Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

بواسطة Origin_of_Kelpie

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Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Christmas AU
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 22

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بواسطة Origin_of_Kelpie

I happily chowed down on a much smaller portion of the food that Dallas made and hummed my delight as the flavors burst in my mouth.

"You're so good at cooking!" I exclaimed, once my mouth was free of food.

Dallas chuckled and reached over to pat my head. "Thank you, Emil."

I grinned. "No, thank you!"

He smiled back and then continued eating while I stuffed my cheeks with the delicious morsels of marinated, grilled chicken. There was also fluffy white rice underneath the meat, then next to it was some delicious oven-baked casserole of broccoli and mushrooms topped with cheese. My appetite had returned after sobbing my guts out and hiccupping while Dallas soothed me. He was really quiet throughout, but a low hum that was reminiscent of a familiar melody had me easing into a peaceful slumber.

I had awakened about ten minutes ago with a growling stomach, so Dallas helped dish up a small plate for me and then we settled ourselves on the couch again. I felt relieved to fully get my past off my chest.

Now, we're watching a Clydesdale horse show, where teams of six Clydesdales are walking or trotting very fancily while pulling a carriage of some kind.

"Wow, they're huge!" I breathed, in complete awe of the giant draft horses. "And they're all so pretty, too."

Dallas smiled and ruffed my hair. "They sure are, Emil. And Clydesdales are known as gentle giants, hence the name of the show."

I nodded happily, still chewing with chipmunk-like cheeks. Dallas reclined on the couch and continued eating. Once I finished, I waited until he was done with his food and then offered to do the dishes. Dallas initially refused, but I convinced him to let me do it.

Honestly, I was really happy to be able to help Dallas.

"Do you need a step-stool to reach deeper into the sink?"

I turned as I set the second dish in the dish rack. I grinned at him. "Thanks, but I'm okay."

Dallas smiled. "That's good."

"Say, Dally, what's your story?"

Dallas grabbed a chair from the breakfast nook and took a seat so we could talk while I worked. He chuckled when I looked at him with eager eyes. His ice-blue eyes suddenly had a faraway look as he leaned back. I turned back to the dishes and waited patiently for him to speak. Dallas inhaled deeply and let out his breath in a big whoosh.

"Well, I was a cowboy slash farm kid growing up. I rode horses, herded cattle, milked cows, collected eggs, hunted foxes and coyotes to keep them away from our animals, and much more." he started, pausing when he noticed my sparkling eyes. He chuckled again and smiled at me.

I'm certain my face was the color of a cooked lobster. Dallas looked almost identical to my daddy dominant when he smiled, except for the fact that Dallas was just an older, bearded version.

"I was friendly in school and no one bullied me, but there are always people who pick on others no matter what stage of life you're trapped inside." murmured Dallas, his lips curling up ever so slightly. "There was this girl I really liked in high school. You could say she was my first love. I picked on her a bit, but there was nothing cruel or mean that I said to her. How could I say anything like that? I was smitten. And I think she could tell. She teased me in response and I couldn't say a word back to refute her."

I giggled. "She sounds like a fun person."

Dallas' smile was bittersweet. His eyes reddened slightly. "When I finally had the courage to ask her out on a date, I got tickets to the latest movie that she wanted to see."

My heart pounded and I felt a knot in my stomach. Something bad had happened.

Dallas bit his trembling bottom lip for a moment to calm his voice before he continued, "Her mother had decided to drop her off since it was raining that Saturday and she had something to do in town."

I swallowed thickly as his eyes shut. I shut off the water and dried my hands, then stepped over to him and placed my hands on top of his clenched fists. Dallas clenched his jaw and heaved a shaky breath.

"The theater was on the corner of a four-way stoplight; a major intersection in town because a highway goes through it."

I couldn't breathe as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I watched it happen," he said in the quietest voice. "I recognized her mother's car since it was a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle. The semi on the highway was supposed to have lowered its speed outside of town, but it hadn't slowed enough with the rain pouring down. The light turned red, but the truck couldn't stop fast enough."

"Dallas..." I breathed, my chest tight.

"There was a damn sign on the corner across from the theater that everyone agreed was a hazard because no one could see around it. And her mother couldn't either. They both died on impact. Hardly a surprise, though, since a forty ton beast slammed into a vehicle a tiny fraction of its size and flattened it like a soda can on the asphalt."

I stared blankly at Dallas, then sat on his left thigh and gave him a hug. He didn't reject the comfort I offered and instead welcomed it. He curled his arms around me and let his silent tears fall. His body trembled for awhile, then Dallas calmed down not long afterwards.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For...this, I guess."

I smiled and rubbed his chest with my palm. "Everyone needs someone to talk to, Dally. I'm happy it was me."

Dallas petted my hair. "You're the best little boy ever, hmm?"

I quietly chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't dare be so presumptuous, but I'm the best little boy for your son and the best little son-in-law for you."

He chuckled heartily, firmly rubbing my back. "I won't deny that, my dear Emil."

Dallas did tell me the rest of his story, even what happened regarding the split with Denver's mother and about him and his son living together. He seemed overjoyed when I asked him to tell me stories about Denver.

After all, my daddy is his pride and joy. That makes me super duper happy.

"You two look cozy," remarked Daddy, emerging from the hallway with a tired look on his face. "I want cuddles with my baby boy, too."

I giggled and hopped up from Dallas' side on the couch to leap into my daddy's arms. "Daddy, did all go well?"

He smiled and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "Yes, although that one patient who hugged you... Wait, do you remember him?"

"Yep! The older man, right?"

He nodded and praised me with kisses to my face, which made my laughter fill the room as he picked me up. Daddy tucked me into his side and pressed his nose against my head.

"Well, that patient of mine wants to meet you properly and thank you for helping him."

I tilted my head. "But I don't need that?"

Daddy's ice-blue eyes sparkled and he affectionately pinched my cheeks while I pouted. He chuckled. "He wouldn't take no for an answer, baby boy. He's an important man, so it would be best to go along with his wishes."

I hummed and pecked my daddy's cheeks. "Okay, I guess. I don't want you to get in trouble 'cause of me."

Daddy cupped the back of my head and guided my right cheek to his left shoulder, gently placing his lips on any reachable areas of my face. I smiled happily and sank into him.

"You're my little boy." he whispered, making me smile and snuggle closer.

"And you're my daddy." I replied, then nosed his neck. "Are you hungry, Daddy? Dally made some delicious food, although the leftovers are in the fridge."

As if on cue, Daddy's stomach growled. Dallas burst into laughter while I giggled because of my daddy's embarrassed grumblings. While Dallas had his back turned, I took my chance to steal a quick peck from Denver's lips. His expression lit up and he smiled at me, gently caressing my head and hair before returning my kiss. My little side emerged almost immediately afterwards.

"My sweet baby, did you have fun with my dad?"

I beamed. "Yup! Dally is so nice and wonderful like you, Daddy. And we talked a lot! Daddy as a kid sounded super duper cute." I explained as best I could about my favorite stories, gesturing with my hands and grinning away.

Daddy seemed embarrassed but pleased. He playfully chomped on my cheeks as I burst into happy giggles, making me laugh even more. My daddy hugged me tightly and I noticed how relaxed he was now, which was great. I snuggled in and basked in the familiar warmth and scent of my daddy. This is so wonderful.

"Here's your food, son."

Daddy smiled at his father and took the plate with one hand. "Thank you, Dad. I know Emil had a great time, but what about you?"

I turned my head to see Dallas' expression. He looked surprisingly content as he stared at the spot where he'd cried while holding me.

"I had a really wonderful time, Denver." replied Dallas, turning his gaze from the kitchen towards us. "He's a perfect match for you."

Daddy's tanned skin reddened. "O-oh? Did something happen?"

Dallas chuckled. "What, are you jealous? Concerned that maybe your older lookalike could steal your baby boy?"


Dallas laughed aloud while I helped my daddy stop pouting through a few kisses to his face. "You're so cute, Daddy." I whispered, cupping his cheeks with my hands.

Daddy chuckled and rubbed our noses together. "I think you're much cuter than me, though."

Dallas snickered as he returned to the couch. "Oh, so you're not denying that you're cute."

My daddy kissed my head as he took a seat on the couch in the opposite corner, then he rearranged my position on his lap. "Of course not. My little Em doesn't lie."

I giggled and grinned, rubbing my cheek on his shoulder and chest. "Uh-uh, no way. I'd never lie to Daddy."

Dallas chuckled and reached over to ruffle my daddy's hair and poke my left cheek. "I know you wouldn't do that, you sweet little boy." he said to me, then spoke to my daddy. "Denver, he's a bit like you, y'know?"

Daddy blinked, then his lips parted. "Oh, you told him?" he whispered, and Dallas nodded.

"I just felt as though I could tell him anything and feel lighter afterwards, and I wasn't wrong in the slightest. He's a bit like a dehumidifier, too."

Daddy paused, frowned, and then laughed. "I could see that."

I pouted. "How am I a dee-dee-hum-differ?"

My daddy cooed and kissed my head. "Aw, my baby boy is really little. A dehumidifier, baby boy. You take the bad, sticky, damp air and make it lighter, drier, and nicer."

"Ooh, okay. But instead of air, it's emotions?"

Dallas smiled. "Pretty much."

I hummed and tucked my head down, letting Daddy eat his meal. I kind of liked feeling his jaw move against my head. I curled my left hand and snuggled deeper with a soft sigh, keeping my right hand on his chest.

"Rita will be back with Big Bear tomorrow, so you should see her and have Emil meet her."

Denver hummed and silently agreed. I quietly asked who she was, so Dallas explained that Rita was the other owner of the ranch and the one who originally owned all of it. It had been left to her by her deceased husband in his will.

"Why did she give the work to you, Dally? It's an awful lot."

Dallas chuckled. "Rita is a little over thirty years older with less experience running a ranch but more experience in rodeos than me. So she takes care of rodeos by heading out to them with the correct bulls and horses while I handle the ranch. It's a partnership. We both have ranch hands who help us, too. Just like you saw earlier today. Emil."

"You do more than her, though. You have lots to do, after all."

Denver chuckled. "Yes, he certainly does have lots to do. You only did a teeny tiny bit of what Dad does today."

I pouted while Dallas barked a laugh. My smile returned a moment later and I pressed my lips to my daddy dominant's cheek. He smirked and I grinned as he wiped his lips, then I purred when his lips brushed my right cheek.

"I know, Daddy. Do you know the lady?"

Denver nodded. "Ms. Rita is a very nice but firm older woman. She gave me some work to do for my first job at fourteen and paid me a good amount as long as I did my job well and put in effort. It was a reward system that helped me learn that doing a job properly and thoroughly is the correct way to go about things, although I already had that understanding thanks to my dad."

I smiled sleepily while I listened to him talk. "That's good, Daddy."

He petted my hair as he handed his plate to his father, who'd silently offered to take it moments before.

"Are you tired, sweetheart?"


Daddy shifted around a bit and chuckled. "Ah, I see. It's bedtime for my baby boy."

Dallas stood with Daddy and gave him a side hug, petted my head, then said goodnight to us. "I will head out early and come back to pick you up at lunchtime. We can go out to eat and spend some time talking with Rita before Emil meets Big Bear."

"Sounds like a plan, Dad. Thank you."

Dallas smiled and nodded as Daddy began to turn. "You're welcome."

"Nighty-night, Dally." I said softly, waving my hand as I peered over my daddy's left shoulder. "Sleep well, 'kay?"

"Goodnight, Emil. Sleep well." replied Dallas, wiggling his fingers at me before Daddy went down the hallway.

As soon as our bedroom door closed, Daddy set my butt on the bed and cupped my cheeks. I blinked at him, then smiled mischievously. I had snapped out of my very young self for this momentous occasion of having another proper kiss with Denver.

"May I have my kiss now, Daddy?"

His ice-blue eyes gleamed. "Of course you may, my sweet Emil."

I curled my arms over his shoulders and pulled him closer. Denver leaned down a bit more and our lips met. His tongue gently poked between my lips, so I tentatively greeted it with mine. Denver's arms curled around my waist and my fingers pushed into his shoulder-length hair. My chest ached for air, so I broke the kiss and gasped breathlessly. Denver's lips pressed to my face and neck, his teeth nipping my skin.


His lips muffled my voice, deepening the kiss this time. I sank into it and leaned back, and of course my daddy dominant followed me. Denver drew back and smiled at my flushed face.

"You're so cute, Emil."

I grinned and then gently pecked his lips. "I love you too, Daddy."

He aww'd aloud and cooed, flopping onto his side to pull my form closer. "Agh, you're just the cutest... What did I do to deserve my little angel?"

I snuggled closer. "That's my line, Daddy. Except you're my big, strong protector angel."

My daddy dominant hugged me a bit tighter while he pressed kisses to my face. "Mhm, we're both angels for each other."

I nodded with a sleepy smile.

Dallas had his own share of heartache quite early on in life. But that didn't stop him from loving others.

Emil's little side was out in full force in this chapter, but he's such a cutie-pie.

See you again next Saturday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 1/28/2023
Word count: 2716

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