Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

180K 7.4K 1.6K

Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Christmas AU
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 9

6.6K 242 55
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"Ready, baby?"

I nodded, pressing my bare upper body onto his own. I wanted to be super close to my daddy dominant, so he devised a way for us to be comfortable and cozy while keeping our bodies glued together. Denver had gotten one of his giant sweaters out of the closet and then tugged off his shirt while I removed mine. He had put on the sweater and laid down, then patted the bed for me to clamber up.

I was already in a pair of pajama pants like Denver, so we matched in that way as well. He lifted the hem of the sweater, so I crawled my way through and popped my head out of the neckline. Denver pecked my lips and hugged my form after I laid down properly.

"Start whenever you're ready, baby." he said softly, petting my hair.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. "When I was seventeen, a new boy transferred into school. I was still trying to hide my little side, but I had a lot more control over it then. I wasn't bullied too badly at school, but what scared me more was going into little-space during each encounter. After one such encounter, apparently my dog plushie keychain had been torn off. I only found out when school was ending, so I panicked and ran around trying to find it. While I searched the floor around where I was attacked, the new boy approached me and asked what I was doing. I was hesitant to say, but he pulled the keychain from his backpack and held it out to me."

"And that was your first meeting. Did you fall in love?" he asked softly, and I shook my head.

"No," I mumbled, resting my left cheek on his chest. "Apparently, I had caught his eye, so he was following me around at school without me noticing for the next few weeks. He was my silent protector too, though. The bullies left me alone after a week or so. I thought it was strange, of course, but I never questioned it. Eventually I started getting cute things in my locker like accessories for my hair, mini plushies, and so on."

"That sounds like a stalker."

I giggled. "He was, kind of. But he was a good stalker."

Denver chuckled and tousled my hair again, making me snuggle closer for more affection. I smiled happily. "I was confused by the gifts, so I laid a trap and waited. I caught him in the act and approached him, but he was embarrassed and ran off. I ran after him and tackled him, so we both landed on the floor."

"Wow, so aggressive." teased Denver, and I blushed.

"Yeah, kinda. He was surprised but happy that I had gone after him. When I asked about the gifts and stuff, he confessed that he liked me and wanted to date me. I was surprised, but I asked to wait until I knew about him as much as he seemed to know about me. He accepted and we became friends with the intention to date."

Denver kept petting my head and back while I talked, so I was feeling very calm.

"When we did get around to dating a few months later, it was very slow in terms of romantic touching. He seemed perfectly happy with just hugs and kisses, but we shouldn't have done it on the way home. Dad saw us when he was driving by and he told Mom that night. They confronted me Saturday morning and I couldn't lie. They were really upset. I had seen them angry before, but that day was much, much worse than anything I had experienced before. When I returned to school on Monday, my boyfriend was angry. I calmed him down, but..."

"But?" pressed Denver, then cupped the back of my head when I began to sniffle.

"Every day it got worse. My boyfriend's dad was told and he decided to transfer to separate us. The last time I saw my former boyfriend was my eighteenth birthday. His name was Tigre, so he gave me a tiger plushie and kissed me goodbye. I cried a lot, but I made it through graduation a few weeks later. My parents locked me up so I could stay in little-space and not think about being a 'disgusting gay' again, so that everyone could forget about a 'disgrace' like me. That was why Dad beat me up a couple weeks ago. He was furious that I had gone outside in public."

My story had ended, but Denver was still trembling. He inhaled deeply and released a shaky, ragged sigh. "I am so glad you shared that with me, baby. And I am beyond pleased that you are out of that damned house and away from your bastard parents." he said with a growl, his chest vibrating underneath me.

I lifted my head and gently pecked his chin. "Me too, Daddy."

Denver looked into my eyes. "Do you want to meet Tigre again?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I liked him back then, but he's definitely moved on by now. And besides, I have you. Why would I want to search for a boy when I have my manly man of a daddy dominant?" I stated with a broad grin, a giggle slipping out right afterwards.

Denver's cheeks were tinged pink and I noticed his extremely happy expression. "Aww, my little boy is the cutest and sweetest in the whole wide world!" he cooed, cuddling me on his chest and peppering my face with kisses.

I grinned happily, then pressed a few kisses to his face whenever possible. After we calmed down, I rested my head on his chest and heard the steady thumping of his heart. It made me relieved for some reason.

"What would you like to do now, sweetheart?"

I hummed for a moment. "Maybe we can just cuddle for a little while longer if you can?"

Denver hugged my form tighter and nuzzled my head. "Of course I can, baby boy."

His terms of endearment made my heart pound as my entire body heated up. My skin tingled from where he left numerous kisses all over my head and face. I wiggled higher and gently kissed my daddy's collarbones.

"Thank you, Daddy."

His free fingers lightly curled over my nape and his heartbeat briefly quickened underneath my head. "You are very welcome, Emil."

I snuggled in with a happy sigh and relaxed fully on top of him. Since it was such a busy day today, it didn't take much for me to fall asleep.


"Emmy!" squealed Charlie.

I grinned and ran over to her as she shut the door behind herself. "Charlie!"

My big sister's arms wrapped around me and squeezed my smaller form. "I missed you so much, Emmy. How are you?"

I rested my chin on her chest and beamed. "I missed you too, Charlie. And I'm great! Daddy's super awesome. Thank you for bringing him to me, Charlie!"

Charlie hugged me tighter, rocking us back and forth. "Oh, you are so welcome, my little treasure. Were you playing with your toys?"

"Uh-huh. Daddy bought me three new friends. Although one friend is a twin to the one Tigre got me."

Charlie stiffened. "You remembered him, huh?"

I frowned, but didn't ask what she meant. I took her hand and led her to the couch that was facing the TV. It was playing some animal cartoons. Panda was there and so was Okapi.

"Look, Charlie, Terry said this was an okapi. Isn't Okapi so cool?" I asked with a broad grin.

Charlie's dark mood faded in an instant. She giggled and took hold of Okapi, admiring his zebra pants and sleeves. "Yes, Okapi is very cool."

"Hehe, yup!"

"Have you eaten, Emmy?"

I looked back at the clock. "Uh, nope. I became little as soon as I woke up, but my orange juice was tasty!"

Charlie ruffled my hair. "Aw, well, let's get some food into your tummy, Emmy. I'm sure it's very hungry."

I blushed with a happy giggle when my stomach responded through a ferocious growl. Charlie curled down and kissed my cheeks, so I hugged her again with more laughter on my lips. Charlie kissed my head again and moved towards the kitchen, so I turned around and peered over the back of the couch to watch her work her way through Daddy's kitchen.



"Do you have someone you like? Like me and Daddy have each other?"

Charlie paused as she set some dinner leftovers onto a plate for me. "Why do you ask, Emmy?"

I pouted. "Don't dodge, Charlie. I want you to be happy, too."

She chuckled. "I am happy."

I clambered up onto the chair at the kitchen counter. "Charlie..." I began, then chewed on my bottom lip. "You didn't seem very happy earlier."

Charlie's light green eyes darkened and she looked away, pausing in her chopping. My face paled slightly. Was Charlie mad? Did I make her feel that way?

"Did I make you mad, Charlie? 'M sorry!" I started crying, so she rushed around the counter to ease my sobs.

"Ssh, Emmy, it's not like that. I was just thinking about stuff. You didn't make me upset in any way."

I weakly clutched onto her hoodie and sniffled into her shoulder. "R-really? Not mad at me?"

"No, Emmy." she whispered, petting my hair. "I'm sorry, there's just a lot going on."

I sat back and wiped my eyes with my fists. "Can I come see you?"

Charlie blinked. "At my college?"

I nodded, but I was really nervous. What if she said no? I think I have to take Daddy and one of my friends with me. Charlie doesn't seem very happy, so I just want to cheer her up. I want to bring her something tasty, too!

"Well," she began, "I don't see why not. Are you gonna bring your daddy?"

"Mm, but only if he has time."

Charlie poked my cheeks. "Be a little more selfish. He's waiting for you, Emmy."

I pouted, then kissed her right cheek. "I'm trying, Charlie."

She laughed and ruffled my hair, giggling while I grinned at her. She was feeling happy again! Then why did she seem so upset earlier when I told her about my new friends? Or was it because of Tigre?

After Charlie and I ate, and played together awhile, I saw her off. She seemed a bit sad and troubled as she turned away to walk down the hallway. I closed the door and leaned on it for a moment as my little side faded.

I raked my hands through my hair and sighed aloud. "What's going on with Charlie?"


I jerked with a startled squeak, clutching onto my shirt as my line of sight lifted to see my amused daddy dominant. He gently tousled my red-blond waves.

"Sorry for startling you, Em. Did Charlotte leave?"

"Mmhm, just a minute ago." I mumbled, moving to hug his strong waist. "And it's okay, Daddy. I was just thinking about something."

He curled down and kissed my head. "Oh? About what?"

I tilted my head back and nuzzled his jawline, then pecked his cheeks a moment later. "Charlie was acting oddly."

Denver's chest had vibrated with a pleased purr after my lips made contact with his skin, but he tensed a bit when I explained. He uttered, "That's troubling. However, we should wait until she feels ready to tell us."

"Mm, but she said it's okay to visit her college. And, um, will you come with me, Daddy?" I asked softly, looking into his eyes.

Denver uncurled and cupped my cheeks. His pretty ice-blue eyes searched my emerald-green ones. "Are you proposing a chance for a date?"

It took a few seconds for his question to register and, when it did, my blush reached the roots of my hair. "D-Daddy!" I stuttered.

He chuckled as he curled down to kiss me again. "Sorry for teasing you, baby. But yes, I will go with you. We'll figure out a good day soon, okay?"

"Sounds good. Oh, and Daddy?"


I grinned. "May I have a kiss?"

Denver's ice-blue stare intensified before he swept me up into his arms and peppered my face with kisses until I was a giggling mess. Right afterwards, he captured my lips and held me tightly as I sank into him. My breaths were short and labored during each pause of our kiss. Denver's fingers pushed into my hair and gently tugged on the waves, which made me gasp and drop my hands onto his shoulders.

While I caught my breath, Denver hummed and rubbed my back. He began to walk around the apartment suite as I cuddled closer and tucked my head down. All of the excitement from earlier had faded, now leaving me somewhat tired.

"I like you, Daddy." I whispered, nosing his shoulder.

His grip tightened and he kissed my head. "I like you too, Em, my precious baby boy."

My tired giggle made him chuckle. It was so peaceful and soothing at home with my daddy dominant.

So, now you know what happened to Emil. Does it make you angry? Sad? Maybe both?

But the parents' actions overall are still a little weird. People who are ashamed of their own children would not go so far in taking care of Emil's little side as his parents did. Disowning the children and kicking them to the curb makes a lot more sense. So, I wonder what's really going on in the minds of Emil's parents?

Anyway, who's happy that Emil is with Denver now? I know I am. *\(^o^)/*

See you again next Saturday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 10/29/2022
Word count: 2324

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