with his reply as he rested a hand on his hip. Yuuji was busy judging every corner of the entrance hall, eyes trained from exch and every doll to the half-burned scented candles that made the room seem spooky.

"This is Principal Masamichi Yaga, and you already know (Y/n)." Gojo introduced to Yuuji, motioning a hand in their direction. Yuuji's eyes snapped towards (Y/n) with a smile, having being pulled out of his curious awe once he heard his girlfriend's name. Oh, the power she had over him.
"(Y/n)! You're here too!?" Yuuji exclaimed with a bright smile, making his girlfriend mirror the smile and wave to him.

"This is the boy?" Masamichi asked with a raised brow, glancing only once at the boy (Y/n) praised so highly.
"Itadori Yuuji. I'm dating (Y/n). This is an honour." Yuuji blurted out confidently before bowing. (Y/n) covered her mouth as she laughed, not understanding why their relashionship status was part of Yuuji's introduction. But it was funny, none the less.

"What are you here for?" Masamichi asked, already begining the interview. He hadn't even exchanged pleasantries yet, or offered the young man to sit down. He just dived right into it.
"Jujutsu?" Yuuji asked in confusion, having no idea what the principal meant when the man already knew why Yuuji was here.

"But why jujutsu tech?" Yaga continued, no longer sewing as he finally gave Yuuji his full and undivided attention.
"To learn jujutsu." Yuuji answered, seeming abit more confident with his reply but still so very confused.
"I mean beyond that. What do you hope to find once you've studied curses and learn the art of exorsising them?" Masamichi clarified again, seeming impatient as he realised that this Itadori Yuuji didn't seem too bright- abit too naive for his own good. This was the vessel of Sukuna?

"Well, I suppose I'm gonna collect all the fingers of Sukuna- can't just leave em' all out there." Yuuji muttered, casually wiggling his fingers as he spoke.
"Why not? People you don't know everyday die to crime, accidents and diseases. It's just the natural course of life. But you can't overlook it when their death is caused by a curse?" Yaga asked, forcefully proding further into Yuuji's reasoning to find a better answer. He was clearly not satisfied.

(Y/n) sighed and leaned back, cracking her stiff neck as she realised that they would be here for a while.
"Here we go again." She mumbled in frustration, letting her head and rest on a doll that sat behind her. She didn't have to worry about it just yet, Yaga had yet to activate his curse. So for now, they were just normal creepy dolls.

"It was someone's dying request of me- and I don't care about the details. I just want to save who I can." Yuuji said back, his voice sounding much more confident. And even as (Y/n) frowned at Yuuji's reasoning with pity, she knew Yaga still would not accept such a response. At this point, Yuuji was going to have to get pummelled by his cursed dolls untill the man got an answer he liked.

"Hm? Dying wish, you say? You're saying you'll fight curses because someone else told you to do so. Insufficient." Yaga scoffed, his cursed energy rising as he activated his cursed technique. (Y/n) had guess right. Yaga would indeed beat a better answer out of him. Masamichi activated the cursed doll that he had just finished, luckily not the one behind (Y/n)'s back. He made the doll stand and stare at Yuuji, it grining uncharacteristically at the thought of battle.

"That's not a doll! It's alive!" Yuuji gasped out, (Y/n) unable to help but feel bad for not warning her boyfriend about the principal. Maybe she could have let him prepare a sufficient answer beforehand. But then again, the boy would never learn if she did. He could handle this, she knew he could.

"In a way, they're corpses. Dolls that I've enfused with my cursed energy." Yaga briefly explains, Yuuji not understanding a word he said. All Yuuji could foxus on was the fact that the doll had now pounced, it's fist aiming for Yuuji's face.
"That's one hell of a doll!" Yuuji exclaimed as he dodged, dodging another attack and then another, occasionally cutting it close.

"A person's true nature reveals itself during a crisis. I'll keep attacking you untill I get an acceptable answer." Yaga told him, continuing to control the cursed doll, this time it really landing a punch on Yuuji's head. It wasn't too hard as Yuuji managed to escape before the doll could hit him any harder.
"Look man! It wasn't just someone else it was my grandpa's dying wish!" Yuuji yelled punching the doll so that it flew backwards, finally starting to fight back.

But as the smoke cleared, Yuuji realised the doll was nowhere to be seen. His eyes widen as he looked around.
"Where is it?" He asked in confusion, taking a step back nervously. From where (Y/n) sat, she realised Yuuji was never going to look up to see that the doll was perched on a pipe above him, readying itself to attack.

The girl wasn't allowed to interfere by calling out to him, so she bit her thumb and drew some blood when no-one was looking. She then pressed two fingers together and actived her curse within Yuuji's body and her moved a finger up, forcing Yuuji to look up and see the doll above him. He gasped in realisation, dodging the curse just in time, not even questioning why his head head moved on it's own, thinking it was just Sukuna.

Gojo smirked, his cursed technique having already shown him that (Y/n) had interfered and helped out Yuuji. But even so, the silver head stayed silent as he leaned against the wall. It wasn't his problem that Yaga failed to realise.
"Family's still just someone else. A jujutsu sorcerer constantly faces death...and not just your own. Sometimes you must ignore the victims and rim the flesh of those the curses murdered." Yaga muttered, making yuuji cringe as he fought at the visualisation.

"It's an unpleasant job. You have to be highly motivated and perhaps a little crazy to handle it. Yet you fo this because someone told you to? Don't make me laugh." Yaga scoffed, his words practically laced with venom.
"It would be more beliveable if you told me you're doing it to postpone you're execution." Yaga spat, his words making (Y/n) glare at him. She'd prefer if that wasn't spoke about untill the day it happened.

"Oh screw you!" Yuuji yelled, starting to get angry at Yaga's rude blunt words.
"And tell me? Are you going to blame your poor grandfather when you get killed by a curse too?!" Yaga yelled out, Yuuji's eyes widening when the thiught had crossed his mind. He would never blame his grandpa for his death and the thought of it just made him angry.

"Damn, old man. You say some pretty harsh things." Yuuji told him, seeming to still be aware of his surroundings as he kicked the doll across the room, successfully avoiding a sneak attack.
"Teaching is making people realise the hard truths." Yaga muttered.
"That's right, I guess." Yuuji agreed, getting distracted for only a second, giving an opening to punch him across the face and into the wall.

(Y/n) tried not to flinch forwards, knowing Yuuji could protect himself now. She didn't have to protect him anymore. He wasn't helpless.
"It's not easy to imagine how you'll feel on the verge of death. However, I can say one thing for certain. At the rate you're going, you might end up cursing your beloved grandfather for his dying wish!" Yaga spat, Yuuji's brows furrowing in realisation.

A dark look clouded over (Y/n)'s eyes as Yaga spoke. Yaga admited that it was us humans that curse eachother, creating cursed spirits that done nothing to deserve such a thing. And yet our mission is to end their existence without ending their creation. How does that make sense, she wonders?
"Jujutsu sorcerers never die without regrets. So, I'll ask you once more. Why have you come here to jujutsu tech?" Yaga asked, his eyes trained on Yuuji as he successfully punched the cursed into the wall behind (Y/n).

"Consuming Sukuna is only something I can do. So even if I escape my death sentence and run sway from this responsibility, then someday I'd be eating food or taking a bath or reading manga and the moment I stop to think I go 'Oh, I bet right now someone out there is dying because of Sukuna. But that doesn't concern me. It's certainly nt my fault.' You expect me to tell myself that?! Well, I refuse to do that!" Yuuji yelled with passion, staring right into Yaga's eyes.

"I don't know how I'll feel when I'm dying but I won't regret the way I lived. I fell in love and made great friends. I'm really happy right now and that's all I need to know to move forward!" Yuuji confidently exclaimed, standing still as he spilled out his heart. (Y/n) smiled after hearing him so confidently talk about how he fell in love, him always getting embarrassed after saying it to her face. But now, he seemed so confident.

Yaga stayed silent for just a few moments, matching the intensity of Yuuji's stare before giving a curt nod and tunring his head towards (Y/n).
"(Y/n), show him to his dorm room and be sure to explain to him to security arrangements aswell." Yaga told her, making the girl nod with a happy smile.
"Huh?" Yuuji asked in confusion, looking back and forth between me and the principal.

"You're now officially a student at jujutsu high!" Yuuji's girlfriend brightly chirped, making Yuuji smile victoriously as he cheered. Before he could get any futher with his cheering, the cursed doll punched him roughly across the face, causing him to fly across the room. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle as the boy groaned,

"That was a painful welcoming."

(A.N ~ Kinda long, soon there'll be a Sukuna chap :)

Chapter 13 Quote Teaser :

"You're really pretty, you know."

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