Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

156K 6.7K 1.4K

Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Christmas AU
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 10

5.5K 209 24
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"Aww, my baby boy is too cute." cooed Daddy, so I couldn't help my blush while I hugged Bunny.

"Thank you, Daddy." I beamed, hopping on my toes.

"Ooh, so bouncy just like Bunny, huh?"

"Uh-huh!" I exclaimed with a happy giggle.

He lightly pinched my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "Let me get dressed, baby boy, and then we can head out."

"Mmkay, Daddy. Want some help?" I asked, twisting in place.

Daddy's ice-blue eyes sparkled. "I would love that, sweetheart."

I grinned. "Yay!"

I hopped over to the closer and looked at his side. "Huh, you have lots!"

He chuckled as he approached from behind. "How about you help me pick something that matches with you?"

"Ooh, okay!" I exclaimed, then immediately turned my focus to the lighter colored tops. "Um, how about this shirt?"

I tugged on the sleeve of a dark cream-colored shirt that was super soft. Daddy plucked it off the hanger and then pointed to a darker section of pants. I picked out a pair of jeans that were sand-colored and Daddy took hold of those, too. My head turned and I stared up at the belts and scarves.

"It's kinda cold outside, Daddy, so you should pick out a jacket and a scarf!" I said with a grin, then glued myself to my daddy's side as he tousled my hair and hugged my shoulders.

"That's a good idea, baby."

While Daddy picked out the rest of what he needed and or wanted, I hurried over to the mirror to look at my outfit again. Bunny said he liked it, which made me extra happy.

Today, I'm wearing an oversized cream-colored bunny hoodie. The hood has bunny ears on it that are super cute. The pocket for my hands on the front has flat paws stitched on them, too. Underneath the hoodie, I have a white t-shirt with a brown bunny on the chest pocket. My shorts are just above mid-thigh, but my long socks basically almost fully cover my skin.

"Ready to go, baby boy?"

I turned with a broad grin, lifting my arms up to him. "Carry me, Daddy? Please?"

Daddy's pretty eyes sparkled again. "Of course, my precious little boy."

Once I was picked up and settled against his right side, Daddy tucked Bunny into my arms and he got a thank you from me through a big smooch on his cheek. Daddy laughed and kissed my head, gathering his stuff and heading out the door. I snuggled deeper and marveled at the warmth Daddy had already collected inside his jacket. It's super duper cozy.

I was carefully put into the front seat and buckled in. I hugged Bunny to my chest and kissed my daddy's cheek before he backed off. His cheeks warmed, then he quickly pecked my temple before he shut the door.

It was a surprisingly interesting drive to get to Charlie's college with all of the shops and colorful things along the streets in preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas, despite it being in very early November. My little side had worn off awhile back, so I was thinking about Charlie's weird reactions again.

"You're thinking about it again."

I sighed aloud and flopped my head back. "Of course I am. She's my sister, Daddy."

Denver reached over and patted my head. "You're a good boy, Emil, but remember not to push. You've really only seen sides of her that she's allowed you to see."

That stung a bit, but I knew he was correct. I was mostly in my little mindset when she came to see me or when we still lived together, so I never got to see much other than her cheery or worried self. And she was always that way for my sake.

"I know, Daddy. Thank you."

My soft reply had been muffled by Bunny's head, but it made my daddy dominant smile. My heart pounded a bit harder because of it. Denver's handsome beauty still makes me feel in awe, ever since I first met him three weeks ago.

I smiled to myself and hugged Bunny a bit tighter. I'm really grateful to Charlie. She allowed me to feel real happiness and experience genuine love and affection because she introduced the Denver Charleston (a famous psychologist and part-time therapist) to little ol' me. Not only was I saved by Denver but by Charlie too, obviously.

The car slowed and I heard the blinker as Denver steered the car into the campus' parking lot. He drove to the visitor section and pulled into the nearest parking spot. Denver leaned over and kissed my cheek, then hopped out of the comfy, spacious SUV to unbelt me and tuck my form into his arms. I would have climbed out by myself to save him the trouble, but Denver had asked me to be a bit more selfish. When he opened my door, he leaned in and gently pecked my pursed lips and unbuckled me as expected. I grinned and reached out for him, which made his stunning ice-blue eyes sparkle again. As soon as I was tucked into his left side, I curled my arms over his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Daddy." I whispered, clutching him and my plushie a bit tighter.

Denver chuckled and kissed my head as he shut the door. "You are very welcome, Emil." he murmured, then locked the car.

I tucked my head down and peered over Denver's shoulder to people-watch. A few people were watching me, though, so I hid my face against my daddy dominant's neck. He chuckled as he rubbed my back.

"Such a cutie." he rumbled, so I cuddled as close as possible.

"Only because it's you, Daddy." I whispered under my breath.

I was sure he hadn't heard me until I felt him lightly squeeze my nape. I blushed a bit and relaxed again, just closing my eyes. I listened to Denver's footsteps on the sidewalk and the breeze rustling the leaves in the cold air. I was nice and cozy in my warm clothes and Denver's even warmer embrace, so I didn't feel chilly at all.

Denver moved his hand to open the door, then held it open for a couple girls and a guy who were pretty close behind him. One of the girls paused when our eyes met and she frowned, which made me a bit concerned. She hurried away with a flushed face when Denver cleared his throat. He let the door swing shut after she disappeared, then walked through the lobby to the cafeteria on the main floor.

"Here's a good spot," mumbled Denver, taking a seat on a chair in the corner. He let my legs hang on either side of his hips as he hugged my form tightly. "All right, time to text Charlotte."

I nodded, burrowing my nose under the collar of his jacket. Denver petted my head while he texted my sister, gently kissing my crown when I pressed my lips to his neck. I was so relaxed that my grip was loosening on my daddy, so his grip around my waist tightened.

We heard footsteps approaching, but I refused to turn my head to look. They didn't sound like Charlie's footsteps, which were much lighter.

"Is that you, Dr. Charleston?" asked a young man's voice.

Denver shifted in his seat as he looked up. "And you are?"

"Oh, I took a class taught by you a year ago. My name is Wesson, Dale Wesson."

"Ah, I see."

It was awkward silence for a moment, then Dale seemed to lift his confidence to continue the conversation. "Are you here to teach?" asked Dale.

Denver shook his head. "No, not for another four months or so."

Dale seemed puzzled. "Then why—?"

"C'mon, sweetheart, be a good boy and lift your head." whispered Denver, delicately pushing his fingers through my very red hair with blond highlights.

I pouted a bit and sat up, turning a bit as I gently rubbed my eyes. I finally looked at Dale Wesson. His startled grayish brown eyes met my emerald-green ones and his cheeks warmed when I managed a tiny smile.

"Hi," I said softly. Daddy's arm squeezed my waist, cuddling me closer. I leaned into him a bit more while I hugged Bunny to my chest.

"Oh, uh, h-hi to you, too." stuttered Dale, wetting his lips.

My soft giggle made his eyes darken slightly. I tilted my head. "Are you okay?"

Dale nodded and swallowed thickly. "Y-yeah, I'm great."

"Okay!" I quietly exclaimed with a big grin. "Oh, you asked what Denny was doing here, right?"

Daddy grunted behind me. I guess he wasn't happy that I called him "Denny." I thought he'd want the former because we're at a place where he teaches from time to time.

Dale nodded. "Yeah, so what's up?"

"I'm here to see my big sister."

"Your sister?"

"Emmy!" called Charlie, and I leaned back to look around Dale. My sister was running towards us.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

Daddy let me hop up and leap for her, so Charlie laughed as she curled down and squeezed me as hard as she could without hurting me. I giggled and returned the firm embrace, gently kissing her cheeks while squeezing her waist. Charlie quietly cooed and pushed her fingers through my curly hair.

"I'm actually really happy you're here, Emmy."

"Aww, then I'm happy I came."

Charlie let go of my shoulders and grasped my hand, then led me back to Daddy. My precious daddy welcomed me into his embrace on his lap, cradling my back with his left arm. Charlie cooed at us while I blushed and clutched onto Daddy's jacket.

Dale was still around, surprisingly, and he looked super red for some reason. Charlie finally noticed him. "Dale?"

"Ah, hey, Charlie. So this is your baby brother?"

Charlie grinned. "Yep!"

"Emil, right?" asked Dale, so I nodded. "Nice to finally put a face to a name."

I glanced at Charlie. She scratched her right red cheek with an embarrassed expression. "Well, I couldn't not gush over you, Emmy. You're too adorable."

"Damn straight," rumbled Daddy, which made me giggle.

I was a bit rosy-cheeked, though, from Charlie's statement. Daddy pressed his lips to my cheek and moved them as though he was nibbling on me. I giggled and pressed my fingers to his face, but he caught my hands and held them close to his chest. My muffled giggles continued until I couldn't really breathe, so I gave in to him.

"Stop, Daddy, I can't breathe!"

Daddy finally stopped and pushed his fingers into my hair while I panted into his chest. He chuckled and gave me a firm smooch to my head, then swept me into his arms as he stood up. Dale was frozen in shock up until that point, but he stepped back as Daddy situated me against his left side again. Charlie snickered and wiggled her fingers at me while I tiredly peered over my daddy's left shoulder.

"Do you have time, Charlotte?"

Charlie nodded. "I'll be Emmy's guide, Denver."

"Then I will just be the tagalong."

My sister smiled. "Of course! Emmy is very safe with you."

Denver practically purred when I nodded. I turned my head as Charlie began to show me around while Denver carried me. We got some strange looks, but I was quite interested in hearing about Charlie's campus life, so I was ignoring most of the curious gazes. Charlie never told me anything about what happened at her college, so this is all new to me.

"And this is where we dissect animals!" she exclaimed, slamming the door open.

I hugged Denver's shoulders as Charlie motioned for us to follow her inside. Charlie grinned as five faces looked up.

"Char, what's up? You rushed out of here in such a hurry a little while ago." asked a young woman around my sister's age.

"Tracy, I went to meet my brother and Denver in the cafeteria."

The woman named Tracy looked up. "Oh, Dr. Charleston!"

Denver dipped his head as he uttered, "Greetings."

Charlie smiled as she gestured to me. "Tracy, this is Emil, my baby brother. Emmy, this is Tracy York. She's in the same year as me and we're friends, amazingly enough!"

Tracy quirked her lips to the side. "What do you mean by 'amazingly enough'?"

"Forget it!" exclaimed a young guy. "Damn, Char, you were right. Your Emmy is such a cutie!"

Charlie beamed. "I know, right?"

I hid my hot face while Charlie introduced her friends to me. There was one slightly older and taller guy who was staring at me in silence. Charlie gleefully introduced us, but the guy didn't say anything and went back to work. Bunny was looking a bit lonely when Charlie started talking to her chatty friends, so I easily slipped back into little-space and turned around so that my chest was against Daddy's shoulder as I began to talk quietly with Bunny.

"It was very exciting, huh?" I asked him, and Bunny nodded. "Yeah, I thought so, too."

Bunny smiled and wiggled his ears. I giggled and kissed his pink nose. "We match with Daddy, y'know. You like Daddy too, huh?"

Daddy's head leaned against my own and I beamed to myself. Bunny's very happy that Daddy loves us so much. Bunny wasn't happy 'cause of my parents. We watched many friends leave, but that won't happen anymore. Bunny flopped his paws onto my cheeks and brought my thoughts away from the bad stuff. I tilted my head.

"You wanna play?"

Bunny nodded, but I hesitated. Daddy set my feet on the floor and ruffled my hair, so I looked up at him with a broad grin. "Thank you, Daddy!"

He chuckled and then let me play with Bunny on an empty metal table nearby. It was very cold and shiny, so much that I shivered when I put my fingers on it to look at their reflections.

"Hey," started a rough voice.

I jumped and muffled my squeak, then hugged Bunny to my chest as I looked up at Ty Marker, the silent guy of Charlie's friends.

"Wh-what is it? Did Bunny do something bad?" I asked, and he just stared at me.

He bent over and dug something out of his pocket. He handed a lollipop to me with a crooked grin. "Here," he offered. "Sorry for scaring you, kiddo."

I shook my head. "S'okay, you're not scary." I stated with a grin, then twisted in place to watch Bunny's legs move with me. "Besides, I don't eat candy."

Ty raised an eyebrow. "A kid that doesn't eat candy?"

"Mmhm, but I do like sweet stuff sometimes."

"How old are you, kiddo?"

I tilted my head. "Now or later?"

He frowned. "Both?"

My soft giggle eased his confused expression. "I'm six now, but I'll be twenty-two later."

But now Ty looked even more confused. I snickered and took hold of his fingers holding the lollipop, then moved forward to hug his neck. Ty stiffened, then remained frozen in place as I hopped and skipped back to my daddy. His rumbly laughter warmed me to the core as he picked my form up again and cuddled my body against his own.

We got to see some cuteness from Emil's little side. A nice break from all the traumatic stuff, wouldn't you agree?

I love these characters so much. <3 I always kind of cringed at the idea of writing books with actual littles, but I think this is the best I can do in this genre (and I'm happy and not cringing, so that's a huge plus). (*'ω'*)

See you again next Saturday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 11/5/2022
Word count: 2660

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