Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series...

By TheoryKierei

240K 22.1K 5.1K

Blake did the last thing he could possibly think of to escape an addictive, abusive relationship. He dropped... More

Wild Dog 1
Wild Dog 2
Wild Dog 3
Wild Dog 4
Wild Dog 5
Wild Dog 6
Wild Dog 7
Wild Dog 8
Wild Dog 9
Wild Dog 10
Wild Dog 12
Wild Dog 13
Wild Dog 14
Wild Dog 15
Wild Dog 16
Wild Dog 17
Wild Dog 18
Wild Dog 19
Wild Dog 20
Wild Dog 21
Wild Dog 22
Wild Dog 23
Wild Dog 24
Wild Dog 25 Fixed
Wild Dog 26
Wild Dog 27
Wild Dog 28
Wild Dog 29
Wild Dog 30
Wild Dog 31
Wild Dog 32
Wild Dog 33
Wild Dog 34
Wild Dog 35
Wild Dog 36
Wild Dog 37
Wild Dog 38
Wild Dog 39
Wild Dog 40
Wild Dog 41
Wild Dog 42
Wild Dog 43
Wild Dog 44
Wild Dog 45
Wild Dog 46
Wild Dog 47
Wild Dog 48
Wild Dog 49
Epilogue 2

Wild Dog 11

5.8K 491 152
By TheoryKierei

He couldn't do it. Or, well, he couldn't decide on what to do. Rolling back over in bed, Wyatt nudged at his pillows with his bare feet as he settled his chin against his mussed up blankets so that he could stare at the phone he had held out in front of him. 

I need to call him. 

There was definitely no arguing that point. 

But I don't just want to call him. I want to Facetime with him. 

His heart began to thrum in his chest as he considered the time, too. It was nearly eleven at night. 

I have officially spent four hours rolling around in bed trying to figure out how to contact him without seeming too needy. 

Now that he had finally worked up enough courage, of all things, it was pretty late at night. 

Maybe I should just call him tomorrow. 

He was just about to send a simple text message asking if everything went well and how he was doing, when the sound of his phone suddenly going off had him quickly jamming his thumb against the green accept button. When he brought it up to his ear, his heart now hammering in his chest, he realized that the caller hadn't been who he'd wanted to talk to. 

Of course, there had been caller ID so Dr. Green's name had been quite obvious on the screen, but Wyatt's muddled mind hadn't paid it any attention. 

"Hello Wyatt, I hope I'm not calling too late but I remembered that you tend to be a night owl most days. I wanted to check in on Ravi. How is he doing?" 

Wyatt quickly sat up and tried to look somewhat presentable in his wrinkled dark red T-shirt and black sweatpants. He was just fixing his hair as he was about to begin to respond when he realized that he wasn't even on Facetime, so the doctor couldn't see him at all. 

What am I doing with my life? 

Calming down, he took a deep breath and gave his head a good shake. 

"He went back to sleep soon after you left, and your cousin is actually staying the night... since he kind of fell asleep against the couch and I just couldn't bring myself to wake him up," he said, holding back a quiet chuckle. 

He definitely hadn't intended to allow Trever to stay, but Ravi had crawled right into the guys lap and passed out, and the only time they'd been able to wake him up was for a whole three minutes, which had been just enough time to trick him into taking his meds and having another drink of warm tea. 

That guy's back is going to be screaming by tomorrow morning. 

"I'm surprised, but also grateful. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to give me a call," the doctor said, making Wyatt quickly agree before they both hung up. 

Flopping forward again, he held his phone out in front of him, resting the bottom of it against the blanket as he tapped a few things on the screen. Before he realized what he was doing, Blake's name showed up on his calling screen. It was just his luck, too, that his mind didn't process this little fact fast enough to hit the end call button before it was picked up. 

His mouth went dry as Blake appeared on his screen a moment later... with just a damp towel around his bare shoulders. He was obviously in the bathroom, likely in front of the sink. 

Oh god. After all this time trying not to make this call awkward, not only did I unintentionally just Facetime him, but I did it right after he'd gotten out of the shower!

He'd never been so embarrassed. Blake, however, didn't seem to have a single problem with his late night, oddly-timed video call. 

"Hey Wyatt, how are things going?" he said calmly as he toweled at his hair with his free hand. 

Is he a two towel kind of guy, or is that the only towel he's using at the moment? 

He needed to drag his mind right out of the gutter. 

Fantasizing about something that's not yours, while literally on a phone call with him. 

Wyatt honestly felt as if he were sinking lower and lower with each passing second. 

"Pretty good. Ravi has a bad cold, though, but it turns out that the doctor I called over was actually cousins with the guy who gave him that scarf he brought home the other night. It was kind of a weird situation at first, but Ravi kind of forced him to stay over, so they're sleeping in the living room right now," he said, then took an awkward breath, not having realized that he'd totally just said all of that in a single go. 

Blake took a few moments to process his words as the towel he was holding against his wet hair slowed to a stop. When he finally seemed to put together what he'd said, he gave a quiet chuckle and set the towel down in front of him, likely on the bathroom counter. 

"Sounds like things have at least been interesting since I've left." 

Not as interesting as they could have been if you hadn't. 

Wyatt gave him a nervous smile and then realized something that turned his cheeks a faint pink color. 

I'm literally lying on my bed in messy clothes, with messy hair, while on a video call with someone I'd kind of like to impress. 

Not just kind of, either. 

"You look really cute, sir." 

Blinking out of his panicking mind, Wyatt frowned slightly at Blake's words as he tilted his head, going back over what the man had said a moment ago. He really had just called him cute. He was one of the strictest, most sought-after dominants in town. People just didn't call him cute

Rolling over onto his back, he lifted his phone above his head as a smile snuck onto his face. 

"Says the adorable man staring at me without a shirt on." 

Those words seemed to make Blake realize that he was, indeed, standing in front of his phone's camera without a shirt on. He had no doubt that there was likely nothing lower, either, but he wasn't going to say anything along those lines. 

When he noticed Blake blush and walk out of the little room he was in, he felt his heart twist a little in his chest. 

I didn't mean it in a negative way. 

Of course he hadn't, but it was no surprise that his words made Blake nervous enough to seek out something to wear. He wanted to tell him that he didn't need to put a single thing on, and his other half would have been more than happy if the camera went a bit lower, even, but he definitely wasn't going to say that! So, he kept all of his words to himself and waited as Blake set his phone down on the bed, then went about getting dressed. Considering how long it took him, he definitely figured that his previous hunch had been correct. 

He hadn't been wearing any clothing. 

When Blake finally walked back over to the bed and picked his phone up, Wyatt propped himself up slightly on one arm so that he could stare down at his phone. Just from the few glimpses he'd gotten of the room, it was obvious that he was in a hotel. 

You could be in my room right now instead, though...

When Blake fell backwards onto the bed, Wyatt couldn't help but laugh a little as he got a good view of the ceiling again. As the phone was turned back around, he couldn't help but noticw what Blake had decided to put on. 

He's got bunny rabbit pajama pants...

Little brown rabbits hopped about every which way on the guy's soft pink pants. He only got the briefest glimpse of them, but they would forever be burned into his memory now. 

He needs a matching shirt. 

The one he had on was just a simple tan T-shirt. It was worn with age, but as far as sleep shirts went, it looked super comfy. 

"How have you been doing up there?" Wyatt finally asked once Blake had settled in against his pillows and tugged his covers up partway. 

Following his lead as he waited for an answer, Wyatt got himself tucked in, too. 

"It's not bad. Had to wait at the airport for a bit because they lost my luggage, but thankfully it was just because they misread my ticket. They got it off the other plane in time so that it wasn't sent off to Paris," Blake said as Wyatt's face turned a little pale. 

His stuff almost got sent to Paris? 

He would have freaked out and called his mom as soon as he found out. Sure, he was an adult and could take care of himself perfectly fine, but family was family, and if something stressful happened, his mom was always just a phone call away. 

I need to make sure I send her something amazing for Hanukah this year. 

He didn't really celebrate holidays anymore, but that didn't mean that he couldn't bring some joy to others who did. Especially the most important pillar in his life. 

"I'm glad it was worked out before things could become worse. What are your plans for the next few days?" 

Wyatt listened quietly as Blake went over his plans. To his surprise, he really didn't have anything set up beforehand. He intended to apply to as many jobs as he could find in the nearby area, and also planned to go look at cars in the next few days, since he'd intentionally left his at his ex's. It had the guy's name on its title, so it was probably the better move. 

 He noticed that Blake was shivering a little and inwardly frowned as he calmly spoke. 

"Pull your blankets up." 

It wasn't technically an order, but Blake seemed to take it as one since he quickly did as told, tugging the blankets up to his chin without an ounce of hesitation. His shivering settled after another few moments, making Wyatt smile in relief. 

"Master Wyatt?" 

Hiding a yawn behind his hand, Wyatt nuzzled against his pillow a little before replying with a quiet "yes?" 

"Thanks for calling and checking in on me. It means a lot," Blake mumbled back, his eyes clearly beginning to grow heavy. 

Wyatt tugged his own blankets up a bit higher than he was normally comfortable with, but that was mainly because he was trying to hide the big smile on his face. It was a strange way to respond to such words, and he knew that, but he just couldn't help being extremely proud of Blake for telling him that he was glad that he'd contacted him. 

Even though most subs he knew loved attention and some would even beg for it, while others might pretend to not want it just so that they could get closer to doms who didn't like being bothered so often, he just couldn't put Blake into either of those categories. Yes, he seemed to really enjoy attention, and yes, he also tended to pretend that he didn't really want it, even though his need to be touched shone clear as day in his gentle eyes, but still...

It hadn't bothered him in the least when he'd had to orbit around the guy while he'd been in town. He'd had to be very careful and read every situation, but each time the guy had let him have a simple touch? 

"What are you thinking about with such a cute look on your face, master Wyatt?" Blake asked as his own grin widened and he leaned closer, clearly trying to see the grin he was trying to hide. 

Wyatt quickly yanked his blankets up and over his head, earning a super adorable bit of laughter from Blake. 

I'm being so childish. I just hid from someone because I was smiling!

Yanking the blanket back down abruptly, Wyatt lifted a finger to press against his lips, immediately silencing Blake's previous bout of giggles. The guy snuggled a bit more into his blankets before speaking. 

"I'm sorry master Wyatt, I didn't mean to laugh at you." 

Wyatt sighed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. 

"It's okay, I'm sorry I shushed you. I'm just... not used to this," he said, not even really understanding what he was trying to say. 

Blake seemed to understand though, somehow, because he gave him one more adorable smile before speaking. 

"I think it's bed time for me. Going to be very busy tomorrow." 

Probably a good idea to end this conversation before I make an even bigger fool of myself. 

"Alright, let me know how things go?" he asked right away, wanting to smack his head against the wall as soon as he'd finished speaking. 

He really needed to learn how to reign himself in. Well, he normally had great control over his reactions and responses to situations, but it seemed like that all went right out the window when it came to Blake. 

Once they said their goodnights, he clicked end call, then just stared at his phone until the screen went black. He then gave out another, larger sigh, tossed his phone somewhere else, and grabbed one of his pillows to hug against his chest for the evening... since he didn't have an adorable, blond, beautiful sub to wrap in his arms. 

The pillow will just have to do. 

His other half flicked its ear and stomped its little feet in his mind, as if wanting to add, for now, to his thought as he drifted off to sleep. 

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