Miss Miller

By JadeG96

34.3K 1.1K 258

Gwen Smith is a 21 year old university student in New York, who is studying writing. Gwen interviews Lou Mill... More

Hello Miss Miller
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41

chapter 30

672 18 3
By JadeG96


3 months ago.

"Are you okay!" I grab a napkin and hand it to her. I turn to Alex and signal for her to get Gwen out of here, I follow them out to make sure she gets in a taxi.

"I won't be long" I say to Gwen as I shut the cab door.

I head back inside, Abby is sitting with her head tipped back trying to stop the blood from pouring out her nose. I walk over to her, she takes the tissue away to reveal a nasty bruise on her face. I bite my lip to stop myself from smirking, Gwen does have a good right hook on her...I can say that.

"Who the hell was that?" She asks me.

"Just a friend, don't worry she's gone...I'm so sorry this happened, let me get you another drink to say sorry" I say softly to her.

I spend the rest of the night with her, the last thing I want is her running off to her father to tell him what's happened. My phone buzzes in my picket, its Debbie.

"Hey, I heard about what's happened...I spoke to Alex, you need to get Gwen out of california ASAP. I will come meet her and take her home. Deb x"

"She won't go, I know she won't go. It was a mistake, she just lost her temper. Lou x" I text back.

"Listen I know she cares about you a lot and I know you care about her but you need to get her out of there, do whatever it takes. It's for the best Lou, we can't loose this job. Deb x"

"Okay, I will. Lou x"

I head back to the house, questioning myself if im doing the right thing the whole journey. I drive as slow as I can, my heart aching every mile of the way. I walk in the front door, I'm met by Alex.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah" I smile with tired eyes "I just have to take care of this, thank you for bringing her back" I hug her before she leaves.

I sit at the kitchen table, tears escaping my eyelids. I bite the skin off my fingers, my leg doesn't stop bouncing. The sunrise shining through the blindes signals to me its time to wake Gwen up. I walk slowly through to the bedroom where she lays, looking very innocent sleeping. I sit next to her, admiring her. The way her freckles relax over her cheeks and nose, the way she grips the covers like someone is going to steal them from her.

I lean down and kiss her soft lips to wake her up, they taste like strawberry. I've never cared much for strawberries but her lips are stained with the taste of them. She stretches gently before her eyes open, oh how I'm going to miss those brown eyes. Brown eyes are just brown eyes until you love someone with brown eyes.

"Time to wake up" I brush the hair out of her eyes "We need to talk" I scrunch my eyes together as I stand up, watching her stand up after me and following me close behind.

I explain to her what's happened, she keeps trying to grab my hands but I know her touch will pull me back in. I try to keep my emotions out of this, her eyes keep searching for mine...I'm to scared to look at her, I cannot stand the look of pain in her eyes and knowing I caused it is to much to take.

"I'm so sorry" I say to her as my voice cracks.

The tears stream down her face as she storms away to pack her bag, I follow her. She grabs cloths from the floor and drawers to throw them into her suitcase, she suddenly breaks down and falls to the floor. I lean down to her help, my heart aching for this girl. I want to tell her to stay to be with me but I can't. I just can't.

I cut her off mid sentance, she was going to tell me she loves me. I know I can't say it back if she does tell me that. I stare at her as she walks away, she looks back at me one more time with blood shot eyes.

I fall onto the bed after the door slams shut, tears stream from my eyes. It takes everything in me not to run after her and beg her to stay with me, I wanted to tell her I love her. She was my everything and now she's my nothing and I'm left here by myself to think of her.

1 week later.

I have a date planned with Abby, I drag myself out of bed to get ready. I drag my heels the whole way to her, I never left my bed the day I told Gwen to leave. I did text her multiple times to make sure she is okay but she doesn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her.

"Everything okay?" Abby asks me while trying to hold my hand.

I move my hand "yeah, sorry...are you okay"

She nods.

We order our food, she's telling me about how happy her father is with the diamonds we supplied her family. I'm leaving tonight but she doesn't know that. I was meant to be here for longer but Debbie let me know this morning that plans have changed.

We eat our food, she glances up at me and smiles every once in a while. I do my best to seem like I'm interested in her but it's almost impossible with the thought of Gwen on my mind. She has a permanant place there.

We order dessert.

"If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?" Abby asks playfully "cake is mine" Abby says while placing a piece of cake in her mouth.

I'm suddenly reminded of the way she would lay with me when we sleep, the noises she would make when I would make her feel good, the way she was so playful and the way she was always so excited to see me.

"Strawberries" I tell her "I could live off strawberries for the rest of my life"

I get a sudden ache in my heart, like the ache I felt when she slammed the front door behind her one week ago. We finish our meal, Abby wants to come back with me but I tell her I'm to tired. Little does she know I'm about to jump on a plane back to New York.

New york.

I walk into the loft, I'm greeted by Debbie.

"You okay Lou?" She asks me.

I nod.

"You don't seem okay" her arm runs up mine to my shoulder.

"I just need a good night's sleep" I say with heavy eyes.

She shakes her head "I know you miss her, I saw her" Debbie says hesitantly.

I look up at her with wide eyes "where? How is she, please tell me she's okay" I ask despratly.

"She was smoking outside a club by herself"

"By herself...smoking" I question.

"Well I think her friends were inside the club, I spoke to her...I told her smoking is bad for her"

"Did she ask about me?"

"No" she shakes her head "but I mentioned you, she got upset and walked away"

I look down at the floor and shrug my shoulders "Oh well" I say sadly "I'm going out actually"

"Do you think-" I cut her off "I don't care, I'll see you later"

I grab my keys to my motorbike, I speed away. Going over the speed limit every chance I get. I drive to Gwens Street, I park where she won't be able to see me. Weirdly she arrives home just after I pull up. She has a ciggerette in her mouth and she's staggering along the pavement while linked into Gemma. They are laughing together, a tear escapes my eyes as I pull my helmet back down.

3 months later.

"Lou are you there" Marcus shouts over the radio.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask back.

"We have a situation we need you down here for"

"Okay, on my way"

I make my way down to the main floor to see what's happening, I see a familure face through the crowd, my eyes light up as I see her.

"Everything okay sweetheart?" I ask her, she looks surprised to see me. My hand gripping her arm but I loosen it as she starts to talk to me. She explains to me that this man who is being held back by my security was harassing her and touching her. I swear I could castrate him myself, I hold myself back.

"Take him away, please don't be gentle...this young lady means the world to me so he deserves everything he's got coming to him" I whisper to security.

They nod in response.

I follow her outside, she lights a cigerette but I pull it out her mouth and throw it to the ground. She hasn't looked me in the eyes until now, those brown eyes meet mine and I swear nothing else matters.

I try to to explain to her we need to talk but she cuts me off. I can feel the hurt from her voice, I'm the one who caused that. I try to explained but I can see her friends making their way over to us, she looks behind her and greets them. She reaches out for Gemma to take hrr hand, I look at her then Gemma. My eyes fill with small tears as I see her hand in someone else's.

She starts to walk away "Please, hear me out" I say despratly.

She looks at me with sad eyes but doesn't give me an answer. She walks away with her friends. My heart breaks as I watch her walk away, if I could I would run up to her and hold her and not let her go but it's not appropriate. I make my way back to my office, I'm informed Debs is up there.

I walk in to find her sitting on my desk.

"Do you mind ocean" I say sercasticly as I move paperwork from underneath her.

"Oh sorry, never seen that there"

"Yeah, sure you didn't" I squint my eyes at her.

"No need to give me that look" she raises an eyebrow.

"What look?"

"You know exactly what I mean...anyway what's wrong, you look upset"

"I just spoke to Gwen" I pour me and Debbie a drink "she was here, she didn't want to speak to me"

"To be honest, can you blame her?" She says while sipping her drink "why was she here anyway?"

"Some guy was harassing her, she ended up here...she said she didn't know where she was"

"Do you believe that?"

I sit down on the sofa "I don't know"

"You need to get yourself together"


"You know what I mean, you could have anyone in the city...well you've had a lot of them" she jokes

"Not the time deb" I drink the last of my drink.

She jumps off the table and sits next to me "what I'm saying is you could have any girl in the city, why do you need to have her?"

"Why have anyone else when I know she exists"

"You need to speak to her then, don't take no for an answer...its safe for you and her to continue whatever it is you both had going on"

I nod "I will"

Next day.

I knock on her front door, my heart pounding so loud I swear I can hear it.

Jess opens the door "Oh...hello" her voice cold towards me.

"Hey, is gwen here"

She nods "gwen!" She shouts her over.

Shes surprised to see me again, I can tell by the way her body stiffens when she looks at me.

"Hello stranger" I say while leaning against the door frame. I try to keep my old charm on but its difficult. She agrees to speak to me, I awkwardly stand in her apartment as she puts cloths on. I say hi to Jess then I say hi hesitantly to Gemma. They both smile at me awkwardly.

Gemma makes a comment as me and Gwen walk out the apartment, I let it go over my head. I help her carefully on my motorbike. I drive us to the river, we have a view of the city. Its very pretty at sunset. Gwen leans against the railings looking over the water, I make my move and walk up behind her and place my hands at each side of her on the railings. Our body's close, I feel her relax into me slightly.

I explain everything to her, I tell her how sorry I am for hurting her. I pray she knows I will do anything for her.
She tells me she needs to go, I drive us back. I drive slow, her arms wrap around my body. I didn't want her to go so soon but she insisted.

As she is saying bye to me at her door I despratly want to kiss her but I don't, I don't think it's the right time. The feeling of our fingers inbetween each others makes my body tingle and my lips smile. She smiles back, that beautiful smile.

The next night.

I'm laying next to her, in her bed. The moonlight shining on her face. Her beautiful freckle face, oh how I've missed this face. She tucks her head between my chin and collar bone, her warm body couldn't get any closer to me. I still taste her on my toungue as I drift off into a deep sleep.


I decided to try write Lou's perspective from the last 3 months, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading 💛💛
please let me know what you think 💛

Thank you for reading!💛💛

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