Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | C...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

156K 6.7K 1.4K

Emil Robertson is a little special with emphasis on the "little." He's twenty-two years old and has a unique... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Christmas AU
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

7.7K 274 102
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"Rhea, calm down." I heard Denver say quite loudly and firmly, and then it became quiet.

Surprisingly, there is a door into Denver's office from the hallway outside and that's how his patients enter for their sessions. This particular lady had a bit of a mental breakdown while I was getting breakfast. I could hear her crying for a minute more while Denver soothed her with gentle words and then there were soft murmurings as per usual afterwards.

Denver has soundproofing panels in his office, but sound still gets through under the door to the main area of his apartment, which is why I could hear what was going on sometimes. I do my best to ignore the contents of what's being said loudly by the patients for their sakes.

I took my bowl of raisin bran to the couch and began to eat, yawning a few times in between spoonfuls. I was still sleepy, but just too hungry to really care.

It was very quiet when I finished eating, so I quickly washed the bowl and spoon and set them in the dish rack. My fingers twitched. I wanted to see Denver, but my little self was coming out. I went back to the bedroom, then grabbed a couple plushies and sat on the bed.

"Will Panda and Bunny play wit' me today?" I grinned, tapping their soft noses. "You promise? Yay!"

On the bed, time passed quickly while playing with my friends. It was so fun 'cause Bunny wanted to hop, so I bounced a little bit on the bed with him. Panda wanted to crawl around the bed and find somewhere nice to flop down, so I did that after playing with Bunny. I followed that sweet and spicy scent of Denny, then curled up with my head on his pillow.

My cheeriness is all gone now. I want to see Denny. When would he be done? I miss him. I want to be held again and kissed on the head. I pouted and curled tighter with Panda.




I could barely focus on my work this past week. The very thought that a beautiful young man was in my house and waiting for me to shower him with affection and attention had me antsy to get things done so I could have more time to spend with him. He had agreed to be my little boy for awhile, so I planned to make sure that he loved it so much that he would agree to stay permanently.

Emil Robertson, my beautiful baby boy. His features were delicate and his smile was so bright, beautiful, and completely stunning. It made me furious to think that his parents would ever lay a hand on him.

When his shy, soft voice stuttered ever so delicately while he introduced himself in the foyer last week, I was floored before I could even take a good look at him. Emil was so polite and careful in everything he did that it broke my heart. Even in his little mind, he couldn't bring himself to be bad. Emil must have been horrifically beaten to react that way.

When I took him to the hospital that first night, I made sure to take pictures of my little boy's body and sent them to a court judge who I knew. Attached to the email, there were written accounts from Charlotte and I about what happened. I had already received a response from the judge that I hoped would be positive news for Emil, but only if he could truly see and understand his situation.

I raked my hands through my shoulder-length hair and glanced at the clock. I stiffened. It was already past lunchtime and Emil hadn't approached my door. I stood up suddenly, hearing my rolling chair hit the back wall. My feet carried me to the door, which I swung open immediately and almost slammed it against the doorstop. I caught it just in time to avoid scaring Emil, wherever he may be in my apartment.

I quickly scanned the living area. The blanket Emil uses during his naptime had been neatly folded over the back of the couch, and a bowl and a spoon were in the dish rack. It was completely silent. That kind of silence could mean something bad, but I am hoping that everything is okay with my sweet boy.

The only other place to check now is my bedroom. I jogged to it and slowly pushed open the door, then slowly let out a breath of relief. My baby boy was sleeping with his panda plushie. I stepped closer and felt my heart pound, my breath hitching when I heard him call my name and hug my pillow tighter.

"Denny..." he whispered, the air passing through his rosy pink lips. "Miss you."

My heart ached. Was I really ready for a little boy with my work taking up time that should be reserved for him? My heart had already been stolen by those emerald-green eyes of Emil Robertson. I wouldn't dare let him go and I am determined to do anything to keep him safe.

"Em," I murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed and cupping his bruised jaw. The bruising on his body was yellow and green now instead of dark blues and purples. "My poor baby, I'm so sorry."

He let out a cute little sigh and nosed my hand, then his lips curled up in a relaxed smile. "Denny..."

"That's right, baby, but I hope that you can call me 'Daddy' one day." I whispered, gently pushing my fingers into his waves of very red hair with stunning blond highlights. All natural and entirely beautiful.

Emil peeled his eyelids open and he stared at me with a hazy gaze. "Denver?" he asked softly, scooting closer to me.

My face warmed when he curled tightly to rest his head on my right thigh. "Yes, Emil. I'm sorry for making you lonely."

He glanced up at me while I rubbed his scalp. "I understand. You're busy."

"Baby, it's okay to be a little selfish."

His eyes shut tight for a moment. "R-really? You're really not going to be mad if I ask for something?"

"Why would I be mad? I would be hurt if you asked to switch out for a new caretaker, though." I almost swallowed my tongue from just saying those words. I felt ill at the thought that he wouldn't want to be with me because I screwed up right off the bat.

Emil shook his head. "No way, Denver. I feel safe with you, which was something I had never really felt before. Except when Charlie was with me, of course."

I was frozen, but I managed to force my voice to work. "Baby boy, are you sure?"

"Yep." He grinned cutely, likely without even trying.

I wanted to kiss his cheeks, so I curled down and didn't hold back. Emil smiled happily, his hands reaching up to cup my face.

"Denver, if it's really okay to be a bit selfish, may I ask for something?"

"Of course, baby boy." I said softly. "What would you like?"

"Please hold me?"

My sharp intake and furious blush made him pause, then his face blossomed with a beautiful flush of a rosy red. "Like carry me and cuddle with me more!" he exclaimed quietly, covering his face. "N-not the other thing."

I chuckled and kissed his cheeks again. "I know, baby. You're too cute. Yes, I will hold you more."

His rich green eyes sparkled like the prettiest emeralds in the whole world. His red-blond waves curled around his ears, brushing his nape. Emil is absolutely adorable. His stomach growled a second later, so his cheeks burst into flames. I chuckled and picked him up, supporting his weight with my forearm. He tucked his head under my chin and sighed cutely against my skin. I wanted to coo and kiss him senseless but held myself back.

"I guess you're hungry, baby. What would you like to eat?"


"Just noodles?" I raised an eyebrow as I carried him out of the bedroom. "No meat or veggies?"

"Chicken and green beans," he responded, then affectionately nuzzled my jawline. "Green beans are my favorite."

"Luckily I have those exact ingredients. Now, baby, tell me your likes and dislikes with food."

He hummed quietly, his body vibrating in my arms. He's too cute.

"Charlie brought some yummy food with her before. She told me that the orange cubes were pan-fried sweet potatoes with sugar and salt. I really, really like those."

I reached the fridge, and started taking stuff out for a late lunch. I rubbed my baby's back to show that I was listening and to encourage him to continue. It was obvious he had slipped into his little side.

"I like cauliflower and broccoli, too. And tomatoes! But only on burgers or chopped up in spaghetti sauce." he added, curling his fingers against my shirt. "Boiled carrots are super duper yummy with butter and salt as well, cucumbers are good plain and cold, and I like both butter pickles and dill pickles."

"So you like quite a few veggies. What a good little boy. My good little boy." I praised, cupping the back of his head.

He moved his head out of my hand, which stung until he lifted it and kissed my cheek. I hugged his shoulders as he shyly ducked his head and tucked it under my chin again.

"My sweet little boy." I murmured under my breath, but I knew he heard me. "What else do you like?"

"With food?"

"Yes, for now."

Emil tapped his fingers on my shoulders in thought. "Apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, sweet grapefruit, pineapple, and mango. Oh, and I like peaches, plums, and cherries, too!"

My eyebrows were high on my forehead while I mentally catalogued the flood of fruit that my baby boy liked. He giggled when I closed the fridge and turned to eye the ingredients on the counter. I was planning on just making a simple chicken pasta and green beans for Emil, but my hands had a mind of their own. A fruit tray sat on the counter next to the veggie plate I had bought in a rush a couple days ago. And a bag of apples was sitting on the island nearby another bag of oranges. There was even more, but I didn't want to think about that right now.

"Are you gonna ask me what I dislike now, Denny?"

I blinked. "Yes, I am. What do you dislike, baby?"

He rubbed his right cheek on my shoulder before answering, "What feels like a whole lot."

I chuckled at his adorable response. "Give me an idea, baby boy."

"Onions are a no-no and so are bell peppers." he whined while he nuzzled my neck, which made me want to squeeze him tightly and not let him down again.

"Duly noted. What about Brussels sprouts?"

He huffed, the hot air gently hitting the base of my throat. "Yeah, those are yucky. Too bitter and smelly."

"Understandable." I replied with a smile, filling up a saucepan with water to set on the stove. "And mushrooms?"

"Sometimes, but usually they're too rubbery and slimy. They make me feel bad, Denny." he whimpered, so as soon as I turned the dial to light the propane, I moved away and hugged my baby boy.

"You are just the cutest, Em. The cutest." I cooed, kissing his head until I could see his ears turn red. "Anything else you dislike, baby boy?"

"Spinach and cabbage on their own. They're yummy in stews and soups, though."

"You're a really well-rounded little." I chuckled, then dumped part of the bag of green beans into my steamer pot with some water in the bottom. "I am amazed."

He giggled again. "I'm happy, Denny, really happy."

"Me too, baby boy." I smiled, then had to set him down on a stool at the island so I could work with the raw chicken.

While watching me work, he asked what I liked and disliked. We had a really interesting conversation. I wondered if he had a wide range of ages he could slip into, but then stored that question away for later. While I slid the cubed chicken into the pan, I asked him another question.

"Do you like sweets?"

"Sweets?" he repeated. "What do you mean, Denny?"

I stiffened and turned to look at his confused expression. It didn't abate either.

"Baby boy, do you know what candy is? Ice cream? Cookies?"

"Oh, yeah." He grinned at me, watching me wash up and then stir the chicken in the pan. "Sorry, I never heard that word being used to describe the sugary treats Mama and Papa would keep away from me. Charlie would bring treats for me sometimes, but our parents would find out and—!"

He stopped talking with a pale face. I had turned when he mentioned his parents. Emil clenched his fists, then sighed harshly and rubbed his face.

"Sorry." He sighed again, so he was obviously back to Adult Emil. "And I'm sorry for switching so much."

"It's all right." I smiled, leaving the stove for a moment to come around and hug him, gently kissing his head. "To me, your switches are endearing and intriguing."

"Hmm," he hummed and pouted. "Am I some kind of cute specimen to study?"

I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. "No, Emil. But I do want you to choose to be mine to love."

Emil blushed to the roots of his hair and he covered his face. "Why would you even want a useless, defective person?"

My heart cracked at his tone of disbelief. "Emil, this is not your fault. You were not born this way. It was created due to your environment."

He slowly removed his hands and looked at me. His hopeful expression made me want to cry.

"Really?" he whispered. "I'm not a disgrace?"

"No, baby. You are already becoming my pride and joy."

"I'm not defective?"

"No, not at all. Things can and will get better for you over time."

Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. I cupped them and wiped the tears away, kissing his head.

"I'm not useless?" he whispered brokenly.

I firmly kissed his head again and hugged him tightly. "No, Emil, never. You make me so happy to just be near you, my baby boy. I know Charlotte feels the same."

He sniffled and began to cry in my arms, so I picked him up and kissed his head while I kept an eye on the stove. He managed to cry himself to sleep, but now I was even more determined to make sure those damned bastards regret what they did to him.

Yay, progress! And you got to see inside Denver's head. :3

See you again next Saturday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 10/1/2022
Word count: 2515

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