Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

155K 6.7K 1.4K

Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Christmas AU
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

4.4K 188 68
By Origin_of_Kelpie

I twirled on the rolling chair, smiling to myself while Denver prepared the necessary materials for the seminar he would be teaching. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, gently kissing my forehead when I stopped moving around to hug his hips.

There weren't any people in the classroom at the moment, but Denver said they'd be coming in soon. He was correct. Within a few minutes after he said that, the students slowly trickled in. All of them looked either really exhausted or very chipper for the early morning seminar.

Denver rubbed my back when I hugged him again, so he smiled warmly at me. His beautiful smile always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And I'm really happy and relieved that my daddy dominant is feeling better after yesterday. I think he's still blaming himself because I got hurt but, as I told him multiple times, it's not his fault.

He really had no way of knowing that man would attack me. Even I thought he just wanted to talk. It took less than twelve seconds to free me, so I have very light bruising on my neck. Denver's eyes fill with hurt and sorrow every time he sees the bruises, though, which makes me a bit annoyed. It's obvious as to why he's acting like that, but I told him not to so many times.

I sighed, then rested my arms and head on the desk's free space. I just want Denver to move past the incident. I love him so much and I really don't want to see him in pain for any reason. Maybe I should do something to drag my happy and possessive daddy back to the forefront. He's super protective right now, which I do enjoy, but I don't want him constantly stressed out because of me.

As the seminar started, Denver's soothingly deep voice made itself known. I relaxed into my seat with a soft sigh. My daddy dominant tousled my hair as I looked up at him with a happy but sleepy smile. His ice-blue eyes sparkled and it seemed as though he wanted to kiss me, cuddle my form, and snuggle together somewhere alone. But he held himself back for obvious reasons.

I could feel a lot of gazes landing on me, but I didn't mind them. But that was only until I had to use the restroom. Denver noticed my squirming and his eyes widened. I knew he would want to go with me, but my man does have to work. I got up as Denver turned off his mic to lean down.

I kissed his cheek. "I'll be back soon, Daddy. No one's going to hurt me here."

"How can you know that?"

"I saw a really pretty boy taller than me wearing clothes like mine. I'm sure it's okay to be myself here."

Denver pursed his lips. "All right. I love you."

I pecked them and grinned. "I love you, too. Don't worry about me and do your work. You're my famous psychologist daddy, so I don't want your reputation to fall because of you worrying needlessly about me."

He frowned. "It's not needless."

"Okay, but just please focus. I'll be gone maybe fifteen minutes max."

Denver took a few deep breaths and quietly agreed. I kissed him once more, then hurried out of the classroom. I shut the door as I tried to find signage to guide me to the men's restroom.

"Hey, you're leaving Dr. Charleston's seminar?" asked a soft, smooth voice.

I turned to see the taller pretty boy I'd told my daddy dominant about. He had white-blond hair and strange but pretty watermelon-pink irises. He smiled warmly at me.

"Yeah," I finally uttered. "I'm not a student here. He's my daddy."

The boy frowned, then a smile formed again. "Oh, you mean he's your daddy dominant."

I nodded. "Um, so where's the restroom?"

He grinned. "Come with me. I'll show you the way!"

I followed him and he led me to the restroom a few hallways away. I'm glad he talked to me because I never would have found it. He entered with me and we both used the urinals, then washed our hands.

"My name is Rosen Auld. What's yours, cutie?"

I laughed. "Emil Robertson. It's really nice to meet you, and thanks for helping me."

Rosen smirked and responded, "I bet it was nice, and you're welcome. Hey, since you're Dr. Charleston's boy, how long will you be in the city?"

"Um, we arrived yesterday evening, so I think we will be staying until tomorrow morning." I replied, and Rosen grinned.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-two. Why?"

Rosen's jaw dropped and he exclaimed, "You're older than my brother!"

I smiled shyly. "I guess so. Why did you wanna know?"

He laughed and ruffled my hair, which made me pout a bit. Rosen smiled again. "I was going to invite you and your daddy to my workplace where I'm a dancer. It's a one-of-a-kind experience."

"A dancer?"

"A pole-dancer." he explained, and my cheeks turned red.

"I-I'll let Daddy know then. How can I contact you?"

Rosen held up his phone and I realized I didn't have any paper on me. When I told Rosen that, he looked puzzled.

"Why don't you have a phone?"

"Mama and Papa took it away 'cause I was a bad boy for liking Tigre." I whimpered, quickly going back into my little-space.

Rosen looked shocked. "Tigre?"

"Uh-huh, he was in my class and he gave me a tiger plushie before he left. Mama and Papa ripped up the plushie and kept me inside for a long time."

Rosen looked a bit relieved but then had gotten considerably more concerned while I talked. After I began to tear up, Rosen gave me a hug, so I was able to calm down a bit.

"I'm sorry. My mother wasn't too wonderful either. My papa, though, was my lifeline." he said softly.

I rubbed my cheek on his own as a form of comfort. "I'm sorry, Rose. And thank you for calming me down."

He chuckled as he stepped back. "You fluidly switch back and forth, don't you? I keep mine trapped behind a wall the majority of the time. I'm only a little around my daddy. I was surprised to hear you say his name, but I realized that the Tigre from your past is not my Tigre."

I nodded with a small smile as I replied, "I understand. And I switch so much because my parents kept me in little-space for the majority of the four years I was confined in the house. Daddy came over, thanks to my sister, and rescued me after my dad exploded in rage because I stepped outside onto the front porch."

Rosen's gaze softened and he played with my red curls, quietly marveling at my blond highlights. "It's good that he saved you."


The restroom door opened and an even taller male came through the doorway. He was much bulkier in terms of muscle definition than Rosen, but he looked a bit similar.

"Rosen, your papa's waiting for you. What's taking—?" He paused when he saw Rosen and I together. "Who's this?"

Rosen grinned. "Indie, this is Emil Robertson, my new little friend." he explained, so I blushed with a happy smile. "And Emil, this is Indigo Loft, my brother."

Indigo towered over me like Denver, but he was definitely shorter. I wasn't really intimidated, so I smiled at him and held out my hand. Indigo stared at it for a moment, then took my smaller hand and gently shook it. I giggled with a happy grin, which made him chuckle.

"He's a bit like you." he remarked to Rosen and then kissed his brother's cheek. "And he's surprisingly cute."

Rosen smirked. "I knew it. Anyway, don't worry, he belongs to someone. I just want to swap contact info with him, then we can go find Papa."

Indigo hummed as he hugged Rosen's waist. "All right. Shall we take him back to his daddy?"

"I can get my daddy's phone and put the number in there." I added, so Rosen gave me a thumbs up.

The brothers took me back to the classroom and I opened the door to see Denver anxiously pacing while he explained something I couldn't pronounce. He stiffened when he saw me and his eyes darkened considerably when he noticed the brothers behind me.

Denver shut off his mic again and came over to repossess me from the brothers' guardianship. "Thank you," he whispered tersely.

Rosen saluted him. "You're welcome. By the way, Emil is a little like me. And don't worry, I have a daddy. I just wanted to exchange contact info to stay friends with Emil."

Denver looked at me for confirmation, although he appeared to be pretty bewildered. He retrieved his phone and Rosen sent over his contact info through bluetooth or something. Indigo hugged Rosen's waist and both guys left the classroom moments after they said goodbye to me.

My precious daddy nuzzled my head and repeatedly kissed my cheek while I hugged his neck. "I guess I shouldn't have been worried," he murmured.

"But how about you hold me for the rest of the class? I think you'll be able to concentrate while I'm safe in your arms."

Immediately, Denver agreed and kissed my cheeks. I snuggled in as he turned his mic on and continued the class with an iron focus.


Denver flopped down onto his back on the bed with a loud sigh, so I knelt next to him. Denver lifted his right hand and cupped my left cheek. I grinned at him and curled down to kiss his lips. My man had completed three successful seminars today, which was tiring for both of us.

"Good job, Daddy." I praised, petting his dark brown hair.

He chuckled. "Thank you, baby. I have to admit that I felt much better once you were in my arms."

I grinned, then rested my head on his chest. His heart pounded underneath my ear. "Say, Daddy?" I began, testing the waters.


"Do you want to go further with me?"

Denver tensed and I lifted my head to see him sporting a full-face blush. I smiled and gently pecked his lips. "I love you, Daddy, so I do want to do more with you."

His lips parted, but no sound came out. I took my chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. A deep, rumbly groan emerged from him as our lips moved together.

"Baby," he murmured, petting my hair as he sat up. "Are you trying to distract me?"

I quirked my lips down. "Yes and no."

Denver's ice-blue eyes softened even more. "I'm sorry for making you worry about me."

"Isn't that a natural thing?"

He smiled sadly. "Yes, but it's disheartening under the current circumstances."

I hummed. "You feel like you failed to keep your promise and now you're moping about it."

Denver's eyes widened. "Goodness, you're becoming more blunt with each passing day."

I raised an eyebrow. "Because you need it, Daddy. You're down in the dumps and very quiet most of the time unless you're ranting, making me feel like I'm not doing enough to make you happy. I understand why you're acting like this, but it's not exactly easy for me either."

Denver sucked in his lips. "I didn't mean—!"

"I know, I'm just saying what's on my mind—sharing my thoughts with you like I promised."

He stared at my small hands and then lifted them to gently kiss my palms. "Mhm, you're my good little boy who always keeps his promises."

I smiled shyly. "Almost always."

"Always," he insisted. "You always keep your promises. Whether for chores or for helping me live a better life with you."

My face warmed. "Then is my daddy a man of his word? A man who keeps his promises?"

Denver went to shake his head, but I caught his face in my hands. His ice-blue eyes showed such a shocking amount of vulnerability that it stunned me into silence. After getting my thoughts in order, I heaved a shaky breath and kissed the tip of his nose. Denver's eyes filled with tears.

"I know the truth, Daddy dearest." I whispered, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. "You work so hard every day, keeping each promise you make to both your patients and me. You promised that I would never feel unloved or uncared for, which you have kept all this time. You promised to make me happy and I am. You promised me that we would talk to each other about everything and we are keeping that promise now. You, my beloved daddy, my man known as Denver Charleston, are a man of your word and you always keep your promises."

Tears made my thumbs wet, but I kept wiping my man's cheeks the best I could while I held his head. I crawled over his thighs and guided his face to the crook of my neck, then hugged his head and shoulders. Denver hugged my upper body, his silent tears seeping into my shirt and the collar of my oversized cardigan.

"I don't want you to mull over and mope about what happened anymore, Daddy. You can constantly think over what you could have done to prevent it, but there's no way you could've known what would happen in the first place. We both thought he wanted to talk—and he did, but he wanted to do more. That was unexpected. Please don't blame yourself, Daddy. I don't and you don't need to do it. If you want to blame someone, blame the evil man who abused you."

Denver was quiet, but he responded with a small nod and a tighter squeeze.

How many people recognized the characters Rosen and Indigo? Fun crossover, huh? Well, I will eventually get Rosen's story "Their Golden Rose" back up again. (*''*)

Also, I just had this thought... Who would be up for a Christmas special AU (alternate universe) chapter with Emil and Denver? I think that could be fun.

See you again next Saturday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 11/26/2022
Word count: 2394

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