Betting On Red {DevilDice}

By LazzyyPotatooo

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♣♥♠♦ Betting love as an exchange for a simple moment of pleasure, victory, and pride. What could go wrong? Al... More

Chpt 1: King Dice
Chpt 2: A little help
Chpt 3: Life-changing bets
Chpt 4: Quarreling
Chpt 5: Progress
Chpt 6: Waiting for you
Chpt 7: Best brother
Chpt 8: Revive me
Chpt 9: Victory!
Chpt 10: Recovering
Chpt 11: Great choice
Chpt 12: Sick
Chpt 13: Cute couple eh?
Chpt 14: Back to work!
Chpt 15: Let's play pretend
Chpt 16: Tiny little imp
Chpt 17: Sleeping with the boss
Chpt 18: Something New
Chpt 19: Saudade
Chpt 20: Dreams
Chpt 21: A little kiss
Chpt 22: Out on the roof
Chpt 23: Shifting gaze
Chpt 24: Special guests
Chpt 25: Special day
Chpt 26: Pieces
Chpt 27: Billiard gone sexual?
Uh..this is awkward
Chpt 28: Tormenting Amelia
Chpt 29: A vacation!
Chpt 30: Past scars
Chpt 31: Stupid Dice
Chpt 32: Bad luck!
Chpt 33: Good old days
Chpt 34: It's called love
Chpt 35: Oh, Mr. Wheezy
Chpt 36: The crew
Chpt 37: Birthday Boi
Chpt 38: The gay and the stalker
Chpt 39: Love me I say
Chpt 40: Love sick
Chpt 41: Isn't she lovely?
Chpt 42: A brawl is surely brewing..
Chpt 43: Nicknames and Promises
Chpt 44: Can't sleep love~
Chpt 45: Maybe just a little bit more?
Chpt 47: A cute couple.. of dorks
Chpt 48: Not So Subtle Moves
Chpt 48: Stupid customers
Chpt 50: A Date At The Carnival!
Chpt 51: Once A Cat Of Time
Chpt 52: A Very Lucky Dice
Chpt 53: Here's A Real High Class 'Bout!
Chpt 54: It's On!
Chpt 55: Numb
The Last Chapter: Betting On Red
Farewell!+ Alternate Ending

Chpt 46: Sweet confessions

501 18 73
By LazzyyPotatooo

The Devil sat on the floor, behind a closed door. His whole body panicking excitedly but also worriedly about what he just did.

'DAMMIT! I couldn't help myself!!'

He just kissed King Dice.


His body felt like it was being electrocuted with this rush. he can still feel the feeling of his lips on his. Those soft, sweet.. addicting lips of his. His tail wags behind him as he kept blushing over the kiss.

Yes, he was aware that they have already kissed a couple of times before, the first one was accidental, couldn't even call it a kiss. The second one was to cure him, which only made Dev crave for him. He hid his face on his hands, going to his room and locking it.

"..Maybe I shouldn't have done that? I don't want to scare him– FCK! What if he hates me now?!!" He let out a long groan in frustration. All these past few days, his mind was filled with nothing but Dice. His smile, his face, his movements, his voice– SHT! Just everything he does!! He flops down on his bed. Oh, he'd sell everything just to see the look on his face right now. The way his cheeks turn red when he's embarrassed, how his voice gets a little higher and how he avoids eye contact "Aaww~ He's just so fcking cute~" Burying his face on his pillow. Those little details was engraved in his mind.

• • •

It was nighttime. The full moon was shining brightly in the sky, alongside the tiny stars. It was a quiet night, the Casino was closed and only the two are left in the office "Nghh..~" Moans of pleasure, gasps of uneven breaths, and the sound of creaking furniture filled the room "Fck~! Dice! You feel so good~" Dice was on the table (gosh, I seriously can't write this–) being fcked by the devil. Both heated bodies move in sync as they grind on each other "Ahh~! Boss.." The devil placed his lips on Dice's soft ones, staring into his dark eyes as he passionately kisses him. Dice was weak, eyes half-lidded, his senses overwhelmed with pleasure "Dice~ You're mine, remember that.." He connected his forehead to his "Boss..–"

• • •
The devil woke up, his body filled with heat and sweat. His mind replays his dream "What.. the fck?" Everything felt real to him. Surprised and flustered, the devil thinks about the dream he had. Realizing it wasn't real, made him feel disappointed and horny. Hearing Dice's deep voice and his beautiful moans sounded so real, that he wants to hear them again. Red blush covers his face in embarrassment 'Those lips.. his lips.. Fuccckkk!! I want to taste it again!! And maybe one day I can even taste.. more of him...' He placed a finger on his lips, remembering every time they kissed. What does he want?! Why is this happening?! Was this lust talking to him? Or is this something else?

A new feeling sets on his stomach, he was hungry. But not for food, hungry for Dice. He looked down at his crotch, noticing a big problem, great. Now he has to deal with this.

After taking a shower, still can't believe how he did something like that to him in his mind (yeah I ain't gonna write how he fapped to him) He rubs himself with the towel he has, some of his fur standing up. He heads to his office, ordering the imps to make him a cup of coffee. What time was it? He looked at the clock, it was 9:45 am. When the coffee was done, he sat down on his chair, enjoying his drink while reflecting on himself.

*knock knock*

The Devil let out a yawn "Come in" The doors opened, revealing King Dice. His body tensed, remembering his dream about him "Oh, Good morning Boss! Did you just woke up?" Devil avoids eye contact, blushing in his chair "Y-Yes, I just did.." Dice remembered about the kiss from last night, but he didn't want to think about it too much, after all he has a lot of work to do "..Right, well I'm just here to drop these off" Seeing and hearing Dice made him feel weird. His heart pounding, his body tense and he felt shy. When Dice noticed he didn't say anything, he got closer and looked at his face, concerned that he was acting odd by how his body is tense "You alright Boss?" The demon almost flinched at how close they were, he backed away "I-I'm fine! You can go back to work now!" King Dice decided to let it be, maybe he was just feeling a little ill. He nods his head "Alright. Enjoy the rest of the day, Boss"
The Demon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he left.

The demon tries distracting himself with different things. He tries working, listening to the radio, playing games, torture some souls and what not, but still, nothing worked.

He started avoiding Dice, hoping it will help, but that only attracted attention from the staff and the manager himself. Which also caused the Devil to think about him even more, maybe do something to him in his mind from time to time.

They noticed that Dev was trying to distance himself from Dice. Every time Dice was going to tell him something, he leaves. Or if he sees him going the same direction, he'll change his.

This went on for a couple of days, and it started to worry everyone, especially the die headed manager.

"Hey Boss?"
He saw his body tense a little, but he remained quiet "..Are you alright? I noticed you've been acting.. strange these past few days.." The demon avoided eye contact, burying himself with work "I don't know what you're talking about." Dice approached him, sitting down on a chair in front of him, he noticed him move back "..If there's something troubling you, you know I'm right here, right?" He spoke in a gentle manner "You don't have to hide it.." But he didn't receive a response.

He stood up, walking behind him to see what he was writing and to grab his attention "..Dev?" He saw him flinch "Get away from me" He moved away from him "Dev, please tell me what's wrong.." The demon started feeling guilty. Dice was obviously concerned about him, he doesn't understand why he's acting this way. He felt Dice's hand on his back. But by doing so, he unexpectedly pushed Dice off of him, causing him to lose balance and fall down on the floor. Devil realized what he did, his heart shattered into pieces "SHT! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" He knelt down at Dice's level who was rubbing his back from the sudden pain "It's alright Boss, I'm sorry, I must've scared ya" The demon was drowning in self guilt "Sht. I'm really sorry, a-are you hurt?" He worriedly asked.

Dice was a bit surprised by this act.

"I'm fine Boss, it was just a little push after all!" He gently smiles at him, the demon felt his face heating up "And if you don't want to tell me what ever it is you're going through, then it's alright, I'll wait until you're ready" The Devil's heart melted at his kind words. He buried his face on his chest, loving his calming scent. His heart started beating quickly, for being this close to him. His hand wrapped around his waist, craving for his touch.

It was painful to ignore your favourite person for days y'know! He misses how he smells, how comfortable he is and how his heart beats in his chest.

But he stopped himself before he gets too greedy "Dammit Dice! You're making this so difficult for me!!" He yelled "..What do you mean, Boss?" He suddenly felt his arms being pinned on the wall, on top of his head "Do you know how difficult it is to hold back for your sake?" Which was something he regret doing later on. Seeing Dice in this position.. in this perspective... Made him feel things he wished he didn't.

Dev doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to resist the temptation to lean in and taste his lips again. He's been obsessed with him, he's like a drug, he's addicted and he can't live another day without him. He doesn't understand all these overwhelming feelings, but he wants him. No, that's not the right word.. He needs him.

"B-Boss?" Dice was nervously stuttering, his boss on top of him. Dev failed to resist the urge, he brushed his hand along his face and leans in, tasting his lips again. Dice's eyes widen, as the devil passionately kisses him. Dice tries pulling away, trying to make sense of what was happening. But Dev only deepened his kiss, pushing Dice's head towards him. The die let out a surprised squeak. While the devil enjoys indulging his sweet, soft lips. He just can't get enough. Dice struggled with breathing, both by being nervous and by the heated kiss, his eyes half open, panting for air.

'Let go of him! You're hurting him!' He growls at his own thoughts 'Sht! You're scaring him! Stop it dammit!'

Dev unwillingly pulled away. Dice covers half of his blushing, red face with his arm, confused and embarrassed about what just happened. The devil stood up in frustration "Damnit! I don't understand!!" He placed a hand on his chest, gripping it tightly.

"I.. I can't get you out of my mind! I can't even imagine my life without you! Why is it so difficult for me to resist you?!" After these past days of ignoring Dice, it became apparent that this feeling is no ordinary lust. It felt deeper, it felt more genuine than that.

"I...I don't want to scare you! I don't want you to leave me.. I'm scared that I might hurt you.." To care someone on a deeper level, to dream of spending their entire life with them and to feel alive around them is no ordinary lust. No, this is something else indeed.

"I'm.. confused, scared even.. These feelings are so.. new.. so different.. I feel so vulnerable.. but.. with you, I feel safe.." His words felt true. Like he cried these words out from his very heart.

"I.. I never thought I'm capable of feeling like this... I'm THE DEVIL aren't I?!" He fell to his knees "...I'm the Devil! Trusting me is the most foolish thing a mortal can do! Every one knows to fear me, to avoid me..!" He looked at Dice, who was worriedly looking at him "..But you stayed.." Dice lightly chuckled "I suppose I'm the biggest fool you've ever seen then.." Dice took off his gloves, moves closer to him, causing the other to tense a little, and gently hold Dev's warm hands "Because I trust you, Dev. I want to do whatever you want to make you happy.. And I don't care about what others think, I don't care if I'm labelled as a fool by doing so.."

Dice answered truthfully, putting his heart and his feelings into that sentence.

"And I promised you, didn't I? I swore to never leave your side, and I plan on fulfilling that promise" He gently rubs his thumbs on his hand.

"If... If I tell you how I feel.. You promise you won't leave?" The demon asked, worried and scared. Dice only nods his head, giving him a reassuring look.

"I.. I love you, Dice.."

Saying that felt relieving, like opening a window and letting the breeze in the room. His body felt light, as if the chains that prevents him from saying that was destroyed.

"..And I know.. I-It sounds foolish for me to say that, but I swear to you, I have never been so honest as I am right now"

Words cannot express the feeling of the moment. No matter how hard you may try.

Dice stared in astonishment, tears soon filled his eyes as he look at his boss with a flabbergasted look.

"A-are you crying?! Fck! I'm sorry! Do you hate me that much??" Dice snapped back to reality "What? OH! No! Of course I don't! Why would I?! I fcking love you!" Dice quickly said, grabbing his arm as if he let go, he'll leave "..What?" Dice wipes his tears away, giving him the biggest, warmest smile he can show "You don't now how much this makes me happy, boss. I- I'm in love with you!"

"R-Really?! Why didn't you tell me before Dice?!" Dev complained "Because I was scared!" Dice looked down in shame "...I was scared you wouldn't take it seriously, or you wouldn't like me back.. I was scared you'll be disgusted.. and that I wouldn't be your right hand man anymore..." He showed him all what he fears. For everything to be taken away from him. To be stripped out of his position, to be force to leave his family, to be separated from the Devil.

Dice felt a soft hand on the side of his face "Dice.. My darling Dice.. There are no other mortal even remotely close to being worthy enough to replace you.. I trust you more than I trust myself, or anyone here. You'll forever be my right hand man.. No one else" Dice leans in on his soft hands, relaxing on it, a pink blush dusted across his face "And why would I be disgusted of you? Dice! You're fcking amazing at literally everything! And you're gorgeous! If anyone disagrees, I'll tear their damn limbs apart!!" This made the die chuckle a bit. Seeing and hearing his adorable laugh only made Dev stare and admire him, with a red face "Sht!! You're so damn adorable!!" He couldn't help but pull him into a hug, but gently to not surprise him. Dice happily hugged back, leaning his head a little towards him.

Both happily stayed in quiet for a while, enjoying each other's company, enjoying each other's touches.

And honestly, they have never felt such joy before. Love really is an interesting thing is it not? It can bring you great joy, fear, sorrow, or excitement.

They interlocked their hands together, their fingers slipping between each of theirs so perfectly. The faint orange light giving atmosphere to the room, while their hearts are singing a joyful song "Dice, I'm not at all experienced with being romantic and all, but for you, I'm willing to try my best. But only if you want to..." They stared deep in their eyes, and if it was possible, their eyes would have a red shaped heart right now "..I'd love to" A gentle smile appeared on the demon's face, placing their forehead together.

"I love you Dice.."

The demon can't believe it, this must be some sort of dream, right? Finally saying those words to him...

"I love you more.."

And him saying it back.

Broooo have I been busy or WHAT
But thank God I'm able to write again!!

I apologize this took waayyy tooooooo looonnnngggg but here ya go mah dudes

Also, this is adorable af I freaking love it

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