Blood-stained (Yuuji & Sukuna...

By BleedingRose7098

767K 33.6K 5.7K

Yuuji didn't like sharing his love, but sometimes it was only the demon inside him that could understand her... More

¤ Trailer ¤
¤ Prologue ¤
Grandpa ~ Ch1
Cursed Object ~ Ch2
Proper Death ~ Ch3
Ryomen Sukuna ~ Ch4
Too Good For Me ~ Ch6
Scared ~ Ch7
Brave ~ Ch8
A bit Selfish ~ Ch9
Ugly Little Thing ~ Ch10
Fair ~ Ch11
Interview ~ Ch12
Stay ~ Ch13
Radar ~ Ch14
Entertained ~ Ch15
Understand ~ Ch16
Rain ~ Ch17
Crazy ~ Ch18
First Mission ~ Ch19
Guard ~ Ch20
Special Grade ~ Ch21
Forbidden Technique ~ Ch22
Hostage ~ Ch23
Power ~ Ch24
Pact ~ Ch25
Manipulate ~ Ch26
Upperhand ~ Ch27
Vow ~ Ch28
Dangerous Little Thing ~ Ch29
Justice ~ Ch30
Substitute ~ Ch31
Dreams ~ Ch32
Fear ~ Ch33
Best Friend ~ Ch34
Mad ~ Ch35
To Belong ~ Ch36
Intentions ~ Ch37
Control ~ Ch38
Five Seconds ~ Ch39
Ruin ~ Ch40
Location ~ Ch41
Saviour ~ Ch42
Mind Eater ~ Ch43
Similar ~ Ch44
Higher-ups ~ Ch45
Theory ~ Ch46
One Minute ~ Ch47
Playing Dirty ~ Ch48
Motives ~ Ch49
Sorry ~ Ch50
Pinky Promise ~ Ch51
Sinister ~ Ch52
Alliance ~ Ch53
Mirror Realm ~ Ch54
Feral ~ Ch55
Promise ~ Ch56
Need you ~ Ch57
Favour ~ Ch58
Training ~ Ch59
Void ~ Ch60
Attitude ~ Ch61
Loopholes ~ Ch62
Trick of the Light ~ Ch63
Take you away ~ Ch64
¤ Live for me - Trailer ¤
Begging ~ Ch65
Problematic ~ Ch66
Archives ~ Ch67
Revenge ~ Ch68
Breath away ~ Ch69
Breakdown ~ Ch70
Secrecy ~ Ch71
Queen Of Curses ~ Ch72
Kyoto ~ Ch73
Happy ~ Ch74
Villain ~ Ch75
Depends ~ Ch76
For him ~ Ch77
Mindset ~ Ch78
¤ Show me Trailer ¤
Too far ~ Ch79
¤ Need You Trailer ¤

Death Row ~ Ch5

17.8K 764 181
By BleedingRose7098

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

(Y/n) stood bravely infront of Yuuji- well, more like kneeled. Her shoulder was in tremenous pain, still she placed herself protectively infront of him as Megumi's cursed energy continued to rise. There was no way she would just stand by as her best friend exorsised her boyfriend, even if Sukuna had completely over powered Yuuji. Even now, if she looked over her shoulder, she wasn't sure if it would be Yuuji who was in control or Sukuna. Yet still, she protected him.

"(Y/n), move out of the way! You don't know whether that's Itadori or the curse inside him!" Megumi hissed, urging his best friend to move from her position. (Y/n) shook her head in defiance, trying her best not to wince in pain as her movement caused pain to flicker through every nerve in her shoulder.

"Sukuna hasn't completely take him over, Megumi! Yuuji is still in control!" The girl fought, fierce eyes glowering at Megumi who still looked unsure.
"What's the situation?" A voice asked from beside Megumi, making both (Y/n) and the noirette jump in suprise at the new arrival. Casually standing beside Megumi was Gojo Satoru, their mentor.

"Satoru!" (Y/n) exclaimed in suprise, sighing in relief as Megumi let his cursed energy fade into nothing.
"Gojo, what are you doing here?" Megumi asked in suprise even though he shouldn't reay be shocked considering Gojo had a habit of popping out of knowhere.

"Hey, I wasn't planning on showing up. But you got roughed up, kid." Satoru laughed, snickering as he looked at all of Megumi's wounds- something a proper teacher would never do. Then he pulled out his cellphone, turning on the flash so that he could take pictures.
"I'll show the second years, say cheese!" Gojo grinned, taling multiple pictures from all sort of angles which made Megumi glare at his unprofessionalism.

That's when Gojo turned to (Y/n), seeing how she was slumped on the floor infront her unusually quiet boyfriend, in a protective yet pained stance.
"Omg and do we finally get to meet (Y/n)'s boyfriend?! I'm so gonna rub this in Nanami's face!" Gojo grinned, recognising Yuuji's face from seeing the pictures of them on (Y/n)'s cellphone wallpaper. Gojo then shamelessly took more pictures on his phone of the two of them, making (Y/n) sigh.

She didn't understand Gojo's way of thinking but she did know that he wouldn't be acting this was if any of their lives were currently in danger. So she crawled over to a broken boulder, leaning her shoulder on it with a sigh. They were safe now that he was here.
"Wait, (Y/n). Do you know these guys?" Yuuji then asked him girlfriend in mild confusion, noticing how everyone seemed to know her name.

Yuuji didn't look angry, more like confused as he watched the interaction awkwardly from where he stood. (Y/n) looked at her boyfriend with guilt, opening her mouth to speak and yet no words came out. Luckily, Satoru started to speak first and all the attention was luckily shifted back to him.

"I got an earful from the higher ups because a special grade cursed object went missing. So, I thought I'd do a little sight seeing and stop by. So, did you find it yet?" Satoru asked Megumi naively, as if he knew absolutely nothing of what happened during the past hour. Megumi and (Y/n) didn't know what to say. It wasn't even (Y/n)'s mission and yet she couldn't bring herself to form words. So, Yuuji took it upon himself to answer.

"Uh, sorry but...I ate that thing." Yuuji interrupted awkwardly, not knowing how else to explain what just happened. (Y/n) and Megumi looked up at Satoru expectantly, waiting for his reaction which was had to read due to the fact his blindfold was covering his eyes. Satoru went silent for a good few seconds, taking in what was just told to him.

"For real?" Satoru finally asked, surpise in his voice as he finally spoke. (Y/n) sighed and nodded with Megumi.
"For real." All three of them said unanimously, confirming that it was true. That this was really happening. Itadori Yuuji was now the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna. And who knows how the higher ups will react to this.

Gojo made his way towards Yuuji, giving him a once over as he judged Yuuji's new found cursed energy. Gojo leaned his head down slightly as he done so, a hand on his chin as he thought. He then bursted out in laughter as if this boy's life wasn't about to change dramatically.
"Damn! It really did combine with you." Gojo laughed, standing straight once again.

"Any weird changes with your body?" Satoru asked him curiously.
"Nah. It seems okay." Yuuji replied as if tattoos didn't just randomly appear onto his body along with a second pair of eyes. Satoru hummed at the information, thinking deeply again.
"Can you swap with Sukuna at will?" He then asked curiously, making (Y/n) sweatdrop. Of course that's what he wants to know.

Yuuji looked at Satoru with confusion, not understanding as Satoru used the name Sukuna. Unlike (Y/n) and Megumi, Yuuji was unfamiliar with such names.
"The curse you ate." Gojob reiterated, getting Yuuji to understand.
"Oh! Yeah, I think I can do that." Yuuji said in recognision, agreeing immedietly with no hesitation. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in worry at the propsal, making her flinch forward.

"Yuuji." She mumbled in worry, making him look toward her and smile.
"I'll be fine." He assured with a nod and a soft comforting smile. (Y/n) sighed before leaning back on exhaustion on the boulder, knowing that with Gojo here, they were safe no matter what happened. Two days now without sleep was starting to wear down both her mind and body.

"Okay, give us 10 seconds and then switch back." Gojo told Yuuji, making the boy nod in understanding.
"Yeah but..." Yuuji trailed off in worry, not knowing that he was standing infront of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer in this era.
"Don't worry. I'm way too strong for him." Gojo boasted cockily, making Yuuji nod while (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"(Y/n), hold onto this for me, will ya?" Gojo asked, throwing a white bag into her lap that she hadn't even realised that he was holding. Once she saw the contents of the bag, she deadpanned.
"Kikufuku? Really?" (Y/n) asked Gojo with a raised brow, making him hum in delight at the mention of the dessert.
"Yeah! I'll be eating that on the bullet train home. Don't worry, (Y/n). I got you some too." Gojo teased, waving his finger towards the girl.

It was then that Yuuji had swapped out with Sukuna, nobody else even paying attention untill the man had suddenly jumped up high into the air.
"Look out!" Megumi yelled in worry, noticing Sukuna the same time (Y/n) did. However (Y/n) didn't flinch nor worry, she only watched in awe as her sensei dodged the sudden attack. Within a split second, Sukuna was kneeled on the ground infront of (Y/n), inches away from her face.

The curse seemed suprised to be where he was, not remembering haven fallen in the first place. He looked up in confusion, making eye-contact with (Y/n) as Gojo continued to talk about his love for kikufuku while sitting casually on the curse's back.
"You." Sukuna mumbled in thought, staring into (Y/n)'s red eyes. They held eye-contact for only a moment, yet time seemed to freeze for that one second.

Sukuna then made another attack, charging for Satoru with everything he had with the power of only 1 of his fingers. Satoru seemlessly dodged every attack, still ranting on the taste of his favourite snack favours, even giving recommendations on which Megumi should go ahead and try out. Sukuna growled in frustation, not any of his attacks landing any hits which only pissed him off even more.

"Since my students are watching, I think I'll show of a little. Yeah." Satoru mumbled to himself with an excited smirk. That was when he finally started fighting back, grabbing onto Sukuna's arm and throwing him back into a wall, breaking the concrete into tiny pieces. It only took the man a second to recover and get back onto his feet before he was charging back at Satoru with more fury.

"For crying out loud, you jujutsu sorcerers are always a pain in the ass- in any era!" Sukuna yelled loudly, charging towards Gojo with a ready first.
"Though, time dosen't really have much meaning for me." Sukuna grinned from mid air, Gojo standing calmly with his arms crossed as he counted slowly.
"7, 8, 9...and that should do it." Satoru mumbled out loud, a cocky smile on his face. Just after he spoke, the tattoos on Yuuji's body faded and the eyes at the top of his cheeks closed, Yuuji coming back into consciousness.

"Oh, how did it go?" Yuuji asked casually, curious as he noticed that everyone seemed unharmed- well, almost.
"How about that! So, you really can control him." Gojo mused, crossing his arms over his chest as he slowly walked towards Yuuji. Yuuji nodded, before sighing and knoking his head lightly.
"He's kind of annoying though, to tell the truth and I keep hearing his voice." The pinkette complained.

"It's a miracle that's all he's doing to you." Gojo laughed, not giving the boy time to answer before taping him on the forehead. Itadori's eyes then fluttered closed, being forced to go unconcious. Gojo caught the boy before he hit the ground, laying him down gently against the concrete before (Y/n) had time to gasp or compain to her teacher.
"What did you do to him?!" (Y/n) asked worriedly, rushing over with panic to her unconcious boyfriend, completely disregarding the pain in her right shoulder.

"Just knocked him out." Satoru replied calmly, looking down at his student with pursed lips. He could see how much she cared for the boy, watching as she brushed the sweaty hairs off of his forehead as he peacefully slept. She looked so tired- so hurt, and yet she wouldn't leave him alone after what just happened. She wouldn't give up on his. He admired that about his students.

"If he isn't possessed by Sukuna when he wakes up, he might actually have potential as a vessel." Satoru explained, (Y/n) frowning as he spoke, guilt clawing her insides. If she just went about today a little differently- maybe she could have lied and told Yuuji that there was a family emergency, she could have come to the school with Megumi and sorted it all out before it had escalated so incredibly out of hand. Now her boyfriend was practically on death row.

(Y/n) dropped her head onto Yuuji's chest with a defeated sigh.
"This is all my fault." She whispered, making Satoru forwn at her words.
"Now, I have a question for the both of you." Satoru started, making both Megumi and (Y/n) look up at him.
"What do you think we should do with him?" He continued. (Y/n) sighed looking back down at Yuuji with frustation. How was she supposed to reply to that? As a jujutsu sorcerer or Yuuji's girlfriend?

"Well, even if he is a vessel. Jujutsu regulations demand Itadori Yuuji be executed." Megumi started, making (Y/n) squeeze her eyes as tightly as they would go. No, she didn't want to hear this at all. Anger and frustration bubbled deep in (Y/n)'s chest.
"However...I don't want him to die." Megumi admitted slowly, making (Y/n) turn to face him weakly, his eyes glazed over.

"Personal?" Satoru asked him with a raised brow, finding unsual for Megumi to make such a bold request.
"I suppose." The noirette replied.
"And you, (Y/n)?" Satoru asked the girl at his feet, having a feeling that he would already know the answer just by the light glare she gave him.
"Is that even a question? You know my answer." She whispered out weakly, looking back at her unconcious boyfriend.

"Ah, young love." Satoru mused, a small smile on his face as he watched (Y/n)'s head snap back to him with a glare.
"Satoru." She said hardly, showing how serious she felt on this situation. Gojo smirked and nodded to her before saying cockily,

"Don't worry. A request from my precious students? Leave it to me."

(A.N ~ So...I've got a crush on a japanese guy who hates HElP?)

Chapter 6 Quote Teaser :

"They want to execute him."

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