Experiment 3 (countryhumans)

By OkieDokie10101

8.1K 148 408

Sequel to the book 1945 Art made by: @YunJins_Polearm Germany with his boyfriend Poland were having a regular... More

Before the book starts
The door to the left
Portal to Earth
5k dollars
Nice try.
Don't mess with Germs
She warned her.
Polish human vs Czech (+more) human
Taiwanese and Austrian threat.
Deal's made
Trust is not the answer
You failed the only rule
1st attempt?
Fun 1/3
Fun 2/3
Fun 3/3
Moments before disaster
Double disaster 1/3
Double disaster 3/3
German union
Visible confusion
I'll do it myself.
Failed magic
Coal Black Vision
Authors note
German Union (GU)
Amelie's ending
Almost back to normal
Oh, Canada..

Double Disaster 2/3

129 2 7
By OkieDokie10101

'I should leave, it's late.' Taiwan said, as she headed to the door.
'Wait!' East called out and she turned back.
'You can stay here for just this night, it's not the best to go out at night.'
'Chen might be worried about me so it's really fine!' Taiwan knew Chen would be worried considered the "threat" Amelie gave about taking Taiwan.

'Cant you call her? Common Sense!' Ukraine suggested, Taiwan shrugged. 'It won't be a bother anyway.' Taiwan tilted her head a bit slightly that gave off  "you so sure about that" energy. Ukraine nodded one more time and East gave a small thumbs up as well.
Taiwan sighed and called Chen that she found a place to be in overnight before hanging up.

'I have some spare clothes instead of that crusty ass thing you're wearing?' East also offered, Taiwan shook her head multiple times.
'No thanks, I prefer my own clothes.' East left the room to get some blankets and a pillow for Taiwan while Taiwan stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to act.

Chen meanwhile placed her phone down, knowing that she is probably safer with other countries than Chen herself when the door suddenly knocked.

'Who? Huh? It's 11pm what???' Chen tiredly told herself before getting up from her bed, dragging her blanket along with her as he fidgeted with the door knob.
'Ughhh.... Stupid bad eyesight.' She threw her blanket on the floor to get her glasses, feeling the cold air run through her body.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She snatched her glasses and fell over, questioning if she got drunk of air to be this clumsy.

'I already cancelled my order for 400 plastic babies. It better not be Amazon!' She groaned before she stopped. Wait. Wait a damn minute. Could it be Amelie? She reached her hand quietly to open a drawer to take anything to defend herself with in case.

'The door won't open itself you know?' A voice said behind the door softly, sending chills down her spine. Chen dropped her weapon, which was a sad pen with a sharp plastic tip. Chen leaned on the door.

'Leave. Now. She isn't here.'

'Taiwan isn't here? How cute. You don't have to lie.' Amelie yelled, punching the door. Chen pushed on the door to keep it shut but eventually Amelie broke the door, causing Chen to fall forwards. Amelie grabbed Chen from the back, taking a piece of the broken door and using the sharp edge to put by her throat. 'Where is she? Hm? Or do you want to tell me where is.. Germany? Poland?'

'Go back to geography class.' Chen answered, Amelie hated that response and flipped Chen over before pushing the object harder into her throat.

'Y-you! A-!' Chen struggled, using her hands trying to pull it off her. Amelie glared at Chen, pressuring her to tell her where Taiwan is or the others. Obviously, Chen did not know where either were. Chen tried to kick Amelie away, failing miserably.

'FINE!!!' She let out, Amelie stopped pushing, only using the object as a threat. Chen reached her right hand, holding onto a small vase before grunting as she flung the vase into Amelie's face, shattering the poor vase. Amelie let go, holding onto her now bleeding face. Chen kicked Amelie aside and slipped on a broken shard, making Amelie pull back Chen towards her while keeping one eye closed to prevent blood from getting in her eye.

'NO! YOU! YOU LOOK LIKE THE UNIVERSE WAS DRUNK WHILE CREATING YOU!!' Chen screamed back before trying to escape Amelie's grip. Chen tried to reach her phone to call for help while struggling out of her grip.
Amelie punched Chen, she groaned from the pain and coughed out some blood.

Taiwan sat down on the sofa, covered in a blanket that East gave her while Ukraine and East sat by the table having a conversation.
'I do remember the time we burned down a treehouse! That was much before I left when things got crappy though...' East said, 'But hey... we can focus on the present now. We are together and that's what matters the most now.' East said, Ukraine smiled lightly until Taiwan's phone rang which prevented East and Ukraine from doing whatever they wanted to do.

Thanks Taiwan, stop ruining random moments you lil shit (Just kidding)

'Hello? Chen? Is it all good?' Muffled sounds came out of her phones.
'What?' She turned up the volume to the max, to just get louder muffled.

'Shut up! I told you! Look. Wherever you are. You are done. I'm going to actually murder her this time if you don't come here.'

Taiwan's heart suddenly spiked up.
'What?? Hello?' And then suddenly the call ended, hearing glass being smashed to top it off with.

'Ukraine and East stared at Taiwan, hearing what was going on in the call.
'I have to go. Thank you guys for lending me stay today.'
'Wait do you need help?!' Ukraine offered.
'No no it's all good!!' Taiwan said before closing the door carefully and jumping to boost her flying quickly, it wasn't a very smooth boost though and she almost crashed into some spruce tree or other type of tree. She couldn't tell which tree it was in the dark anyway. That was East's braincells skills, not hers.

'That's it! We got the bags and everything?' Germany said, the others nodded. 'Okays. Let's go out.'

'In a limo? That's not fast enough!' Poland groaned.
'We can find something else on the way. For now we have no choice.' America said.

'JO JO GRAND THEFT AUTO JO JO!!' Czechia said with slight sarcasm.
'No! We are not going to steal a van!' Austria said.
'It's fine, if we find a Karen to steal it from.' Poland chuckled as Australia tossed their luggage on the back.

'All done! Now get in we need to get the fuck out of this area.' Australia said. They all hopped in and hopes for a smooth ride out of this state. East was also hoping they would get out, the forest was also a state away anyway, it would be a benefit even.

East noticed the energy, they weren't at the mansion anymore and East was glad she didn't have to fly there anymore.

<time skip because writers block has an addiction to me>

New Zealand stopped the limo by the street when she heard arguing outside.

'No? Ma'am I'm sorry but-!'

the van was literally only having, one small scratch. ONE.

Australia got out the car and secretly got the bags out.
'Co to kurva- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?'
'Grand theft auto.'
'I was joking!'
'I'm not! Suck it beer addict.' Australia responded, Czechia gave out the most offended look that would definitely be trending in a childrens cartoon. Germany noticed and decided to help pickpocket the Karen.

Usually they wouldn't do this to Karen's... but after this one thing. It's time.

Smack! The Karen slapped the poor guy who just went by the street.
'Hey!' Germany said, as he ran. He purposely crashed into the Karen and quickly reached in her pocket to grab out the keys before shoving them in his own pockets. 'Im so sorry ma'am! Let me help you up!'

'Excuse me? Do you realize you could've killed me? How dare you! I will sue you!!!'  Germany shrugged and quickly ran as he threw the keys to Poland who started the van.

'QUICK QUICK! IN!' America had the door pen and Germany ran fast enough to jump, where Vatican catches him with the help of Hungary and Austria.
'Are you okay? Did I tug on your arm too hard?' Austria double checked.
'No I'm fine! Thanks for the help guys.'
'No problem.' Vatican said sternly, activating his magic slightly to wash off the black magic trail Germany left behind to boost himself when running.

'This will be a long ass ride people!' Poland said, Germany groaned, he hated long rides, at least he could let his wings out.. which is exactly what he did to spare that back pain.

Hours passed and almost in the new state! Germany was relieved because she was starting to get carsick. Suddenly a gunshot was made and the van came to a stop.
'What the fuck was that?'
'The tire busted.' Poland sighed and went outside, America opened the door too to see multiple people.

'Hey put the firearms down, we are supposed to bring them uninjured.' One said to the other.

'What the fuck? You shot a perfectly good tire!' Poland yelled at the FBI, yep, they are here. With backup of police too.

Was it that Karen? I mean she does have a point since her van is gone.

'We do this the easy way or hard way.'
'Easy way! You leave! YIPEE!' Germany joked before one swung a punch on him, he fell to the ground since it was unexpected but quickly rolled as soon as the other FBI tried to grasp him.
'Damn you suck.' Germany insulted them as he used his wings to get up properly and jumped up a little to kick in the middle of his chest. The guy exhaled strongly and pain spread through his body. Germany stepped on his ankle which made a loud crack.

'AUGHH!' He screamed, pulling out a gun to shoot Germany in the leg but he quickly moved aside, only hitting Germany's back of the shoe.
'Bro those were new!' he cried annoyed.

'GET THEM NOW!' One yelled and they started going after Germany and the others. Austria leaped on the van roof and helped Hungary up in hopes of avoiding majority of it. America punched every person he saw on his way, knocking them onto the van where it tipped over, making Austria and Hungary fall.
'FUCK YOU USA!!' Hungary yelled.

Vatican activated his holy magic and made a barrier for the two with one hand while the other was used to make another barrier for himself. No fighting today, he didn't feel like it.

Germany activated his own magic too, trying to wack the guard like in a bowling, the guards were the pins and his magic was the ball.
Everybody started going into chaos. Blocking the road for the others passing through.

This was it. A challenge to a massive fight of double disaster.

I hope you enjoyed this short mini chapters of 1700~ words
Next chapter is gonna be hopefully longer, i just had to post this today

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